911 resultados para Export platform FDI
Includes bibliography.
Includes bibliography.
This report indicates the main advances of the past 20 years based on the information provided by the region’s countries on implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in response to the recommendations made in the final document of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (2000) for the regional and global reviews that would take place in 2015, on the twentieth anniversary of the Beijing Conference (Beijing+20). The subregional report on the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2014c) has also been taken into account, which includes data from the country gender assessments prepared by the Caribbean Development Bank, the country poverty assessments and information provided by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
The report is a summary based on information received by ECLAC from the eight English-speaking Caribbean countries of Barbados, Belize, the Cayman Islands, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Jamaica, Suriname, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago in response to the questionnaire to governments on the Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly (2000). The report is therefore set in the context of the regional review and appraisals of the fifteenth anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 2010. This Executive Summary highlights the achievements and the challenges for the Caribbean subregion in the progress towards implementation of the Beijing Platform of Action.
The Caribbean sub-regional synthesis report, covering 12 countries, assesses progress towards the gender equality goals articulated in the 1995 World Conference on Women, which produced the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA). The process leading to the preparation of the report has involved a series of national, regional and global consultations that will culminate in the Beijing + 20 Review. The process has also led to the formulation of the Caribbean Joint Statement on Gender Equality and the Post-2015, as well as the SIDS Agenda, both of which express Caribbean perspectives and expectations regarding gender equality.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) by Latin American companies has increased sharply since the beginning of the 2000s. While most investment flows correspond to firms from large economies (i.e. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Colombia), small economies have also witnessed the increasing internationalisation of their domestic companies. This study examines the strategies followed by multinational enterprises (MNEs) from Latin America when they decide to invest in other countries, highlighting differences by sector and issuer-country size. To that end a new database, which comprises quantitative information on the main operations abroad of Latin American enterprises (both greenfield, and mergers and acquisitions) was constructed, based on fDi Markets and Thomson Reuters Datastream. It also investigates the home-country effects of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by conducting a case study of Costa Rica through a representative sample of firms investing abroad.
The oil and gas sector has led the economy of Trinidad and Tobago since the late 1970s and, more pronouncedly, since 2000, accounting for a large share of gdp, total exports and tax revenue. Its prospects in the medium term could be negatively affected, however, if oil and gas extraction expands in other countries, and if the United States attains energy self-sufficiency. This paper offers an analysis of the evolution and competitiveness of its oil and non-oil exports to both the United States and global markets, based on the revealed comparative advantage (rca) index used by eclac. Other foreign trade indicators are also included to determine the structure of the country’s trading relations. The period from 1985 to 2010 is analysed and the results presented are intended to advocate the diversification of Trinidad and Tobago’s exports into more dynamic and diversified markets.
Após a glaciação do final do Criogeniano, a região central do Brasil foi palco de extensa deposição de carbonatos plataformais do Grupo Araras. Este grupo inclui na sua base uma seqüência de capa carbonática sucedida por depósitos transgressivos de calcilutitos betuminosos e folhelhos de plataforma profunda. Dados de fácies e estratigráficos combinados com análises isotópicas de carbono e oxigênio da seção mais completa desses depósitos transgressivos, expostos no sinclinal da Guia, foram empregados para avaliar o paleambiente deposicional e para testar a correlação desses depósitos ao longo da faixa e também com outras unidades de outros continentes. A sucessão estudada consiste de 150 m de espessura de camadas tabulares de calcilutitos e folhelhos cinza a pretos com valores de d13CPDB negativos, entre -2,5 e -1 . O perfil de d13CPDB do sinclinal da Guia mostra clara correlação com a porção superior da Formação Guia da região de Cáceres, 200 km a sudoeste. O perfil de d13CPDB do Grupo Araras é comparável aos perfis de d13CPDB de outras unidades ediacaranas da parte sul da Faixa Paraguai, oeste do Canadá, e crátons do Congo e do Kalahari. Além disso, a distribuição de fácies, estratigrafia e o perfil isotópico do Grupo Araras são equiparáveis à porção média do Subgrupo Tsumeb na Namíbia, o que reforça a atribuição de idade Ediacarana para o Grupo Araras.