977 resultados para Flow cytometry
Wood contains only a very small amount of lipophilic extractives, commonly known as wood pitch. The pitch is known to cause severe problems in papermaking processes. The amount of pitch in process waters can be decreased by seasoning of the raw material prior to pulping, pulp washing, removal of pitch by flotation, adsorption of pitch onto various mineral surfaces, and retention of pitch to the fibre material by cationic polymers. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of pH on some of the methods used for pitch control. Experiments were performed using laboratory-made wood pitch emulsions with varying pH, salt concentration, hemicellulose concentration and pitch composition. These emulsions were used to study the phase distribution of resin and fatty acids, the colloidal stability of pitch with and without steric stabilisation by galactoglucomannans, and the interactions between wood pitch and mineral particles. Purification of unbleached and peroxidebleached mill process water was performed by froth flotation in combination with a foaming agent. The distribution of resin and fatty acids (RFAs) between colloidal pitch droplets and the water phase was very dependent on pH. At pH 3, almost all of the RFAs were attached to the pitch droplets, while increasing the pH led to increasing concentration of dissolved RFAs in the water phase. The presence of salt shifted the release of RFAs towards higher pH, while lower ratio of neutral pitch in the emulsion resulted in release of RFAs at lower pH. It was also seen that the dissolution and adsorption of RFAs at sudden pHchanges takes place very quickly. Colloidal pitch was more stable against electrolyte-induced aggregation at higher pH, due to its higher anionic charge. The concentration of cationic polymers needed to aggregate colloidal pitch also increased with increasing pH. The surface characteristics of solid particles, such as amount of charged groups, were very important for understanding their interactions with colloidal wood pitch. Water-soluble galactoglucomannans stabilised the colloidal pitch sterically against aggregation, but could not completely prevent interactions between wood pitch and hydrophilic particles. Froth flotation of unbleached and peroxidebleached process water showed that the pitch could be removed more effectively and selectively at low pH, compared to at neutral pH. The pitch was removed more effectively, using lower concentrations of foaming agent, from peroxide-bleached water than from unbleached water. The results show that pH has a major impact on various pulping and papermaking processes. It determines the anionic charge of the colloidal pitch and the solubility of certain pitch components. Because of this, the pH influences the effectiveness of pitch retention and removal of pitch. The results indicate that pitch problems could be diminished by acknowledging the importance of pH in various papermaking processes.
Fluoresenssiperusteiset kuvantamismenetelmät lysinurisen proteiini-intoleranssin (LPI) soluhäiriön tutkimuksessa Lysinurinen proteiini-intoleranssi on suomalaiseen tautiperintöön kuuluva autosomaalisesti peit¬tyvästi periytyvä sairaus, jonka aiheuttaa kationisten aminohappojen kuljetushäiriö munuaisten ja ohutsuolen epiteelisolujen basolateraalikalvolla. Aminohappojen kuljetushäiriö johtaa moniin oirei¬siin, kuten kasvuhäiriöön, osteoporoosiin, immuunijärjestelmän häiriöihin, oksenteluun ja runsaspro¬teiinisen ravinnon nauttimisen jälkeiseen hyperammonemiaan. LPI-geeni SLC7A7 (solute carrier family 7 member 7) koodaa y+LAT1 proteiinia, joka on basolateraali¬nen kationisten ja neutraalien aminohappojen kuljettimen kevyt ketju, joka muodostaa heterodimee¬rin raskaan alayksikön 4F2hc:n kanssa. Tällä hetkellä SLC7A7-geenistä tunnetaan yli 50 LPI:n aiheut¬tavaa mutaatiota. Tässä tutkimuksessa erityyppisiä y+LAT1:n LPI-mutaatiota sekä yhdeksän C-terminaalista polypep¬tidiä lyhentävää deleetiota kuvannettiin nisäkässoluissa y+LAT1:n GFP (green fluorescent protein) -fuusioproteiineina. Tulokset vahvistivat muissa soluissa tehdyt havainnot siitä, että 4F2hc on edel¬lytyksenä y+LAT1:n solukalvokuljetukselle, G54V-pistemutantti sijaitsee solukalvolla samoin kuin vil¬lityyppinen proteiini, mutta lukukehystä muuttavia ja proteiinia lyhentäviä mutantteja ei kuljeteta solukalvoon. Lisäksi havaittiin, että poikkeuksena tästä säännöstä ovat y+LAT1-deleetioproteiinit, joista puuttui korkeintaan 50 C-terminaalista aminohappoa. Nämä lyhentyneet kuljettimet sijaitsevat solukalvolla kuten villityyppiset ja LPI-pistemutanttiproteiinit. Dimerisaation osuutta kuljetushäiriön synnyssä tutkittiin käyttämällä fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) menetelmää. Heterodimeerin alayksiköistä kloonattiin ECFP (cyan) ja EYFP (yellow) fuusioproteiinit, joita ilmennettiin nisäkässoluissa, ja FRET mitattiin virtaussytometri-FRET -menetel¬mällä (FACS-FRET). Tutkimuksissa kaikkien mutanttien havaittiin dimerisoituvan yhtä tehokkaasti. Kul¬jetushäiriön syynä ei siten ole alayksiköiden dimerisaation estyminen mutaation seurauksena. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kaikki mutantti-y+LAT1-transfektiot tuottavat vähemmän transfektoi¬tuneita soluja kuin villityyppisen y+LAT1:n transfektiot. Solupopulaatioissa, joihin oli tranfektoitu lu¬kukehystä muuttava tai stop-kodonin tuottava mutaatio havaittiin suurempi kuolleisuus kuin saman näytteen transfektoitumattomissa soluissa, kun taas villityyppistä tai G54V-pistemutanttia tuottavas¬sa solupopulaatiossa oli pienempi kuolleisuus kuin saman näytteen fuusioproteiinia ilmentämättö¬missä soluissa. Tulos osoittaa mutanttiproteiinien erilaiset vaikutukset niitä ilmentäviin soluihin, joko suoraan y+LAT1:n tai 4F2hc:n kautta aiheutuneina. LPIFin SLC7A7 lähetti-RNA:n määrä ei merkittävästi poikennut villityyppisen määrästä fibroblasteissa ja lymfoblasteissa. SLC7A7:n promoottorianalyysissä oli osoitettavissa säätelyalueita geenin 5’ ei-koo¬daavalla alueella sekä ensimmäisten kahden intronin alueella. LPI-taudin tautimekanismin kannalta keskeisin tekijä on kuitenkin aminohappokuljetuksen häiriö, jonka vaikutuksesta näistä aminohapoista riippuvaiset prosessit elimistössä eivät toimi normaalisti. Havaittu virheellinen y+LAT1/4F2hc kuljetuskompleksin sijainti edellyttää lisätutkimuksia sen mahdol¬lisen kliinisen merkityksen selvittämiseksi.
Papperstillverkningen störs ofta av oönskade föreningar som kan bilda avsättningar på processytor, vilket i sin tur kan ge upphov till störningar i pappersproduktionen samt försämring av papperskvaliteten. Förutom avsättningar av vedharts är stenliknande avlagringar av svårlösliga salter vanliga. I vårt dagliga liv är kalkavlagringar i kaffe- och vattenkokare exempel på liknande problem. I massa- och pappersindustrin är en av de mest problematiska föreningarna kalciumoxalat; detta salt är nästan olösligt i vatten och avlagringarna är mycket svåra att avlägsna. Kalciumoxalat är också känt som en av orsakerna till njurstenar hos människor. Veden och speciellt barken innehåller alltid en viss mängd oxalat men en större källa är oxalsyra som bildas när massan bleks med oxiderande kemikalier, t.ex. väteperoxid. Kalciumoxalat bildas när oxalsyran reagerar med kalcium som kommer in i processen med råvattnet, veden eller olika tillsatsmedel. I denna avhandling undersöktes faktorer som påverkar bildningen av oxalsyra och utfällningen av kalciumoxalat, med hjälp av bleknings- och utfällningsexperiment. Forskningens fokus låg speciellt på olika sätt att förebygga uppkomsten av avlagringar vid tillverkning av trähaltigt papper. Resultaten i denna avhandling visar att bildningen av oxalsyra samt utfällning av kalciumoxalat kan påverkas genom processtekniska och våtändskemiska metoder. Noggrann avbarkning av veden, kontrollerade förhållanden under den alkaliska peroxidblekningen, noggrann hantering och kontroll av andra lösta och kolloidala substanser, samt utnyttjande av skräddarsydd kemi för kontroll av avlagringar är nyckelfaktorer. Resultaten kan utnyttjas då man planerar blekningssekvenser för olika massor samt för att lösa problem orsakade av kalciumoxalat. Forskningsmetoderna som användes i utfällningsstudierna samt för utvärdering av tillsatsmedel kan också utnyttjas inom andra områden, t.ex. bryggeri- och sockerindustrin, där kalciumoxalatproblem är vanligt förekommande. -------------------------------------------- Paperinvalmistusta häiritsevät usein erilaiset epäpuhtaudet, jotka kiinnittyvät prosessipinnoille ja haittaavat tuotantoa sekä paperin laatua. Puun pihkan lisäksi eräs yleinen ongelma on niukkaliukoisten suolojen aiheuttamat kivettymät. Kalkkisaostuma kahvinkeittimessä on esimerkki vastaavasta ongelmasta arkielämässä. Massa- ja paperiteollisuudessa yksi hankalimmista kivettymien muodostajista on kalsiumoksalaatti, koska se on lähes liukenematonta ja sen aiheuttamat saostumat ovat erittäin vaikeasti poistettavia. Kalsiumoksalaatti on yleisesti tunnettu myös munuaiskivien aiheuttajana ihmisillä. Puu ja varsinkin sen kuori sisältää aina jonkin verran oksalaattia, mutta suurempi lähde on kuitenkin oksaalihappo jota muodostuu valkaistaessa massaa hapettavilla kemikaaleilla, kuten vetyperoksidilla. Kalsiumoksalaattia syntyy kun veden, puun ja lisäaineiden mukana prosessiin tuleva kalsium reagoi oksalaatin kanssa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä valkaisu- ja saostumiskokeiden avulla. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli saostumien ehkäisemisessä puupitoisten painopaperien valmistuksessa. Työssä saadut tulokset osoittavat että oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen voidaan vaikuttaa sekä prosessiteknisten että märänpään kemian keinojen avulla. Tehokas puun kuorinta, optimoidut olosuhteet peroksidivalkaisussa, muiden liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden hallinta sekä räätälöidyn kemian hyödyntäminen kalsiumoksalaattisaostumien torjunnassa ovat keskeisissä rooleissa ongelmien välttämiseksi. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää massan valkaisulinjoja suunniteltaessa sekä kalsiumoksalaatin aiheuttamien ongelmien ratkaisemisessa. Tutkimusmenetelmiä, joita käytettiin saostumiskokeissa ja eri lisäaineiden vaikutusten arvioinnissa, voidaan hyödyntää massa- ja paperiteollisuuden lisäksi myös muilla alueilla, kuten sokeri- ja panimoteollisuudessa, joissa ongelma on myös yleinen.
Human localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL), induced by Leishmania braziliensis, ranges from a clinically mild, self-healing disease with localized cutaneous lesions to severe forms which can present secondary metastatic lesions. The T cell-mediated immune response is extremely important to define the outcome of the disease; however, the underlying mechanisms involved are not fully understood. A flow cytometric analysis of incorporation of 7-amino actinomycin D and CD4+ or CD8+ T cell surface phenotyping was used to determine whether different frequencies of early apoptosis or accidental cell death occur at different stages of LCL lesions. When all cells obtained from a biopsy sample were analyzed, larger numbers of early apoptotic and dead cells were observed in lesions from patients with active disease (mean = 39.5 ± 2.7%) as compared with lesions undergoing spontaneous healing (mean = 17.8 ± 2.2%). Cells displaying normal viability patterns obtained from active LCL lesions showed higher numbers of early apoptotic events among CD8+ than among CD4+ T cells (mean = 28.5 ± 3.8 and 15.3 ± 3.0%, respectively). The higher frequency of cell death events in CD8+ T cells from patients with LCL may be associated with an active form of the disease. In addition, low frequencies of early apoptotic events among the CD8+ T cells were observed in two patients with self-healing lesions. Although the number of patients in the latter group was small, it is possible to speculate that, during the immune response, differences in apoptotic events in CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets could be responsible for controlling the CD4/CD8 ratio, thus leading to healing or maintenance of disease.
A close correlation between vitamin D receptor (VDR) abundance and cell proliferation rate has been shown in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, MCF-7 breast cancer and in HL-60 myeloblastic cells. We have now determined if this association occurs in other leukemic cell lines, U937 and K562, and if VDR content is related to c-myc expression, which is also linked to cell growth state. Upon phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) treatment, cells from the three lineages (HL-60, U937 and K562) differentiated and expressed specific surface antigens. All cell lines analyzed were growth inhibited by PMA and the doubling time was increased, mainly due to an increased fraction of cells in the G0/G1 phase, as determined by flow cytometry measurements of incorporated bromodeoxyuridine and cell DNA content. C-myc mRNA expression was down-regulated and closely correlated to cell growth arrest. However, VDR expression in leukemic cell lines, as determined by immunofluorescence and Northern blot assays, was not consistently changed upon inhibition of cell proliferation since VDR levels were down-regulated only in HL-60 cells. Our data suggest that VDR expression cannot be explained simply as a reflection of the leukemic cell growth state.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the multicellular resistance of human hepatocarcinoma cells BEL-7402 to pharmorubicin. Cells (1 x 10(4)) and 200 microcarrier Cytodex-3 beads were seeded onto a 24-well plate and cultured in RPMI 1640 medium. After the formation of multicellular aggregates, morphology and cell viability were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and flow cytometry, respectively. The IC50 was determined by flow cytometry and MTT assay after the cells cultured in aggregates and monolayers were treated with pharmorubicin. The culture products exhibited structural characteristics somewhat similar to those of trabecular hepatocarcinoma in vivo. Among the microcarriers, cells were organized into several layers. Intercellular spaces were 0.5-2.0 µm wide and filled with many microvilli. The percent of viable cells was 87%. The cells cultured as multicellular aggregates were resistant to pharmorubicin with IC50 4.5-fold and 7.7-fold that of monolayer culture as determined by flow cytometry and MTT assay, respectively. This three-dimensional culture model may be used to investigate the mechanisms of multicellular drug resistance of hepatocarcinoma and to screen new anticancer drugs.
We have evaluated the cellular and humoral immune response to primary respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in young infants. Serum specimens from 65 patients <=12 months of age (39 males and 26 females, 28 cases <3 months and 37 cases > or = 3 months; median 3 ± 3.9 months) were tested for anti-RSV IgG and IgG subclass antibodies by EIA. Flow cytometry was used to characterize cell surface markers expressed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 29 RSV-infected children. There was a low rate of seroconversion in children <3 months of age, whose acute-phase PBMC were mostly T lymphocytes (63.0 ± 9.0%). In contrast, a higher rate of seroconversion was observed in children >3 months of age, with predominance of B lymphocytes (71.0 ± 17.7%). Stimulation of PBMC with RSV (2 x 10(5) TCID50) for 48 h did not induce a detectable increase in intracellular cytokines and only a few showed a detectable increase in RSV-specific secreted cytokines. These data suggest that age is an important factor affecting the infants' ability to develop an immune response to RSV.
We have determined the number of circulating T, B and natural killer cells in renal transplant recipients in order to detect changes during cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections. Serial blood samples were taken from 61 patients on standard triple immunosuppression therapy (cyclosporin A, azathioprine and prednisone). Using two-color flow cytometry analysis, the absolute number of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD19+, CD3+HLA-DR+ and CD16+56+ cells was determined. Forty-eight patients (78.7%) developed active CMV infection, and all of them subsequently recovered. Twenty of the infected patients (32.8%) presented symptoms compatible with CMV disease during the infectious process. The number of lymphocytes and their main subpopulations were normal before the onset of CMV disease. During the disease there was a decrease followed by a significant increase (P<0.005) in the number of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ and CD3+HLA-DR+ cells. No significant changes were observed in natural killer cells or B lymphocytes during the disease. We conclude, as observed in all viremic patients recovering from infection, that recovery is associated with an increase in the number of T cell subsets. The monitoring of different lymphocyte subsets along with antigenemia can be extremely useful in the detection of patients at high risk of developing CMV symptoms, allowing the early introduction of antiviral therapy or the reduction of immunosuppression therapy.
Cells usually lose adhesion and increase proliferation and migration during malignant transformation. Here, we studied how proliferation can affect the other two characteristics, which ultimately lead to invasion and metastasis. We determined the expression of ß1 integrins, as well as adhesion and migration towards laminin-1, fibronectin, collagens type I and type IV presented by LISP-1 colorectal cancer cells exposed to 2.5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), an agent capable of decreasing proliferation in this poorly differentiated colorectal cell line. Untreated cells (control), as shown by flow cytometry and monoclonal antibodies, expressed alpha2 (63.8 ± 11.3% positive cells), alpha3 (93.3 ± 7.0%), alpha5 (50.4 ± 12.0%) and alpha6 (34.1 ± 4.9%) integrins but not alpha1, alpha4, alphav or ß4. Cells adhered well to laminin-1 (73.4 ± 6.0%) and fibronectin (40.0 ± 2.0%) substrates but very little to collagens. By using blocking monoclonal antibodies, we showed that alpha2, alpha3 and alpha6 mediated laminin-1 adhesion, but neither alpha3 nor alpha5 contributed to fibronectin adherence. DMSO arrested cells at G0/G1 (control: 55.0 ± 2.4% vs DMSO: 70.7 ± 2.5%) while simultaneously reducing alpha5 (24.2 ± 19%) and alpha6 (14.3 ± 10.8%) expression as well as c-myc mRNA (7-fold), the latter shown by Northern blotting. Although the adhesion rate did not change after exposure to DMSO, alpha3 and alpha5 played a major role in laminin-1 and fibronectin adhesion, respectively. Migration towards laminin-1, which was clearly increased upon exposure to DMSO (control: 6 ± 2 cells vs DMSO: 64 ± 6 cells), was blocked by an antibody against alpha6. We conclude that the effects of DMSO on LISP-1 proliferation were accompanied by concurrent changes in the expression and function of integrins, consequently modulating adhesion/migration, and revealing a complex interplay between function/expression and the proliferative state of cells.
The potencies of mammalian cell-derived recombinant human erythropoietin pharmaceutical preparations, from a total of five manufacturers, were assessed by in vivo bioassay using standardized protocols. Eight-week-old normocythemic mice received a single subcutaneous injection followed by blood sampling 96 h later or multiple daily injections with blood sampling 24 h after the last injection. Reticulocyte counting by microscopic examination was employed as the end-point using the brilliant cresyl blue or selective hemolysis methods, together with automated flow cytometry. Different injection schedules were investigated and dose-response curves for the European Pharmacopoeia Biological Reference Preparation of erythropoietin were compared. Manual and automated methods of reticulocyte counting were correlated with respect to assay validity and precision. Using 8 mice per treatment group, intra-assay precision determined for all of the assays in the study showed coefficients of variation of 12.1-28.4% for the brilliant cresyl blue method, 14.1-30.8% for the selective hemolysis method and 8.5-19.7% for the flow cytometry method. Applying the single injection protocol, a combination of at least two independent assays was required to achieve the precision potency and confidence limits indicated by the manufacturers, while the multiple daily injection protocol yielded the same acceptable results within a single assay. Although the latter protocol using flow cytometry for reticulocyte counting gave more precise and reproducible results (intra-assay coefficients of variation: 5.9-14.2%), the well-characterized manual methods provide equally valid alternatives for the quality control of recombinant human erythropoietin therapeutic products.
The multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane efflux pump expressed by lymphocytes and is involved in their cytolytic activity. In the present study, we investigated the age-related changes of P-glycoprotein function in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes. Blood samples from 90 normal volunteers (age range, 0 to 86 years) were analyzed. P-glycoprotein function was assessed by the flow cytometric rhodamine 123 assay. P-glycoprotein function was highest in cord blood and progressively declined with age in peripheral blood T CD4+ and CD8+ cells. In contrast, P-glycoprotein function did not vary with age in CD19+ B or CD16+CD56+ natural killer cells. These data suggest that the decline in P-glycoprotein function in T CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes as a function of age may contribute to the decrease in T cell cytolytic activity with aging.
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (alloBMT) is the only curative therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). This success is explained by the delivery of high doses of antineoplastic agents followed by the rescue of marrow function and the induction of graft-versus-leukemia reaction mediated by allogeneic lymphocytes against host tumor cells. This reaction can also be induced by donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) producing remission in most patients with CML who relapse after alloBMT. The immunological mechanisms involved in DLI therapy are poorly understood. We studied five CML patients in the chronic phase, who received DLI after relapsing from an HLA-identical BMT. Using flow cytometry we evaluated cellular activation and apoptosis, NK cytotoxicity, lymphocytes producing cytokines (IL-2, IL-4 and IFN-gamma), and unstimulated (in vivo) lymphocyte proliferation. In three CML patients who achieved hematological and/or cytogenetic remission after DLI we observed an increase of the percent of activation markers on T and NK cells (CD3/DR, CD3/CD25 and CD56/DR), of lymphocytes producing IL-2 and IFN-gamma, of NK activity, and of in vivo lymphocyte proliferation. These changes were not observed consistently in two of the five patients who did not achieve complete remission with DLI. The percent of apoptotic markers (Fas, FasL and Bcl-2) on lymphocytes and CD34-positive cells did not change after DLI throughout the different study periods. Taken together, these preliminary results suggest that the therapeutic effect of DLI in the chronic phase of CML is mediated by classic cytotoxic and proliferative events involving T and NK cells but not by the Fas pathway of apoptosis.
Using a short-term bulk culture protocol designed for an intracellular-staining method based on a flow cytometry approach to the frequencies of cytokine-producing cells from tuberculosis and leprosy patients, we found distinct patterns of T cell subset expression. The method also reveals the profile of peak cytokine production and can provide simultaneous information about the phenotype of cytokine-producing cells, providing a reliable assay for monitoring the immunity of these patients. The immune response of Mycobacterium leprae and purified protein derivative (PPD) in vitro to a panel of mycobacteria-infected patients from an endemic area was assessed in primary mononuclear cell cultures. The kinetics and source of the cytokine pattern were measured at the single-cell level. IFN-gamma-, TNF-alpha-, IL-4- and IL-10-secreting T cells were intracytoplasmic evaluated in an attempt to identify M. leprae- and PPD-specific cells directly from the peripheral blood. The analysis by this approach indicated that TNF-alpha was the first (8 h) to be produced, followed by IFN-gamma (16 h), IL-10 (20 h) and IL-4 (24 h), and double-staining experiments confirmed that CD4+ were a greater source of TNF-alpha than of CD8+ T cells (P < 0.05). Both T cell subsets secreted similar amounts of IFN-gamma. We conclude that the protocol permits rapid evaluation of cytokine production by different T cell populations. The method can also be used to define immune status in non-infected and contact individuals.
Several primary immunodeficiency diseases affecting the interleukin 12/interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) pathway have been identified, most of them characterized by recurrent and protracted infections produced by intracellular microorganisms, particularly by several species of mycobacteria. In the present study we analyzed the expression of IFN-gamma receptor (IFN-gammaR) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT-1) in 4 children with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of uncommon clinical presentation. These molecules were evaluated by flow cytometry and Western blotting in B cells transformed with Epstein-Barr virus and mutations were scanned by single-strand conformational polymorphisms and DNA sequencing. The expression of IFN-gammaR1 was normal in all 4 patients. The genetic analysis of IFN-gammaR1 and IFN-gammaR2 coding sequences did not reveal any mutation. The expression of the STAT-1 molecule was similar in patients and healthy controls; however, when the phosphorylation of this transcription factor in response to IFN-gamma activation was evaluated by Western blot, a significant lower signal was evident in one patient. These data indicate that there are no alterations in the expression or function of the IFN-gammaR chains in these patients. However, the low level of STAT-1 phosphorylation found in one of these patients might be explained by a defect in one of the molecules involved in the signal transduction pathway after IFN-gamma interacts with its receptor. In the other three patients the inability to eliminate the mycobacteria may be due to a defect in another effector mechanism of the mononuclear phagocytes.
Glycolipoprotein (GLP) from pathogenic serovars of Leptospira has been implicated in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis by its presence in tissues of experimental animals with leptospirosis, the inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase pump activity, and induced production of cytokines. The aims of the present study were to investigate the induction of IL-6 by GLP in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and to demonstrate monocyte stimulation at the cellular level in whole blood from healthy volunteers. PBMC were stimulated with increasing concentrations (5 to 2500 ng/ml) of GLP extracted from the pathogenic L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni, lipopolysaccharide (positive control) or medium (negative control), and supernatants were collected after 6, 20/24, and 48 h, and kept at -80ºC until use. Whole blood was diluted 1:1 in RPMI medium and cultivated for 6 h, with medium, GLP and lipopolysaccharide as described above. Monensin was added after the first hour of culture. Supernatant cytokine levels from PBMC were measured by ELISA and intracellular IL-6 was detected in monocytes in whole blood cultures by flow-cytometry. Monocytes were identified in whole blood on the basis of forward versus side scatter parameters and positive reactions with CD45 and CD14 antibodies. GLP ( > or = 50 ng/ml)-induced IL-6 levels in supernatants were detected after 6-h incubation, reaching a peak after 20/24 h. The percentage of monocytes staining for IL-6 increased with increasing GLP concentration. Thus, our findings show a GLP-induced cellular activation by demonstrating the ability of GLP to induce IL-6 and the occurrence of monocyte activation in whole blood at the cellular level.