1000 resultados para Fútbol base
Fly ash was used in this evaluation study to replace 30, 50 and 70 percent of the 400 1bs. of cement currently used in each cu. yd. of portland cement econocrete base paving mix. Two Class "c" ashes and one Class "F" ash from Iowa approved sources were examined in each mix. When Class "c" ashes were used, they were substituted on the basis of 1.0 pound for each pound of cement removed. When Class "F" ash was used, it was substituted on the basis of 1.25 pounds of ash for each pound of cement removed. Compressive strengths with and without fly ash were determined at 7, 28 and 56 days of age. In most cases, strengths were adequate. The freeze/thaw durability of the econocrete mixes studied was not adversely affected by the presence of fly ash. The tests along with erodibility and absorption tests have demonstrated the feasibility of producing econocrete with satisfactory mechanical properties even when relatively low quality and/or locally available aggregate is being used at no sacrifice to strength and/or durability.
Evidence-based (EBP) aims for a new distribution of power centered on scientific evidence rather than clinical expertise. The present article describes the operational process of EBP by describing the implementation stages of this type of practise. This stage presentation is essential given that there are many conceptions end models of EBP and that some nurses have a limited knowledge of its rules ans implications. Given that number and formulation of the stages varies by author, the process presented here attempts to integrate the different stages reviewed.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 160
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 386
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 387
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 596
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, n. d.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 606
L’aspiració de trobar una eina que pugui ajudar a identifi car els papers atenent les sevescaracterístiques sorgeix a fi nal segle XVIII amb les primeres descripcions de les filigranespapereres i va prenent cos al segle XIX com a ciència auxiliar de la codicologia.Des de les últimes dècades del segle XX, les filigranes han anat adquirint un interès creixententre els restauradors de document gràfi c —com una eina més per a la presa de decisions i pera la valoració del procés de restauració— i entre els documentalistes, historiadors, museòlegsi bibliòfils —per a la datació i autenticació de les obres— i, fins i tot, en investigacionspolicials i jurídiques per aclarir algun fet delictiu. No obstant això, durant aquests 150 anys, l’estudi del paper a través de les filigranes papereres a Espanya no ha experimentat cap avenç significatiu pel que fa als mètodes i procediments seguits per a l’obtenció i gestió deles dades. En l’àmbit europeu, encara que a partir dels anys 90 sorgeixen noves propostesd’estudi, aquestes limiten la investigació a l’anàlisi de la filigrana sense assolir una visió global del plec sortit de la forma.
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En relación a trabajos recientes sobre los patrones de poblamiento protohistórico en el curso bajo del Ebro y la causalidad económica (Asensio el alii, 1996/ Mascort el alii, 1991), decidimos plantear un estudio que nutriera dichas hipótesis mediante el análisis arqueozoológico de dos yacimientos culturalmente contemporáneos y de cronologías sucesivas, ubicados a orillas de este río.
This study proposes a new concept for upscaling local information on failure surfaces derived from geophysical data, in order to develop the spatial information and quickly estimate the magnitude and intensity of a landslide. A new vision of seismic interpretation on landslides is also demonstrated by taking into account basic geomorphic information with a numeric method based on the Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL). The SLBL is a generalization of the base level defined in geomorphology applied to landslides, and allows the calculation of the potential geometry of the landslide failure surface. This approach was applied to a large scale landslide formed mainly in gypsum and situated in a former glacial valley along the Rhone within the Western European Alps. Previous studies identified the existence of two sliding surfaces that may continue below the level of the valley. In this study. seismic refraction-reflexion surveys were carried out to verify the existence of these failure surfaces. The analysis of the seismic data provides a four-layer model where three velocity layers (<1000 ms(-1), 1500 ms(-1) and 3000 ms(-1)) are interpreted as the mobilized mass at different weathering levels and compaction. The highest velocity layer (>4000 ms(-1)) with a maximum depth of similar to 58 m is interpreted as the stable anhydrite bedrock. Two failure surfaces were interpreted from the seismic surveys: an upper failure and a much deeper one (respectively 25 and 50 m deep). The upper failure surface depth deduced from geophysics is slightly different from the results obtained using the SLBL, and the deeper failure surface depth calculated with the SLBL method is underestimated in comparison with the geophysical interpretations. Optimal results were therefore obtained by including the seismic data in the SLBL calculations according to the geomorphic limits of the landslide (maximal volume of mobilized mass = 7.5 x 10(6) m(3)).