992 resultados para European Climate
AICMA 2012 (BIT's 1st Annual International Congress of Marine Algae), World Expo Center, Dalian, China, 20-23 de Setembro.
MOVECLIM, Mid Course Meeting, 2-6 September 2013, Réunion (Mascarenes).
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresa (MBA), 16 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
This paper is part of the results from the project "Implementation Strategies and Development of an Open and Distance Education System for the University of the Azores" funded by the European Social Fund. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/2327
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Edificações
In this paper, we will focus on the importance of languages as an asset to people and companies in knowledge-based society, giving special attention to the case of portuguese, not forgetting the role of Higher Education Institutions in preparing students to be part of the new creative multilingual and sucsessful class.
To mimic the online practices of citizens has been declared an imperative to improve communication and extend participation. This paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of how European discourses praising online video as a communication tool have been translated into actual practices by politicians, governments and organisations. By contrasting official documents with YouTube activity, it is argued that new opportunities for European political communication are far from being fully embraced, much akin to the early years of websites. The main choice has been to use YouTube channels fundamentally for distribution and archiving, thus neglecting its social media features. The disabling of comments by many heads of state and prime ministers - and, in 2010, the European Commission - indicates such an attitude. The few attempts made to foster citizen engagement, in particular during elections, have had limited success, given low participation numbers and lack of argument exchange.
Serious games are games where the entertainment aspect is not the most relevant motivation or objective. TimeMesh is an online, multi-language, multiplayer, collaborative and social game platform for sharing and acquiring knowledge of the history of European regions. As such it is a serious game with educational characteristics. This article evaluates the use of TimeMesh with students of 13 and 14 years-old. It shows that this game is already a significant learning tool about European citizenship.
Portugal hosted in the last thirteen years, two editions of the event European Cultural Capital; this paper intends to illustrate the coverage that Portuguese newspapers (daily newspapers Público, Diário de Notícias, Correio da Manhã and Jornal de Notícias, a weekly newsmagazine Visão and a weekly newspaper Expresso) made, through referrals in front-page and respective developments within the editions, to each of the events and that allows us to define the main moments that marked each of them, patterns of action, the major players, planning and programming types. The European Cultural Capital project elects, from year to year, cities of different EU member states with the main goal of “contributing to bring together the Europe´s people" (words of Mélina Mercouri, Greek Minister of Culture who, in 1985, proposed the launch of this initiative) and encouraging the elected urban space to present new cultural paradigms. In the genesis of this model is the cultural decentralization’s vector, a possibility to medium-sized cities of funding public works, restoring heritage and promoting themselves in touristic terms, of giving visibility to cities away from cultural and creative industries’ major distribution centers. A crucial factor to achieve this goal is media coverage. This paper outline the information that the Portuguese press ran over the two years that elapsed the latest editions of the European Cultural Capital in Portugal, namely that media coverage have deviated from the disclosure of the events’ schedule to suggest itineraries of visit and little or not even question the role that cities, promoting such initiatives, have as places of innovation in terms of cultural policies, artistic production and innovation, in urban and environmental regeneration, in economic revitalization, in training and creating new artists and new audiences and in boosting the confidence of local communities. The content analysis performed to articles shows how press is essential to the promotion of cities as cultural/touristic destinations as it stimulates consumption among residents and attracts visitors, with the possible dire consequence of turning the cultural journalist into an agent of touristic instead of cultural promotion.
Artigo baseado na comunicação proferida no 1st International Symposium on Media Studies, realizado na Akdeniz Universitesi Yayınları, Antalya, Turquia, 21-23 de novembro de 2013
The discussion and analysis of the diverse outreach activities in this article provide guidance and suggestions for academic librarians who are interested in outreach and community engagement of any scale and nature. Cases are draw from a wide spectrum and are particularly strong in the setting of large academic libraries, special collections and programming for multicultural populations. The aim of this study is to present the results of research carried out regarding the needs, demand and consumption of European Union information by users in European Documentation Centres (EDC). A quantitative methodology was chosen based on a questionnaire with 24 items. This questionnaire was distributed within the EDC of Salamanca, Spain, and the EDC of Porto, Portugal, during specific time intervals between 2010 and 2011. We examined the level of EU information that EDC users possess, and identified the factors that facilitate or hinder access to EU information, the topics most demanded, and the types of documents consulted. Analysis was made of the use that the consumer of European information makes of databases and their behaviour during the consultation. Although the sample used was not very significant owing to its small size, it is a faithful reflection of the scarce visits made to EDCs. This study can be of use to managers of EDCs, providing them with better knowledge of the information needs and demands of their users. Ultimately this should lead to improvements in the services offered. The study lies within a frame of research scarcely addressed in specialized scholarly literature: European Union information.
Every year European citizens become victims of devastating fires, which are especially disastrous for Southern European countries. Apart from the numerous health and economic consequences, fires generate hazardous pollutants that are introduced into the environment, thus representing serious risks for public health. In that regard, particulate matter (PM) is of amajor concern. Thus, the objectives of thisworkwere to characterize the trend of forest fire occurrences and burnt area during the period of 2005 and 2010 and to study the influence of forest fires on levels of particulatematter PM10 and PM2.5. In 2010, 22,026 forest fires occurred in Portugal. The northern region was the most affected by forest fires, with 27% of occurrences in Oporto district. The annual means of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at two urban background sites were 25±14 μg m−3 and 8.2±4.9 μg m−3, and 17±13 μg m−3 and 7.3±5.9 μg m−3, respectively. At both sites the highest levels of PMfractionswere observed during July and August of 2010, corresponding to the periods when majority (66%) of forest fires occurred. Furthermore, PM10 daily limit at the two sites was exceeded during 20 and 5 days, respectively; 56%, and respectively 60% of those exceedances occurred during the forest fire season. Considering that the risks of forest fire ignition and severity are enhanced with elevated temperatures, the climate change might increase the environmental impacts of forest fires.
This paper presents some results of a survey on access to European information among a group of 234 users of 55 European Documentation Centres (EDCs), from 21 European Union (EU) Member-States. The findings of the questionnaire made to 88 EDCs' managers, from 26 EU Member-States, will also be analyse. Two different points of view regarding issues related to reasons to access European information, the valued aspects during that access and the use of European databases will be compare.
According to an ancient folkloric legend, Our Lady, stepping down from the sea, would have rided on a mule to the platform above the cliffs named Pedra da Mua at Lagosteiros'bay, near Espichel cape. Mule's footprints, regarded by fishermen as evidence, would be clearly recognizable on exposed surfaces of the rocks. Indeed there are footprints but from Dinosaurs of latest Jurassic, Portlandian age, this spectacular locality being specially rich in giant Sauropod tracks (that have seldom been found elsewhere in Europe). As we proceeded to its study, another locality with Dinosaur footprints, Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian) in age, was found on the northern cliffs at Lagosteiros. It is probably the richest one in european Lower Cretaceous and the only of this age known in Portugal, so we decided to give priority to its study. Dinosaur tracks have been printed on calciclastic sands in a lagoonal environment protected by fringing coral reefs. There have been emersion episodes; beaches were frequented by Dinosaurs. Later on, the marine barremian ingression restablished a gulf and such animals could not come here any more. Under a paleogeographical viewpoint, the evidence of a marine regression near the end of Hauterivian is to be remarked. Five types of tracks and footprints have been recognized: - Neosauropus lagosteirensis, new morphogenus and species, tracks from a giant Sauropod, perhaps from Camarasaurus; with its proportions the total length of the author would be about 15,5 m. These are the only Sauropod tracks known till now in Europe's Lower Cretaceous. - tracks from a not so big quadruped, maybe a Sauropod (young individual?); however it is not impossible that they were produced by Stegosaurians or Ankylosaurians. -Megalosauropus (?Eutynichnium) gomesi new morphospecies, four Theropod tracks most probably produced by megalosaurs. - Iguanodon sp., represented by some footprints and specially by a set corresponding to the feet and tail from an individual standing in a rest position. - problematical, quite small-sized biped (maybe an Ornithopod related to Camptosaurus). Evidence points to a richer fauna than that known in barremian "Dinosaur sandstones" from a nearby locality, Boca do Chapim. Lagosteiros' association clearly indicates the predominance of herbivores, which required large amounts of vegetable food in the neighbourhood. This is an indirect evidence of the vegetal wealth, also suggested by associations of plant macrofossils, polen and spores found in early Cretaceous sediments at the same region. The relatively high proportion of Theropoda is related to the wealth of the whole fauna, which comprised a lot of the prey needed by such powerful flesh-eaters. The evidence, as a whole, points out to a warm and moist climate. All the tracks whose direction could be measured are directed to the southern quadrants, this being confirmed by the approximative direction of other footprints. Massive displacements (migration?) could take place during a brief emersion episode. This may result from the ingression of barremian seas, flooding the region and restablishing here a small gulf. Even if the arrival of the waters damaged certain footprints it has not destroyed them completely, thus allowing the preservation of such evidence from a remote past.
A Igualdade entre Homens e Mulheres e a não discriminação constituem princípios fundamentais da Constituição da Republica Portuguesa e do Tratado que institui a União Europeia – Tratado de Lisboa. A desigualdade entre Homens e Mulheres constitui uma violação dos direitos fundamentais, e impõe um pesado custo à economia na medida em que se desaproveitam talentos em função do género. A promoção de uma efetiva igualdade entre Homens e Mulheres constitui um dever fundamental do Estado. A promoção da participação ativa de Homens e Mulheres na vida política, ao nível da administração central, regional e local, é também um forte indicador da qualidade da democracia de um estado. Tomando por base a temática da Igualdade de Género, o Roteiro para a Igualdade entre Homens e Mulheres (2006-2010), o pacto Europeu para a Igualdade entre os Sexos (2006), a Estratégia para a Igualdade entre Homens e Mulheres 2010-2015 que elencam ações consideradas prioritárias – igualdade na independência económica; igualdade na remuneração por trabalho igual e por trabalho de igual valor; igualdade na tomada de decisões; promoção da dignidade e a integridade, pôr fim à violência de género; e questões horizontais – papéis desempenhados por Homens e Mulheres, legislação, governação e instrumentos no domínio da igualdade entre Homens e Mulheres, o objeto deste estudo centra-se na atividade do Estado Português, mais concretamente ao nível local. Procurou-se enquadrar esta temática na Gestão dos Recursos Humanos, na busca de um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre a implementação de Boas Práticas de Igualdade de Género e a sua relação nos domínios da Satisfação Laboral assim como no Clima Organizacional. O presente estudo expõe uma abordagem quantitativa, de carácter descritivo, exploratório, correlacional e preditivo. O tratamento estatístico realizou-se com recurso ao programa IBM SPSS Statistics, versão 21. Os resultados encontrados apontam para uma associação positiva entre a existência de boas práticas de igualdade de género e a satisfação laboral dos trabalhadores, assim como do clima organizacional. São apresentadas pistas para a intervenção no domínio da função da gestão e desenvolvimento dos recursos humanos.