999 resultados para Educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável,
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O projeto de pesquisa aqui apresentado é referente ao Trabalho Final de Graduação do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho a ser desenvolvido no ano de 2011, com o tema “Hotel de lazer sustentável”. A proposta de projeto do hotel será realizada na cidade de Itatiba, interior do estado de São Paulo, com a finalidade de atender a demanda turística não só da região como também das cidades vizinhas. Desta forma espera-se levantar dados sobre o tema hotel e sustentabilidade para se ter um maior embasamento na criação do programa do hotel e diretrizes para a realização de um projeto sustentável
This work has as purpose to show what are the influences of media in the education and in the shaping the thinking and understand that ideologies are present in the films used in the classroom in kindergarten. For this, I directed the discussion beginning by concepts as Ideology and its more different definitions by several thinkers over the years, the thinkers of Critical Theory of Frankfurt School, called “frankfurtians” of first and second generation of this school, also making an association between Cinema and Education, evidencing concepts involving this association as Cultural Industry, using films properly in classrooms in kindergarten, with the teacher as mediator and then discussed what amounts of movies on children's education, how they assist and deepen the knowledge developed by students in schools of infantile education. Additionally, they are exposed the different opinions about the subject Film and Education for students from kindergarten, what benefits and what disadvantages in the use of films, the different opinions on the subject. We also discuss, in this work, the ideologies present in three films produced by Walt Disney, they are Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Alice in Wonderland, relating them to how they can contribute to the development and learning students in kindergarten. I associated more as possible the previous discussions to analyze the ideologies present in these films, by summarizing these, and decomposing them through an analysis tool called frame. Finally, I completed everything that was discussed and analyzed, which students in kindergarten may develop with the use of films in schools, what they contribute, in some way, for the learning and education of students as viewers using the school as access to different cultures and the teacher as a mediator of this relationship
O objetivo desse trabalho foi o de levantar, a partir de aportes teóricos da área, as contribuições do desenho para o desenvolvimento infantil. Analisar a prática pedagógica de professores com a utilização do desenho na Educação Infantil em duas escolas municipais e, a partir desse contato, traçar paralelos e investigar como são aplicados o desenho em sala de aula, como também verificar como as coordenadoras pedagógicas orientam o grupo de professores de sua escola e como consideram a importância do mesmo. O conhecimento sobre a arte infantil precisa ser respeitada, pois por meio do desenho a criança expressa o conhecimento de si mesma e a sua relação com o mundo. O referente estudo também apresenta as características e etapas de desenvolvimento do desenho infantil, de acordo com as concepções dos estudiosos mais conhecidos, como Lowenfeld, Luquet, Piaget, Marthe Berson e Kellogg, que permitem esclarecer de que maneira acontece a evolução dos desenhos de acordo com a faixa etária de cada criança, facilitando assim, a construção do portifólio, ferramenta avaliativa utilizada na Educação Infantil. O desenho traz para a criança a ampliação do conhecimento de mundo que a ela possui e a manipulação e exploração de diversos materiais e objetos. E também proporciona para a criança a ampliação da sua capacidade criadora, desenvolvendo a imaginação, atuando de forma significativa para a organização de pensamentos e sentimentos, além de impactar positivamente sobre os aspectos emocionais, motores, intelectuais, físicos, perceptuais, sociais e estéticos.
Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market
This paper examines different ways to perceive and understand the development. More precisely, it seeks to do so by authors who have alternative views about the economic variables as a development objective. The study deals with three different approaches, emphasizing the instruments and the public policy objectives of development that they propose. To do so, relies on original texts of important authors who have recently contributed to the production of different concepts related to the topic. Also use authors who comment them or clarify aspects of their approaches, as well as indexes and maps that show the important aspect of measurement present of these approaches. More specifically, the authors are Ha-Joon Chang, to highlight the important role of the state and history, Amartya Sen, to extend the concept of development and, finally, Herman Daly, to show the importance, increasingly the subject of environmental problems and sustainable development. Each chapter focuses on a recently published work of these authors that represents a major review of its aspects
Nesta pesquisa estudamos as relações entre ecologia e sociedade a partir da experiência realizada pela Organização Social Civil de Interesse Público – Nazaré UNILUZ, sediada em Nazaré Paulista, no Estado de São Paulo. Esta organização social implementa diversos programas de desenvolvimento sustentável e tem como eixo central a relação do sujeito com a natureza. Todos os projetos executados nesta instituição afirmam o compromisso com o desenvolvimento sustentável. Com o uso da metodologia da “cartografia” apresentamos as paisagens emergentes no trânsito por um território de fronteira constituído nas relações entre ecologia e sociedade. Assumimos como hipótese de investigação que os modos como os indivíduos se implicam em seus percursos pela natureza determinam a dinâmica dos vínculos com ela estabelecidos. Devido a esta hipótese faremos um rigoroso rastreamento das marcas das sensações e as possíveis vinculações com o movimento de re-significação dos modos do sujeito estar na vida. Portanto, a dimensão epistemológica será, em todo o estudo, considerada em suas articulações com a dimensão ontológica. Neste mapeamento de marcas e sentidos acrescentaremos uma atenção especial para com o papel da memória, seja no recurso de aproximação das marcas constitutivas no corpo dos sujeitos, seja na condição material de adentrar na linguagem e elaborar sentidos. Nosso estudo pretende, por meio da cartografia, avaliar os limites e as possibilidades dos programas de desenvolvimento sustentável, quando tais programas incluem os modos de implicação dos corpos na mudança de atitudes do sujeito em suas relações com o ambiente. As relações entre sociedade e ecologia são estudadas na análise dos programas de desenvolvimento sustentável em execução no âmbito da UNILUZ, em diálogo com as formulações teóricas advindas da chamada “ecologia profunda”
The brazilian legislation has sufored changes by the law no 1876/99, without the scientific community consultation, causing grave consequences for the country natural patrimony. The goal of this research is to investigate what the professors and students community of a São Paulo University know about the theme, as much as a rural and urban portion of persons; what they consider important and which atributes are taken in consideration. By the elaboration of closed questionnaires, qualitative and quantitative datas were collected, organized and analysed. The datas showed a low schooling by the countrified people, which reflected the low forest law knowledge. The distance between the university and society was also noticed, which indicates the lack of extension activities, ethical commitment against knowledge, technology and the sustainable development of the country. Due to, highlight the importance of extension activities towards the university, community and a knowledge future of all
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper aims at discussion the construction of autonomy of cognitive development and child morality, according to the Piagetian approach view of the influence of socio-moral classroom in kindergarten. It is known that education is a very important part of participation in relation to the development of autonomy by the child, especially when it comes to kindergarten who becomes responsible for performing the initial encouragement of this ability, respecting the phase cognitive development in which the child is. We focus, therefore, the need for education and teaching activities that enable this construction offering little opportunity to exercise and build their first signs of autonomy. For their achievement, in addition to literature, which has been supported by theoretical studies of Jean Piaget, we chose a field research where we look, from the interview and observation, investigate the socio-moral environment of a room class of a school Kindergarten, highlighting the important opportunities for the exercise of autonomy for the children, amid the routine of the group. The interview was focused on the pursuit of basic knowledge of the educator on the subject, as well as what would be aware of the role of preschool in the process of moral development and about their own role as an educator this mode of education. Since the remark was directed at the teacher's procedures against the encouragement of social and moral ability, focusing mainly on interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Our classroom has proved to be a cooperative environment and therefore we emphasize the importance of the teacher's conduct that permeated the day-to-day classroom and encouraged to start building this skill by the student. The main objective of this study therefore was to investigate the possibilities and outcomes that have a school experience for the development of autonomy for children
The natural resource intensive industries have moved from center to periphery in Brazil. This shift is related to the environmental impacts generated by this type of industry, as occur biggest benefits to these industries in small towns as tax exemptions and donations of land, and local institutional capacity is lower in pollution control. In the 1970s began, in the state of São Paulo, a process of industrial deconcentration of Metropolitan Region of São Paulo to the inside of state, which generated an intense industrialization of the region of Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Sorocaba e São José dos Campos. This process of industrial deconcentration had support in state policies restricting new industries in the Metropolitan Region and the creation and financing of infrastructure and improvement of road. This research project aims to verify whether there has been a shift of natural resource intensive industries for the Administrative Region of Ribeirão Preto, as well as aspects of the sustainability of this process
This study aims to assess the evolution of the environmental debate, starting by the contextualization of its first appearance, and perform a theoretical and methodological analysis of its ramifications, especially regarding the two main lines of thought in economics: environmental economics and ecological economics. Once confirmed the incompatibility of economic growth per se with the environmental limits, the degrowth proposal will be presented, its theoretical basis and especially the means by which its creators aim to promote a economic, politic and social restructuring. Finally, the challenges regarding the degrowth implementation on both the developed Northern economies and the third-world or emerging Southern countries will be exposed
From its foundation until nowadays, the city of São Paulo has undergone major transformation processes, one of the responsibles for these changes is the presence of efficient transportation ; From construction of roads and routes for the animal traction transportation, railroads, expansion and improvements to the introduction of the automobiles, highways, subway system, among others, all these changes are related to greater flow of people and goods. However nowadays has been reflected issues such as quality of life and development of society in a sustainable way, once we have the construction and reconstruction of space in benefit of capital, and therefore the valuation of individual motorized transport. The overuse of individual motor vehicles are generating an urban chaos, making it increasingly difficult to transit in big cities, the use of bicycles is presented as a viable modal alternative, allowing the flow, and enhancing the health of society and quality of the air
O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a ascensão da China nos últimos anos e o impacto ambiental gerado por esse processo. Tal análise abordou os conceitos de desenvolvimento e desenvolvimento sustentável desde sua origem até a atualidade. Com foco no país objeto deste trabalho foram apresentadas as suas fontes de crescimento através de um panorama histórico-econômico e dados econômicos do período estudado de 1978 até 2012. Além disso, foi abordado de que maneira o processo acelerado de crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico do país afetou o meio ambiente, como resultado do processo de industrialização, das políticas de abertura a investimentos estrangeiros, entre outros fatores. Outra análise de destaque deste trabalho é o sobre o tamanho da população do país, sua demanda energética e indicadores ambientais que mostram a situação da China no que diz respeito ao meio ambiente e sustentabilidade. Por fim, o trabalho apresenta medidas e políticas propostas e adotadas pelo governo para proteger o meio ambiente e torná-lo sustentável. Verificou-se que o crescimento chinês esteve associado a forte poluição e degradação ambiental