927 resultados para G-PROTEIN GENE


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Small molecules designed to mimic specific structural components of a protein (peptide strands, sheets, turns, helices, or amino acids) can be expected to display agonist or antagonist biological responses by virtue of interacting with the same receptors that recognize the protein. Here we describe some minimalist approaches to structural mimetics of amino acids and of strand, turn, or helix segments of proteins. The designed molecules show potent and selective inhibition of protease, transferase, and phospholipase enzymes, or antagonism of G-protein coupled or transcriptional receptors, and have potent anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory, or antiviral activity.


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The human melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R) encodes a G-protein coupled receptor that is primarily expressed on melanocytes, where it plays a key role in pigmentation regulation. Variant alleles are associated with red hair colour and fair skin, known as the RHC phenotype, as well as skin cancer risk. The R151C, R160W and D294H alleles, designated 'R', are strongly associated with the RHC phenotype and have been proposed to result in loss of function receptors due to impaired G-protein coupling. We recently provided evidence that the R151C and R160W variants can efficiently couple to G-proteins in response to alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone. The possibility that altered cellular localization of the R151C and R160W variant receptors could underlie their association with RHC was therefore considered. Using immunofluorescence and ligand binding studies, we found that melanocytic cells exogenously or endogenously expressing MC1R show strong surface localization of the wild-type and D294H alleles but markedly reduced cell surface expression of the R151C and R160W receptors. In additional exogenous expression studies, the R variant D84E and the rare I155T variant, also demonstrated a significant reduction in plasma membrane receptor numbers. The V60L, V92M and R163Q weakly associated RHC alleles, designated 'r', were expressed with normal or intermediate cell surface receptor levels. These results indicate that reduced receptor coupling activity may not be the only contributing factor to the genetic association between the MC1R variants and the RHC phenotype, with MC1R polymorphisms now linked to a change in receptor localization.


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Developmental- and tissue-specific expression of globin genes is mediated by a few key elements within the proximal promoter of each gene. DNA-binding assays previously identified NF-Y, GATA-1, C/EBP beta and C/EBP gamma as candidate regulators of beta-globin transcription via the CCAAT-box, a promoter element situated between CACC- and TATA-boxes. We have identified C/EBP delta as an additional beta-globin CCAAT-box binding protein. In reporter assays, we show that C/EBP delta can co-operate with EKLF, a CACC-box binding protein, to activate the beta-globin promoter, whereas C/EBP gamma inhibits the transcriptional activity of EKLF in this assay. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Caveolins are a crucial component of plasma membrane (PM) caveolae but have also been localized to intracellular compartments, including the Golgi complex and lipid bodies. Mutant caveolins associated with human disease show aberrant trafficking to the PM and Golgi accumulation. We now show that the Golgi pool of mainly newly synthesized protein is detergent-soluble and predominantly in a monomeric state, in contrast to the surface pool. Caveolin at the PM is not recognized by specific caveolin antibodies unless PM cholesterol is depleted. Exit from the Golgi complex of wild-type caveolin-1 or -3, but not vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein, is modulated by changing cellular cholesterol levels. In contrast, a muscular dystrophy-associated mutant of caveolin-3, Cav3P104L, showed increased accumulation in the Golgi complex upon cholesterol treatment. In addition, we demonstrate that in response to fatty acid treatment caveolin can follow a previously undescribed pathway from the PM to lipid bodies and can move from lipid bodies to the PM in response to removal of fatty acids. The results suggest that cholesterol is a rate-limiting component for caveolin trafficking. Changes in caveolin flux through the exocytic pathway can therefore be an indicator of cellular cholesterol and fatty acid levels.


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We completed the genome sequence of Lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) by determining the nucleotide sequences of the 4a (putative phosphoprotein), 4b, M (matrix protein), G (glycoprotein) and L (polymerase) genes. The genome consists of 12,807 nucleotides and encodes six genes in the order 3' leader-N-4a(P)-4b-M-G-L-5' trailer. Sequences were derived from clones of a cDNA library from LNYV genomic RNA and from fragments amplified using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The 4a protein has a low isoelectric point characteristic for rhabdovirus phosphoproteins. The 4b protein has significant sequence similarities with the movement proteins of capillo- and trichoviruses and may be involved in cell-to-cell movement. The putative G protein sequence contains a predicted 25 amino acids signal peptide and endopeptidase cleavage site, three predicted glycosylation sites and a putative transmembrane domain. The deduced L protein sequence shows similarities with the L proteins of other plant rhabdoviruses and contains polymerase module motifs characteristic for RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of negative-strand RNA viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of this motif among rhabdoviruses placed LNYV in a group with other sequenced cytorhabdoviruses, most closely related to Strawberry crinkle virus. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3), a member of the relaxin peptide family, is produced in testicular Leydig cells and ovarian thecal cells. Gene knock-out experiments have identified a key biological role in initiating testes descent during fetal development. Additionally, INSL3 has an important function in mediating male and female germ cell function. These actions are elicited via its recently identified receptor, LGR8, a member of the leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein- coupled receptor family. To identify the structural features that are responsible for the interaction of INSL3 with its receptor, its solution structure was determined by NMR spectroscopy together with in vitro assays of a series of B-chain alanine-substituted analogs. Synthetic human INSL3 was found to adopt a characteristic relaxin/ insulin-like fold in solution but is a highly dynamic molecule. The four termini of this two-chain peptide are disordered, and additional conformational exchange is evident in the molecular core. Alanine-substituted analogs were used to identify the key residues of INSL3 that are responsible for the interaction with the ectodomain of LGR8. These include Arg(B16) and Val(B19), with His(B12) and Arg(B20) playing a secondary role, as evident from the synergistic effect on the activity in double and triple mutants involving these residues. Together, these amino acids combine with the previously identified critical residue, Trp(B27), to form the receptor binding surface. The current results provide clear direction for the design of novel specific agonists and antagonists of this receptor.


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The gene encoding the matricellular protein secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) was identified in a screen for genes expressed sex-specifically during mouse gonad development, as being strongly upregulated in the male gonad from very early in testis development. We present here a detailed analysis of SPARC gene and protein expression during testis development, from 11.5 to 15.5 days post coitum (dpc). Section in situ hybridization analysis revealed that SPARC mRNA is expressed by the Sertoli cells in the testis cords and the fetal Leydig cells, found within the interstitial space between the testis cords. Immunodetection with anti-SPARC antibody showed that the protein was located inside the testis cords, within the cytoplasm of Sertoli and germ cells. In the interstitium, SPARC was present intracellularly within the Leydig cells. The internalization of SPARC in Sertoli, Leydig, and germ cells suggests that it plays an intracellular regulatory role in these cell types during fetal testis development.


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The superior frontal cortex (SFC) is selectively damaged in chronic alcohol abuse, with localized neuronal loss and tissue atrophy. Regions such as motor cortex show little neuronal loss except in severe co-morbidity (liver cirrhosis or WKS). Altered gene expression was found in microarray comparisons of alcoholic and control SFC samples [1]. We used Western blots and proteomic analysis to identify the proteins that also show differential expression. Tissue was obtained at autopsy under informed, written consent from uncomplicated alcoholics and age- and sex-matched controls. Alcoholics had consumed 80 g ethanol/day chronically (often, 200 g/day for 20 y). Controls either abstained or were social drinkers ( 20 g/day). All subjects had pathological confirmation of liver and brain diagnosis; none had been polydrug abusers. Samples were homogenized in water and clarified by brief centrifugation (1000g, 3 min) before storage at –80°C. For proteomics the thawed suspensions were centrifuged (15000g, 50 min) to prepare soluble fractions. Aliquots were pooled from SFC samples from the 5 chronic alcoholics and 5 matched controls used in the previous microarray study [1]. 2-Dimensional electrophoresis was performed in triplicate using 18 cm format pH 4–7 and pH 6–11 immobilized pH gradients for firstdimension isoelectric focusing. Following second-dimension SDS-PAGE the proteins were fluorescently stained and the images collected by densitometry. 182 proteins differed by 2-fold between cases and controls. 141 showed lower expression in alcoholics, 33 higher, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date 63 proteins have been identified using MALDI-MS and MS-MS. Western blots were performed on uncentrifuged individual samples from 76 subjects (controls, uncomplicated alcoholics and cirrhotic alcoholics). A common standard was run on every gel. After transfer, immunolabeling, and densitometry, the intensities of the unknown bands were compared to those of the standards. We focused on proteins from transcripts that showed clear differences in a series of microarray studies, classified into common sets including Regulators of G-protein Signaling and Myelin-associated proteins. The preponderantly lower level of differentially expressed proteins in alcoholics parallels the microarray mRNA analysis in the same samples. We found that mRNA and protein expression do not frequently correspond; this may help identify pathogenic processes acting at the level of transcription, translation, or post-translationally.


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RAMPs (receptor activity-modifying proteins) are single-pass transmembrane proteins that associate with certain family-B GPCRs (G-protein-coupled receptors). Specifically for the CT (calcitonin) receptor-like receptor and the CT receptor, this results in profound changes in ligand binding and receptor pharmacology, allowing the generation of six distinct receptors with preferences for CGRP (CT gene-related peptide) adrenomedullin, amylin and CT. There are three RAMPs: RAMP1-RAMP3. The N-terminus appears to be the main determinant of receptor pharmacology whereas the transmembrane domain contributes to association of the RAMP with the GPCR. The N-terminus of all members of the RAMP family probably contains two disulphide bonds; a potential third disulphide is found in RAMP1 and RAMP3. The N-terminus appears to be in close proximity to the ligand and plays a key role in its binding, either directly or indirectly. BIBN4096BS, a CGRP antagonist, targets RAMP1 and this gives the compound very high selectivity for the human CGRP(1) receptor.


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Adrenomedullin is a vascular tissue peptide and a member of the calcitonin family of peptides, which includes calcitonin calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) and amylin. Its many biological actions are mediated via CGRP type 1 (CGRP(1)) receptors and by specific adrenomedullin receptors. Although the pharmacology of these receptors is distinct, they are both represented in molecular terms by the type II family G-protein-coupled receptor, calcitonin-receptor-like receptor (CRLR). The specificity here is defined by co-expression of receptor-activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs). CGRP(1) receptors are represented by CRLR and RAMP1, and specific adrenomedullin receptors by CRLR and RAMP2 or 3. Here we discuss how CRLR/RAMP2 relates to adrenomedullin binding, pharmacology and pathophysiology, and how chemical cross-linking of receptor-ligand complexes in tissue relates to that in CRLR/RAMP2-expressing cells. CRLR, like other type II family G-protein-coupled receptors, signals via G(s) and adenylate cyclase activation. We demonstrated that adrenomedullin signalling in cell lines expressing specific adrenomedullin receptors followed this expected pattern.


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The receptor for CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) is a heterodimer between a GPCR (G-protein-coupled receptor), CLR (calcitonin receptor-like receptor) and an accessory protein, RAMP1 (receptor activity-modifying protein 1). Models have been produced of RAMP1 and CLR. It is likely that the C-terminus of CGRP interacts with the extracellular N-termini of CLR and RAMP1; the extreme N-terminus of CLR is particularly important and may interact directly with CGRP and also with RAMP1. The N-terminus of CGRP interacts with the TM (transmembrane) portion of the receptor; the second ECL (extracellular loop) is especially important. Receptor activation is likely to involve the relative movements of TMs 3 and 6 to create a G-protein-binding pocket, as in Family A GPCRs. Pro321 in TM6 appears to act as a pivot. At the base of TMs 2 and 3, Arg151, His155 and Glu211 may form a loose equivalent of the Family A DRY (Asp-Arg-Tyr) motif. Although the details of this proposed activation mechanism clearly do not apply to all Family B GPCRs, the broad outlines may be conserved. ©The Authors.


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Aim: N-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), may possess anticachectic properties. This trial compared a protein and energy dense supplement enriched with n-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (experimental: E) with an isocaloric isonitrogenous control supplement (C) for their effects on weight, lean body mass (LBM), dietary intake, and quality of life in cachectic patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods: A total of 200 patients (95 E; 105 C) were randomised to consume two cans/day of the E or C supplement (480 ml, 620 kcal, 32 g protein ± 2.2 g EPA) for eight weeks in a multicentre, randomised, double blind trial. Results: At enrolment, patients' mean rate of weight loss was 3.3 kg/month. Intake of the supplements (E or C) was below the recommended dose (2 cans/day) and averaged 1.4 cans/day. Over eight weeks, patients in both groups stopped losing weight (Δweight E: -0.25 kg/month versus C: -0.37 kg/month; p=0.74) and LBM (ΔLBM E: +0.27 kg/month versus C: +0.12 kg/month; p=0.88) to an equal degree (change from baseline E and C, p<0.001). In view of evident non-compliance in both E and C groups, correlation analyses were undertaken to examine for potential dose-response relationships. E patients demonstrated significant correlations between their supplement intake and weight gain (r=0.50, p<0.001) and increase in LBM (r=0.33, p=0.036). Such correlations were not statistically significant in C patients. The relationship of supplement intake with change in LBM was significantly different between E and C patients (p=0.043). Increased plasma EPA levels in the E group were associated with weight and LBM gain (r=0.50, p<0.001; r=0.51, p=0.001). Weight gain was associated with improved quality of life (p<0.01) only in the E group. Conclusion: Intention to treat group comparisons indicated that at the mean dose taken, enrichment with n-3 fatty acids did not provide a therapeutic advantage and that both supplements were equally effective in arresting weight loss. Post hoc dose-response analysis suggests that if taken in sufficient quantity, only the n-3 fatty acid enriched energy and protein dense supplement results in net gain of weight, lean tissue, and improved quality of life. Further trials are required to examine the potential role of n-3 enriched supplements in the treatment of cancer cachexia.


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Adrenomedullin (AM) and amylin are involved in angiogenesis/lymphangiogenesis and glucose homeostasis/food intake, respectively. They activate receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP)/G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) complexes. RAMP3 with the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) forms the AM(2) receptor, whereas when paired with the calcitonin receptor AMY(3) receptors are formed. RAMP3 interacts with other GPCRs although the consequences of these interactions are poorly understood. Therefore, variations in the RAMP3 sequence, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms or mutations could be relevant to human health. Variants of RAMP3 have been identified. In particular, analysis of AK222469 (Homo sapiens mRNA for receptor (calcitonin) activity-modifying protein 3 precursor variant) revealed several nucleotide differences, three of which encoded amino acid changes (Cys40Trp, Phe100Ser, Leu147Pro). Trp56Arg RAMP3 is a polymorphic variant of human RAMP3 at a conserved amino acid position. To determine their function we used wild-type (WT) human RAMP3 as a template for introducing amino acid mutations. Mutant or WT RAMP3 function was determined in Cos-7 cells with CLR or the calcitonin receptor (CT((a))). Cys40Trp/Phe100Ser/Leu147Pro RAMP3 was functionally compromised, with reduced AM and amylin potency at the respective AM(2) and AMY(3(a)) receptor complexes. Cys40Trp and Phe100Ser mutations contributed to this phenotype, unlike Leu147Pro. Reduced cell-surface expression of mutant receptor complexes probably explains the functional data. In contrast, Trp56Arg RAMP3 was WT in phenotype. This study provides insight into the role of these residues in RAMP3. The existence of AK222469 in the human population has implications for the function of RAMP3/GPCR complexes, particularly AM and amylin receptors.


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The CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) receptor is a family B GPCR (G-protein-coupled receptor). It consists of a GPCR, CLR (calcitonin receptor-like receptor) and an accessory protein, RAMP1 (receptor activity-modifying protein 1). RAMP1 is needed for CGRP binding and also cell-surface expression of CLR. There have been few systematic studies of the ECLs (extracellular loops) of family B GPCRs. However, they are likely to be especially important for the interaction of the N-termini of the peptide agonists that are the natural agonists for these receptors. We have carried out alanine scans on all three ECLs of CLR, as well as their associated juxtamembrane regions. Residues within all three loops influence CGRP binding and receptor activation. Mutation of Ala203 and Ala206 on ECL1 to leucine increased the affinity of CGRP. Residues at the top of TM (transmembrane) helices 2 and 3 influenced CGRP binding and receptor activation. L351A and E357A in TM6/ECL3 reduced receptor expression and may be needed for CLR association with RAMP1. ECL2 seems especially important for CLR function; of the 16 residues so far examined in this loop, eight residues reduce the potency of CGRP at stimulating cAMP production when mutated to alanine.


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The receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) family of membrane proteins regulates G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) function in several ways. RAMPs can alter their pharmacology and signalling as well as the trafficking of these receptors to and from the cell surface. Accordingly, RAMPs may be exploited as drug targets, offering new opportunities for regulating the function of therapeutically relevant RAMP-interacting GPCRs. For example, several small molecule antagonists of RAMP1/ calcitonin receptor-like receptor complexes, which block the actions of the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide are in development for the treatment of migraine headache.