999 resultados para Functional asymmetries
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Millions of humans and animals suffer from superficial infections caused by a group of highly specialized filamentous fungi, the dermatophytes, which exclusively infect keratinized host structures. To provide broad insights into the molecular basis of the pathogenicity-associated traits, we report the first genome sequences of two closely phylogenetically related dermatophytes, Arthroderma benhamiae and Trichophyton verrucosum, both of which induce highly inflammatory infections in humans. RESULTS: 97% of the 22.5 megabase genome sequences of A. benhamiae and T. verrucosum are unambiguously alignable and collinear. To unravel dermatophyte-specific virulence-associated traits, we compared sets of potentially pathogenicity-associated proteins, such as secreted proteases and enzymes involved in secondary metabolite production, with those of closely related onygenales (Coccidioides species) and the mould Aspergillus fumigatus. The comparisons revealed expansion of several gene families in dermatophytes and disclosed the peculiarities of the dermatophyte secondary metabolite gene sets. Secretion of proteases and other hydrolytic enzymes by A. benhamiae was proven experimentally by a global secretome analysis during keratin degradation. Molecular insights into the interaction of A. benhamiae with human keratinocytes were obtained for the first time by global transcriptome profiling. Given that A. benhamiae is able to undergo mating, a detailed comparison of the genomes further unraveled the genetic basis of sexual reproduction in this species. CONCLUSIONS: Our results enlighten the genetic basis of fundamental and putatively virulence-related traits of dermatophytes, advancing future research on these medically important pathogens.
Two distinct, TATA box-containing promoters regulate the transcriptional activity of the Xenopus vitellogenin A1 gene. These two promoters are of different strength and are separated by 1.8 kilobase pairs of untranslated sequence. Estrogen receptor (ER) and its ligand, 17beta-estradiol, induce the activity of both promoters. The estrogen response elements (EREs) are located proximal to the downstream i promoter while no ERE-like sequences have been identified in the vicinity of the upstream io promoter. We show here, that transcriptional activity of the upstream io promoter is Sp1-dependent. Moreover, we demonstrate that estrogen inducibility of the io promoter results from functional interactions between the io bound Sp1 and the ER bound at the proximity of i. Functional interactions between Sp1 and ER do not require the presence of a TATA box for transcriptional activation, as is demonstrated using the acyl-CoA oxidase promoter. The relative positions that ER and Sp1 occupy with respect to the initiation site determines whether these two transcription activators can synergize for transcription initiation.
Steroid receptors are nuclear proteins that regulate gene transcription in a ligand-dependent manner. Over-expression of the Xenopus estrogen receptor in a vaccinia virus-derived expression system revealed that the receptor localized exclusively in the nucleus of the infected cells, irrespective of the presence or absence of the ligand. Furthermore, two forms of the receptor were produced, a full-length and a N-terminal truncated version, which are translated from a single mRNA species by the use of two AUG within the same reading frame. These 66- and 61-kDa receptors were also observed after in vitro translation of the mRNA as well as in primary Xenopus hepatocytes. Both forms are potent estrogen-dependent transcriptional activators in transient transfection experiments, as well as in in vitro transcription assays.
Interaction between CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, and its ligand CD40L, a 39-kDa glycoprotein, is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. Selective blockade or activation of this pathway provides the ground for the development of new treatments against immunologically based diseases and malignancies. Like other members of the TNF superfamily, CD40L monomers self-assemble around a threefold symmetry axis to form noncovalent homotrimers that can each bind three receptor molecules. Here, we report on the structure-based design of small synthetic molecules with C3 symmetry that can mimic CD40L homotrimers. These molecules interact with CD40, compete with the binding of CD40L to CD40, and reproduce, to a certain extent, the functional properties of the much larger homotrimeric soluble CD40L. Architectures based on rigid C3-symmetric cores may thus represent a general approach to mimicking homotrimers of the TNF superfamily.
Avidity of Ag recognition by tumor-specific T cells is one of the main parameters that determines the potency of a tumor rejection Ag. In this study we show that the relative efficiency of staining of tumor Ag-specific T lymphocytes with the corresponding fluorescent MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes can considerably vary with staining conditions and does not necessarily correlate with avidity of Ag recognition. Instead, we found a clear correlation between avidity of Ag recognition and the stability of MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes interaction with TCR as measured in dissociation kinetic experiments. These findings are relevant for both identification and isolation of tumor-reactive CTL.
Mutations in the epithelial morphogen ectodysplasin-A (EDA), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family, are responsible for the human disorder X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) characterized by impaired development of hair, eccrine sweat glands, and teeth. EDA-A1 and EDA-A2 are two splice variants of EDA, which bind distinct EDA-A1 and X-linked EDA-A2 receptors. We identified a series of novel EDA mutations in families with XLHED, allowing the identification of the following three functionally important regions in EDA: a C-terminal TNF homology domain, a collagen domain, and a furin protease recognition sequence. Mutations in the TNF homology domain impair binding of both splice variants to their receptors. Mutations in the collagen domain can inhibit multimerization of the TNF homology region, whereas those in the consensus furin recognition sequence prevent proteolytic cleavage of EDA. Finally, a mutation affecting an intron splice donor site is predicted to eliminate specifically the EDA-A1 but not the EDA-A2 splice variant. Thus a proteolytically processed, oligomeric form of EDA-A1 is required in vivo for proper morphogenesis.
Le rein joue un rôle essential dans le maintien de l'homéostasie des fluides extracellulaires (FEC) et la pression artérielle. L'objectif de notre groupe est d'identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie des FEC et de la pression artérielle par le rein. Projet 1) Caractérisation du rôle fonctionnel du récepteur à l'a-cétogluatarate Oxgrl dans le rein Oxgrl est le récepteur spécifique de l'a-cétogluatarate, une moléule intermédiaire du cycle de l'acide citrique, filtrée par le rein et réabsorbée ou secrétée au niveau des tubules proximaux. Le rôle fonctionnel de ces deux récepteurs reste inconnu. Nos résultats montrent qu'Oxgrl est localisé au niveau des cellules intercalaires du tube collecteur (CCD). Des souris (Oxgrr/_) montrent une diminution du pH urinaire ,une augmentation de la concentration de l'acide urinaire titrable et une augmentation des niveaux d'a-cétoglutarate. Le traitement au Na-bicarbonate provoque une augmentation plus prononcée de l'alcalose métabolique chez les souris Oxgrl"7"' accompagnée d'une augmentation de la concentration de bicarbonate et une diminution du niveau de chlore plasmatique. En parallèle, des études de microperfusion ont montré que a-cétoglutarate stimule la réabsorption éléctroneutre de NaCl dans le CCD des souris de type sauvage mais pas des souris Oxgrl"7". En résumé, ces résultats montrent que l'a-cétoglutarate joue un rôle de molécule messagère du tubule proximal jusqu'au tube collecteur au niveau du rein et qu'Oxgrl pourrait être impliqué dans la régulation de l'échange Cl/bicarbonate et la réabsorption du NaCl dans les cellules intercalées. Projet 2) Rôle du système circadien dans les cellules productrices de rénine. Le système chronologique circadien est un mécanisme moléculaire ubiquitaire qui permet à l'organisme de coordonner ses fonctions principales en fonction du temps géophysique. Comme l'activité de la rénine plasmatique montre une rythmicité circadienne nette chez l'homme et la souris ; dans ce projet, nous avons abordé la question à savoir dans quelle mesure le système circadien est impliqué dans cette variabilité circadienne. Pour cela, le gène Bmall, élément principal de l'horloge moléculaire, a été perturbé dans les cellules granulaires productrices de rénine par le système Cre-LoxP. Nos résultats montrent que les souris Renld- Cre/Bmalllox/lox (cKO) présentent de faibles taux d'ARNm de Reni, altèrent la dynamique d'expression de la protéine rénine, mais il le niveau de concentration plasmatique de la rénine reste le même. Cependant, les souris cKO montrent une réduction significative de la concentration plasmatique de l'aldostérone. Nos analyses de l'urine récupérée dans des intervalles de temps de 24 et 1 heure montrent une augmentation du volume urinaire, une tendance à une hypercalciurie, ainsi qu'une altération de la dynamique d'excrétion urinaire de sodium chez les souris cKO. Plusieurs gènes impliqués dans la production/sécrétion de la rénine et dans le contrôle de la fonction rénale montrent une altération de l'expression circadienne d'ARNm. Par ailleurs, les souris cKO montrent une baisse significative de la pression artérielle. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'horloge intrinsèque des cellules productrices de la rénine joue un rôle important dans le control des FEC et l'homéostasie de la pression artérielle via régulation de la fonction rénale.
The identification of novel transcription factors associated with antifungal response may allow the discovery of fungus-specific targets for new therapeutic strategies. A collection of 241 Candida albicans transcriptional regulator mutants was screened for altered susceptibility to fluconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin B, and 5-fluorocytosine. Thirteen of these mutants not yet identified in terms of their role in antifungal response were further investigated, and the function of one of them, a mutant of orf19.6102 (RCA1), was characterized by transcriptome analysis. Strand-specific RNA sequencing and phenotypic tests assigned Rca1 as the regulator of hyphal formation through the cyclic AMP/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) signaling pathway and the transcription factor Efg1, but also probably through its interaction with a transcriptional repressor, most likely Tup1. The mechanisms responsible for the high level of resistance to caspofungin and fluconazole observed resulting from RCA1 deletion were investigated. From our observations, we propose that caspofungin resistance was the consequence of the deregulation of cell wall gene expression and that fluconazole resistance was linked to the modulation of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway activity. In conclusion, our large-scale screening of a C. albicans transcription factor mutant collection allowed the identification of new effectors of the response to antifungals. The functional characterization of Rca1 assigned this transcription factor and its downstream targets as promising candidates for the development of new therapeutic strategies, as Rca1 influences host sensing, hyphal development, and antifungal response.
Although the multilayered structure of the plant cuticle was discovered many years ago, the molecular basis of its formation and the functional relevance of the layers are not understood. Here, we present the permeable cuticle1 (pec1) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, which displays features associated with a highly permeable cuticle in several organs. In pec1 flowers, typical cutin monomers, such as ω-hydroxylated fatty acids and 10,16-dihydroxypalmitate, are reduced to 40% of wild-type levels and are accompanied by the appearance of lipidic inclusions within the epidermal cell. The cuticular layer of the cell wall, rather than the cuticle proper, is structurally altered in pec1 petals. Therefore, a significant role for the formation of the diffusion barrier in petals can be attributed to this layer. Thus, pec1 defines a new class of mutants. The phenotypes of the pec1 mutant are caused by the knockout of ATP BINDING CASSETTEG32 (ABCG32), an ABC transporter from the PLEIOTROPIC DRUG RESISTANCE family that is localized at the plasma membrane of epidermal cells in a polar manner toward the surface of the organs. Our results suggest that ABCG32 is involved in the formation of the cuticular layer of the cell wall, most likely by exporting particular cutin precursors from the epidermal cell.
In a world with two countries which differ in size, we study theimpact of (the speed of) trade liberalization on firms' profitsand total welfare of the countries involved. Firms correctlyanticipate the pace of trade liberalization and take it intoaccount when deciding on their product choices, which areendogenously determined at the beginning of the game. Competitionin the marketplace then occurs either on quantities or on prices.As long as the autarkic phase continues, local firms are nationalmonopolists. When trade liberalization occurs, firms compete in aninternational duopoly. We analyze trade effects by using twodifferent models of product differentiation. Across all thespecifications adopted (and independently of the price v. quantitycompetition hypothesis), total welfare always unambiguously riseswith the speed of trade liberalization: Possible losses by firmsare always outweighed by consumers' gains, which come under theform of lower prices, enlarged variety of higher average qualitiesavailable. The effect on profits depends on the type of industryanalyzed. Two results in particular seem to be worth of mention.With vertical product differentiation and fixed costs of qualityimprovements, the expected size of the market faced by the firmsdetermines the incentive to invest in quality. The longer the periodof autarky, the lower the possibility that the firm from the smallcountry would be producing the high quality and be the leader in theinternational market when it opens. On the contrary, when trade opensimmediately, national markets do not play any role and firms fromdifferent countries have the same opportunity to become the leader.Hence, immediate trade liberalization might be in the interest ofproducers in the small country. In general, the lower the size of thesmall country, the more likely its firm will gain from tradeliberalization. Losses from the small country firm can arise when itis relegated to low quality good production and the domestic marketsize is not very small. With horizontal product differentiation (thehomogeneous good case being a limit case of it when costs ofdifferentiation tend to infinity), investments in differentiationbenefit both firms in equal manner. Firms from the small country do notrun the risk of being relegated to a lower competitive position undertrade. As a result, they would never lose from it. Instead, firms fromthe large country may still incur losses from the opening of trade whenthe market expansion effect is low (i.e. when the country is very largerelative to the other).
Diverse sources of GABAergic inhibition are a major feature of cortical networks, but distinct inhibitory input systems have not been systematically characterized in the thalamus. Here, we contrasted the properties of two independent GABAergic pathways in the posterior thalamic nucleus of rat, one input from the reticular thalamic nucleus (nRT), and one "extrareticular" input from the anterior pretectal nucleus (APT). The vast majority of nRT-thalamic terminals formed single synapses per postsynaptic target and innervated thin distal dendrites of relay cells. In contrast, single APT-thalamic terminals formed synaptic contacts exclusively via multiple, closely spaced synapses on thick relay cell dendrites. Quantal analysis demonstrated that the two inputs displayed comparable quantal amplitudes, release probabilities, and multiple release sites. The morphological and physiological data together indicated multiple, single-site contacts for nRT and multisite contacts for APT axons. The contrasting synaptic arrangements of the two pathways were paralleled by different short-term plasticities. The multisite APT-thalamic pathway showed larger charge transfer during 50-100 Hz stimulation compared with the nRT pathway and a greater persistent inhibition accruing during stimulation trains. Our results demonstrate that the two inhibitory systems are morpho-functionally distinct and suggest and that multisite GABAergic terminals are tailored for maintained synaptic inhibition even at high presynaptic firing rates. These data explain the efficacy of extrareticular inhibition in timing relay cell activity in sensory and motor thalamic nuclei. Finally, based on the classic nomenclature and the difference between reticular and extrareticular terminals, we define a novel, multisite GABAergic terminal type (F3) in the thalamus.
Correspondence analysis is introduced in the brand associationliterature as an alternative tool to measure dominance, for theparticular case of free choice data. The method is also used to analysedifferences, or asymmetries, between brand-attribute associations whereattributes are associated with evoked brands, and brand-attributeassociations where brands are associated with the attributes. Anapplication to a sample of deodorants is used to illustrate the proposedmethodology.