679 resultados para Eukaryotes


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The general transcription initiation factor TFIID was originally identified, purified, and characterized with a biochemical assay in which accurate transcription initiation is reconstituted with multiple, chromatographically separable activities. Biochemical analyses have demonstrated that TFIID is a multiprotein complex that directs preinitiation complex assembly on both TATA box-containing and TATA-less promoters, and some TFIID subunits have been shown to be molecular targets for activation domains in DNA-binding regulatory proteins. These findings have most commonly been interpreted to support the view that transcriptional activation by upstream factors is the result of enhanced TFIID recruitment to the core promoter. Recent insights into the architecture and cell-cycle regulation of the multiprotein TFIID complex prompt both a reassessment of the functional role of TFIID in gene activation and a review of some of the less well-appreciated literature on TFIID. We present a speculative model for diverse functional roles of TFIID in the cell, explore the merits of the model in the context of published data, and suggest experimental approaches to resolve unanswered questions. Finally, we point out how the proposed functional roles of TFIID in eukaryotic class II transcription fit into a model for promoter recognition and activation that applies to both eubacteria and eukaryotes.


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We present a testable model for the origin of the nucleus, the membrane-bounded organelle that defines eukaryotes. A chimeric cell evolved via symbiogenesis by syntrophic merger between an archaebacterium and a eubacterium. The archaebacterium, a thermoacidophil resembling extant Thermoplasma, generated hydrogen sulfide to protect the eubacterium, a heterotrophic swimmer comparable to Spirochaeta or Hollandina that oxidized sulfide to sulfur. Selection pressure for speed swimming and oxygen avoidance led to an ancient analogue of the extant cosmopolitan bacterial consortium “Thiodendron latens.” By eubacterial-archaebacterial genetic integration, the chimera, an amitochondriate heterotroph, evolved. This “earliest branching protist” that formed by permanent DNA recombination generated the nucleus as a component of the karyomastigont, an intracellular complex that assured genetic continuity of the former symbionts. The karyomastigont organellar system, common in extant amitochondriate protists as well as in presumed mitochondriate ancestors, minimally consists of a single nucleus, a single kinetosome and their protein connector. As predecessor of standard mitosis, the karyomastigont preceded free (unattached) nuclei. The nucleus evolved in karyomastigont ancestors by detachment at least five times (archamoebae, calonymphids, chlorophyte green algae, ciliates, foraminifera). This specific model of syntrophic chimeric fusion can be proved by sequence comparison of functional domains of motility proteins isolated from candidate taxa.


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To some extent, the genetic theory of adaptive evolution in bacteria is a simple extension of that developed for sexually reproducing eukaryotes. In other, fundamental ways, the process of adaptive evolution in bacteria is quantitatively and qualitatively different from that of organisms for which recombination is an integral part of the reproduction process. In this speculative and opinionated discussion, we explore these differences. In particular, we consider (i) how, as a consequence of the low rates of recombination, “ordinary” chromosomal gene evolution in bacteria is different from that in organisms where recombination is frequent and (ii) the fundamental role of the horizontal transmission of genes and accessory genetic elements as sources of variation in bacteria. We conclude with speculations about the evolution of accessory elements and their role in the adaptive evolution of bacteria.


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cDNA fragments encoding the carboxyltransferase domain of the multidomain plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) from herbicide-resistant maize and from herbicide-sensitive and herbicide-resistant Lolium rigidum were cloned and sequenced. A Leu residue was found in ACCases from herbicide-resistant plants at a position occupied by Ile in all ACCases from sensitive grasses studied so far. Leu is present at the equivalent position in herbicide-resistant ACCases from other eukaryotes. Chimeric ACCases containing a 1000-aa fragment of two ACCase isozymes found in a herbicide-resistant maize were expressed in a yeast ACC1 null mutant to test herbicide sensitivity of the enzyme in vivo and in vitro. One of the enzymes was resistant/tolerant, and one was sensitive to haloxyfop and sethoxydim, rendering the gene-replacement yeast strains resistant and sensitive to these compounds, respectively. The sensitive enzyme has an Ile residue, and the resistant one has a Leu residue at the putative herbicide-binding site. Additionally, a single Ile to Leu replacement at an equivalent position changes the wheat plastid ACCase from sensitive to resistant. The effect of the opposite substitution, Leu to Ile, makes Toxoplasma gondii apicoplast ACCase resistant to haloxyfop and clodinafop. In this case, inhibition of the carboxyltransferase activity of ACCase (second half-reaction) of a large fragment of the Toxoplasma enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli was tested. The critical amino acid residue is located close to a highly conserved motif of the carboxyltransferase domain, which is probably a part of the enzyme active site, providing the basis for the activity of fop and dim herbicides.


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Homologous DNA recombination is a fundamental, regenerative process within living organisms. However, in most organisms, homologous recombination is a rare event, requiring a complex set of reactions and extensive homology. We demonstrate in this paper that Beta protein of phage λ generates recombinants in chromosomal DNA by using synthetic single-stranded DNAs (ssDNA) as short as 30 bases long. This ssDNA recombination can be used to mutagenize or repair the chromosome with efficiencies that generate up to 6% recombinants among treated cells. Mechanistically, it appears that Beta protein, a Rad52-like protein, binds and anneals the ssDNA donor to a complementary single-strand near the DNA replication fork to generate the recombinant. This type of homologous recombination with ssDNA provides new avenues for studying and modifying genomes ranging from bacterial pathogens to eukaryotes. Beta protein and ssDNA may prove generally applicable for repairing DNA in many organisms.


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To identify and characterize individual Ca2+ pumps, we have expressed an Arabidopsis ECA1 gene encoding an endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+-ATPase homolog in the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutant K616. The mutant (pmc1pmr1cnb1) lacks a Golgi and a vacuolar membrane Ca2+ pump and grows very poorly on Ca2+-depleted medium. Membranes isolated from the mutant showed high H+/Ca2+-antiport but no Ca2+-pump activity. Expression of ECA1 in endomembranes increased mutant growth by 10- to 20-fold in Ca2+-depleted medium. 45Ca2+ pumping into vesicles from ECA1 transformants was detected after the H+/Ca2+-antiport activity was eliminated with bafilomycin A1 and gramicidin D. The pump had a high affinity for Ca2+ (Km = 30 nm) and displayed two affinities for ATP (Km of 20 and 235 μm). Cyclopiazonic acid, a specific blocker of animal sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, inhibited Ca2+ transport (50% inhibition dose = 3 nmol/mg protein), but thapsigargin (3 μm) did not. Transport was insensitive to calmodulin. These results suggest that this endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+-ATPase could support cell growth in plants as in yeast by maintaining submicromolar levels of cytosolic Ca2+ and replenishing Ca2+ in endomembrane compartments. This study demonstrates that the yeast K616 mutant provides a powerful expression system to study the structure/function relationships of Ca2+ pumps from eukaryotes.


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In wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings subjected to a mild water stress (water potential of −0.3 MPa), the leaf-elongation rate was reduced by one-half and the mitotic activity of mesophyll cells was reduced to 42% of well-watered controls within 1 d. There was also a reduction in the length of the zone of mesophyll cell division to within 4 mm from the base compared with 8 mm in control leaves. However, the period of division continued longer in the stressed than in the control leaves, and the final cell number in the stressed leaves reached 85% of controls. Cyclin-dependent protein kinase enzymes that are required in vivo for DNA replication and mitosis were recovered from the meristematic zone of leaves by affinity for p13suc1. Water stress caused a reduction in H1 histone kinase activity to one-half of the control level, although amounts of the enzyme were unaffected. Reduced activity was correlated with an increased proportion of the 34-kD Cdc2-like kinase (an enzyme sharing with the Cdc2 protein of other eukaryotes the same size, antigenic sites, affinity for p13suc1, and H1 histone kinase catalytic activity) deactivated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Deactivation to 50% occurred within 3 h of stress imposition in cells at the base of the meristematic zone and was therefore too fast to be explained by a reduction in the rate at which cells reached mitosis because of slowing of growth; rather, stress must have acted more immediately on the enzyme. The operation of controls slowing the exit from the G1 and G2 phases is discussed. We suggest that a water-stress signal acts on Cdc2 kinase by increasing phosphorylation of tyrosine, causing a shift to the inhibited form and slowing cell production.


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In the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae, photoadaptation involves changes in the transcription of genes encoding both of the major classes of light-harvesting proteins, the peridinin chlorophyll a proteins (PCPs) and the major a/c-containing intrinsic light-harvesting proteins (LHCs). PCP and LHC transcript levels were increased up to 86- and 6-fold higher, respectively, under low-light conditions relative to cells grown at high illumination. These increases in transcript abundance were accompanied by decreases in the extent of methylation of CpG and CpNpG motifs within or near PCP- and LHC-coding regions. Cytosine methylation levels in A. carterae are therefore nonstatic and may vary with environmental conditions in a manner suggestive of involvement in the regulation of gene expression. However, chemically induced undermethylation was insufficient in activating transcription, because treatment with two methylation inhibitors had no effect on PCP mRNA or protein levels. Regulation of gene activity through changes in DNA methylation has traditionally been assumed to be restricted to higher eukaryotes (deuterostomes and green plants); however, the atypically large genomes of dinoflagellates may have generated the requirement for systems of this type in a relatively “primitive” organism. Dinoflagellates may therefore provide a unique perspective on the evolution of eukaryotic DNA-methylation systems.


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Members of the lipoxygenase multigene family, found widely in eukaryotes, have been proposed to function in nitrogen partitioning and storage in plants. Lipoxygenase gene responses to source-sink manipulations in mature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaves were examined using gene-specific riboprobes to the five vegetative lipoxygenases (vlxA–vlxE). Steady-state levels of all vlx mRNAs responded strongly to sink limitation, but specific transcripts exhibited differential patterns of response as well. During reproductive sink limitation, vlxA and vlxB messages accumulated to high levels, whereas vlxC and vlxD transcript levels were modest. Immunolocalization using peptide-specific antibodies demonstrated that under control conditions, VLXB was present in the cytosol of the paraveinal mesophyll and with pod removal accumulated additionally in the bundle-sheath and adjacent cells. With sink limitation VLXD accumulated to apparent high levels in the vacuoles of the same cells. Segregation of gene products at the cellular and subcellular levels may thus permit complex patterns of differential regulation within the same cell type. Specific lipoxygenase isoforms may have a role in short-term nitrogen storage (VLXC/D), whereas others may simultaneously function in assimilate partitioning as active enzymes (VLXA/B).


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Functional annotation of novel genes can be achieved by detection of interactions of their encoded proteins with known proteins followed by assays to validate that the gene participates in a specific cellular function. We report an experimental strategy that allows for detection of protein interactions and functional assays with a single reporter system. Interactions among biochemical network component proteins are detected and probed with stimulators and inhibitors of the network. In addition, the cellular location of the interacting proteins is determined. We used this strategy to map a signal transduction network that controls initiation of translation in eukaryotes. We analyzed 35 different pairs of full-length proteins and identified 14 interactions, of which five have not been observed previously, suggesting that the organization of the pathway is more ramified and integrated than previously shown. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using this strategy in efforts of genomewide functional annotation.


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The molecular identification of ion channels in internal membranes has made scant progress compared with the study of plasma membrane ion channels. We investigated a prominent voltage-dependent, cation-selective, and calcium-activated vacuolar ion conductance of 320 pS (yeast vacuolar conductance, YVC1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we report on a gene, the deduced product of which possesses significant homology to the ion channel of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family. By using a combination of gene deletion and re-expression with direct patch clamping of the yeast vacuolar membrane, we show that this yeast TRP-like gene is necessary for the YVC1 conductance. In physiological conditions, tens of micromolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ activates the YVC1 current carried by cations including Ca2+ across the vacuolar membrane. Immunodetection of a tagged YVC1 gene product indicates that YVC1 is primarily localized in the vacuole and not other intracellular membranes. Thus we have identified the YVC1 vacuolar/lysosomal cation-channel gene. This report has implications for the function of TRP channels in other organisms and the possible molecular identification of vacuolar/lysosomal ion channels in other eukaryotes.


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Microbes whose genomes are encoded by DNA and for which adequate information is available display similar genomic mutation rates (average 0.0034 mutations per chromosome replication, range 0.0025 to 0.0046). However, this value currently is based on only a few well characterized microbes reproducing within a narrow range of environmental conditions. In particular, no genomic mutation rate has been determined either for a microbe whose natural growth conditions may extensively damage DNA or for any member of the archaea, a prokaryotic lineage deeply diverged from both bacteria and eukaryotes. Both of these conditions are met by the extreme thermoacidophile Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. We determined the genomic mutation rate for this species when growing at pH 3.5 and 75°C based on the rate of forward mutation at the pyrE gene and the nucleotide changes identified in 101 independent mutants. The observed value of about 0.0018 extends the range of DNA-based microbes with rates close to the standard rate simultaneously to an archaeon and to an extremophile whose cytoplasmic pH and normal growth temperature greatly accelerate the spontaneous decomposition of DNA. The mutations include base pair substitutions (BPSs) and additions and deletions of various sizes, but the S. acidocaldarius spectrum differs from those of other DNA-based organisms in being relatively poor in BPSs. The paucity of BPSs cannot yet be explained by known properties of DNA replication or repair enzymes of Sulfolobus spp. It suggests, however, that molecular evolution per genome replication may proceed more slowly in S. acidocaldarius than in other DNA-based organisms examined to date.


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The MMS19 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a polypeptide of unknown function which is required for both nucleotide excision repair (NER) and RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcription. Here we report the molecular cloning of human and mouse orthologs of the yeast MMS19 gene. Both human and Drosophila MMS19 cDNAs correct thermosensitive growth and sensitivity to killing by UV radiation in a yeast mutant deleted for the MMS19 gene, indicating functional conservation between the yeast and mammalian gene products. Alignment of the translated sequences of MMS19 from multiple eukaryotes, including mouse and human, revealed the presence of several conserved regions, including a HEAT repeat domain near the C-terminus. The presence of HEAT repeats, coupled with functional complementation of yeast mutant phenotypes by the orthologous protein from higher eukaryotes, suggests a role of Mms19 protein in the assembly of a multiprotein complex(es) required for NER and RNAP II transcription. Both the mouse and human genes are ubiquitously expressed as multiple transcripts, some of which appear to derive from alternative splicing. The ratio of different transcripts varies in several different tissue types.


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Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) is the only protein known to bind specifically to the group of oxysterols with potent effects on cholesterol homeostasis. Although the function of OSBP is currently unknown, an important role is implicated by the existence of multiple homologues in all eukaryotes so far examined. OSBP and a subset of homologues contain pleckstrin homology (PH) domains. Such domains are responsible for the targeting of a wide range of proteins to the plasma membrane. In contrast, OSBP is a peripheral protein of Golgi membranes, and its PH domain targets to the trans-Golgi network of mammalian cells. In this article, we have characterized Osh1p, Osh2p, and Osh3p, the three homologues of OSBP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that contain PH domains. Examination of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion to Osh1p revealed a striking dual localization with the protein present on both the late Golgi, and in the recently described nucleus-vacuole (NV) junction. Deletion mapping revealed that the PH domain of Osh1p specified targeting to the late Golgi, and an ankyrin repeat domain targeting to the NV junction, the first such targeting domain identified for this structure. GFP fusions to Osh2p and Osh3p showed intracellular distributions distinct from that of Osh1p, and their PH domains appear to contribute to their differing localizations.


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For several decades, research into the mechanisms of genetic recombination proceeded without a complete understanding of its cellular function or its place in DNA metabolism. Many lines of research recently have coalesced to reveal a thorough integration of most aspects of DNA metabolism, including recombination. In bacteria, the primary function of homologous genetic recombination is the repair of stalled or collapsed replication forks. Recombinational DNA repair of replication forks is a surprisingly common process, even under normal growth conditions. The new results feature multiple pathways for repair and the involvement of many enzymatic systems. The long-recognized integration of replication and recombination in the DNA metabolism of bacteriophage T4 has moved into the spotlight with its clear mechanistic precedents. In eukaryotes, a similar integration of replication and recombination is seen in meiotic recombination as well as in the repair of replication forks and double-strand breaks generated by environmental abuse. Basic mechanisms for replication fork repair can now inform continued research into other aspects of recombination. This overview attempts to trace the history of the search for recombination function in bacteria and their bacteriophages, as well as some of the parallel paths taken in eukaryotic recombination research.