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In highly eusocial insects, such as the honey bee, Apis mellifera, the reproductive bias has become embedded in morphological caste differences. These are most expressively denoted in ovary size, with adult queens having large ovaries consisting of 150-200 ovarioles each, while workers typically have only 1-20 ovarioles per ovary. This morphological differentiation is a result of hormonal signals triggered by the diet change in the third larval instar, which eventually generate caste-specific gene expression patterns. To reveal these we produced differential gene expression libraries by Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) for queen and worker ovaries in a developmental stage when cell death is a prominent feature in the ovarioles of workers, whereas all ovarioles are maintained and extend in length in queens. In the queen library, 48% of the gene set represented homologs of known Drosophila genes, whereas in the worker ovary, the largest set (59%) were ESTs evidencing novel genes, not even computationally predicted in the honey bee genome. Differential expression was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR for a selected gene set, denoting major differences for two queen and two worker library genes. These included two unpredicted genes located in chromosome 11 (Group11.35 and Group11.31, respectively) possibly representing long non-coding RNAs. Being candidates as modulators of ovary development, their expression and functional analysis should be a focal point for future studies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. To determine HLA-G expression in skin biopsies from patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), and its association with epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory variables and survival. Methods. Paraffin-embedded skin biopsies obtained from 21 SSc patients (14 limited SSc, 7 diffuse SSc) and from 28 healthy controls were studied. HLA-G expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Results. HLA-G molecules were detected in 57% of skin biopsies from patients with SSc (9 from limited SSc, 3 from diffuse SSc), whereas no control sample expressed HLA-G (p = 0.000004). In patients, HLA-G molecules were consistently observed within epidermal and some dermal cells. HLA-G expression was associated with a lower frequency of vascular cutaneous ulcers (p = 0.0004), telangiectasias (p = 0.008), and inflammatory polyarthralgia (p = 0.02). After a 15-year followup, SSc patients who exhibited HLA-G survived longer than patients who did not. Conclusion. HLA-G is expressed in skin biopsies from patients with SSc, and this is associated with a better disease prognosis. This Suggests a Modulatory role of HLA-G in SSc, as observed in other skin disorders. (First Release April 15 2009; J Rheumatol 2009;36:1230-4; doi:10.3899/jrheum.080552)
P>Background The nonclassical human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-G molecule has been well recognized as a tolerogenic molecule and few studies have evaluated the role of the molecule in inflammatory cutaneous autoimmune diseases. Objectives To evaluate the expression of HLA-G in skin specimens of patients with psoriasis and to analyse its correlation with epidemiological and clinical variables. Methods Thirty untreated patients with psoriasis and 32 healthy individuals were enrolled. Immunohistochemistry was applied to identify HLA-G expression in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cutaneous skin biopsies. Results Soluble and membrane-bound HLA-G expression was detected in 30 (90%) of the skin specimens from patients presenting clinical and histopathological features of psoriasis. Although infiltrating lymphomononuclear cells of the dermis exhibited HLA-G expression, the epidermis was primarily targeted. HLA-G expression was also observed in 27% (three of 11) of the specimens that exhibited no clinical and histopathological features of psoriasis (nonaffected areas). In contrast, skin specimens obtained from healthy individuals exhibited no HLA-G expression (P < 0 center dot 0001). The intensity of HLA-G expression was not associated with type I/II psoriasis, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score or clinical forms. Conclusions As the HLA-G molecule was consistently expressed in affected and, to a lesser extent, in nonaffected areas of untreated patients with psoriasis, irrespective of the severity of the clinical variants, one may hypothesize that the presence of HLA-G may be responsible, at least in part, for the regulation of autoimmune effector cells.
The present study compared two heating methods currently used for antigen retrieval (AR) immunostaining: the microwave oven and the steam cooker. Myosin-V, a molecular motor involved in vesicle transport, was used as a neuronal marker in honeybee Apis mellifera brains fixed in formalin. Overall, the steam cooker showed the most satisfactory AR results. At 100 degrees C, tissue morphology was maintained and revealed epitope recovery, while evaporation of the AR solution was markedly reduced; this is important for stabilizing the sodium citrate molarity of the AR buffer and reducing background effects. Standardization of heat-mediated AR of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections results in more reliable immunostaining of the honeybee brain.
Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted, calcium-binding phosphorylated glycoprotein involved in several physiological and pathological events such as angiogenesis, apoptosis, inflammation, wound healing, vascular remodeling, calcification of mineralized tissues, and induction of cell proteases. There is growing interest in the role of OPN in breast cancer. In an attempt to obtain new insight into the pathogenesis of OPN-associated breast carcinomas, an immunohistochemical panel with 17 primary antibodies including cytokeratins and key regulators of the cell cycle was performed in 100 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of invasive breast carcinomas. OPN was expressed in 65% of tumors and was negatively correlated with estrogen (p=0.0350) and progesterone (p=0.0069) receptors, but not with the other markers and clinicopathological features evaluated including age, menstrual status, pathological grading, tumor size, and metastasis. There was no correlation between OPN expression and carcinomas of the basal-like phenotype (p=0.1615); however, OPN correlated positively with c-erbB-2 status (p=0.0286) and negatively with carcinomas of the luminal subtype (p=0.0353). It is well known that carcinomas overexpressing c-erbB-2 protein have a worse prognosis than luminal tumors. Here, we hypothesize that the differential expression of OPN in the first subtype of carcinomas may contribute to their more aggressive behavior. (Int J Biol Markers 2008; 23: 154-60)
The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by using silver impregnation techniques, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) to observe the nerve fibers and their terminals. Silver impregnation was done according to Winkelman and Schmit, 1957. For TEM, small blocks were fixed in modified Karnovsky solution, postfixed in 1% buffered osmium tetroxide solution, and embedded in Spurr resin. For HRSEM, the parts were fixed in 2% osmium tetroxide solution with 1/15 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 4 degrees C for 2 h, according to the technique described by Tanaka, 1989. Thick myelinated nerve bundles were histologically observed among the muscular fibers. The intrafusal nerve fiber presented a tortuous pathway with punctiform terminal axons in clusters contacting the surface of sarcolemma. Several myelinated nerve fibers involved by collagen fibers of the endoneurium were observed in HRSEM in three-dimensional aspects. The concentric lamellae of the myelin sheath and the axoplasm containing neurofilaments interspersed among the mitochondria were also noted. In TEM, myofibrils, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi`s apparatus, and glycogen granules were observed in sarcoplasm. It is also noted that the sarcomeres constituted by myofilaments with their A, I, and H bands and the electron dense Z lines. In areas adjacent to muscular fibers, there were myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers involved by endoneurium and perineurium. In the region of the neuromuscular junction, the contact with the sarcolemma of the muscular cell occurs forming several terminal buttons and showing numerous evaginations of the cell membrane. In the terminal button, mitochondria and numerous synaptic vesicles were observed. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:464-470, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of cleaning procedures (pumice, anionic detergent and both procedures together) on the tensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesive systems to bovine enamel and dentin in vitro. Methods: Eighty non-carious, bovine incisors were extracted, embedded in acrylic resin to obtain enamel/dentin specimens. Flat bonding surfaces were obtained by grinding. Groups were divided according to substrate (enamel or dentin), adhesive system [etch-and-rinse, Adper Single Bond 2 (SB) or self-etch, Clearfil Protect Bond (PB)]; and cleaning substances (pumice, anionic detergent and their combination). The teeth were randomly divided into 20 groups (n=8): G1 - Enamel (E) + SB; G2 -E + oil (O) + SB; G3 - E + O + Pumice (P) + SB; G4 - E + O + Tergentol (T) + SB; G5 - E + O + P + T + SB; G6 - E + PB; G7 - E + O + PB; G8 - E + O + P + PB; G9 - E + O + T + PB; GIO - E + O + P + T + PB; G11 - Dentin (D) + SB; G12 D + SB + O; G13 - D + SB + O + P; G14 - D + SB + O + T; G15 - D + SB + O + P + T; G16 - D + PB; G17 - D + O + PB +; G18 - D + O + P + PB; G19 - D + O + T + PB; G20 - D + O + P + T + PB. Specimens were contaminated with handpiece oil for 5 seconds before bonding. Adhesive systems and resin composite were applied according to manufacturers` instructions. Specimens were tested in tension after 24 hours of immersion using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Bond strengths were analyzed with ANOVA. Failure sites were observed and recorded. Results: Tensile bond strength in MPa were: G1 (23.6 +/- 0.9); G2 (17.3 +/- 2.2); G3 (20.9 +/- 0.9); G4 (20.6 +/- 0.5); G5 (18.7 +/- 2.3); G6 (23.0 +/- 1.0); G7 (21.5 +/- 2.4); G8 (19.9 +/- 1.3); G9 (22.1 +/- 1.2); G10 (19.1 +/- 1.2); G11 (18.8 +/- 1.3); G12 (15.7 +/- 2.1); G13 (17.8 +/- 3.3); G14 (15.3 +/- 2.9); G15 (15.6 +/- 1.9); G16 (14.7 +/- 2.3); G17 (5.5 +/- 0.9); G18 (19.3 +/- 1.8); G19 (15.6 +/- 1.6); G20 (20.3 +/- 3.9). Statistical analysis showed that the main factors substrate and cleaning were statistically significant, as well as the triple interaction between factors of variance. However, the factor adhesive system did not show statistical difference. Oil contamination reduced bond strengths, being less detrimental to enamel than to dentin. Etch-and-rinse (SB) and two-step self-etch (PB) systems had similar bond strengths in the presence of oil contamination. For etch-and-rinse (SB), the cleaning procedures were able to clean enamel, but dentin was better cleaned by pumice. When self-etch (PB) system was used on enamel, anionic detergent was the best cleaning substance, while on dentin the tested procedures were similarly efficient.
Objective. TGIF1 homeobox gene involvement in oral cancer has not yet been investigated. This study analyzed the expression of TGIF1 transcripts and protein in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Study design. Snap-frozen samples from 16 patients were taken from both OSCC and nontumoral adjacent epithelium (NT) for in situ hybridization (ISH). Forty-six paraffin-embedded samples of OSCC were submitted to immunohistochemistry (IHC). A descriptive analysis of the transcript signal detection was accomplished, and TGIF1 immunoexpression was carried out considering protein levels, localization, and cellular differentiation. Results. ISH reactions showed TGIF1 transcripts with a signal that was frequently intense in NT, and generally weak in OSCC, and that had stronger transcript signal in well-differentiated areas of OSCC when compared with poorly differentiated ones. IHC reactions had poorly differentiated cases associated with TGIF1 protein expression in both the nucleus and cytoplasm (P = .05, Fisher test). Conclusions. TGIF1 gain or loss of function might possibly play a role in oral cancer cell differentiation. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 111: 218-224)
Altered expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) components has been reported in several pathologies; however, few ECM proteins have been evaluated in adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The aim of this study was to analyze the expression and distribution of the ECM proteoglycans: biglycan and decorin; and glycoproteins: osteonectin, osteopontin, bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin in the AOT. Three-micrometer sections from paraffin-embedded specimens were evaluated employing a streptavidin-biotin immunohistochemical method with the antibodies against the proteins previously cited. Only the osteonectin was expressed in the epithelial cells. The eosinophilic amorphous material and the connective tissue showed expression of all components studied. The calcification foci expressed only osteopontin. In conclusion, the low expression of the components studied in neoplastic epithelial cells suggests that the epithelial cells act probably as stimulators of the expression by the stroma, which in turn can act as agonist or antagonist of the tumor growth. These results suggest that the components studied probably have a key role in the biological behavior of the AOT.
Background: Galectin-3 has been implicated in tumor progression of some malignancies as thyroid, prostate, and salivary gland tumors. Recently, it has been suggested that this protein may be an important mediator of the beta-catenin/Wnt pathway. Moreover, nuclear galectin-3 expression has been implicated in cell proliferation, promoting cyclin D1 activation. Thus, the present study aimed to correlate galectin-3 expression with beta-catenin and cyclin D1 expressions in adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) and in polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA). Methods: Fifteen formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cases of each tumor were retrieved from the files of the Surgical Oral Pathology Service at the University of Sao Paulo and the proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Results: Adenoid cystic carcinoma showed galectin-3 immunostaining mainly in the nuclei, while PLGA revealed a positive mostly cytoplasmic reaction to galectin-3 in the largest part of tumor cells. Both tumors showed intense cytoplasmic/nuclear staining for beta-catenin in majority of cases. Cyclin D1 immunoreactivity was not detected in 14/15 PLGA and showed specific nuclear staining in 10/15 cases of ACC in more than 5% of the neoplastic cells. Cyclin D1 expression was correlated with cytoplasmic and nuclear galectin-3 expression in ACC (P < 0.05). Conclusions: These results suggest that in ACC galectin-3 may play a role in cellular proliferation through cyclin D1 activation. In addition, nuclear expression of galectin-3 in ACC may be related to a more aggressive behavior of this lesion. Although beta-catenin seems to play a role in carcinogenesis in both lesions, it seems that it does not bind to galectin-3 for cyclin D1 stimulation.
To better understand the role of nitric oxide (NO) in mammal development, specifically in the transition of the fetal stages at birth, we studied the timing of cell-specific expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) isoform during gestational periods of rats, mainly at the late stages of intra-uterine development. Before experimentation, the samples were collected (from 17th to 21st gestational days), fixed in 10% buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin for histological procedures. Hereafter, the sections (5 mu m thickness) obtained from different embryos were immunostained by avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase technique, by using antibody against iNOS isoform. The most of cell immunopositive was suggestive of granulocyte-like cells and those cells were resident close to the blood vessels in different organs, such as: lung, liver or bone marrow environment. Sometimes we noted immunopositive cells in the blood flow, as reported in the thymus. In agreement, iNOS expression, obtained by western blotting analysis, showed the same profile. Together, our data shows that iNOS expression increased gradually during the late stages of rat development (from E17 to E21) and it was executed by cells close to blood vessels. Thus, we can clearly to predict that this expression was finely modulated and it contributes for time-line dependent NO production during rat late development.
MMPs are endopeptidases that play a pivotal role in ECM turnover. RECK is a single membrane-anchored MMP-regulator. Here, we evaluated the temporal and spatial expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, and RECK during alveolar bone regeneration. The maxillary central incisor of Wistar rats was extracted and the animals were killed at 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, and 42 days post-operatively (n = 3/period). The hemimaxillae were collected, demineralized and embedded in paraffin. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed by the immunoperoxidase technique with polyclonal antibodies. On day 1, polymorphonuclear cells in the blood clot presented mild immunolabeling for MMPs. During bone remodeling, osteoblasts facing new bone showed positive staining for gelatinases and RECK in all experimental periods. MMPs were also found in the connective tissue and endothelial cells. Our results show for the first time that inactive and/or active forms of MMP-2, MMP-9 and RECK are differentially expressed by osteogenic and connective cells during several events of alveolar bone regeneration. This may be important for the replacement of the blood clot by connective tissue, and in the formation, maturation and remodeling of new bone.
Purpose: Chipping within veneering porcelain has resulted in high clinical failure rates for implant-supported zirconia (yttria-tetragonal zirconia polycrystals [Y-TZP]) bridges. This study evaluated the reliability and failure modes of mouth-motion step-stress fatigued implant-supported Y-TZP versus palladium-silver alloy (PdAg) three-unit bridges. Materials and Methods: Implant-abutment replicas were embedded in polymethylmethacrylate resin. Y-TZP and PdAg frameworks, of similar design (n = 21 each), were fabricated, veneered, cemented (n = 3 each), and Hertzian contact-tested to obtain ultimate failure load. In each framework group, 18 specimens were distributed across three step-stress profiles and mouth-motion cyclically loaded according to the profile on the lingual slope of the buccal cusp of the pontic. Results: PdAg failures included competing flexural cracking at abutment and/or connector area and chipping, whereas Y-TZP presented predominantly cohesive failure within veneering porcelain. Including all failure modes, the reliability (two-sided at 90% confidence intervals) for a ""mission"" of 50,000 and 100,000 cycles at 300 N load was determined (Alta Pro, Reliasoft, Tucson, AZ, USA). No difference in reliability was observed between groups for a mission of 50,000. Reliability remained unchanged for a mission of 100,000 for PdAg, but significantly decreased for Y-TZP. Conclusions: Higher reliability was found for PdAg for a mission of 100,000 cycles at 300 N. Failure modes differed between materials.
Statement of problem. Dental fractures can occur in endodontically treated teeth restored with posts. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro fracture resistance of roots with glass-fiber and metal posts of different lengths. Material and methods. Sixty endodontically treated maxillary canines were embedded in acrylic resin, except for 4 mm of the cervical area, after removing the clinical crowns. The post spaces were opened with a cylindrical bur at low speed attached to a surveyor, resulting in preparations with lengths of 6 mm (group 6 mm), 8 mm (group 8 mm), or 10 mm (group 10 mm). Each group was divided into 2 subgroups according to the post material: cast post and core or glass-fiber post (n=30). The posts were luted with dual-polymerizing resin cement (Panavia F). Cast posts and cores of Co-Cr (Resilient Plus) crowns were made and cemented with zinc phosphate. Specimens were subjected to increasing compressive load (N) until fracture. Data were analyzed with 2-way ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer test (alpha=.05). Results. The ANOVA analysis indicated significant differences (P<.05) among the groups, and the Tukey test revealed no significant difference among the metal posts of 6-mm length (26.5 N +/- 13.4), 8-mm length (25.2 N +/- 13.9), and 10-mm length (17.1 N +/- 5.2). Also, in the glass-fiber post group, there was no significant difference when posts of 8-mm length (13.4 N +/- 11.0) were compared with the 6-mm (6.9 N +/- 4.6) and 10-mm (31.7 N +/- 13.1) groups. The 10-mm-long post displayed superior fracture resistance, and the 6-mm-long post showed significantly lower mean values (P<.001). Conclusions. Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that the glass-fiber post represents a viable alternative to the cast metal post, increasing the resistance to fracture of endodontically treated canines. (J Prosthet Dent 2009;101:183-188)
This study evaluated in vitro the bond strength of Epiphany sealer prepared with resinous solvent of Epiphany system (Thinning resin) by using a push-out test. Forty maxillary canines were sectioned transversally below the cementoenamel junction to provide 4-mm-thick dentin disks that were centered in aluminum rings and embedded in acrylic resin. Root canals were prepared with tapered diamond bur. Intraradicular dentin was treated with 1% NaOCl for 30 minutes, 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid for 5 minutes, and flushed with distilled water for 1 minute. The specimens were randomly distributed into 4 groups (n = 10) according to the filling material: GI, Epiphany without photoactivation; GII, Epiphany prepared with solvent without photoactivation; Gill, Epiphany followed by photoactivation; and GIV, Epiphany prepared with solvent followed by photoactivation. After the setting time, the specimens were submitted to the push-out test. The highest mean value (14.91 +/- 2.82 MPa) was obtained with Epiphany prepared with solvent followed by photoactivation (GIV), which was statistically different (P < .01) from the other groups. Groups I (8.15 +/- 2.47 MPa), II (9.46 +/- 2.38 MPa), and III (9.80 +/- 2.51 MPa) had inferior bond strength values and were statistically similar among themselves (P > .01). The resinous solvent of Epiphany system increased the bond strength of Epiphany sealer to dentin walls when followed by photoactivation. (J Endod 2009;35: 251-255)