665 resultados para Gaseous neuromodulators


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In this work, mixtures of vacuum gas oil and low density polyethylene, a major component of common industrial and consumer household plastics, were pyrolytically co-processed in a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) riser reactor as a viable alternative for the energy and petrochemical revalorisation of plastic wastes into valuable petrochemical feedstocks and fuel within an existing industrial technology. Using equilibrium FCC catalyst, the oil–polymer blends were catalytically cracked at different processing conditions of temperatures between 773 K and 973 K and catalyst feed ratios of 5:1, 7:1 and 10:1. The influence of each of these processing parameters on the cracking gas and liquid yield patterns were studied and presented. Further analysed and presented are the different compositional distributions of the obtained liquids and gaseous products. The analysis of the results obtained revealed that with very little modifications to existing process superstructure, yields and compositional distributions of products from the fluid catalytic cracking of the oil–polymer blend in many cases were very similar to those of the processed oil feedstock, bringing to manifest the viability of the feedstock co-processing without significant detriments to FCC product yields and quality.


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Gaseous emissions are an important problem in municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plants. The sources points of emissions considered in the present work are: fresh compost, mature compost, landfill leaks and leachate ponds. Hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were analysed in the emissions from these sources. Hydrogen sulphide and ammonia were important contributors to the total emission volume. Landfill leaks are significant source points of emissions of H2S; the average concentration of H2S in biogas from the landfill leaks is around 1700 ppmv. The fresh composting site was also an important contributor of H2S to the total emission volume; its concentration varied between 3.2 and 1.7 ppmv and a decrease with time was observed. The mature composting site showed a reduction of H2S concentration (<0.1 ppmv). Leachate pond showed a low concentration of H2S (in order of ppbv). Regarding NH3, composting sites and landfill leaks are notable source points of emissions (composting sites varied around 30–600 ppmv; biogas from landfill leaks varied from 160 to 640 ppmv). Regarding VOCs, the main compounds were: limonene, p-cymene, pinene, cyclohexane, reaching concentrations around 0.2–4.3 ppmv. H2S/NH3, limonene/p-cymene, limonene/cyclohexane ratios can be useful for analysing and identifying the emission sources.


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In this study 11 commercial roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco brands sold in Spain and the reference tobacco 3R4F have been smoked and several components of the mainstream tobacco smoke have been analyzed. Cigarettes were prepared using commercial tubes, and were smoked under smoking conditions based on the ISO 3308. The gaseous and condensed fractions of the smoke from RYO brands and 3R4F have been analyzed and compared. RYO tobaccos, as opposed to 3R4F, present lower amounts of condensed products in the traps than in the filters. In general, RYO tobaccos also provide lower yields of most of the compounds detected in the gas fraction. The yield of CO is between 15.4 and 20.4 mg/cigarette. In most of the cases studied, RYO tobaccos deliver higher amounts of nicotine than the 3R4F tobacco. On average, the yield of the different chemical families of compounds appearing in the particulate matter retained in the cigarette filters tends to be around three times higher than those obtained from 3R4F, whereas similar values have been obtained in the particulate matter retained in the traps located after the filters. It can be concluded that RYO tobaccos are not less hazardous than the reference tobacco, which may be contrary to popular belief.


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CeO2-, ZrO2-, and La2O3-supported Rh-Pt catalysts were tested to assess their ability to catalyze the steam reforming of ethanol (SRE) for H2 production. SRE activity tests were performed using EtOH:H2O:N2 (molar ratio 1:3:51) at a gaseous space velocity of 70,600 h−1 between 400 and 700 °C at atmospheric pressure. The SRE stability of the catalysts was tested at 700 °C for 27 h time on stream under the same conditions. RhPt/CeO2, which showed the best performance in the stability test, also produced the highest H2 yield above 600 °C, followed by RhPt/La2O3 and RhPt/ZrO2. The fresh and aged catalysts were characterized by TEM, XPS, and TGA. The higher H2 selectivity of RhPt/CeO2 was ascribed to the formation of small (~5 nm) and stable particles probably consistent of Rh-Pt alloys with a Pt surface enrichment. Both metals were oxidized and acted as an almost constant active phase during the stability test owing to strong metal-support interactions, as well as the superior oxygen mobility of the support. The TGA results confirmed the absence of carbonaceous residues in all the aged catalysts.


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No presente trabalho são estudadas chumaceiras axiais de esmagamento de película compressível. A lubrificação deste componente mecânico, é conseguida por meio de um fluido gasoso justificando a obtenção de soluções por via de experimentação numérica, uma vez que atualmente ainda não é possível recorrer-se a métodos analíticos. Através da simulação numérica, analisa-se a influência de alguns parâmetros operacionais na resposta deste tipo de chumaceira. Na análise dos resultados verifica-se que a posição média final do elemento suportado é independente da espessura de película inicial utilizada, desde que esta não ultrapasse o valor limite em que a pressão gerada não consiga fazer face à aceleração da massa durante a fase descendente, resultando no contacto entre as superfícies dos elementos da chumaceira. A utilização de frequências elevadas é recomendável uma vez que promove uma maior separação de superfícies, menor dissipação de energia por parte da película lubrificante e menor amplitude de oscilação do elemento suportado, embora com as desvantagens do período transiente ser superior e do ganho do afastamento do elemento suportado se reduzir significativamente, seguindo um modelo assimptótico. Em condições de pressão constante e frequência elevada, o sistema, com o aumento da massa, reage de forma a permitir uma melhor lubrificação da chumaceira e a reduzir a oscilação do elemento suportado. Por outro lado, a rigidez do sistema aumenta fazendo face a uma possível sobrecarga.


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To compare intraoperative cerebral microembolic load between minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation (MiECC) and conventional extracorporeal circulation (CECC) during isolated surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR), we conducted a randomized trial in patients undergoing primary elective SAVR at a tertiary referral hospital. The primary outcome was the procedural phase-related rate of high-intensity transient signals (HITS) on transcranial Doppler ultrasound. HITS rate was used as a surrogate of cerebral microembolism in pre-defined procedural phases in SAVR using MiECC or CECC with (+F) or without (-F) an oxygenator with integrated arterial filter. Forty-eight patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to MiECC or CECC. Due to intraprocedural Doppler signal loss (n = 3), 45 patients were included in final analysis. MiECC perfusion regimen showed a significantly increased HITS rate compared to CECC (by a factor of 1.75; 95% confidence interval, 1.19-2.56). This was due to different HITS rates in procedural phases from aortic cross-clamping until declamping [phase 4] (P = 0.01), and from aortic declamping until stop of extracorporeal perfusion [phase 5] (P = 0.05). Post hoc analysis revealed that MiECC-F generated a higher HITS rate than CECC+F (P = 0.005), CECC-F (P = 0.05) in phase 4, and CECC-F (P = 0.03) in phase 5, respectively. In open-heart surgery, MiECC is not superior to CECC with regard to gaseous cerebral microembolism. When using MiECC for SAVR, the use of oxygenators with integrated arterial line filter appears highly advisable. Only with this precaution, MiECC confers a cerebral microembolic load comparable to CECC during this type of open heart surgery.


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An experiment was conceived in which we monitored degradation of GlcDGD. Independent of the fate of the [14C]glucosyl headgroup after hydrolysis from the glycerol backbone, the 14C enters the aqueous or gas phase whereas the intact lipid is insoluble and remains in the sediment phase. Total degradation of GlcDGD then is obtained by combining the increase of radioactivity in the aqueous and gaseous phases. We chose two different sediment to perform this experiment. One is from microbially actie surface sediment sampled in February 2010 from the upper tidal flat of the German Wadden Sea near Wremen (53° 38' 0N, 8° 29' 30E). The other one is deep subsurface sediments recovered from northern Cascadia Margin during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311 [site U1326, 138.2 meters below seafloor (mbsf), in situ temperature 20 °C, water depth 1,828 m. We performed both alive and killed control experiments for comparison. Surface and subsurface sediment slurry were incubated in the dark at in situ temperature, 4 °C and 20 °C for 300 d, respectively. The sterilized slurry was stored at 20 °C. All incubations were carried out under N2 headspace to ensure anaerobic conditions. The sampling frequency was high during the first half-month, i.e., after 1, 2, 7, and 14 d; thereafter, the sediment slurry was sampled every 2 months. At each time point, samples were taken in triplicate for radioactivity measurements. After 300 d of incubation, no significant changes of radioactivity in the aqueous phase were detected. This may be the result of either the rapid turnover of released [14C] glucose or the relatively high limit of detection caused by the slight solubility (equivalent to 2% of initial radioactivity) of GlcDGD in water. Therefore, total degradation of GlcDGD in the dataset was calculated by combining radioactivity of DIC, CH4, and CO2, leading to a minimum estimate.


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Temperature reconstructions indicate that the Pliocene was ~3 °C warmer globally than today, and several recent reconstructions of Pliocene atmospheric CO2 indicate that it was above pre-industrial levels and similar to those likely to be seen this century. However, many of these reconstructions have been of relatively low temporal resolution, meaning that these records may have failed to capture variations associated with the 41 Kyr glacial-interglacial cycles thought to operate in the Pliocene. Here we present a new, high temporal resolution alkenone carbon isotope based record of pCO2 spanning 2.8 to 3.3 million years ago from ODP Site 999. Our record is of high enough resolution (~19 Kyrs) to resolve glacial-interglacial changes beyond the intrinsic uncertainty of the proxy method. The record suggests that Pliocene CO2 levels were relatively stable, exhibiting variation less than 55 ppm. We perform sensitivity studies to investigate the possible effect of changing sea surface temperature, which highlights the importance of accurate and precise SST reconstructions for alkenone palaeobarometry, but demonstrate that these uncertainties do not affect our conclusions of relatively stable pCO2 levels during this interval.


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The principal gaseous carbon-containing components identified in the first 400 m of sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 533, Leg 76, are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Below a sub-bottom depth of about 25 m, sediment cores commonly contained pockets caused by the expansion of gas upon core recovery. The carbon isotopic composition (d13C per mil relative to PDB standard) of CH4 and CO2 in these gas pockets has been measured, resulting in the following observations: (1) d13C-CH4 values increase with depth from approximately -94 per mil in the uppermost sediment to about -66 per mil in the deepest sediment, reflecting a systematic but nonlinear depletion of 12C with depth. (2) d13C-CO2 values also increase with depth of sediment from about -25 per mil to about -4 per mil, snowing a depletion of 12C that closely parallels the trend of the isotopic composition of CH4. The magnitude and parallel distribution of d13C values for both CH4 and CO2 are consistent with the concept that the formation of the CH4 resulted from the microbiological reduction of CO2 from organic substances. These results imply that CH4 and CO2 incorporated in gas hydrates at this site are biogenic.


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"'Feed materials' refers to U metal, fabricated into fuel elements but not clad, and UF₆, both normal isotopic content, suitable for introduction into Pu-production reactors or gaseous diffusion cascades."


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At head of title: Contributions to cosmogony and the fundamental problems of geology.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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In our study on sub-critical hydrocarbon permeation in activated carbon, a minimum in the total permeability (B-T) at low pressure has been observed for only long-chain hydrocarbons such as n-hexane and n-heptane. Such an observation suggests that the minimum appearance depends on the properties of permeating vapors as well as the porous medium. In this paper a permeation model is presented to explain the minimum behavior with the allowance of the collision-reflection factor in the Knudsen diffusivity to be a function of surface loading. Surface diffusion was found to be very significant compared to other transport mechanisms such as Knudsen diffusion and gaseous viscous flow at low pressures. Since the gaseous viscous flow contributes negligibly to the B, at low pressures, the minimum appearance in the B, is mainly attributed to the interplay between Knudsen diffusion and surface diffusion. Also, the molecular structure of adsorbates plays an important role in the minimum appearance.