713 resultados para Funcionamento familiar - Family functioning
Introduo e objetivo: Atualmente as Instituies Particulares de Solidariedade Social deparam-se com mudanas de caracter social, econmico e legislativo, que tm afetado o seu funcionamento e financiamento. Pelo que, impe-se s suas direes responder s necessidades sociais com maior responsabilidade e eficincia num contexto de maior escassez de recursos. Neste sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender o modo como as Instituies Particulares de Solidariedade Social tomam decises, ao nvel do financiamento, para um funcionamento eficiente das mesmas. Metodologia: Optou-se por realizar estudos de caso com uma amostra constituda por quatro Instituies Particulares de Solidariedade Social. A recolha de dados foi feita atravs de entrevistas semiestruturadas e anlise documental. O tratamento de dados foi feito atravs de anlise de contedo e com recurso ao software QRS Nvivo verso 10. Resultados: Os principais resultados indicam que: a) as necessidades sociais influenciam decises de aumento e diminuio da capacidade de respostas das instituies; b) o sistema legal influencia a perpetuao de intervenes de caracter institucional; c) a conjuntura econmica influencia a presso sobre o preo da comparticipao familiar e o aumento da concorrncia entre instituies; d) a escassez de recursos constitui-se como denominador comum entre instituies, influenciando decises de investimento que assumem o financiamento pblico como um facto consumado; e) as prticas de liderana e gesto desenvolvidas por direes com elementos que tm conhecimentos na rea financeira so mais propensas a assumir o risco e a aumentar a complexidade operativa das instituies f) as prticas de envolvimento de stakeholders internos e externos contribuem para a aquisio de apoio na prossecuo dos seus objetivos. Concluso: As tomadas de deciso das instituies com acordos com a segurana social assemelham-se por prevalecer o desenvolvimento de respostas tipificadas, com acordo com a segurana social. Apesar disso, os resultados evidenciam a importncia de prticas de liderana e gesto desenvolvidas com a presena de elementos com conhecimentos na rea financeira, para o desenvolvimento de respostas tipificadas com rentabilidade econmica. Salienta-se ainda que o desenvolvimento de prticas de envolvimento de stakeholders internos e externos, baseados na responsabilizao e transparncia, promovem o alcance de apoios para assegurar o desenvolvimento das atividades institucionais, com maior incidncia na instituio sem acordos com a segurana social, mas que os mesmos no asseguram a sua eficincia econmica.
The aim of this research project was to examine the impact of direct work on practitioners in the field of statutory child protection. The authors premise was that this work was anything but straightforward and that surprisingly, given the intense scrutiny on Childrens Services following a child death, there was little research into the day-to-day practice of front line staff. The aim was to explore whether psychoanalytic theory could be useful in understanding and making sense of the social work task. Data was collected through observation and semi-structured interviews in one Local Authority Child in Need team over a period of six months. The findings indicated that practitioners experienced direct work with some individuals and families as profoundly disturbing and that this affected them physiologically as well as psychologically. These effects persisted over time and appeared very difficult for the workers to process or articulate. This could be expressed through embodied or non-verbal communication in the interview. Practitioners appeared to be inhabited by particular clients, suggesting phenomena such as projective identification were in operation. The intensity and persistence of the impact on the practitioners appears to be directly related to the quality, nature and intensity of the psychic defences functioning for the particular client. Significantly, the research indicated that when practitioners were dealing with the negative and disturbing projections from the (adult) clients it seemed from the data that the focus on the child would slip so that the child appeared to recede from view. Symptoms experienced by the practitioners were akin to trauma and research and theory on primary and secondary trauma were considered. Other issues raised included shame, which affects the clients, practitioners and the organisation and the meaning and implications of this are explored. Links between neuroscience and projective identification are addressed as well as the role of the organisation, particularly as a container for these toxic and disturbing encounters.
The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossor/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated
Debido a la escasa literatura existente en espaol sobre el tema de protocolo familiar la presente ponencia se propone mostrar los rasgos caractersticos de esta importante carta de navegacin para las familias en entornos empresariales. En primera instancia se aborda con brevedad el marco conflictivo que ms frecuentemente se manifiesta en las empresas familiares y luego se ilustra sobre los principales soportes existentes para prevenir o evitar tal problemtica. El trabajo muestra luego la razn de serdel protocolo resaltando los principales beneficios que se persiguen con los compromisos asumidos en l. Se muestran posteriormente los factores relevantes previos a la elaboracin yse induce hacia una posible estructura gua, obviamente sujeta a modificaciones y ajustes para cada caso de empresa familiar.la inercia inicial a los interesados en esta temtica para que su esfuerzo en la elaboracin de un protocolo familiar se vea favorecido con algunas pautas que ayuden a clarificar ese proceso. El autor, sin embargo, hace un llamado a quienes conocen o tienen estudios sobre este tema, para que manifiesten los criterios, aportes o sugerencias que puedan contribuir a la complementacin y mejora de este documento. Al respecto,toda nuestra disposicin e inters estn abiertos.
This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupils performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively
RESUMO A importncia das empresas familiares nas economias modernas exige que sejam melhor conhecidos os processos de tomada de deciso nas mesmas, nomeadamente, aqueles que tm origem no seio das famlias que as detm ou controlam. A separao do patrimnio da famlia e do patrimnio afecto ao negcio uma condio necessria para um bom relacionamento entre estes dois subsistemas. semelhana dos rgos de administrao da empresa familiar tambm a famlia empresria tem os seus rgos de governo: reunio de famlia, assembleia de famlia, conselho familiar, comisses familiares ad-hoc, protocolo familiar e family office. So estes rgos que vo ser apresentados. ABSTRACT The importance that family firms have in todays economy requires that one understands the decision making process in these types of firms, particularly the decision making process that stem from within the family circle that controls the firm. In order to understand these processes and the relationship between the two subsystems of decision-making one must separate the familys resources from the familys resources that has been engaged in the business. The family businesses, likewise the family firm, also have its own bodies of administration, such as family assemblies, family councils, family commissions and meetings, family protocols, as well as family office.
Projeto de Graduao apresentado Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obteno do grau de licenciada em Enfermagem
Crianas dependentes do uso de tecnologias para viver necessitam de cuidados diferenciados, tanto dos profissionais da sade como de sua famlia. Para o enfermeiro atuar junto famlia da criana dependente do uso de tecnologias necessrio que compreenda quais so os recursos importantes para o enfrentamento de situaes estressantes que envolvem, necessariamente, o conviver com a doena e o cuidado. Ao vivenciar a relao com essa famlia, o enfermeiro estuda e desenvolve sua prtica de aprendizado e de ensino sobre o cuidado humano, criando o fazer profissional e, nesse processo de aprender/ensinar/criar, ele concebe, organiza e expressa aes de cuidado. A compreenso da experincia da famlia no processo de cuidar da criana em seu cotidiano pode subsidiar as intervenes da enfermagem nessas situaes. Assim, objetivou-se conhecer as vivncias de famlias no cuidado s crianas dependentes de tecnologias. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratria no primeiro semestre de 2014. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com treze familiares cuidadores de crianas dependentes de tecnologias atendidas em uma Unidade de Pediatria de um hospital universitrio do sul do pas e submetidos anlise temtica. Encontraram-se como categorias: caracterizao da populao do estudo; identificao da percepo do familiar cuidador a cerca do cuidado criana dependente de tecnologia; recepo do diagnstico da criana; mudanas do cotidiano familiar em funo do cuidado criana; profissionais de sade e a enfermagem: contribuies para a instrumentalizao do familiar cuidador; facilidades e dificuldades encontradas pelo familiar cuidador durante o cuidado criana dependente de tecnologia; recebimento de ajuda da rede de apoio social para o cuidado criana. Acredita-se que este estudo possibilitou a compreenso da experincia de famlias no processo de cuidar da criana dependente de tecnologias em seu cotidiano, subsidiando as intervenes da enfermagem nessas situaes.
En los ltimos aos, la conciliacin de la vida laboral y familiar ha constituido un motor de impulso para el desarrollo normativo y la creacin de polticas en esta materia, desde las que se fomenta la igualacin de los roles sociales entre hombres y mujeres. En este artculo se realiza un estudio general acerca de la evolucin de conciliacin de la vida laboral, familiar y personal, haciendo referencia a las principales disposiciones normativas adoptadas en la materia en el mbito internacional y en el marco de la Unin Europea, para luego centrarse en el anlisis de esta institucin en el ordenamiento jurdico espaol. Asumir una orientacin moderna en materia de conciliacin de la vida familiar y laboral exige desarrollar e implementar polticas integrales de promocin de la corresponsabilidad, una de cuyas ms recientes manifestaciones ha sido la adopcin de la Directiva 2010/18/UE, de 8 de marzo de 2010, por la que se aprueba el Acuerdo marco revisado sobre el permiso parental, celebrado por Business Europe, la UEAPME, el CEEP y la CES.
Con esta investigacin se pretende analizar la idea de familia que tienen los nios/as en la actualidad y cmo la representan a travs del dibujo infantil. El estudio ha sido realizado a partir de un muestreo realizado a nios/as de entre 4 y 6 aos, extrado de tres escuelas, dos pblicas y una privada en Granada (Espaa). La investigacin mantiene un carcter cualitativo. Para la realizacin del mismo hemos utilizado los siguientes procedimientos: recopilacin de 100 dibujos, otras tantas entrevistas grabadas en audio, observacin visual y notas de campo. Nos aseguramos as un seguimiento tanto del proceso creativo como de la propia opinin de los infantes. En la investigacin, los nios/as mostraron plsticamente una idea de familia nuclear, de cuyos progenitores, el padre fue representado apenas participando en las tareas del hogar; mientras que la madre se represent asociada a las tareas domsticas y al cuidado de sus hijos. Sobre otras realidades familiares, en concreto la familia homosexual, carecen absolutamente de referencias.
Objetivo: Caracterizar os Comits Hospitalares de Preveno de Morte Materna, na cidade de Fortaleza-CE, quanto ao perfil de seus profissionais e metodologia de funcionamento. Mtodos: Estudo descritivo, de corte transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado no perodo de maro a setembro de 2013, pesquisando-se todos os Comits Hospitalares existentes em Fortaleza-CE, por meio de entrevistas com os profissionais responsveis, no total de oito. Utilizou-se um questionrio estruturado contendo 46 perguntas, com todas as variveis baseadas no Manual dos Comits de Morte Materna - 2007, elaborado pelo Ministrio da Sade. Resultados: Os comits so formados por mdicos, enfermeiras, fisioterapeutas e assistente social. Nenhum possui estrutura fsica prpria para seu funcionamento e os profissionais no tm dedicao exclusiva nem recebem remunerao para exercer as atividades. Dois comits possuem regimento, dois se renem mensalmente, um quinzenalmente e um no tem data fixa para se reunir. Todos realizam a investigao hospitalar dos bitos maternos e dos bitos de mulher em idade frtil, discutem os casos com outros profissionais e realizam a divulgao das informaes por meio de relatrios. Concluso: Os Comits Hospitalares de Preveno de Morte Materna em Fortaleza esto organizados conforme a realidade de cada hospital, compostos com carter multiprofissional, com faixa etria predominante de 41 a 59 anos, cujo processo de trabalho est voltado para a vigilncia epidemiologia dos bitos materno, fetal e infantil, bem como da evitabilidade destes, o que os caracteriza como comits funcionantes e atuantes.
Objective: To know the perception of informal caregivers regarding the care for a family member with head and neck cancer. Methods: Qualitative study conducted between March and May 2014 in the radiotherapy outpatient center of the Centro de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia CACON (Oncology High Complexity Center) of the Hospital Universitrio de Braslia HUB (University Hospital of Braslia) using semi-structured interviews with nine caregivers about the experience of caring for family members. Data underwent Content Analysis and four units of meaning were identified: Representation of cancer in the Family, The care as debt, individual reward or reconstruction of family ties, Repercussions of cancer on the caregivers personal life and Social support and network used by caregivers. Results: Feelings of sadness and surprise at the moment of diagnosis were attributed to cancer, as well as the idea of punishment. The care was seen as personal satisfaction, accomplishment and opportunity for family rapprochement. Work overload and change in routine were altered functions. Religiosity, exchange of experience in the waiting room and institutional support appeared as coping strategies. Conclusion: The experience of caring for family members with head and neck cancer directly interferes in the lives of caregivers. Pointing out the institutional embracement as a strategy within the social network reinforces the importance of integrating the caregivers as a significant part of the health care plan developed by the health team.
Nas ltimas dcadas a Interveno Precoce tem demonstrado a sua utilidade no trabalho com as crianas e as suas famlias. Sendo consensual a sua importncia, importa, tambm, que seja objecto de reflexo e investigao. O distrito de vora pioneiro na implementao de estratgias na rea da Interveno Precoce, desde o final da dcada de 80, apresentando, uma vasta experincia organizacional. Por isso entendemos ser o local ideal para a execuo deste estudo, com o qual pretendemos conhecer e caracterizar os vrios intervenientes nas prticas da Interveno Precoce e, fundamentalmente, as abordagens que so realizadas s famlias em que ocorrem maus tratos infantis. O desenho metodolgico utilizado assenta num estudo descritivo utilizando mtodos quantitativos e qualitativos. Para a recolha de dados foi utilizado o questionrio auto-preenchido, com questes abertas e fechadas, fazendo-se posteriormente o tratamento estatstico dos dados e a anlise de contedo das respostas. A populao deste estudo foi formada pelos tcnicos de todas as equipas de Interveno Precoce do distrito de vora. Nunca perdendo de vista a perspectiva ecolgica/sistmica, a realizao deste estudo proporciona-nos uma viso dos diversos contextos ambientais e sistmicos existentes nas abordagens realizadas s famlias, evidenciando a importncia e a adequao de estratgias que promovam a competncia das famlias. ABSTRACT; ln the last decades Early Intervention has demonstrated its usefulness towards the children and their families. Therefore further ponderation and investigation on the subject is most important. The vora district pioneers the implementation of Early Intervention strategies, since the late 80s and hence, vast organization experience. This makes it the ideal location to implement this study, which aims to learn and characterize the participants in the Early Intervention, and also the approaches directed at the families where child abuse occurs. The methodical design of this study is descriptive, and both quantitative and qualitative in method. The data was collected by a self-completed questionnaire, composed of open and closed questions, and then subjected to statistic and content analysis. The study population was composed by the technicians of all the teams in the Early Intervention program, of the vora district. While not neglecting the ecological/systemic perspective, of this study, it allowed us an overall outlook of the various environmental and systemic contexts, that exist regarding the families and thus their importance in promoting the family competences was underlined.
This study analyzes differences in metacognitive skills and executive functioning between two groups of students (10-12 years) with different levels of metacognitive knowledge (high n = 50, low n = 64). Groups were established based on students' score on a test of knowledge of strategy use. Metacognitive skills were assessed by means of self-report. Students reported the frequency with which they applied these strategies during the phases of planning, execution, and evaluation of learning. Information about student executive functioning was provided by families and teachers, who completed two parallel forms of a behavior rating scale. The results indicated that: a) the group with high levels of metacognitive knowledge reported using their metacognitive skills more frequently than their peers in the other group. These differences were statistically significant in the phases of planning and execution; b) both family and teachers informed of better levels of executive functioning in the students with high metacognitive knowledge. Statistically significant differences were found in planning, functional memory, focus, and sustained attention. These results show the existence of an association between different levels of metacognitive knowledge, and differences in metacognitive skills and executive functions, and suggest the need to emphasize this set of variables in order to encourage students to acquire increasing levels of control over their learning process.
Relatrio de estgio apresentado Escola Superior de Educao de Paula Frassinetti para obteno de grau de Mestre em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico