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Experts from six Latin American countries met to discuss critical issues and needs in the diagnosis and management of primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDD). The diagnosis of PIDD is generally made following referral to an immunology centre located in a major city, but many paediatricians and general practitioners are not sufficiently trained to suspect PIDD in the first place. Access to laboratory testing is generally limited, and only some screening tests are typically covered by government health programmes. Specialised diagnostic tests are generally not reimbursed. Access to treatment varies by country reflecting differences in healthcare systems and reimbursement policies. An online PIDD Registry Programme for Latin America has been available since 2009, which will provide information about PIDD epidemiology in the region. Additional collaboration across countries appears feasible in at least two areas: a laboratory network to facilitate the diagnosis of PIDD, and educational programmes to improve PIDD awareness. In total, these collaborations should make it possible to advance the diagnosis and management of PIDD in Latin America. (C) 2010 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.


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Background Chronic myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs) are clonal haematopoietic stem cell malignancies characterised by an accumulation of mature myeloid cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood. Deregulation of the apoptotic machinery may be associated with MPD physiopathology. Aims To evaluate expression of death receptors` family members, mononuclear cell apoptosis resistance, and JAK2 allele burden. Subjects and Methods Bone marrow haematopoietic progenitor CD34 cells were separated using the Ficoll-hypaque protocol followed by the Miltenyi CD34 isolation kit, and peripheral blood leukocytes were separated by the Haes-Steril method. Total RNA was extracted by the Trizol method, the High Capacity Kit was used to synthesise cDNA, and real-time PCR was performed using SybrGreen in ABIPrism 7500 equipment. The results of gene expression quantification are given as 2(-Delta Delta Ct). The JAK2 V617F mutation was detected by real-time allelic discrimination PCR assay. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated by the Ficoll-hypaque protocol and cultured in the presence of apoptosis inducers. Results In CD34 cells, there was mRNA overexpression for fas, faim and c-flip in polycythaemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythaemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF), as well as fasl in PMF, and dr4 levels were increased in ET. In leukocytes, fas, c-flip and trail levels were increased in PV, and dr5 expression was decreased in ET. There was an association between dr5 and fasl expression and JAK2V617F mutation. PBMCs from patients with PV, ET or PMF showed resistance to apoptosis inducers. Conclusions The results indicate deregulation of apoptosis gene expression, which may be associated with MPD pathogenesis leading to accumulation of myeloid cells in MPDs.


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Investigating the proteolytic activity of the recombinant Mycobacterium leprae Heat Shock Protein of 65 kDa (rHsp65), chaperonin 2 (cpn2), we observed that it displays high instability. The fragmentation process starts at the C-terminus followed by progressive degradation of the N-terminus, which leads to a stable fragment comprising the middle region of the molecule. Urea was able to prevent autolysis, probably due to its denaturing action, while EDTA increased degradation levels indicating the need for metal ions. Peptides originated from autolysis were purified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, generating a continuous map. Since the bacteria and mammalian Hsp60 are known to be targets of the immune response and have been implicated in autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, the in vivo effect of rHsp65 peptides was evaluated in the spontaneous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) model developed by the (NZB/NZW)F(1) mouse hybrids, and their individual anti-rHsp65 IgG2a/IgG1 antibody titer ratio was determined. The results showed orientation toward a T(H)1 responsiveness, and the treatment with the rHsp65 peptides diminished the environmental variance of the survival time of treated animals. These results outline the fact that environmental factors may also act through the modified stability expression of Heat Shock Proteins intervening during autoimmune processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Patients with chronic pancreatitis may have abnormal gastrointestinal transit, but the factors underlying these abnormalities are poorly understood. Gastrointestinal transit was assessed, in 40 male outpatients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis and 18 controls, by scintigraphy after a liquid meal labeled with (99m)technetium-phytate. Blood and urinary glucose, fecal fat excretion, nutritional status, and cardiovascular autonomic function were determined in all patients. The influence of diabetes mellitus, malabsorption, malnutrition, and autonomic neuropathy on abnormal gastrointestinal transit was assessed by univariate analysis and Bayesian multiple regression analysis. Accelerated gastrointestinal transit was found in 11 patients who showed abnormally rapid arrival of the meal marker to the cecum. Univariate and Bayesian analysis showed that diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy had significant influences on rapid transit, which was not associated with either malabsorption or malnutrition. In conclusion, rapid gastrointestinal transit in patients with alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis is related to diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy.


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Objective. To investigate the short-term effects of exposure to particulate matter from biomass burning in the Amazon on the daily demand for outpatient care due to respiratory diseases in children and the elderly. Methods. Epidemiologic study with ecologic time series design. Daily consultation records were obtained from the 14 primary health care clinics in the municipality of Alta Floresta, state of Mato Grosso, in the southern region of the Brazilian Amazon, between January 2004 and December 2005. Information on the daily levels of fine particulate matter was made available by the Brazilian National Institute for Spatial Research. To control for confounding factors ( situations in which a non-causal association between exposure and disease is observed due to a third variable), variables related to time trends, seasonality, temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and calendar effects ( such as occurrence of holidays and weekends) were included in the model. Poisson regression with generalized additive models was used. Results. A 10 mu g/m(3) increase in the level of exposure to particulate matter was associated with increases of 2.9% and 2.6% in outpatient consultations due to respiratory diseases in children on the 6th and 7th days following exposure. Significant associations were not observed for elderly individuals. Conclusions. The results suggest that the levels of particulate matter from biomass burning in the Amazon are associated with adverse effects on the respiratory health of children.


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This study aimed to evaluate the potential of soybean-promoted acidic nitrite reduction and to correlate this activity with the content of phenolics and with the bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli O157:H7. Extracts of embrionary axes and cotyledons enriched in phenolics increased (center dot)NO formation at acidic pH at values that were 7.1 and 4.5 times higher, respectively, when compared to the reduction of the nonenriched extracts. Among the various phenolics accumulated in the soybean extracts, five stimulated nitrite reduction in the following decreasing order of potency: epicatechin gallate, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, galic acid and p-coumaric acid. Extracts of embrionary axes presented higher contents of epicatechin gallate and caffeic acid, compared to that of cotyledons, indicating a positive correlation between activity of the extracts and content of phenolics with regard to nitrite reducing activity. Soybean extracts enriched in phenolics interacted synergistically with acidified nitrite to prevent E. coli O157:H7 growth. The results suggest that soybean phenolics may interfere with the metabolism of (center dot)NO in an acidic environment by accelerating the reduction of nitrite, with a potential antimicrobial effect in the stomach.


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Mitochondria are the central coordinators of energy metabolism and alterations in their function and number have long been associated with metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemias. Since oxidative phosphorylation requires an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, ion channels in this membrane certainly must play an important role in the regulation of energy metabolism. However, in many experimental settings, the relationship between the activity of mitochondrial ion transport and metabolic disorders is still poorly understood. This review briefly summarizes some aspects of mitochondrial H(+) transport (promoted by uncoupling proteins, UCPs). Ca(2+) and K(+) uniporters which may be determinant in metabolic disorders. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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XIXA doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) comumente afeta o esôfago e provavelmente é a condição mais prevalente no segmento alto do trato gastrointestinal, acometendo entre 5 e 45% da população ocidental. A terapêutica atual para essa doença além de medidas gerais e dietéticas, inclui tratamento farmacológico e/ou cirurgia. Ambos podem ser eficazes, mas apresentam elevado custo financeiro. O tratamento com fármacos pode apresentar baixa aderência medicamentosa e a cirurgia tem baixa, mas não desprezível, morbidade e mortalidade. Idealmente o tratamento da DRGE deveria ser eficaz, com baixo risco e com baixo custo. Objetivos: 1. Desenvolver um modelo experimental em suínos para o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos; 2. Avaliar a eficácia do implante endoscópico de PMMA ao nível do Esfíncter Esofágico Inferior (EEI) para aumentar a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica, o Volume de Vazão Gástrico e a Pressão Basal do EEI; 3. Descrever as reações histológicas associadas ao implante de PMMA. Material e Métodos: Suínos da raça Large White, do sexo feminino com 8 semanas de vida foram estudados no experimento. Foi realizada manometria do esfíncter esofágico inferior com registro da pressão basal com cateter de perfusão com água e técnica de retirada lenta. Calculou-se, também, a extensão do EEI. Após, gastrostomia era realizada com colocação intragástrica da extremidade distal de uma sonda de Foley com três vias e um cateter de pHmetria esofágica introduzido via oral com o sensor distal posicionado 5 cm acima do bordo superior de esfíncter esofágico inferior. Iniciava-se, XXentão, a infusão contínua no estômago de uma solução de HCl a 0,02N com medida e registro simultâneos da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos e do pH esofágico. Definiu-se a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica (PVG) e o Volume de Vazão Gástrico quando houve brusca e sustentada acidificação do esôfago distal (pH<3). Após, introduzia-se um tubo metálico (Tubo Introdutor ou TI) via oral e, em seguida, o endoscópio, seguindo ambos até o esôfago distal. Cateter de nylon com agulha calibre 16 era introduzido pelo tubo introdutor e o PMMA implantado na área correspondente ao EEI com uma pistola dosadora volumétrica que permitia a injeção de volumes prédeterminados em 3 ou 4 pontos da submucosa (total por ponto = 0,73 ml de PMMA). As medidas de PVG, VVG e pressão basal do EEI foram repetidas após 28 dias, sacrificando-se os animais e removendo-se esôfago médio e distal, junção esofagogástrica, fundo e corpo gástricos para estudo histológico. Previamente ao experimento, três projetos pilotos foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro designado como “Projeto Piloto: Refluxo Gastroesofágico por pHmetria de 24H” (RGE 24H) buscou a via de acesso transnasal para registro de pHmetria por 24 horas. No segundo, designado “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, para confirmação de refluxo gastroesofágico espontâneo em suínos da raça Large White, utilizou-se anestesia com associação de tiletamina 125 mg e zolazepam 125 mg em combinação com um sedativo, a xilazina a 2% . A pHmetria foi mantida por 24 horas. Os dados descritos por Kadirkamanathan et al. não foram reproduzidos no nosso laboratório. Optou-se então pela realização de um terceiro projeto, “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” para induzir refluxo gastroesofágico através de um modelo experimental e testar a reprodutibilidade da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica. Obteve-se sucesso. Resultados: Trinta e sete animais foram estudados em 60 intervenções no Laboratório de motilidade experimental. O projeto piloto “RGE:24h” foi abandonado após perda de 5 animais pela anestesia com halotano e, solucionada esta questão, a sistemática infecção do tecido celular subcutâneo nasal, dificultando a manutenção do cateter de phmetria em outros 5 animais. No “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, em cinco animais estudados (cada animal em duas ocasiões diferentes) não se reproduziram os achados de refluxo espontâneo. No terceiro projeto “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” quatro animais foram estudados em dois momentos diferentes obtendo-se sucesso e reprodutibilidade XXIdos dados. Criado o modelo experimental, quatorze suínos foram submetidos ao experimento com implante endoscópico de PMMA com os seguintes resultados: A média dos pesos com 8 semanas de idade foi 14,98 ± 2,43 e 28 dias após o implante, 20,26 ± 3,68. O ganho ponderal foi considerado normal para a espécie. A Pressão de Vazão Gástrica média no dia 1 foi 8,08 mmHg e no dia 28, 10,69mmHg (Teste t de Student: t = 2,72 gl = 13 p = 0,017). Os Volumes de Vazão Gástricos médios foram: 392,86 ml para o dia 1 e 996,71 ml no dia 28 (teste t de Student: t = 11,66 gl = 13 p< 0,001). A Pressão Basal do EEI e o comprimento do esfíncter, não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. PMMA foi identificado como depósitos de grandes vacúolos no tecido intersticial ao exame histológico da junção esofagogástrica associado a histiócitos, plasmócitos e presença de células gigantes tipo Langhans indicando reação tecidual de corpo estranho em todos os animais. Fibrose e macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares estiveram presentes em menor freqüência. Conclusões: 1. O modelo experimental, em suínos, desenvolvido viabilizou o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica e Volume de Vazão Gástrico; 2. O implante de PMMA, no presente estudo, aumentou a Pressão de Vazão e o Volume de Vazão Gástricos, mas não a Pressão Basal do EEI, nem tampouco aumentou o seu comprimento; 3. Depósito de PMMA implantado e evidência de processo inflamatório crônico e reação tecidual de corpo estranho foi encontrada no local do implante de PMMA. Macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares e fibrose foram encontrados com menos freqüência.


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Background and Aims: There is little information about the epidemiology and risk factors of periodontal diseases in Latin America in general, and Brazil in particular. The principal aims of this study were to: 1) describe the prevalence and severity of periodontal attachment loss and gingival recession, and to assess the contribution of demographic, behavioral, and environmental exposures to the occurrence of periodontal disease outcomes in a sample representative of the urban population in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in south Brazil; and 2) report the epidemiology and risk indicators of aggressive periodontitis in this population. Methods: A representative sample consisting of 1,586 subjects 14-103 years of age (mean 38 y) and comprising 45.3% males and 54.7% females was selected using a multi-stage, probability, cluster sampling strategy. The subjects were interviewed using a structured questionnaire and underwent a full-mouth, six sites per tooth clinical examination in a mobile examination center. Results: Moderate and severe clinical attachment loss and gingival recession were widespread among adults in this population. The prevalence and extent of attachment loss ³5 and ³7 mm were 79% and 52% subjects, and 36% and 16% teeth; and for gingival recession ³3 mm and ³5 mm were 52% and 22% subjects, and 17% and 6% teeth, respectively. Aggressive periodontitis was diagnosed in 5.5% of subjects, which is significantly higher than the reported prevalence in most other populations. Among the main risk indicators for chronic as well as aggressive destructive periodontal diseases were: older age, low socioeconomic status, dental calculus, and smoking. Cigarette smoking accounted for an important part of periodontal disease burden, particularly in adults, and should be considered an important target in any prevention strategy aimed at reducing the burden of periodontal diseases. Partial recording methods consistently underestimated the prevalence of attachment loss in the population, and the extent of underestimation was dependent on the type of system used and the threshold of attachment loss. Conclusions: Destructive periodontal diseases are prevalent in this Brazilian population. Suitable disease prevention and health promotion programs should be established to improve the periodontal health in this population.


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The control of the spread of dengue fever by introduction of the intracellular parasitic bacterium Wolbachia in populations of the vector Aedes aegypti, is presently one of the most promising tools for eliminating dengue, in the absence of an efficient vaccine. The success of this operation requires locally careful planning to determine the adequate number of mosquitoes carrying the Wolbachia parasite that need to be introduced into the natural population. The latter are expected to eventually replace the Wolbachia-free population and guarantee permanent protection against the transmission of dengue to human. In this paper, we propose and analyze a model describing the fundamental aspects of the competition between mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia and mosquitoes free of the parasite. We then introduce a simple feedback control law to synthesize an introduction protocol, and prove that the population is guaranteed to converge to a stable equilibrium where the totality of mosquitoes carry Wolbachia. The techniques are based on the theory of monotone control systems, as developed after Angeli and Sontag. Due to bistability, the considered input-output system has multivalued static characteristics, but the existing results are unable to prove almost-global stabilization, and ad hoc analysis has to be conducted.


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Transition to diets that are high in saturated fat and sugar has caused a global public health concern as the pattern of food consumption is a mayor modifiable risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases Although agri food systems are intimately associated with this transition, agriculture and health sectors are largely disconnected in their priorities policy, and analysis with neither side considering the complex inter relation between agri trade patterns of food consumption health, and development We show the importance of connection of these perspectives through estimation of the effect of adopting a healthy diet on population health, agricultural production trade the economy and livelihoods, with a computable general equilibrium approach on the basis of case studies from the UK and Brazil we suggest that benefits of a healthy diet policy will vary substantially between different populations, not only because of population dietary intake but also because of agricultural production trade and other economic factors


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Colon-specific drug delivery systems have attracted increasing attention from the pharmaceutical industry due to their ability of treating intestinal bowel diseases (IBD), which represent a public health problem in several countries. In spite of being considered a quite effective molecule for the treatment of IBD, mesalazine (5-ASA) is rapidly absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and its systemic absorption leads to risks of adverse effects. The aim of this work was to develop a microparticulate system based on xylan and Eudragit® S- 100 (ES100) for colon-specific delivery of 5-ASA and evaluate the interaction between the polymers present in the systems. Additionaly, the physicochemical and rheological properties of xylan were also evaluated. Initially, xylan was extracted from corn cobs and characterized regarding the yield and rheological properties. Afterwards, 10 formulations were prepared in different xylan and ES100 weight ratios by spray-drying the polymer solutions in 0.6N NaOH and phosphate buffer pH 7.4. In addition, 3 formulations consisting of xylan microcapsules were produced by interfacial cross-linking polymerization and coated by ES100 by means of spray-drying in different polymer weight ratios of xylan and ES100. The microparticles were characterized regarding yield, morphology, homogeneity, visual aspect, crystallinity and thermal behavior. The polymer interaction was investigated by infrared spectroscopy. The extracted xylan was presented as a very fine and yellowish powder, with mean particle size smaller than 40μm. Regarding the rheological properties of xylan, they demonstrated that this polymer has a poor flow, low density and high cohesiveness. The microparticles obtained were shown to be spherical and aggregates could not be observed. They were found to present amorphous structure and have a very high thermal stability. The yield varied according to the polymer ratios. Moreover, it was confirmed that the interaction between xylan and ES100 occurs only by means of physical aggregation