926 resultados para Electron ion interaction pseudo potential(EIIP)
Linear alkylbenzenes, LAB, formed by the Alel3 or HF catalyzed alkylation of benzene are common raw materials for surfactant manufacture. Normally they are sulphonated using S03 or oleum to give the corresponding linear alkylbenzene sulphonates In >95 % yield. As concern has grown about the environmental impact of surfactants,' questions have been raised about the trace levels of unreacted raw materials, linear alkylbenzenes and minor impurities present in them. With the advent of modem analytical instruments and techniques, namely GCIMS, the opportunity has arisen to identify the exact nature of these impurities and to determine the actual levels of them present in the commercial linear ,alkylbenzenes. The object of the proposed study was to separate, identify and quantify major and minor components (1-10%) in commercial linear alkylbenzenes. The focus of this study was on the structure elucidation and determination of impurities and on the qualitative determination of them in all analyzed linear alkylbenzene samples. A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, (GCIMS) study was performed o~ five samples from the same manufacturer (different production dates) and then it was followed by the analyses of ten commercial linear alkylbenzenes from four different suppliers. All the major components, namely linear alkylbenzene isomers, followed the same elution pattern with the 2-phenyl isomer eluting last. The individual isomers were identified by interpretation of their electron impact and chemical ionization mass spectra. The percent isomer distribution was found to be different from sample to sample. Average molecular weights were calculated using two methods, GC and GCIMS, and compared with the results reported on the Certificate of Analyses (C.O.A.) provided by the manufacturers of commercial linear alkylbenzenes. The GC results in most cases agreed with the reported values, whereas GC/MS results were significantly lower, between 0.41 and 3.29 amu. The minor components, impurities such as branched alkylbenzenes and dialkyltetralins eluted according to their molecular weights. Their fragmentation patterns were studied using electron impact ionization mode and their molecular weight ions confirmed by a 'soft ionization technique', chemical ionization. The level of impurities present i~ the analyzed commercial linear alkylbenzenes was expressed as the percent of the total sample weight, as well as, in mg/g. The percent of impurities was observed to vary between 4.5 % and 16.8 % with the highest being in sample "I". Quantitation (mg/g) of impurities such as branched alkylbenzenes and dialkyltetralins was done using cis/trans-l,4,6,7-tetramethyltetralin as an internal standard. Samples were analyzed using .GC/MS system operating under full scan and single ion monitoring data acquisition modes. The latter data acquisition mode, which offers higher sensitivity, was used to analyze all samples under investigation for presence of linear dialkyltetralins. Dialkyltetralins were reported quantitatively, whereas branched alkylbenzenes were reported semi-qualitatively. The GC/MS method that was developed during the course of this study allowed identification of some other trace impurities present in commercial LABs. Compounds such as non-linear dialkyltetralins, dialkylindanes, diphenylalkanes and alkylnaphthalenes were identified but their detailed structure elucidation and the quantitation was beyond the scope of this study. However, further investigation of these compounds will be the subject of a future study.
New density functionals representing the exchange and correlation energies (per electron) are employed, based on the electron gas model, to calculate interaction potentials of noble gas systems X2 and XY, where X (and Y) are He,Ne,Ar and Kr, and of hydrogen atomrare gas systems H-X. The exchange energy density functional is that recommended by Handler and the correlation energy density functional is a rational function involving two parameters which were optimized to reproduce the correlation energy of He atom. Application of the two parameter function to other rare gas atoms shows that it is "universal"; i. e. ,accurate for the systems considered. The potentials obtained in this work compare well with recent experimental results and are a significant improvement over those from competing statistical modelS.
We have presented a Green's function method for the calculation of the atomic mean square displacement (MSD) for an anharmonic Hamil toni an . This method effectively sums a whole class of anharmonic contributions to MSD in the perturbation expansion in the high temperature limit. Using this formalism we have calculated the MSD for a nearest neighbour fcc Lennard Jones solid. The results show an improvement over the lowest order perturbation theory results, the difference with Monte Carlo calculations at temperatures close to melting is reduced from 11% to 3%. We also calculated the MSD for the Alkali metals Nat K/ Cs where a sixth neighbour interaction potential derived from the pseudopotential theory was employed in the calculations. The MSD by this method increases by 2.5% to 3.5% over the respective perturbation theory results. The MSD was calculated for Aluminum where different pseudopotential functions and a phenomenological Morse potential were used. The results show that the pseudopotentials provide better agreement with experimental data than the Morse potential. An excellent agreement with experiment over the whole temperature range is achieved with the Harrison modified point-ion pseudopotential with Hubbard-Sham screening function. We have calculated the thermodynamic properties of solid Kr by minimizing the total energy consisting of static and vibrational components, employing different schemes: The quasiharmonic theory (QH), ).2 and).4 perturbation theory, all terms up to 0 ().4) of the improved self consistent phonon theory (ISC), the ring diagrams up to o ().4) (RING), the iteration scheme (ITER) derived from the Greens's function method and a scheme consisting of ITER plus the remaining contributions of 0 ().4) which are not included in ITER which we call E(FULL). We have calculated the lattice constant, the volume expansion, the isothermal and adiabatic bulk modulus, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, and the Gruneisen parameter from two different potential functions: Lennard-Jones and Aziz. The Aziz potential gives generally a better agreement with experimental data than the LJ potential for the QH, ).2, ).4 and E(FULL) schemes. When only a partial sum of the).4 diagrams is used in the calculations (e.g. RING and ISC) the LJ results are in better agreement with experiment. The iteration scheme brings a definitive improvement over the).2 PT for both potentials.
We have calculated the equation of state and the various thermodynamic properties of monatomic fcc crystals by minimizing the Helmholtz free energy derived in the high temperature limit for the quasiharmonic theory, QH, and the lowest-order (cubic and quartic), 'A2, anharmonic terms of the perturbation theory, PT. The total energy in each case is obtained by adding the static energy. The calculation of the thermal properties was carried out for a nearest-neighbour central-force model of the fcc lattice by means of the appropriate thermodynamic relations. We have calculated the lattice constant, the thermal expansion, the coefficient of volume expansion, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, the isothermal and adiabatic bulk moduli, and the Griineisen parameter, for the rare-gas solids Kr and Xe, and gold. Morse potential and modified Morse potential were each used to represent the atomic interaction for the three fcc materials. For most of the calculated thermodynamic properties from the QH theory, the results for Kr and Xe with the modified Morse potential show an improvement over the results for the Morse potential when compared with the experimental data. However, the results of the 'A 2 equation of state with the modified Morse potential are in good agreement with experiment only in the case of the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure. For Au we have calculated the lattice contribution from the QH and 'A 2 PT and the electronic contribution to the thermal properties. The electronic contribution was taken into account by using the free electron model. The results of the thermodynamic properties calculated with the modified Morse potential were similar to those obtained with the Morse potential. U sing the minimized equation of state we also calculated the Mossbauer recoilless fraction for Kr and Xe and the Debye-Waller factor (DWF) for Pb, AI, eu, Ag, and Au. The Mossbauer recoilless fraction was obtained for the above two potentials and Lennard-Jones potential. The L-J potential gives the best agreement with experiment for Kr. No experimental data exists for Xe. At low temperature the calculated DWF results for Pb, AI, and eu show a good agreement with experimental values, but at high temperature the experimental DWF results increase very rapidly. For Ag the computed values were below the expected results at all temperatures. The DWF results of the modified Morse potential for Pb, AI, eu and Ag were slightly better than those of the Morse potential. In the case of Au the calculated values were in poor agreement with experimental results. We have calculated the quasiharmonic phonon dispersion curves for Kr, Xe, eu, Ag, and Au. The calculated and experimental results of the frequencies agree quite well for all the materials except for Au where the longitudinal modes show serious discrepancies with the experimental results. In addition, the two lowest-order anharmonic contributions to the phonon frequency were derived using the Green's function method. The A 2 phonon dispersion curves have been calculated only for eu, and the results were similar to those of the QH dispersion curves. Finally, an expression for the Griineisen parameter "( has been derived from the anharmonic frequencies, and calculated for these materials. The "( results are comparable with those obtained from the thermodynamic definition.
There is considerable interest in intramolecular energy transfer, especially in complexes which absorb visible light, because it is crucial to the better understanding of photoharvesting systems in photosynthetic organisms and for utilizing solar energy as well. Porphyrin dimers represent one of the best systems for the exploration of light-induced intramolecular energy transfer. Many kinds of porphyrins and porphyrin dimers have been studied over the past decade, however little attention has been paid to the influence of paramagnetic metals on the behavior of their excited states. In this thesis, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (EPR) is used to study such compounds. After light irradiation, porphyrins easily produce a variety of excited states, which are spin polarized and can be detected by the time-resolved (TR) EPR technique. The spin polarized results for vanadyl porphyrins, their electrostatically-coupled dimers, a covalently-linked copper porphyrin-free base porphyrin dimer, and free base porphyrins are presented in this thesis. From these results we can conclude that the spin polarization patterns of vanadyl porphyrins come primarily from the trip-quartet state generated by intersystem crossing (lSC) from the excited sing-doublet state through the trip-doublet state. The spin polarization pattern of electrostatically-coupled vanadyl porphyrin-free base porphyrin dimer is produced by the triplet state of the free base porphyrin half which is coupled to the unpaired electron on the vanadyl ion.
The proce-ss ofoxygenic photosynthesis is vital to life on Earth. the central event in photosynthesis is light induced electron transfer that converts light into energy for growth. Ofparticular significance is the membrane bound multisubunit protein known as Photosystem I (PSI). PSI is a reaction centre that is responsible for the transfer of electrons across the membrane to reduce NADP+ to NADPH. The recent publication ofa high resolution X-ray structure of PSI has shown new information about the structure, in particular the electron transfer cofactors, which allows us to study it in more detail. In PSI, the secondary acceptor is crucial for forward electron transfer. In this thesis, the effect of removing the native acceptor phylloquinone and replacing it with a series of structurally related quinones was investigated via transient electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments. The orientation of non native quinones in the binding site and their ability to function in the electron transfer process was determined. It was found that PSI will readily accept alkyl naphthoquinones and anthraquinone. Q band EPR experiments revealed that the non-native quinones are incorporated into the binding site with the same orientation of the headgroup as in the native system. X band EPR spectra and deuteration experiments indicate that monosubstituted naphthoquinones are bound to the Al site with their side group in the position occupied by the methyl group in native PSI (meta to the hydrogen bonded carbonyl oxygen). X band EPR experiments show that 2, 3- disubstituted methyl naphthoquinones are also incorporated into the Al site in the same orientation as phylloquinone, even with the presence of a halogen- or sulfur-containing side chain in the position normally occupied by the phytyl tail ofphylloquinone. The exception to this is 2-bromo-3-methyl --.- _. -. - -- - - 4 _._ _ _ - _ _ naphthoquinone which has a poorly resolved spectrum, making determination of the orientation difficuh. All of the non-native quinones studied act as efficient electron acceptors. However, forward electron transfer past the quinone could only be demonstrated for anthraquinone, which has a more negative midpoint potential than phylloquinone. In the case of anthraquinone, an increased rate of forward electron transfer compared to native PSI was found. From these results we can conclude that the rate ofelectron transfer from Al to Fx in native PSI lies in the normal region ofthe Marcus Curve.
This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer ,Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study_ Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need for skills assessmen~-followed by supportive counselling, and placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert Project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca college. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.
This project aimed to determine the protein prof i les and concent rat ion in honeys, ef fect of storage condi t ions on the protein content and the interact ion between proteins and polyphenols. Thi r teen honeys f rom di f ferent botanical or igins were analyzed for thei r protein prof i les using SDS-PAGE, protein concent rat ion and phenol ic content , using the Pierce Protein Assay and Fol in-Ciocal teau methods, respectively. Protein-polyphenol interact ions were analyzed by a combinat ion of the ext ract ion of honeys wi th solvents of di f ferent polar i t ies fol lowed by LCjMS analysis of the obtained f ract ions. Results demonst rated a di f ferent protein content in the tested honeys, wi th buckwheat honey possessing the highest protein concent rat ion. We have shown that the reduct ion of proteins dur ing honey storage was caused, partially, by the protein complexat ion wi th phenolics. The LCjMS analysis of the peak elut ing at retent ion t ime of 10 to 14 min demonst rated that these phenolics included f lavonoids such as Pinobanksin, Pinobanksin acetate, Apigenin, Kaemferol and Myricetin and also cinnamic acid.
Part I: Ultra-trace determination of vanadium in lake sediments: a performance comparison using O2, N20, and NH3 as reaction gases in ICP-DRC-MS Thermal ion-molecule reactions, targeting removal of specific spectroscopic interference problems, have become a powerful tool for method development in quadrupole based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) applications. A study was conducted to develop an accurate method for the determination of vanadium in lake sediment samples by ICP-MS, coupled with a dynamic reaction cell (DRC), using two differenvchemical resolution strategies: a) direct removal of interfering C10+ and b) vanadium oxidation to VO+. The performance of three reaction gases that are suitable for handling vanadium interference in the dynamic reaction cell was systematically studied and evaluated: ammonia for C10+ removal and oxygen and nitrous oxide for oxidation. Although it was able to produce comparable results for vanadium to those using oxygen and nitrous oxide, NH3 did not completely eliminate a matrix effect, caused by the presence of chloride, and required large scale dilutions (and a concomitant increase in variance) when the sample and/or the digestion medium contained large amounts of chloride. Among the three candidate reaction gases at their optimized Eonditions, creation of VO+ with oxygen gas delivered the best analyte sensitivity and the lowest detection limit (2.7 ng L-1). Vanadium results obtained from fourteen lake sediment samples and a certified reference material (CRM031-040-1), using two different analytelinterference separation strategies, suggested that the vanadium mono-oxidation offers advantageous performance over the conventional method using NH3 for ultra-trace vanadium determination by ICP-DRC-MS and can be readily employed in relevant environmental chemistry applications that deal with ultra-trace contaminants.Part II: Validation of a modified oxidation approach for the quantification of total arsenic and selenium in complex environmental matrices Spectroscopic interference problems of arsenic and selenium in ICP-MS practices were investigated in detail. Preliminary literature review suggested that oxygen could serve as an effective candidate reaction gas for analysis of the two elements in dynamic reaction cell coupled ICP-MS. An accurate method was developed for the determination of As and Se in complex environmental samples, based on a series of modifications on an oxidation approach for As and Se previously reported. Rhodium was used as internal standard in this study to help minimize non-spectral interferences such as instrumental drift. Using an oxygen gas flow slightly higher than 0.5 mL min-I, arsenic is converted to 75 AS160+ ion in an efficient manner whereas a potentially interfering ion, 91Zr+, is completely removed. Instead of using the most abundant Se isotope, 80Se, selenium was determined by a second most abundant isotope, 78Se, in the form of 78Se160. Upon careful selection of oxygen gas flow rate and optimization ofRPq value, previous isobaric threats caused by Zr and Mo were reduced to background levels whereas another potential atomic isobar, 96Ru+, became completely harmless to the new selenium analyte. The new method underwent a strict validation procedure where the recovery of a suitable certified reference material was examined and the obtained sample data were compared with those produced by a credible external laboratory who analyzed the same set of samples using a standardized HG-ICP-AES method. The validation results were satisfactory. The resultant limits of detection for arsenic and selenium were 5 ng L-1 and 60 ng L-1, respectively.
The synthesis and studies of two classes of poly dentate ligands are presented as two projects. In project 1, four new carboxamide ligands have been synthesised via the condensation of 2,2',6,6'-tetrachloroformyl-4,4'-bipyridine or 2,6-dichloroformyl pyridine together with heterocyclic amines containing pyridine or pyrazole substituents. The coordination chemistry of these ligands has been investigated and studies have shown that with a Cu(II) salt, two carboxamide ligands LJ and L2 afford large clusters with stoichiometries [Cu8(L1)4Cl16].CHCl3.5H2O.7CH3OH (I) and [Cu9(L2)6Cl6].CH3OH.5H2O.(C2H5)3N (II) respectively. [molecular diagram availabel in pdf]. X-ray diffraction studies of cluster (I) reveal that it has approximate S4 symmetry and is comprised of four ligands and eight copper (II) centers. Here, coordination takes place via amide 0 atoms, and pyrazole nitrogens. This complex is the first reported example of an octanuclear copper cluster with a saddle-shaped structure. The second cluster comprises nine copper ions that are arranged in a cyclic array. Each ligand coordinates three copper centers and each copper ion shares two ligands to connect six ligands with nine copper ions. The amide nitrogens are completely deprotonated and both amide Nand 0 atoms coordinate the metal centres. The cluster has three-fold symmetry. There are six chloride ions, three of which are bridging two neighbouring Cu(II) centres. Magnetic studies of (I) and (II) reveal that both clusters display weak antiferromagnetic interactions between neighbouring Cu(II) centers at low temperature. In the second project, three complexes with stoichiometries [Fe[N302](SCN)2]2 (III), R,R-[Fe[N3O2](SCN)2 (IV) and R,R-]Fe[N3O2](CN)2] (V) were prepared and characterized, where [N302] is a pentadentate macrocycle. Complex (III) was prepared via the metal templated Schiff-base condensation of 2,2',6,6'-tetraacetyl-4,4'-bipyridine together with 3,6-dioxaoctane-I,8-diamine and comprises of a dimeric macro cycle where the two Fe(II) centres are in a pentagonal-bipyramidal environment with the [N302] ligands occupying the equatorial plane and two axial NCS ligands. Complexes (IV) and (V) were prepared via the condensation of 2,6-diacetylpyridine together with a chiral diamine in the presence of FeCh. The synthetic strategy for the preparation of the chiral diamine (4R,5R)-4,5-diphenyl-3,6-dioxa-I,8-octane-diamine was elucidated. The chirality of both macrocycles (IV) and (V) was probed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The crystal structure of (IV) at 200 K contains two independent molecules in the unit cell, both of which contain a hepta-coordinated Fe(II) and axial NCS ligands. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility and structural studies are consistent with a high spin Fe(II) complex and show no evidence of any spin crossover behaviour. In contrast, the bis cyanide derivative (V) crystallizes with two independent molecules in the unit cell, both of which have different coordination geometries consistent with different spin states for the two Fe(II) centres. At 250 K, the molecular structure of (V) shows the presence of both 7- and a 6-coordinate Fe(II) complexes in the crystal lattice. As the temperature is lowered, the molecules undergo a structural change and at 100 K the structural data is consistent with a 6- and 5-coordinate Fe(II) complex in the unit cell. Magnetic studies confirm that this complex undergoes a gradual, thermal, spin crossover transition in the solid state. Photomagnetic measurements indicate this is the first chiral Fe (II) sea complex to exhibit a LIESST.
Resveratrol, a polyphenol found naturally in red wines, has attracted great interest in both the scientific community and the general public for its reported ability to protect against many of the diseases facing Western society today. While the purported health effects of resveratrol are well characterized, details of the cellular mechanisms that give rise to these observations are unclear. Here, the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was identified as a proximal target of resveratrol in vitro and in vivo. MnSOD protein and activity levels increase significantly in cultured cells treated with resveratrol, and in the brain tissue of mice given resveratrol in a high fat diet. Preventing the increase in MnSOD levels eliminates two of resveratrol’s more interesting effects in the context of human health: inhibition of proliferative cell growth and cytoprotection. Thus, the induction of MnSOD is a critical step in the molecular mechanism of resveratrol. Mitochondrial morphology is a malleable property that is capable of impeding cell cycle progression and conferring resistance against stress induced cell death. Using confocal microscopy and a novel ‘cell free’ fusion assay it was determined that concurrent with changes in MnSOD protein levels, resveratrol treatment leads to a more fused mitochondrial reticulum. This observation may be important to resveratrol’s ability to slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection. Resveratrol's biological activities, including the ability to increase MnSOD levels, are strikingly similar to what is observed with estrogen treatment. Resveratrol fails to increase MnSOD levels, slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection in the presence of an estrogen receptor antagonist. Resveratrol's effects can be replicated with the specific estrogen receptor beta agonist diarylpropionitrile, and are absent in myoblasts lacking estrogen receptor beta. Four compounds that are structurally similar to resveratrol and seven phytoestrogens predicted to bind to estrogen receptor beta were screened for their effects on MnSOD, proliferative growth rates and stress resistance in cultured mammalian cells. Several of these compounds were able to mimic the effects of resveratrol on MnSOD levels, proliferative cell growth and stress resistance in vitro. Thus, I hypothesize that resveratrol interacts with estrogen receptor beta to induce the upregulation of MnSOD, which in turn affects cell cycle progression and stress resistance. These results have important implications for the understanding of RES’s biological activities and potential applications to human health.
The dependence of the electron transfer (ET) rate on the Photosystem I (PSI) cofactor phylloquinone (A1) is studied by time-resolved absorbance and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Two active branches (A and B) of electron transfer converge to the FX cofactor from the A1A and A1B quinone. The work described in Chapter 5 investigates the single hydrogen bond from the amino acid residue PsaA-L722 backbone nitrogen to A1A for its effect on the electron transfer rate to FX. Room temperature transient EPR measurements show an increase in the rate for the A1A- to FX for the PsaA-L722T mutant and an increased hyperfine coupling to the 2-methyl group of A1A when compared to wild type. The Arrhenius plot of the A1A- to FX ET in the PsaA-L722T mutant suggests that the increased rate is probably the result of a slight change in the electronic coupling between A1A- and FX. The reasons for the non-Arrhenius behavior are discussed. The work discussed in Chapter 6 investigates the directionality of ET at low temperature by blocking ET to the iron-sulfur clusters FX, FA and FB in the menB deletion mutant strain of Synechocyctis sp. PCC 6803, which is unable to synthesize phylloquinone, by incorporating the high midpoint potential (49 mV vs SHE) 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone (Cl2NQ) into the A1A and A1B binding sites. Various EPR spectroscopic techniques were implemented to differentiate between the spectral features created from A and B- branch electron transfer. The implications of this result for the directionality of electron transfer in PS I are discussed. The work discussed in Chapter 7 was done to study the dependence of the heterogeneous ET at low temperature on A1 midpoint potential. The menB PSI mutant contains plastiquinone-9 in the A1 binding site. The solution midpoint potential of the quinone measures 100 mV more positive then wild-type phylloquinone. The irreversible ET to the terminal acceptors FA and FB at low temperature is not controlled by the forward step from A1 to FX as expected due to the thermodynamic differences of the A1 cofactor in the two active branches A and B. Alternatives for the ET heterogeneity are discussed.
Parce qu’elle est intimement liée à l’action professionnelle (Schön, 1983), la pratique réflexive est souvent associée aux stages d’enseignement qui ponctuent la formation initiale des maîtres. Parmi les dispositifs de soutien à la pratique réflexive en stage d’enseignement, l’interaction en ligne semble particulièrement pertinente dans la mesure où : (1) elle permet de répondre à la dispersion géographique des enseignants-stagiaires (Karsenti, Lepage et Gervais, 2002) ; (2) elle couvre un potentiel sociocognitif (Depover, Karsenti et Komis, 2007) susceptible d’être mis au profit du développement de la pratique réflexive. Pourtant le rapport entre l’interaction en ligne et la pratique réflexive, bien qu’il semble positivement perçu lorsqu’il est évoqué (Barnett, 2002 ; Zhao et Rop, 2001), reste toutefois peu abordé dans la littérature scientifique et peu problématisé au niveau théorique. Or ce rapport pose question dans la mesure où la pratique réflexive réfère à un processus intra-personnel alors que l’interaction en ligne est inter-personnelle par définition. Ce paradoxe apparent est à l’origine de la présente recherche, dont l’objectif général consiste à mieux comprendre le rapport entre la pratique réflexive et l’interaction en ligne en stage d’enseignement. En vue de répondre à cet objectif, nous présentons le cadre conceptuel de la pratique réflexive interactionnelle, lequel a été élaboré par un arrimage de la théorique de la médiation sémiotique (Vygotsky, 1962) à la pratique réflexive (Schön, 1983). La méthodologie mixte à dominante qualitative pour laquelle nous avons opté a inclus la participation de trois groupes d’enseignants-stagiaires de quatrième année en enseignement secondaire (N=34) et leurs superviseurs respectifs (N=3). Puisqu’il s’agit d’une thèse par articles, les résultats obtenus auprès des trois groupes d’enseignants-stagiaires sont présentés dans trois articles distincts. Le premier d’entre eux s’attache à examiner comment la pratique réflexive se construit dans l’interaction en ligne des enseignants-stagiaires. Les résultats empiriques auxquels il donne lieu indiquent que deux types d’interaction (interaction inter-personnelle et interaction intra-personnelle) semblent intervenir conjointement dans le processus réflexif des enseignants-stagiaires. Dès lors, nous sommes amené à proposer une bonification du cadre conceptuel de la pratique réflexive interactionnelle en passant d’un mouvement circulaire du processus réflexif à un mouvement binaire. Ayant ainsi précisé le processus réflexif propre à la pratique réflexive interactionnelle, l’article 2 vise à établir les limites de cette dernière et à en déduire les conditions d’efficacité, dans la perspective de son opérationnalisation en contexte de stage d’enseignement. Quatre types de limites sont identifiés (limites académiques, sociales, développementales et interactionnelles). Ils donnent lieu à certaines conditions d’efficacité, ce qui permet de compléter le cadre conceptuel de la pratique réflexive interactionnelle par des considérations liées à son opérationnalisation en stage d’enseignement. Enfin, l’article 3 a pour but de déterminer le rôle de l’interaction en ligne pour la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires. Il s’agit donc de « confronter » l’interaction en ligne à d’autres soutiens à la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires, en vue de déterminer sa place. Il en ressort que l’interaction en ligne semble jouer un rôle secondaire mais néanmoins positif, tant pour la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires que pour d’autres dimensions du stage d’enseignement tels que la dimension sociale ou la dimension psychologique et émotionnelle. Finalement, des recommandations à l’intention du milieu de formation et des pistes de recherches futures sont offertes en conclusion.
Les amphibiens urodèles (e.g. les axolotls) possèdent la remarquable capacité de régénérer plusieurs parties de leur corps. Ils peuvent, entre autres, régénérer parfaitement un membre amputé par épimorphose, un processus biphasique comprenant une phase de préparation, spécifique à la régénération, et une phase de redéveloppement, commune à l’épimorphose et au développement embryonnaire. Durant la phase de préparation, les cellules du moignon se dédifférencient en cellules pseudo-embryonnaires, prolifèrent et migrent distalement au plan d’amputation pour former un blastème de régénération. Parmi les vertébrés, la dédifférenciation est unique aux urodèles. Afin de mieux comprendre le contrôle moléculaire de la régénération chez les urodèles, nous avons choisi d’étudier BMP-2, un facteur de croissance, en raison de son implication dans la régénération des phalanges distales chez les mammifères. Le facteur de transcription MSX-1 a également été sélectionné en raison de sa capacité à induire la dédifférenciation cellulaire in vitro et de son interaction potentielle avec la signalisation des BMPs. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que BMP-2 et MSX-1 sont exprimés lors des phases de préparation et de redéveloppement de l’épimorphose, et que leur profil d'expression spatio-temporel est très semblable, ce qui suggère une interaction de leurs signaux. En outre, chez les tétrapodes amniotes, l’expression de Shh est restreinte au mésenchyme postérieur des membres en développement et chevauche l’expression de BMP-2. Toutefois, l’expression de BMP-2 n’est pas restreinte à la région postérieure mais forme un gradient postéro-antérieur. Shh est le principal régulateur de la formation du patron de développement antéro-postérieur du ii membre. Étant donné les domaines d’expression chevauchants de BMP-2 et Shh et la restriction postérieure d’expression de Shh, on croit que Shh régule la formation du patron de développement de postérieur à antérieur par l’activation de l’expression de BMP-2. Fait intéressant, l’axolotl exprime également Shh dans la région postérieure, mais le développement des pattes se fait de la région antérieure à la région postérieure au lieu de postérieur à antérieur comme chez les autres tétrapodes, et ceci durant le développement et la régénération. Nous avons utilisé cette caractéristique de l’axolotl pour démontrer que la signalisation Shh ne structure pas l’autopode via BMP-2. En effet, l’expression de BMP-2 n'est pas régulée par l'inhibition de la signalisation Shh, et son expression est du côté opposé à celle de Shh durant le développement et la régénération des pattes de l’axolotl. Il a été observé durant le développement du membre chez la souris que MSX-1 est régulé par la signalisation Shh. Nos résultats ont démontrés que chez l’axolotl, MSX-1 ne semble pas régulé par l'inhibition de la signalisation Shh au cours de la régénération du membre. De plus, nous avons démontré que contrairement à l’expression de Shh, l’expression de BMP-2 est corrélée avec l’ordre de formation des phalanges, est impliquée dans la condensation cellulaire et dans l'apoptose précédant la chondrogenèse. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère un rôle de BMP-2 dans l’initiation de l’ossification endochondrale. Enfin, nous avons démontré que la signalisation BMP est indispensable pour l’épimorphose du membre durant la phase de redéveloppement.
Nous avons mis au point une approche novatrice pour la synthèse d’un matériau de cathode pour les piles lithium-ion basée sur la décomposition thermique de l’urée. Les hydroxydes de métal mixte (NixMnxCo(1-2x)(OH)2) ont été préparés (x = 0.00 à 0.50) et subséquemment utilisés comme précurseurs à la préparation de l’oxyde de métal mixte (LiNixMnxCo(1-2x)O2). Ces matériaux, ainsi que le phosphate de fer lithié (LiFePO4), sont pressentis comme matériaux de cathode commerciaux pour la prochaine génération de piles lithium-ion. Nous avons également développé un nouveau traitement post-synthèse afin d’améliorer la morphologie des hydroxydes. L’originalité de l’approche basée sur la décomposition thermique de l’urée réside dans l’utilisation inédite des hydroxydes comme précurseurs à la préparation d’oxydes de lithium mixtes par l’intermédiaire d’une technique de précipitation uniforme. De plus, nous proposons de nouvelles techniques de traitement s’adressant aux méthodes de synthèses traditionnelles. Les résultats obtenus par ces deux méthodes sont résumés dans deux articles soumis à des revues scientifiques. Tous les matériaux produits lors de cette recherche ont été analysés par diffraction des rayons X (DRX), microscope électronique à balayage (MEB), analyse thermique gravimétrique (ATG) et ont été caractérisés électrochimiquement. La performance électrochimique (nombre de cycles vs capacité) des matériaux de cathode a été conduite en mode galvanostatique.