883 resultados para Foley, John Miles
Letter to Joseph A. Woodruff from John Stannage (3 pages) stating that the Sheriff of Lincoln County had no right to sell any of the glebes [land belonging or yielding revenue to a parish church] of Crowland for taxes in either 1852 or 1857, Nov. 25, 1862.
Letter to Joseph A. Woodruff from John Stannage (3 pages) Asking Mr. Woodruff not to proceed with the deed for the land in Crowland until he finds what Mr. Miller says, Nov. 19, 1862.
Indenture of quit claim between John and Nancy Ann Kerlin of the Township of Grantham to Joseph Augustus Woodruff of the Town of Niagara for 100 acres in the west half of Lot no. 29 in the 2nd Concession in the Township of Nissouri, Middlesex, April 29, 1853.
Indenture of quit claim between John and Deborah Ann McNeilly of the Town of Niagara and Joseph Augustus Woodruff of the Town of Niagara regarding 4 acres on the west side of King Street in Niagara, Dec. 4, 1853.
John R.A. Mayer (de Berncastle) was a professor in the Philosophy Department at Brock University from 1965 to 1997. During his career at Brock he served as Chair of the Philosophy Department and as Associate Dean of Arts and Science. In 1972 he conceived the Master of Philosophy Program, along with G.M.C. Sprung. He was also a special member of the Brock Philosophical Society, a group of Brock alumni, faculty, students and Niagara citizens, which promoted an open and free discussion of ideas.
Receipt to the Estate of the late J.A. Woodruff from Dr. John Comfort for medical services, Oct. 5, 1886.
Letter to Mr. W.D. Woodruff from John A. Macomber of N.W. Harris and Co. of New York stating that they have delivered securities for trusts on the St. Clair County 5’s and Chicago Rock Island and Pacific 4s. Also included are 2 receipts for these bonds, May 23, 1910.
Receipt from John R. Monro, St. Catharines for payment on household items of crockery and china, March 1, 1887.
Receipt from John Burrow, Steam and Gas Fitter and Plumber, St. Catharines for work done, March 31, 1887.
Receipt from John R. Monro, Tea, China, Glass and Crockery House, St. Catharines for kitchen items, shoes and mustard, April 12, 1887.
Receipt from John Henderson and Co., Manufacturers of Hats, Caps and Furs and dealers in Indian Curiosities, Montreal for furs and buttons, Oct. 13, 1887.
Receipt from John Burrow, Plumber and House Furnishings, St. Catharines for potato masher and kettles, Nov. 4, 1887.
Receipt from John Burrow, St. Catharines for oil and other items, Jan. 1, 1888.
Receipt from Foley, Fitzgerald and Co., Bakers and Confectioners, St. Catharines for baked goods, Feb. 29, 1888.
Letter to the Honourable William Dickson from John Traihar [?] in which he states that he will tell Mr. Dickson about Walter Gladmuir and Mr. Henderson when they meet (1 ½ pages, handwritten), July 17, 1825.