779 resultados para Fórmulas


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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This research analyzes the 53 best university entrance exams essays of 2010 of FUVEST - University Foundation for University Entrance Exams, which were published on the institution website, indicating that they were considered the best in the exam. The objective of the analysis was to identify similarities and differences between the essays, based on dialogic approach. We analyzed aspects such as: the way students addressed the subject, the language and organization of writing; the different ways of argumentation; the most used quotes; dissertation structure and the way the students considered the discourse genre writing. The study also compared the essays based on the way in which the genre is addressed in schools and pre-university preparatory courses, which gave us parameters to evaluate the extent to which this teaching can help students or otherwise confuse them. Through the analysis, we can deduce what the institution values, which helps to demystify some of the so-called known “recipes” for good writing


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On the field of the projects of hydraulic systems exists a lot of worries when we talk about the calculate of hydraulic pumps. In this case some facts must be considerate: length of tubes, fluid characteristics, height gauge, temperature, pressure, characteristics of tubes, flow required and others. For that mathematic calculates must be developed with the objective to optimize hydraulic pumps and agree to find an ideal machine (that don't requires more energy than necessary or less energy than it requires; that is the more critical case, cause exists the risk that the fluid pumped do not agree to become in your destiny). The wrong calculate of this machine can super-size its, bringing an excessive energy consumption. Actually it's an important subject because we are in the age of lack of energy what turn it more expensive. So the correct sizing of a hydraulic pump is connected with the fact that you have to uses the enough energy resources avoiding waste. The calculate of ideal pump in the pumping system is studied during years and a lot of specialists in this subject develop equations and theories to calculate its. Some researches study about this subject and all of them become to the same conclusion: to find the ideal pump we have to know the characteristics of fluid (cinematic viscosity), the required flow , overall yield (overall of motor x overall of pump) the high gauge or discharge pressure and the loss of repression. The pressure drop can be calculated with different theories: using Hazen-Williams, Darcy e Weisbach or Chézy (1775 - that starts the researches to calculate the pressure drop). Although the most used theory and what is most near to reality is the Darcy's equation. So, in this job the Darcy's equation were choice to calculate the drop pressure that consider what kind of flow we are studying: laminar or turbulent. The determination of the best pump to be used in the ... ( complete abstract click eletronic access below)


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Medicamentos manipulados são preparados nas farmácias ou nos serviços farmacêuticos hospitalares pelo profissional farmacêutico ou sob sua direta responsabilidade, a partir de prescrições médicas ou de fórmulas inscritas no Formulário Nacional ou Formulários Internacionais reconhecidos pela Anvisa. No Brasil, o consumo desses produtos mostra um crescimento importante no cenário da Saúde Pública. A finasterida é um fármaco representativo de uma grande parcela desse mercado por seu fácil acesso e alta eficácia. Contudo, a manipulação deste produto deve ser realizada com bastante cautela, por ser um medicamento de baixa dose. Nesse meio, a Farmácia-Escola “Prof. Dr. Antonio Alonso Martinez” conquista a confiança da população de Araraquara e região há muitos anos. A fim de se fundamentar essa confiança, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar cápsulas de finasterida manipuladas na Farmácia Escola supracitada por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE), utilizando metodologia devidamente validada. Foram analisados parâmetros como teor e uniformidade de conteúdo das cápsulas, bem como teor da matéria-prima e da mistura de pós destinados ao preenchimento de cápsulas. Os resultados encontrados apresentam-se dentro dos critérios adotados pelas Farmacopeias Americana e Europeia, uma vez que a Farmacopeia Brasileira ainda não tem monografia inscrita da finasterida e dos respectivos medicamentos


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A todo o momento, pesquisadores de diversas áreas do conhecimento buscam propor novos métodos e procedimentos, contestar teorias atualmente aceitas, descobrir novos ativos e fórmulas ou aprimorar aquelas já existentes. Contudo, para que estas novas proposições sejam aceitas na comunidade cientifica é imprescindível que existam dados que comprovem o estudo realizado. A bioestatística é uma ciência que permite descrever, comparar e fazer inferências a partir destes dados, com certo grau de confiança, tornando uma pesquisa muito mais robusta e confiável. A presente revisão bibliográfica objetiva trazer a bioestatística de uma forma simples, livre da complexidade matemática e com exemplos da biologia, para que qualquer aluno da área de biológicas possa compreender o conteúdo sem grandes dificuldades. O trabalho está basicamente dividido em dois temas: “Estimação de Parâmetros” e “Testes de Hipóteses”, sendo que neste último serão abordados exemplos para os testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos em cada comparação apresentada


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O gênero Astyanax apresenta uma extensa variabilidade em suas fórmulas cariotípicas, as quais acompanham sua diversidade biológica. Estes dados fazem com que a taxonomia do gênero ainda seja confusa, devido à grande plasticidade fenotípica existente entre as populações e a ausência de caracteres morfológicos confiáveis para sua correta identificação. Por outro lado, a análise das sequências e distribuição cromossômica do retrotransposon Rex1 revelou pouca variabilidade. As diferenças encontradas com relação às sequências deste retrotransposon mostram que as variações podem estar associadas à distribuição geográfica das espécies, visto que as espécies mais distantes geograficamente revelaram maiores diferenças em sua composição nucleotídica. A distribuição cromossômica desse elemento mostrou-se conservada entre as espécies do gênero, com marcações dispersas pelos genomas dos mesmos, contribuindo com a ideia de que esses elementos podem se acumular em regiões genômicas específicas dentro de cada grupo de peixes, sendo que esta tendência é maior para peixes do mesmo grupo e menor para grupos diferentes. Deste modo, a ampla distribuição de Rex1 observada nas espécies estudadas sugere que esse elemento pode ter sido incorporado há muito tempo nos genomas desses peixes, e que vem desempenhando um papel importante na evolução do grupo. Ainda assim, devido à grande diversidade encontrada no gênero, mais estudos podem contribuir tanto para o melhor entendimento da taxonomia de Astyanax, como da dinâmica evolutiva dos retrotransposons no gênero e em outros grupos de peixes


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In radiation theraphy with electron beam, the electrons are produced in linear accelerators, and energy the most used have between 4MeV and 20MeV. Generally, the treatments are done for superficial injuries, because the low penetration of these particles. In this work a system for calculation of monitor units (U.M.) for cases of treatments with electron beam was developed. The Excel program of Microsoft was used and is easily found in the operational system of the personal microcomputers. In the Excel has been inserted the pertinent data of the linear accelerator of Varian, model 2100C, used in the Service of radiation theraphy of the Hospital of the Clinics of the College of Medicine of the UNESP of Botucatu. For some values of the physical parameters, such as: factors field and factors calibration, not supplied in the tests of acceptance of the machine, still proceeded calculations from interpolation and extrapolation. The mathematical formulas for automatic search of these and others factors used in the calculations of the determination of the U.M had been developed in agreement available routines in Excel. For this the functions had been used the function IF (that it imposes search condition) and the PROCH (that looks a value in a column from determined line), beyond the basic functions of addition, multiplication and division. It is intended to optimize the routine of the Services of radiation theraphy that perform through eletrontheraphy procedures, speeding the calculations and minimizing the occurrence of errors and uncertainties deriving of the maken a mistake manipulation of the parameters gotten in tables of data of electron beams


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There are considerations of that the education of Physics of the way as comes being driven us textbooks and consequently in classroom, is distant and distorted of their real purpose. We notice that the education of this science through the Physical school discipline, has I assume a character of preparation for university entrance exams exercises resolution, exceling for the memorization of formulae and by the mathematical solutions, fact that looks to cause to it is lacking of motivation and to the disinterest of the students regarding his contents. Since we are surrounded by phenomena, events, elements of the nature, new technologies, objects and so many others that can be explained and many times until applied and/or reproduced by means of physical concepts, there is no reason for treat to Physical as somewhat academic and remote of the reality. The little interest of high school students by the discipline of Physics and their poor performance in the learning of his contents has led to the search of new paths, resources and strategies that promote a more meaningful learning. Taking into account these facts, we seek in this course conclusion work, observe, analyze and apply concepts of the Physical one in multiple elements of ours routine, doing use of the interdisciplinary nature as a possible mechanism. The animals exert a fascination on most people. Much of what we see in their way of being and behaving can be explained by the laws of Physics and its models. Their physique, behavior and activities involve diverse movements, communication and sensing as physical limitations varied. Zoologists and physicists build models in an attempt to explain or understand animal behavior using well-established physical principles. The creation of physical models is going to approach a problem, identifies the fundamental information and removing all of the irrelevant details. An example... (Complete abstract click electrnic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The goal of this work is to perform a historical approach of important results about maxima and minima, on Euclidean geometry, involving perimeters, areas and volumes. As a highlight, we can mention the Dido’s isoperimetric problem and the Papus’s problem about the wit of the bees. In this context, with a concern didactic, we tried to use, whenever possible, the geometry classical formulas to the calculus of areas. On the other hand, in the case of isoperimetric inequality the techniques of differential and integral calculus became more suitable for our purposes.