956 resultados para GUIDE-O (Information retrieval system)


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To help design an environment in which professionals without legal training can make effective use of public sector legal information on planning and the environment - for Add-Wijzer, a European e-government project - we evaluated their perceptions of usefulness and usability. In concurrent think-aloud usability tests, lawyers and non-lawyers carried out information retrieval tasks on a range of online legal databases. We found that non-lawyers reported twice as many difficulties as those with legal training (p = 0.001), that the number of difficulties and the choice of database affected successful completion, and that the non-lawyers had surprisingly few problems understanding legal terminology. Instead, they had more problems understanding the syntactical structure of legal documents and collections. The results support the constraint attunement hypothesis (CAH) of the effects of expertise on information retrieval, with implications for the design of systems to support the effective understanding and use of information.


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Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a popular technique used in information retrieval (IR) applications. This paper presents a novel evaluation strategy based on the use of image processing tools. The authors evaluate the use of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and Cohen Daubechies Feauveau 9/7 (CDF 9/7) wavelet transform as a pre-processing step for the singular value decomposition (SVD) step of the LSI system. In addition, the effect of different threshold types on the search results is examined. The results show that accuracy can be increased by applying both transforms as a pre-processing step, with better performance for the hard-threshold function. The choice of the best threshold value is a key factor in the transform process. This paper also describes the most effective structure for the database to facilitate efficient searching in the LSI system.


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Face recognition with unknown, partial distortion and occlusion is a practical problem, and has a wide range of applications, including security and multimedia information retrieval. The authors present a new approach to face recognition subject to unknown, partial distortion and occlusion. The new approach is based on a probabilistic decision-based neural network, enhanced by a statistical method called the posterior union model (PUM). PUM is an approach for ignoring severely mismatched local features and focusing the recognition mainly on the reliable local features. It thereby improves the robustness while assuming no prior information about the corruption. We call the new approach the posterior union decision-based neural network (PUDBNN). The new PUDBNN model has been evaluated on three face image databases (XM2VTS, AT&T and AR) using testing images subjected to various types of simulated and realistic partial distortion and occlusion. The new system has been compared to other approaches and has demonstrated improved performance.


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The electronic storage of medical patient data is becoming a daily experience in most of the practices and hospitals worldwide. However, much of the data available is in free-form text, a convenient way of expressing concepts and events, but especially challenging if one wants to perform automatic searches, summarization or statistical analysis. Information Extraction can relieve some of these problems by offering a semantically informed interpretation and abstraction of the texts. MedInX, the Medical Information eXtraction system presented in this document, is the first information extraction system developed to process textual clinical discharge records written in Portuguese. The main goal of the system is to improve access to the information locked up in unstructured text, and, consequently, the efficiency of the health care process, by allowing faster and reliable access to quality information on health, for both patient and health professionals. MedInX components are based on Natural Language Processing principles, and provide several mechanisms to read, process and utilize external resources, such as terminologies and ontologies, in the process of automatic mapping of free text reports onto a structured representation. However, the flexible and scalable architecture of the system, also allowed its application to the task of Named Entity Recognition on a shared evaluation contest focused on Portuguese general domain free-form texts. The evaluation of the system on a set of authentic hospital discharge letters indicates that the system performs with 95% F-measure, on the task of entity recognition, and 95% precision on the task of relation extraction. Example applications, demonstrating the use of MedInX capabilities in real applications in the hospital setting, are also presented in this document. These applications were designed to answer common clinical problems related with the automatic coding of diagnoses and other health-related conditions described in the documents, according to the international classification systems ICD-9-CM and ICF. The automatic review of the content and completeness of the documents is an example of another developed application, denominated MedInX Clinical Audit system.


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We compare the effect of different text segmentation strategies on speech based passage retrieval of video. Passage retrieval has mainly been studied to improve document retrieval and to enable question answering. In these domains best results were obtained using passages defined by the paragraph structure of the source documents or by using arbitrary overlapping passages. For the retrieval of relevant passages in a video, using speech transcripts, no author defined segmentation is available. We compare retrieval results from 4 different types of segments based on the speech channel of the video: fixed length segments, a sliding window, semantically coherent segments and prosodic segments. We evaluated the methods on the corpus of the MediaEval 2011 Rich Speech Retrieval task. Our main conclusion is that the retrieval results highly depend on the right choice for the segment length. However, results using the segmentation into semantically coherent parts depend much less on the segment length. Especially, the quality of fixed length and sliding window segmentation drops fast when the segment length increases, while quality of the semantically coherent segments is much more stable. Thus, if coherent segments are defined, longer segments can be used and consequently less segments have to be considered at retrieval time.


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciências da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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This dissertation is based on four articles dealing with modeling of ozonation. The literature part of this considers some models for hydrodynamics in bubble column simulation. A literature review of methods for obtaining mass transfer coefficients is presented. The methods presented to obtain mass transfer are general models and can be applied to any gas-liquid system. Ozonation reaction models and methods for obtaining stoichiometric coefficients and reaction rate coefficients for ozonation reactions are discussed in the final section of the literature part. In the first article, ozone gas-liquid mass transfer into water in a bubble column was investigated for different pH values. A more general method for estimation of mass transfer and Henry’s coefficient was developed from the Beltrán method. The ozone volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the Henry’s coefficient were determined simultaneously by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. A minor dependence of the Henry’s law constant on pH was detected at the pH range 4 - 9. In the second article, a new method using the axial dispersion model for estimation of ozone self-decomposition kinetics in a semi-batch bubble column reactor was developed. The reaction rate coefficients for literature equations of ozone decomposition and the gas phase dispersion coefficient were estimated and compared with the literature data. The reaction order in the pH range 7-10 with respect to ozone 1.12 and 0.51 the hydroxyl ion were obtained, which is in good agreement with literature. The model parameters were determined by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using object function method to obtain information about the reliability and identifiability of the estimated parameters. In the third article, the reaction rate coefficients and the stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction of ozone with the model component p-nitrophenol were estimated at low pH of water using nonlinear optimization. A novel method for estimation of multireaction model parameters in ozonation was developed. In this method the concentration of unknown intermediate compounds is presented as a residual COD (chemical oxygen demand) calculated from the measured COD and the theoretical COD for the known species. The decomposition rate of p-nitrophenol on the pathway producing hydroquinone was found to be about two times faster than the p-nitrophenol decomposition rate on the pathway producing 4- nitrocatechol. In the fourth article, the reaction kinetics of p-nitrophenol ozonation was studied in a bubble column at pH 2. Using the new reaction kinetic model presented in the previous article, the reaction kinetic parameters, rate coefficients, and stoichiometric coefficients as well as the mass transfer coefficient were estimated with nonlinear estimation. The decomposition rate of pnitrophenol was found to be equal both on the pathway producing hydroquinone and on the path way producing 4-nitrocathecol. Comparison of the rate coefficients with the case at initial pH 5 indicates that the p-nitrophenol degradation producing 4- nitrocathecol is more selective towards molecular ozone than the reaction producing hydroquinone. The identifiability and reliability of the estimated parameters were analyzed with the Marcov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. @All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.


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Ce mémoire est composé de trois articles qui s’unissent sous le thème de la recommandation musicale à grande échelle. Nous présentons d’abord une méthode pour effectuer des recommandations musicales en récoltant des étiquettes (tags) décrivant les items et en utilisant cette aura textuelle pour déterminer leur similarité. En plus d’effectuer des recommandations qui sont transparentes et personnalisables, notre méthode, basée sur le contenu, n’est pas victime des problèmes dont souffrent les systèmes de filtrage collaboratif, comme le problème du démarrage à froid (cold start problem). Nous présentons ensuite un algorithme d’apprentissage automatique qui applique des étiquettes à des chansons à partir d’attributs extraits de leur fichier audio. L’ensemble de données que nous utilisons est construit à partir d’une très grande quantité de données sociales provenant du site Last.fm. Nous présentons finalement un algorithme de génération automatique de liste d’écoute personnalisable qui apprend un espace de similarité musical à partir d’attributs audio extraits de chansons jouées dans des listes d’écoute de stations de radio commerciale. En plus d’utiliser cet espace de similarité, notre système prend aussi en compte un nuage d’étiquettes que l’utilisateur est en mesure de manipuler, ce qui lui permet de décrire de manière abstraite la sorte de musique qu’il désire écouter.


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Les filtres de recherche bibliographique optimisés visent à faciliter le repérage de l’information dans les bases de données bibliographiques qui sont presque toujours la source la plus abondante d’évidences scientifiques. Ils contribuent à soutenir la prise de décisions basée sur les évidences. La majorité des filtres disponibles dans la littérature sont des filtres méthodologiques. Mais pour donner tout leur potentiel, ils doivent être combinés à des filtres permettant de repérer les études couvrant un sujet particulier. Dans le champ de la sécurité des patients, il a été démontré qu’un repérage déficient de l’information peut avoir des conséquences tragiques. Des filtres de recherche optimisés couvrant le champ pourraient s’avérer très utiles. La présente étude a pour but de proposer des filtres de recherche bibliographique optimisés pour le champ de la sécurité des patients, d’évaluer leur validité, et de proposer un guide pour l’élaboration de filtres de recherche. Nous proposons des filtres optimisés permettant de repérer des articles portant sur la sécurité des patients dans les organisations de santé dans les bases de données Medline, Embase et CINAHL. Ces filtres réalisent de très bonnes performances et sont spécialement construits pour les articles dont le contenu est lié de façon explicite au champ de la sécurité des patients par leurs auteurs. La mesure dans laquelle on peut généraliser leur utilisation à d’autres contextes est liée à la définition des frontières du champ de la sécurité des patients.


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Le présent mémoire cherche à comprendre et à cerner le lien entre la stratégie de recherche d’information par le journaliste sur le web et les exigences de sa profession. Il vise à appréhender les précautions que prend le journaliste lors de sa recherche d’information sur le web en rapport avec les contraintes que lui imposent les règles de sa profession pour assurer la qualité des sources d’informations qu’il exploite. Nous avons examiné cette problématique en choisissant comme cadre d’étude Radio-Canada où nous avons rencontré quelques journalistes. Ceux-ci ont été suivis en situation de recherche d’information puis questionnés sur leurs expériences de recherche. L’arrivée d’internet et la révolution technologique qui en a découlé ont profondément bouleversé les pratiques journalistiques. La recherche d’information représente ainsi une zone importante de cette mutation des pratiques. Cette transformation amène surtout à s’interroger sur la façon dont la nouvelle façon de rechercher les sources d’information influence le travail du journaliste, et surtout les balises que se donne celui-ci pour résister aux pièges découlant de sa nouvelle méthode de travail.


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This paper proposes a region based image retrieval system using the local colour and texture features of image sub regions. The regions of interest (ROI) are roughly identified by segmenting the image into fixed partitions, finding the edge map and applying morphological dilation. The colour and texture features of the ROIs are computed from the histograms of the quantized HSV colour space and Gray Level co- occurrence matrix (GLCM) respectively. Each ROI of the query image is compared with same number of ROIs of the target image that are arranged in the descending order of white pixel density in the regions, using Euclidean distance measure for similarity computation. Preliminary experimental results show that the proposed method provides better retrieving result than retrieval using some of the existing methods.


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The present study is an attempt to highlight the problem of typographical errors in OPACS. The errors made while typing catalogue entries as well as importing bibliographical records from other libraries exist unnoticed by librarians resulting the non-retrieval of available records and affecting the quality of OPACs. This paper follows previous research on the topic mainly by Jeffrey Beall and Terry Ballard. The word “management” was chosen from the list of likely to be misspelled words identified by previous research. It was found that the word is wrongly entered in several forms in local, national and international OPACs justifying the observations of Ballard that typos occur in almost everywhere. Though there are lots of corrective measures proposed and are in use, the study asserts the fact that human effort is needed to get rid of the problem. The paper is also an invitation to the library professionals and system designers to construct a strategy to solve the issue


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The present study is an attempt to highlight the problem of typographical errors in OPACS. The errors made while typing catalogue entries as well as importing bibliographical records from other libraries exist unnoticed by librarians resulting the non-retrieval of available records and affecting the quality of OPACs. This paper follows previous research on the topic mainly by Jeffrey Beall and Terry Ballard. The word “management” was chosen from the list of likely to be misspelled words identified by previous research. It was found that the word is wrongly entered in several forms in local, national and international OPACs justifying the observations of Ballard that typos occur in almost everywhere. Though there are lots of corrective measures proposed and are in use, the study asserts the fact that human effort is needed to get rid of the problem. The paper is also an invitation to the library professionals and system designers to construct a strategy to solve the issue