578 resultados para Fires.


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Mestrado Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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As ligas com memória de forma Ni-Ti apresentam diversas características bastante úteis, das quais podemos realçar a sua elevada resistência à corrosão, às vibrações e geração de forças superiores quando comparadas com outros atuadores. Estas ligas apresentam diversas áreas de aplicabilidade em diferentes aéreas de pesquisa, como a metalomecânica, a robótica, aplicações espaciais, sendo mais relevante para este trabalho a sua aplicação em mecanismos de segurança para portas e acessos. Com este trabalho, pretendemos contribuir para uma forma eficaz de combate e contenção de incêndios em navios, através da apresentação de um mecanismo que vai permitir o corte de ventilação e isolamento no local do incêndio, permitindo criar uma fronteira de fumos que levará ao combate do incêndio por asfixia. O trabalho descreve um mecanismo idealizado com a utilização de ligas com memória de forma, que vai proceder à libertação de um flap, para isolamento da ventilação, na presença de temperatura proveniente do incêndio. Descreve também ensaios termomecânicos realizados, para determinação das características das molas e seu comportamento em determinadas situações chave. Para isto, irão ser utilizadas duas molas com diferentes gamas de temperatura, com o intuito de demonstrar a eficácia na utilização de diversos atuadores de ligas com memória de forma. Todos os testes foram feitos na presença de gamas de temperatura que se assemelham aos valores de atuação dos sistemas automáticos de extinção por água, pelo que os resultados obtidos, ilustram a verdadeira eficácia e utilidade do mecanismo, em casos reais.


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A presente investigação tem como objetivo identificar as diferenças existentes entre os procedimentos técnicos relativos ao tiro de Artilharia de Campanha e ao tiro de Morteiro. Tem por finalidade estudar a possibilidade de uniformização dos procedimentos, no que respeita aos procedimentos de Pontaria, cálculo dos Elementos de Tiro, Pedido e Regulação de Tiro e à Segurança, utilizados pelas unidades de tiro de Artilharia de Campanha e de Morteiro. O trabalho estuda cada tipo de procedimento, começando por enunciá-los e explicar os seus métodos, finalidade e determinação, tanto para o tiro de Artilharia de Campanha como para o tiro de Morteiro. Os procedimentos são comparados através de tabelas e sínteses, com o objetivo de analisar o porquê de serem executados da maneira prevista na doutrina, remetendo dessa forma para o estudo da sua possível padronização. Como método de recolha de dados foram submetidos inquéritos livres a oficiais subalternos de diversas unidades de formação e operacionais relacionadas com a instrução e execução do tiro de Artilharia de Campanha e de Morteiro, de forma a recolher a sua opinião sobre a viabilidade de adoção dos procedimentos e esclarecimento de dúvidas. Foram depois realizadas análises comparativas para verificar quais os procedimentos que apresentam possibilidade de uniformização. No final os procedimentos padronizáveis foram identificados e comparados com os procedimentos executados pelo Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha da Brigada de Reação Rápida, à qual pertence uma Bateria integrada na NATO Response Force 16. Sendo a única unidade orgânica a nível nacional que opera com meios de tiro de Artilharia de Campanha e de Morteiro, a sua análise foi crucial para a investigação. Dado que a finalidade do trabalho é estudar a possibilidade de adoção de procedimentos comuns, as conclusões tiveram a sua origem na análise comparativa com os procedimentos desta unidade. Verificou-se assim que os procedimentos são padronizáveis, mas que são necessárias algumas condições para que possam ser aplicados, devido às diferenças na orgânica e tática entre as unidades de tiro de Artilharia de Campanha e de Morteiro, à diferença técnica das armas e dos meios auxiliares de cálculo dos Elementos de Tiro e técnica dos dois tipos de tiro.


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Tem-se assistido ao aumento das operações de resposta a crises onde são realizadas operações de média e baixa intensidade. O interesse nacional em participar em missões internacionais com a finalidade de contribuir para a imagem do país como cooperador de paz e segurança mundial, tem levado à constante participação nessa tipologia de missões. A participação da Artilharia neste âmbito tem sido pouco expressiva. Por este motivo, o presente trabalho pretende investigar as possibilidades de emprego de uma Bateria de Artilharia de Campanha como Força Nacional Destacada numa Operação de Resposta a Crises. Os objetivos deste trabalho passam por identificar as tarefas e as subtarefas requeridas no âmbito de uma operação de estabilização e quais destas poderão ser realizadas pela Artilharia de Campanha. Pretende-se de igual forma identificar quais as capacidades e possibilidades de atuação de uma Bateria de Artilharia de Campanha em operações de resposta a crises, tendo em conta a sua doutrina e treino operacional. De igual forma, objetivo passa por identificar as diferenças e semelhanças do treino individual e coletivo, entre as Unidades da Artilharia de Campanha e as que participaram em operações de resposta a crises. Por último aborda-se a forma como é feita a geração de forças e a edificação de capacidades do sistema de forças do Exército, no âmbito das Forças Nacionais Destacadas e das NATO Response Forces. A metodologia utilizada foi a dos seguintes autores: Santos, et al. (2016), Manuela Sarmento (2013) e Vilelas (2009). A abordagem para este trabalho é a qualitativa, utilizando o raciocínio o dedutivo, recorrendo à análise documental e à entrevista como técnicas de recolhas de dados. No que concerte à utilização da Artilharia em operações de resposta a crises, o seu emprego é significativamente reduzido, pelas características do ambiente operacional. No entanto, existe uma serie de tarefas que poderão ser realizadas pela Artilharia tais como: Apoio às unidades de manobra durante as suas operações, e proteção de Bases militares com fogos letais e não-letais; Operações de demonstração de força; realizar fogos de advertência, monitorização global das operações, contribuindo para a Comum Operational Picture; Ações de mentoria; Segurança a pontos e áreas críticas. É possível empregar de uma Bateria de Artilharia de Campanha como unidade de manobra, em missões não especificas de Artilharia de Campanha, se esta tiver o treino adequado. O período de aprontamento e treino orientado para a missão seria suficiente para dotar a força das capacidades necessárias para obterem a certificação, e posteriormente serem projetadas para o teatro de operações. No entanto não se perspetiva a necessidade de atuação de uma Bateria de Artilharia de Campanha, como Unidade de manobra. Por isso Artilharia de Campanha deverá continuar a manter o seu elevado nível de treino e operacionalidade reforçando a aposta em exercícios conjuntos e combinados de forma a manter-se como possibilidade de gerar subunidades aptas a participar nas NATO Response Forces.


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Mitigating the impacts of large-scale fires on biodiversity is becoming increasingly important as their frequency increases. In response, fire managers have engaged with the concept that retaining small unburnt residual areas of vegetation within extensively burnt landscapes may facilitate biodiversity conservation. However, it remains uncertain how the size and isolation of these unburnt residuals influence faunal distributions, persistence and recovery following fire. We used a replicated observation study to test bird responses to the size and isolation of unburnt residuals in a mallee woodland area recently burnt by a 28 000 ha wildfire in southern Australia. The scale of our study provided a rare opportunity to consider the responses of large mobile organisms to fire-induced habitat fragmentation. Within five replicated spatial blocks, we crossed two levels of isolation with large (5-7 ha) and small (1-3 ha) unburnt patches and matrix sites burnt 5 years previously. We compared these site types to six continuous (non-fragmented) unburnt sites. We surveyed each site on eight occasions. Most birds occurred more frequently in unburnt habitat beyond the extent of the fire. Bird responses to the availability and spatial distribution of unburnt remnants within the fire were largely influenced by their ability to use the recently burnt matrix. Occurrence of five species was higher in unburnt residuals when more of the landscape within 500 m was burnt. A fire refuge effect may be likely for two competitive species that occurred more frequently in unburnt residuals than in the burnt matrix or continuous unburnt habitat. For the weebill, recolonization following fire was likely to occur gradually over time from ex situ sources. Synthesis and applications. To maintain avian diversity in fire-prone landscapes, our results suggest a need to shift management focus from creating networks of small unburnt patches towards preserving large, intact areas of habitat. However, five species common to the burnt matrix preferentially selected residual patches when unburnt resources were locally scarce. Therefore, to benefit birds, land managers should limit the extent of applied burns and use narrow burns. When planning large burns, practitioners should consider that a number of species will remain absent from the landscape for several decades.


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We examined the abundance of arboreal marsupials in topographic fire refuges after a major fire in a stand-replacing crown-fire forest ecosystem. We surveyed the abundance of arboreal marsupials across 48 sites in rainforest gullies burnt to differing extents by the 2009 fires in the mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) forests of the Victorian Central Highlands, Australia. The greater glider (Petauroides volans) was less abundant within the extent of the 2009 fire. The mountain brushtail possum (Trichosurus cunninghami) was more abundant within the extent of the 2009 fire, particularly within unburnt peninsulas protruding into burnt areas from unburnt edges. Our results indicate that fire refuges may facilitate the persistence of some species within extensively burnt landscapes. Additional work should seek to clarify this finding and identify the demographic mechanisms underlying this response.


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'Fire mosaics' are often maintained in landscapes to promote successional diversity in vegetation with little understanding of how this will affect ecological processes in animal populations such as dispersal, social organization and re-establishment. To investigate these processes, we conducted a replicated, spatiotemporal landscape genetics study of two Australian woodland lizard species [Amphibolurus norrisi (Agamidae) and Ctenotus atlas (Scincidae)]. Agamids have a more complex social and territory structure than skinks, so fire might have a greater impact on their population structure and thus genetic diversity. Genetic diversity increased with time since fire in C. atlas and decreased with time since fire in A. norrisi. For C. atlas, this might reflect its increasing population size after fire, but we could not detect increased gene flow that would reduce the loss of genetic diversity through genetic drift. Using landscape resistance analyses, we found no evidence that postfire habitat succession or topography affected gene flow in either species and we were unable to distinguish between survival and immigration as modes of postfire re-establishment. In A. norrisi, we detected female-biased dispersal, likely reflecting its territorial social structure and polygynous mating system. The increased genetic diversity in A. norrisi in recently burnt habitat might reflect a temporary disruption of its territoriality and increased male dispersal, a hypothesis that was supported with a simulation experiment. Our results suggest that the effects of disturbance on genetic diversity will be stronger for species with territorial social organization.


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The increasing frequency of large, high-severity fires threatens the survival of old-growth specialist fauna in fire-prone forests. Within topographically diverse montane forests, areas that experience less severe or fewer fires compared with those prevailing in the landscape may present unique resource opportunities enabling old-growth specialist fauna to survive. Statistical landscape models that identify the extent and distribution of potential fire refuges may assist land managers to incorporate these areas into relevant biodiversity conservation strategies. We used a case study in an Australian wet montane forest to establish how predictive fire simulation models can be interpreted as management tools to identify potential fire refuges. We examined the relationship between the probability of fire refuge occurrence as predicted by an existing fire refuge model and fire severity experienced during a large wildfire. We also examined the extent to which local fire severity was influenced by fire severity in the surrounding landscape. We used a combination of statistical approaches, including generalized linear modeling, variogram analysis, and receiver operating characteristics and area under the curve analysis (ROC AUC). We found that the amount of unburned habitat and the factors influencing the retention and location of fire refuges varied with fire conditions. Under extreme fire conditions, the distribution of fire refuges was limited to only extremely sheltered, fire-resistant regions of the landscape. During extreme fire conditions, fire severity patterns were largely determined by stochastic factors that could not be predicted by the model. When fire conditions were moderate, physical landscape properties appeared to mediate fire severity distribution. Our study demonstrates that land managers can employ predictive landscape fire models to identify the broader climatic and spatial domain within which fire refuges are likely to be present. It is essential that within these envelopes, forest is protected from logging, roads, and other developments so that the ecological processes related to the establishment and subsequent use of fire refuges are maintained.


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Accidental spills and subsequent fires during oil storage and transportation periods cause serious damage to environments. Herein, we present a novel route to enhance oil safety by transforming oils into high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) hydrogels. These HIPE hydrogels are stabilized by solvent- or pH-driven assembled block copolymer (BCP), namely poly(4-vinylpyridine)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (4VPm-EGn-4VPm). The assembled BCP shows high efficiency to stabilize HIPE hydrogels with a low concentration of 1.0 (w/v) % relative to the continuous aqueous phase. The volume fraction of the dispersed organic phase can be as high as 89% with a variety of oils, including toluene, xylene, blended vegetable oil, canola oil, gasoline, diesel, and engine oil. These smelly and flammable liquids were formed into HIPE hydrogels and thus their safety was enhanced. As the assembly is pH sensitive, oils trapped in the HIPE hydrogels can be released by simply tuning pH values of the continuous aqueous phase. The aqueous phase containing BCP can be reused to stabilize HIPE hydrogels after naturalization. These assembled BCP stabilized HIPE hydrogels offer a novel and safe approach to preserve and transport these smelly and flammable liquid oils, avoiding environmental damage.


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Aim: Extreme climatic events and large wildfires are predicted to increase as the world's climate warms. Understanding how they shape species' distributions will be critical for conserving biodiversity. We used a 7-year dataset of mammals collected during and after south-east Australia's Millennium Drought to assess the roles of fire history, climatic extremes and their interactions in shaping mammal distributions. Location: Grampians National Park, south-eastern Australia.

Methods: We surveyed mammals at 36 sites along a ~50-year post-fire chronosequence in each of the 7 years. We modelled ten mammal species in relation to fire history, productivity and recent rainfall. Next, we examined the consistency of species' fire response curves across each of three climatic phases relating to the Millennium Drought. Finally, we identified the optimal distribution of fire ages for small and medium-sized mammal conservation in each of the three climatic phases.

The majority of species were influenced by fire history, and all native species were negatively associated with recently burned vegetation. Seven of ten species responded positively to the end of the Millennium Drought, but six of these declined quickly thereafter. Species' responses to fire history differed depending on the climatic conditions. However, the optimal distribution of fire-age classes consistently emphasized the importance of older age classes, regardless of climatic phase. This distribution is in stark contrast to the current distribution of fire ages across the study region.

Main conclusions:
Mammals in the study region face an uncertain future. The negative impact of drought, the short-lived nature of post-drought recovery and, now, the possibility of a new drought beginning forewarn of further declines. The stark contrast between the optimal and current fire-age distributions means that reducing the incidence of further fires is critical to enhance the capacity of native mammal communities to weather an increasingly turbulent climate.


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Tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) pollution in the Northern Hemisphere is commonly thought to be of anthropogenic origin. While this is true in most cases, copious quantities of pollutants are emitted by fires in boreal regions, and the impact of these fires on CO has been shown to significantly exceed the impact of urban and industrial sources during large fire years. The impact of boreal fires on ozone is still poorly quantified, and large uncertainties exist in the estimates of the fire-released nitrogen oxides (NO x ), a critical factor in ozone production. As boreal fire activity is predicted to increase in the future due to its strong dependence on weather conditions, it is necessary to understand how these fires affect atmospheric composition. To determine the scale of boreal fire impacts on ozone and its precursors, this work combined statistical analysis of ground-based measurements downwind of fires, satellite data analysis, transport modeling and the results of chemical model simulations. The first part of this work focused on determining boreal fire impact on ozone levels downwind of fires, using analysis of observations in several-days-old fire plumes intercepted at the Pico Mountain station (Azores). The results of this study revealed that fires significantly increase midlatitude summertime ozone background during high fire years, implying that predicted future increases in boreal wildfires may affect ozone levels over large regions in the Northern Hemisphere. To improve current estimates of NOx emissions from boreal fires, we further analyzed ΔNOy /ΔCO enhancement ratios in the observed fire plumes together with transport modeling of fire emission estimates. The results of this analysis revealed the presence of a considerable seasonal trend in the fire NOx /CO emission ratio due to the late-summer changes in burning properties. This finding implies that the constant NOx /CO emission ratio currently used in atmospheric modeling is unrealistic, and is likely to introduce a significant bias in the estimated ozone production. Finally, satellite observations were used to determine the impact of fires on atmospheric burdens of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and formaldehyde (HCHO) in the North American boreal region. This analysis demonstrated that fires dominated the HCHO burden over the fires and in plumes up to two days old. This finding provides insights into the magnitude of secondary HCHO production and further enhances scientific understanding of the atmospheric impacts of boreal fires.


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Angadenia berteroi is a tropical perennial subshrub of the pine rocklands with large yellow flowers that set very few fruits. My dissertation seeks to elucidate the factors that affect the reproductive fitness of Angadenia berteroi a native species of the south Florida pine rocklands. I provide novel information on the pollination biology of this native species. I also assess the effects of herbivory on growth and the reproductive success of A. berteroi. Finally, I elucidate how habitat fragmentation and quality are correlated with reproductive fitness of this native perennial plant.^ Using a novel experimental approach, I determined the most effective pollinator group. I used nylon fishing line of widths corresponding to proboscis diameter of the major groups of visitors to examine pollen removal and deposition. In the field, I estimated visitation frequency and efficacy of each pollinator type. Using potted plants, I exposed flowers to single visit from different types of pollinators to measure fruit set. I performed artificial defoliation with scissors on plants growing in the greenhouse to assess the effects of defoliation before flowering as well as during flowering. Additionally, I used structural equation modelling (SEM) to elucidate how A. berteroi reproductive fitness was affected by habitat fragmentation and quality. ^ My experiments provide evidence that Angadenia berteroi is specialized for bee pollination; though butterflies, skippers and others also visit its flowers, A. berteroi is exclusively pollinated by two native bees of the South Florida pine rocklands . This research also demonstrated that herbivory by the oleander moth may have direct and indirect effects on Angadenia berteroi growth and reproductive success. The SEM results suggested that habitat quality (litter depth and subcanopy cover) may favor reproduction in native species of the South Florida pine rocklands that are properly maintained by periodic fires and exotic control. Insights from this threatened and charismatic species may provide impetus to properly manage remaining pine rocklands in South Florida for this and other endemic understory species.^


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The Chihuahua desert is one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world, but suffers serious degradation because of changes in fire regimes resulting in large catastrophic fires. My study was conducted in the Sierra La Mojonera (SLM) natural protected area in Mexico. The purpose of this study was to implement the use of FARSITE fire modeling as a fire management tool to develop an integrated fire management plan at SLM. Firebreaks proved to detain 100% of wildfire outbreaks. The rosetophilous scrub experienced the fastest rate of fire spread and lowland creosote bush scrub experienced the slowest rate of fire spread. March experienced the fastest rate of fire spread, while September experienced the slowest rate of fire spread. The results of my study provide a tool for wildfire management through the use geospatial technologies and, in particular, FARSITE fire modeling in SLM and Mexico.


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Losses to life and property from unplanned fires (wildfires) are forecast to increase because of population growth in peri-urban areas and climate change. In response, there have been moves to increase fuel reduction--clearing, prescribed burning, biomass removal and grazing--to afford greater protection to peri-urban communities in fire-prone regions. But how effective are these measures? Severe wildfires in southern Australia in 2009 presented a rare opportunity to address this question empirically. We predicted that modifying several fuels could theoretically reduce house loss by 76%-97%, which would translate to considerably fewer wildfire-related deaths. However, maximum levels of fuel reduction are unlikely to be feasible at every house for logistical and environmental reasons. Significant fuel variables in a logistic regression model we selected to predict house loss were (in order of decreasing effect): (1) the cover of trees and shrubs within 40 m of houses, (2) whether trees and shrubs within 40 m of houses was predominantly remnant or planted, (3) the upwind distance from houses to groups of trees or shrubs, (4) the upwind distance from houses to public forested land (irrespective of whether it was managed for nature conservation or logging), (5) the upwind distance from houses to prescribed burning within 5 years, and (6) the number of buildings or structures within 40 m of houses. All fuel treatments were more effective if undertaken closer to houses. For example, 15% fewer houses were destroyed if prescribed burning occurred at the observed minimum distance from houses (0.5 km) rather than the observed mean distance from houses (8.5 km). Our results imply that a shift in emphasis away from broad-scale fuel-reduction to intensive fuel treatments close to property will more effectively mitigate impacts from wildfires on peri-urban communities.


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This chapter looks primarily at the bushfires (sometimes called ‘wildfires’ or ‘forest fires’) in theCatalonian province of Spain and the resulting lessons learnt in managing the communicationduring these crises. In doing so, it also reflects, where applicable, on the lessons on the catastrophicfires in the state of Victoria in Australia in 2009. These two populous regions represent some of themost fire prone areas of the world.