997 resultados para Göth, Amon Leopold
O objetivo do trabalho é propor um estudo sobre a relação do Programa Nacional de Crédito Fundiário - PNCF, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, e sua concentração fundiária. Ou seja, se o PNCF está sendo direcionado, para as microrregiões que apresentam maior índice de concentração, de acordo com o índice de Gini, e se as áreas adquiridas através do crédito fundiário estão emergindo nestas microrregiões. Para isto, o estudo levantou a hipótese de que o PNCF no estado do Rio Grande do Norte não está sendo conduzida, de modo a reduzir a concentração fundiária, dentre as microrregiões do estado. Ou seja, não existe correlação entre o índice de Gini, da concentração fundiária, e as áreas adquiridas através do programa. Além disso, o trabalho buscou realizar uma discussão da literatura sobre os programas de reforma agrária assistida pelo mercado. Apresentando os autores que são exaltadores do modelo e das suas potencialidades, atrelando as causas dos problemas levantados como sendo de ordem técnica e operacional, onde os principais autores desta linha são: Van Zyl, Kirsten & Binswanger, (1996), Deininger & Binswanger, (1999). Têm-se também a apresentação da posição dos autores adeptos as políticas fundiárias pautadas na dinâmica e liberação dos mercados de terras, mas que visam contribuir com estudos que permitam uma redução para o custo elevado e a sua incapacidade de abarcar a esfera social, em decorrência do pagamento á vista e a preço de mercado aos donos das terras, são eles: De Janvry & Sadoulet (2002), Gordillo (2002), Banerjee (1999), Jaramillo (1998) e Burki & Perry (1997). Todavia, apresentou-se a corrente de autores que ressalta a natureza socialmente agressiva da Reforma Agrária Assistida pelo Mercado (RAAM), sendo os seus principais contribuidores: El-Ghonemy (2001); Barros, Schwartzman & Sauer (2003); Borras Jr. (2006, 2003 e 2003a); Garoz et al. (2005); Sauer & Pereira (2006); Pereira (2005, 2006 e 2010); Sauer (2010); Lahiff, Borras Jr. & Kay (2007). Em sequência, o trabalho apresentou a transição e características dos programas de acesso à terra, no Brasil, a partir da década de 1990, bem como, alguns indicadores do PNCF, no Brasil e o estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Apresentou-se também os indicadores da concentração fundiária, no Brasil e no estado. Através dos dados do Censo Agropecuário de 2006 foi possível calcular o índice de Gini da distribuição fundiária nas microrregiões no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Com os dados fornecidos pela Secretaria de Estado de Assuntos Fundiários e de Apoio à Reforma Agrária - SEARA mostrou-se a distribuição das linhas de crédito do PNCF e as áreas adquiridas, entre os anos de 2006 e 2012. Por fim, o valor do coeficiente de correlação simples (r) igual a (0,2865), que com base no teste bilateral da distribuição de t de Student chegou-se no resultado para T calculado no valor de (1,2333), que ao ser comparado com o valor de T crítico igual a (2,898), com 17 graus de liberdade, a um nível de significância de 1%, pode aceitar a hipótese de partida, ou seja, que o PNCF não estava sendo direcionado para diminuir a concentração fundiária no estado
The aim of the present study was to investigate if river buffalo calves (Bubalus bubalis) have equal access to all cows and if milk is thus equally available to all of them. We recorded suckling/allosuckling behaviour and weight gain (WG) of 29 calves (14 males and 15 females), with special consideration to their sex, birth order (BO) and age. Cows' nursing behaviour and milli production (MP) were also considered. While males tended to be born earlier than females during this study, this was not the trend in the overall herd records. The cows' MP was not effected by the calves' sex. However, bull-calves presented greater mean WG, and mean times spent in individual filial (IF) and in communal nonfilial (CNF) suckling than heifer-calves, which showed greater communal filial (CF) suckling than the former during the first 4 months of life. The WG was associated with IF for bull-calves (r = 0.680 and 0.765, respectively, for the periods from birth to 4th and 8th months of age), and to CNF for heifer-calves (r = 0.628, for the period from birth to 8th month). Results from multiple regression analysis showed independent effects of each suckling category on the calf WG, and such effects were variable according to the calf's sex. BO was negatively correlated to calves' WG (bull-calves: r(s) = - 0.873 and - 0.799, from birth to 4th and gth months, respectively; heifer-calves: r(s) = - 0.531 from birth to 4th month). Specifically for bull-calves, there was a positive correlation between BO and MP (r(s) = 0.528 and 0.633, from birth to 4th and 8th months of age, respectively). The correlation between BO and IF was negative in both sexes, indicating that calves that were born early had more opportunities to suckle individually from their mothers. For heifer-calves, BO was positively correlated with CF (two periods), and negatively with CNF (from birth to 8th month of age), suggesting that heifer-calves were most often accompanied by other calves during suckling when they were born later. The data taken together indicate that sex and/or BO influenced decisively social interactions during suckling, promoting differential development among the calves. In animal husbandry, if a homogenous WG is desired, these factors have to be taken into consideration. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work deals with an evaluation of the environmental impacts arised from a typical ceramics industry located in the Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte State. That region contains the largest State s producing basin of red ceramics. The district of Parelhas stands out as the largest producing nucleus. The studied company is located in the rural zone of Parelhas, it was selected as study object because it possesses a great part of the representative characteristics of the Region s ceramics park as a whole. Impacts produced at the implantation and operation phases of the Company had been evaluated, being this last phase subdivided in stages of the productive process. Among found adverse impacts, they are distinguished: losses in air quality, undesirable noises, microclimatic alterations, impoverishment of the ground, elimination of the vegetal covering, agricultural exodus, crisis in cattle agriculture and, superficial and underground water contamination, beyond risks ocupational diseases and industrial accidents. The Leopold s interactive matrix, that summarizes results of the work, was presented in form of 15 (fifteen) tables that display impacts classified in qualitative and quantitative way. Totally, 175 (one hundred and seventy-five) significant impacts produced by this Company had been identified, being 114 (one hundred and fourteen) negative, 38 (thirty-eight) positive and 23 (twenty-three) among mixed, indefinite and inert ones. In the work, before the evaluation of impacts properly said, it was constructed a diagnostic table of the ambient situation at a previous moment to implantation of the Company, elaborated on basis of inferences and historical researches. It was proposed still, mitigative steps for adverse impacts identified, as also elaborated a program to accompaniment and observing that the fulfilment of indicated mitigative steps guarantees. The final part of the work contemplates conclusions and suggestions that aim to influence positively the presented sight in terms of environmental management
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of omission of macronutrients in the growth and the nutritional state of elephant-grass plants (Pennisetum purpureum Shum cv. Mott). The experiment was developed in the FCAV/UNESP, in Jaboticabal-SP,Brazil, using nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with seven treatments (the complete solution proposed by Hoagland & Amon (1950) and the individual omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, in these solution), in three repetitions. Pre-germinated plants were placed in pot (5 dm3), containing the nutrient solution, which was aerated constantly during the experimental period and the respective treatments, with three replications each. Weekly, the height of the plants, the leaf number, apex diameter and number of tillers were evaluated as well as plant nutritional state. The omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S limited the production of dry weight of shoot the elephant grass, compared to the full treatment. The deficiency of a macronutrient, in addition to promoting reduction of its content in the shoot, resulted in reducing the accumulation of most macronutrients, with resultant morphological changes, translated as characteristic symptoms of deficiency.
A search for microscopic black holes in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7TeV is presented. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb1 recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2011. Events with large total transverse energy have been analyzed for the presence of multiple energetic jets, leptons, and photons, which are typical signals of evaporating semiclassical and quantum black holes, and string balls. Agreement with the expected standard model backgrounds, which are dominated by QCD multijet production, has been observed for various combined multiplicities of jets and other reconstructed objects in the final state. Model-independent limits are set on new physics processes producing high-multiplicity, energetic final states. In addition, new model-specific indicative limits are set excluding semiclassical and quantum black holes with masses below 3.8 to 5.3TeV and string balls with masses below 4.6 to 4.8TeV . The analysis has a substantially increased sensitivity compared to previous searches.
Results are presented on a search for a light charged Higgs boson that can be produced in the decay of the top quark t → H +b and which, in turn, decays into τ +ν t. The analysed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 2 fb -1 recorded in protonproton collisions at √s = 7 TeV by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The search is sensitive to the decays of the top quark pairs tt̄ → H ±W ∓bb̄ and tt̄ → H ±H ∓bb̄. Various final states have been studied separately, all requiring presence of a τ lepton from H + decays, missing transverse energy, and multiple jets. Upper limits on the branching fraction B(t → H +b) in the range of 2-4% are established for charged Higgs boson masses between 80 and 160 GeV, under the assumption that B(H + → τ +ν τ) = 1.
A search has been performed for long-lived particles that have stopped in the CMS detector, during 7TeV proton-proton operations of the CERN LHC. The existence of such particles could be inferred from observation of their decays when there were no protonproton collisions in the CMS detector, namely during gaps between LHC beam crossings. Using a data set in which CMS recorded an integrated luminosity of 4.0 fb -1, and a search interval corresponding to 246 hours of trigger live time, 12 events are observed, with a mean background prediction of 8:6 ± 2:4 events. Limits are presented at 95% confidence level on long-lived gluino and stop production, over 13 orders of magnitude of particle lifetime. Assuming the cloud model of R-hadron interactions, a gluino with mass below 640 GeV and a stop with mass below 340 GeV are excluded, for lifetimes between 10 μs and 1000 s.
A search for new physics is performed using isolated same-sign dileptons with at least two b-quark jets in the final state. Results are based on a 4.98 fb -1 sample of protonproton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7TeV collected by the CMS detector. No excess above the standard model background is observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the number of events from non-standard-model sources. These limits are used to set constraints on a number of new physics models. Information on acceptance and efficiencies are also provided so that the results can be used to confront additional models in an approximate way. © 2012 SISSA.
The first measurement of the charged component of the underlying event using the novel jet-area/median approach is presented for proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 0.9 and 7 TeV. The data were recorded in 2010 with the CMS experiment at the LHC. A new observable, sensitive to soft particle production, is introduced and investigated inclusively and as a function of the event scale defined by the transverse momentum of the leading jet. Various phenomenological models are compared to data, with and without corrections for detector effects. None of the examined models describe the data satisfactorily. © 2012 SISSA.
The performance of muon reconstruction, identification, and triggering in CMS has been studied using 40 pb-1 of data collected in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV at the LHC in 2010. A few benchmark sets of selection criteria covering a wide range of physics analysis needs have been examined. For all considered selections, the efficiency to reconstruct and identify a muon with a transverse momentum pT larger than a few GeV/c is above 95% over the whole region of pseudorapidity covered by the CMS muon system, < 2.4, while the probability to misidentify a hadron as a muon is well below 1%. The efficiency to trigger on single muons with pT above a few GeVc is higher than 90% over the full η range, and typically substantially better. The overall momentum scale is measured to a precision of 0.2% with muons from Z decays. The transverse momentum resolution varies from 1% to 6% depending on pseudorapidity for muons with pT below 100GeV/c and, using cosmic rays, it is shown to be better than 10% in the central region up to pT = 1 TeV/c. Observed distributions of all quantities are well reproduced by the Monte Carlo simulation. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl.
Results are presented from a search for heavy bottom-like quarks, pair-produced in pp collisions at √s = 7TeV, undertaken with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The b′ quarks are assumed to decay exclusively to tW. The b′b̄′ → tW-t̄W+ process can be identified by its distinctive signatures of three leptons or two leptons of same charge, and at least one b-quark jet. Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb-1, observed events are compared to the standard model background predictions, and the existence of b′ quarks having masses below 611 GeV/c2 is excluded at 95% confidence level.
A model-independent search for the production of heavy resonances decaying into top-antitop quark pairs is presented. The search is based on events containing one lepton (muon or electron) and at least two jets selected from data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.4-5.0 fb -1 collected in pp collisions at √s =7 TeV. Results are presented from the combination of two dedicated searches optimized for boosted production and production at threshold. No excess of events is observed over the expected yield from the standard model processes. Topcolor Z′ bosons with narrow (wide) width are excluded at 95% confidence level for masses below 1.49 (2.04) TeV and an upper limit of 0.3 (1.3) pb or lower is set on the production cross section times branching fraction for resonance masses above 1 TeV. Kaluza-Klein excitations of a gluon with masses below 1.82 TeV (at 95% confidence level) in the Randall-Sundrum model are also excluded, and an upper limit of 0.7 pb or lower is set on the production cross section times branching fraction for resonance masses above 1 TeV.[Figure not available: See fulltext.] © 2012 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.
A measurement of the single-top-quark t-channel production cross section in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC is presented. Two different and complementary approaches have been followed. The first approach exploits the distributions of the pseudorapidity of the recoil jet and reconstructed top-quark mass using background estimates determined from control samples in data. The second approach is based on multivariate analysis techniques that probe the compatibility of the candidate events with the signal. Data have been collected for the muon and electron final states, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 1.17 and 1.56 fb-1, respectively. The single-top-quark production cross section in the t-channel is measured to be 67.2±6.1 pb, in agreement with the approximate next-to-next-to-leading- order standard model prediction. Using the standard model electroweak couplings, the CKM matrix element |V tb| is measured to be 1.020 ± 0.046 (meas.) ± 0.017 (theor.). © 2012 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.
Results are presented from a search for third-generation leptoquarks and scalar bottom quarks in a sample of proton-proton collisions at √s=7Tev collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb-1. A scenario where the new particles are pair produced and each decays to a b quark plus a tau neutrino or neutralino is considered. The number of observed events is found to be in agreement with the standard model prediction. Upper limits are set at 95% confidence level on the production cross sections. Leptoquarks with masses below ~450 GeV are excluded. Upper limits in the mass plane of the scalar quark and neutralino are set such that scalar bottom quark masses up to 410 GeV are excluded for neutralino masses of 50 GeV. © 2012 CERN for the benefit of CMS collaboration.
The mass of the top quark is measured using a sample of t̄t candidate events with one electron or muon and at least four jets in the final state, collected by CMS in pp collisions at √s =7 TeV at the LHC. A total of 5174 candidate events is selected from data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1. For each event the mass is reconstructed from a kinematic fit of the decay products to a t̄t hypothesis. The top-quark mass is determined simultaneously with the jet energy scale (JES), constrained by the known mass of the W boson in q̄q decays, to be 173.49 ± 0.43 (stat. + JES) ±0.98 (syst.) GeV. © 2012 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.