1000 resultados para EPILEPSIA - CLASIFICACIÓN
An update of the levels of scientific evidence stating the varying degrees of recommendation for asymptomatic patients, indicating which procedures are most appropriate and what should be avoided all the systems described, we seek one that meets the principle of simplicity and utility. We chose for our setting the valuation of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford (OCEBM). This classification has the advantage that assures us the knowledge on each scenario, its high degree of specialization. It also has the prerogative to clarify how it affects the lack of methodological rigor to the study design, reducing its assessment not only in the grading of the evidence, but also on the strength of recommendations.
El terme paisatge i les seves aplicacions són cada dia més utilitzats per les administracions i altres entitats com a eina de gestió del territori. Aprofitant la gran quantitat de dades en bases compatibles amb SIG (Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica) existents a Catalunya s’ha desenvolupat una síntesi cartogràfica on s’identifiquen els Paisatges Funcionals (PF) de Catalunya, concepte que fa referència al comportament fisico-ecològic del terreny a partir de variables topogràfiques i climàtiques convenientment transformades i agregades. S’ha utilitzat un mètode semiautomàtic i iteratiu de classificació no supervisada (clustering) que permet la creació d’una llegenda jeràrquica o nivells de generalització. S’ha obtingut com a resultat el Mapa de Paisatges Funcionals de Catalunya (MPFC) amb una llegenda de 26 categories de paisatges i 5 nivells de generalització amb una resolució espacial de 180 m. Paral·lelament, s’han realitzat validacions indirectes sobre el mapa obtingut a partir dels coneixements naturalistes i la cartografia existent, així com també d’un mapa d’incertesa (aplicant lògica difusa) que aporten informació de la fiabilitat de la classificació realitzada. Els Paisatges Funcionals obtinguts permeten relacionar zones de condicions topo-climàtiques homogènies i dividir el territori en zones caracteritzades ambientalment i no políticament amb la intenció que sigui d’utilitat a l’hora de millorar la gestió dels recursos naturals i la planificació d’actuacions humanes.
En aquest treball es descriuen les diferents tipologies i variants rituals de les cerimònies que es realitzen amb ayahuasca (beuratge psicoactiu usat tradicionalment per molts pobles de la conca amazònica) a Catalunya, tot establint una classificació. Es comparen les cerimònies amb la seqüència dels rituals de pas de Van Gennep, tenint present també el concepte de 'communitas' de V. Turner, per acabar establint que es tracta de rituals de pas contemporanis. Alhora es fa una anàlisi de com son les persones que dirigeixen aquestes cerimònies (formació, experiència, motivacions) i els participants en aquestes (edat, sexe, motivacions que porten a provar-ho, per què repeteixen, etc.).
(Adaptación de la clasificación "Procedure Classes 2014" de la HCUP)
Hemos realizado un estudio descriptivo de una cohorte de 135 pacientes con incontinencia fecal, recogiendo la información necesaria para clasificarlos según dos clasificaciones publicadas anteriormente en la literatura, ambas basadas en la etiología de la incontinencia fecal. Al analizar los datos, observamos que una clasificación basada sólo en la etiología de la incontinencia puede no ser adecuada a la hora de establecer grupos de pacientes homogéneos, por ello pensamos proponer un nuevo modelo de clasificación basada en los mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la incontinencia, lo que nos permitirá obtener grupos más homogéneos, con problemas similares, y a los que podamos ofrecer líneas de tratamiento similares.
BACKGROUND Little is known about the healthcare process for patients with prostate cancer, mainly because hospital-based data are not routinely published. The main objective of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of prostate cancer patients, the, diagnostic process and the factors that might influence intervals from consultation to diagnosis and from diagnosis to treatment. METHODS We conducted a multicentre, cohort study in seven hospitals in Spain. Patients' characteristics and diagnostic and therapeutic variables were obtained from hospital records and patients' structured interviews from October 2010 to September 2011. We used a multilevel logistic regression model to examine the association between patient care intervals and various variables influencing these intervals (age, BMI, educational level, ECOG, first specialist consultation, tumour stage, PSA, Gleason score, and presence of symptoms) and calculated the odds ratio (OR) and the interquartile range (IQR). To estimate the random inter-hospital variability, we used the median odds ratio (MOR). RESULTS 470 patients with prostate cancer were included. Mean age was 67.8 (SD: 7.6) years and 75.4 % were physically active. Tumour size was classified as T1 in 41.0 % and as T2 in 40 % of patients, their median Gleason score was 6.0 (IQR:1.0), and 36.1 % had low risk cancer according to the D'Amico classification. The median interval between first consultation and diagnosis was 89 days (IQR:123.5) with no statistically significant variability between centres. Presence of symptoms was associated with a significantly longer interval between first consultation and diagnosis than no symptoms (OR:1.93, 95%CI 1.29-2.89). The median time between diagnosis and first treatment (therapeutic interval) was 75.0 days (IQR:78.0) and significant variability between centres was found (MOR:2.16, 95%CI 1.45-4.87). This interval was shorter in patients with a high PSA value (p = 0.012) and a high Gleason score (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONS Most incident prostate cancer patients in Spain are diagnosed at an early stage of an adenocarcinoma. The period to complete the diagnostic process is approximately three months whereas the therapeutic intervals vary among centres and are shorter for patients with a worse prognosis. The presence of prostatic symptoms, PSA level, and Gleason score influence all the clinical intervals differently.
Allergic conjunctivitis (AC) is an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva caused mainly by an IgE-mediated mechanism. It is the most common type of ocular allergy. Despite being the most benign form of conjunctivitis, AC has a considerable effect on patient quality of life, reduces work productivity, and increases health care costs. No consensus has been reached on its classification, diagnosis, or treatment. Consequently, the literature provides little information on its natural history, epidemiological data are scarce, and it is often difficult to ascertain its true morbidity. The main objective of the Consensus Document on Allergic Conjunctivitis (Documento dE Consenso sobre Conjuntivitis Alérgica [DECA]), which was drafted by an expert panel from the Spanish Society of Allergology and Spanish Society of Ophthalmology, was to reach agreement on basic criteria that could prove useful for both specialists and primary care physicians and facilitate the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of AC. This document is the first of its kind to describe and analyze aspects of AC that could make it possible to control symptoms.
The aim of this study was to analyze the use of 12 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in genes ELAC2, RNASEL and MSR1 as biomarkers for prostate cancer (PCa) detection and progression, as well as perform a genetic classification of high-risk patients. A cohort of 451 men (235 patients and 216 controls) was studied. We calculated means of regression analysis using clinical values (stage, prostate-specific antigen, Gleason score and progression) in patients and controls at the basal stage and after a follow-up of 72 months. Significantly different allele frequencies between patients and controls were observed for rs1904577 and rs918 (MSR1 gene) and for rs17552022 and rs5030739 (ELAC2). We found evidence of increased risk for PCa in rs486907 and rs2127565 in variants AA and CC, respectively. In addition, rs627928 (TT-GT), rs486907 (AG) and rs3747531 (CG-CC) were associated with low tumor aggressiveness. Some had a weak linkage, such as rs1904577 and rs2127565, rs4792311 and rs17552022, and rs1904577 and rs918. Our study provides the proof-of-principle that some of the genetic variants (such as rs486907, rs627928 and rs2127565) in genes RNASEL, MSR1 and ELAC2 can be used as predictors of aggressiveness and progression of PCa. In the future, clinical use of these biomarkers, in combination with current ones, could potentially reduce the rate of unnecessary biopsies and specific treatments.
Mediante el presente Proyecto Final de Carrera se pretende dar una solución a la climatización de un edificio destinado a la investigación con elementos bacteriológicos sobre animales vivos. Se entenderá por instalación de climatización, la instalación encargada de asegurar las condiciones de temperatura, humedad y calidad del aire requeridas por el uso del edificio. La instalación objeto del presente proyecto corresponde a un laboratorio con clasificación de Contención Biológica de nivel III: agente patógeno que pueda causar una enfermedad grave en el hombre y presente serio peligro para los trabajadores; existe el riesgo de que se propague a la colectividad pero existen generalmente profilaxis o tratamientos eficaces. La instalación de control formará parte de otro proyecto que deberá ser complementario a éste
En este trabajo se recogieron 115 MAPAs realizados a pacientes hipertensos, y se investigó la influencia que la edición de los valores de PA en el periodo que rodea al inicio del sueño y la vigilia podía tener en la interpretación de la prueba. Se observó que el porcentaje de pacientes con PA controlada con o sin la edición de valores fue similar. Sin embargo, la edición de la MAPA condicionó cambios en la clasificación del perfil circadiano, observándose una disminución de perfiles reductores, reclasificados hacia perfiles menos fisiológicos como no-reductor y reductor extremo, ambos asociados a un peor pronóstico cardiovascular.
Programari per a l'assistència en el tractament de pacients amb epilèpsia. Els objectius principals són assessorar en el tractament i elaborar associacions farmacològiques empíriques en base a l'experiència recollida per l'aplicatiu.
Patients with status epilepticus that proves refractory to anesthetic agents represent a daunting challenge for treating clinicians. Animal data support the neuroprotective action of brain hypothermia, and its efficacy in status epilepticus models. This approach, targeting a core temperature of about 33°C for at least 24 hours together with pharmacological sedation, has been described in adults and children. However, although relatively safe if concomitant barbiturates are avoided, it seems that mild hypothermia rarely allows a sustained control of ongoing status epilepticus, since seizures tend to recur in normothermia. Conversely, mild hypothermia has a high-evidence level and is increasingly used in postanoxic encephalopathy, both in newborns and adults. Due to the paucity of available clinical data, prospective studies are needed to assess the value of hypothermia in status epilepticus.
In 9 drug-resistant patients with partial seizures treated with vigabatrin, gamma-vinyl GABA (VGB), alanine aminotransaminase (ALAT) activity in plasma was significantly reduced. Comparison of in vitro with in vivo measurements led us to conclude that this reduction is mainly an in vivo phenomenon, perhaps due to cross-enzyme inhibition. The assessment of two biological variables linked with ALAT, glucose and alanine levels under fasting conditions, failed to show any significant metabolic alterations. VGB is an effective drug for partial epilepsy. Our observations do not suggest that reduced ALAT activity is of clinical concern.
Este documento es la plasmación de una propuesta ambiciosa e innovadora para la mejora en la eficiencia y en el control de la calidad de un departamento hospitalario de oftalmología. La intención del texto es resumir el funcionamiento de un modelo nuevo de asistencia oftalmológica que, manteniendo o incluso mejorando la calidad de la asistencia, sea capaz de un ahorro en personal muy significativo. La propuesta se basa en la aplicación de la gestión clínica de la siguiente forma: • Motivación del personal asistencial, con énfasis de los médicos especialistas • Protocolización de la asistencia médica y quirúrgica • Diferenciación por niveles de complejidad • Reasignación de roles y competencias • Formación del personal asociado y control de la formación continuada • Control de la actividad, la eficiencia y la calidad mediante indicadores El documento explica como se ha calculado la necesidad de recursos humanos y como se establece la comparación con un departamento en funcionamiento. De la misma forma se ofrece el ahorro en horas de personal que después puede extenderse a unidades monetarias. El documento incorpora la propuesta de procedimientos, planes de formación del personal, de formación continuada, de calidad y de implementación. También la estructura física básica para llevarlo a cabo. No me cabe duda de que lo convincente de la propuesta, por audaz que pueda parecer, resultará del agrado de las gerencias y direcciones generales por generar un ahorro muy significativo, por la necesidad imperante de implantar medidas que incrementen la productividad y la competitividad y por tratarse de un plan que es factible. Mensajes clave: Eficiencia mediante la motivación, redistribución de competencias y clasificación por complejidad Calidad mediante estandarización, control de indicadores y constante actualización Responsabilidad de los profesionales y ahorro en personal Factibilidad
Usability is critical to consider an interactive software system successful. Usability testing and evaluation during product development have gained wide acceptance as a strategy to improve product quality. Early introduction of usability perspectives in a product is very important in order to provide a clear visibility of the quality aspects not only for the developers, but also for the testing users as well. However, usability evaluation and testing are not commonly taken into consideration as an essential element of the software development process. Then, this paper exposes a proposal to introduce usability evaluation and testing within a software development through reuse of software artifacts. Additionally, it suggests the introduction of an auditor within the classification of actors for usability tests. It also proposes an improvement of checklists used for heuristics evaluation, adding quantitative and qualitative aspects to them