991 resultados para Expedición de Lewis y Clarke, 1804-1806.
One-page handwritten copy of the vote of the Boston Selectmen responding to Croswell's complaint, as usher of the South Grammar School of Boston, against a parent.
Two letters to Hannah Collins dated July 26 and 29, 1806, regarding money owed by Croswell for washing services.
One-page draft of a request by Croswell to an unidentified entity for financial assistance.
This folder contains five bills and receipts.
Handwritten copy of a certificate acknowledging the deposit of the title of Croswell's celestial planisphere with the clerk of the District of Massachusetts.
Handwritten draft of a power of attorney, in Croswell's hand, authorizing John Jones to act for mariner Joseph Chip.
Two-leaf document containing three journal entries written by Croswell upon his arrival in Liverpool in late December 1806.
This folder contains nine slips of paper with various notes about books and reading materials. For some documents it is unclear if the notes were created in Croswell's work on the Harvard College Library catalog or in his personal research.
This brief handwritten document certifies that the guardianship of Richard Nichols of Reading, Massachusetts, was granted to yeoman Thomas Hartshorn of Reading according to the records of the Probate Court in Framingham, Massachusetts. The document is attested by James Winthrop in his capacity as register of probate for Middlesex County.
This subseries consists of a paper notebook containing a handwritten draft of the report presented to the Harvard Corporation on April 30, 1804 by the Committee to frame Rules, Directions, and Statutes of the Boylston Professorship of Rhetoric and Oratory. The handwritten report provides a numbered list of rules related to the Boylston Professorship and is dated April 16, 1804. The report is followed by a certification signed May 1, 1804 from President Joseph Willard that he was unable to attend the meeting of the Corporation to discuss the professorship.
The leather bound folio account book kept by Steward Caleb Gannett contains accounts for members of the Classes of 1795-1804, as well as accounts for President Joseph Willard, Tutors, Fellows, and Faculty. The volume also contains the Steward's accounts with the Harvard Treasurer, as well as his "Cash" accounting. The volume does not have the detailed transaction descriptions found in earlier ledgers; both Credit and Debit entries are described as being paid by, or being owed to, cash, balance, sundry accounts, or the Treasury.
The large leather-bound volume contains a final monthly accounting of Steward Gannett's financial transactions from December 1795 through September 1804. The journal records four types of transactions: "Sundry accounts dr to Treasury," "Cash dr to sundry accounts," "Treasury dr to sundry accounts," and Treasury Dr to Treasury orders." The pages are arranged into columns for account numbers, transaction descriptions, and associated amounts. The entries reflect the movement of funds between the Steward's cash and sundry accounts and the Treasury. Transaction descriptions include student names and amounts based on quarterly bills, specific scholarship and salary allocations, and the names of individuals paid for services, from wood suppliers to medical instructors.
This original draft was probably written by Eliphalet Pearson (1752-1826) as a member of the committee charged with the task of establishing the rules, directions, and statutes for the Boylston Professorship by the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers. This draft is heavily edited and contains many cross outs through the text.
This series contains sixty-nine documents related to the College's interest in the Charlestown ferry between 1707 and 1806 that were gathered together, arranged in chronological order, and pasted into a bound volume at an undetermined date. The majority of documents are leases and bonds with the ferrymen, as well as handwritten copies of Corporation petitions to the General Court regarding ferry fares and bridge development. The series also includes handwritten legal opinions composed by Levi Lincoln and Nathan Dane for the College analyzing the rights of the College to transportation-related income.