988 resultados para Document Representation
Clusters of text documents output by clustering algorithms are often hard to interpret. We describe motivating real-world scenarios that necessitate reconfigurability and high interpretability of clusters and outline the problem of generating clusterings with interpretable and reconfigurable cluster models. We develop two clustering algorithms toward the outlined goal of building interpretable and reconfigurable cluster models. They generate clusters with associated rules that are composed of conditions on word occurrences or nonoccurrences. The proposed approaches vary in the complexity of the format of the rules; RGC employs disjunctions and conjunctions in rule generation whereas RGC-D rules are simple disjunctions of conditions signifying presence of various words. In both the cases, each cluster is comprised of precisely the set of documents that satisfy the corresponding rule. Rules of the latter kind are easy to interpret, whereas the former leads to more accurate clustering. We show that our approaches outperform the unsupervised decision tree approach for rule-generating clustering and also an approach we provide for generating interpretable models for general clusterings, both by significant margins. We empirically show that the purity and f-measure losses to achieve interpretability can be as little as 3 and 5%, respectively using the algorithms presented herein.
In an attempt to account for the exceptionally low levels of female representation in Northern Ireland, this paper provides an analysis of the contemporary candidate selection procedures of the region's five main political parties. Drawing on evidence gathered from 29 elite interviews, plus official internal party documents, the study finds that the localised nature of the parties' selection procedures may disadvantage women aspirants. Also important are ‘supply-side’ factors influencing legislative recruitment and female participation rates, namely the strongly embedded social norm of female domestic responsibility, a masculinised political culture and the lack of confidence of potential female candidates.
This paper engages with the varieties of capitalism literature to investigate the employee representation and consultation approaches of liberal market economy multinational companies (MNCs), specifically Australian, British and US MNCs operating in Australia. While the literature would suggest commonality amongst these MNCs, the paper considers whether the evidence points to similarity or variation amongst liberal market headquartered MNCs. The findings contribute to filling a recognized empirical gap on MNC employment relations practice in Australia and to a better understanding of within category varieties of capitalism similarity and variation. Drawing on survey data from MNCs operating in Australia, the results demonstrated that UK-owned MNCs were the least likely to report collective structures of employee representation. Moreover, it was found that Australian MNCs were the most likely to engage in collective forms of employee representation and made less use of direct consultative mechanisms relative to their British and US counterparts. In spite of the concerted individualization of the employment relations domain over previous decades, Australian MNCs appear to have upheld more long-standing national institutional arrangements with respect to engaging with employees on a collective basis. This varies from British and US MNC approaches which denotes that our results display within category deviation in the variety of capitalism liberal market economy typology. Just as Hall and Soskice described their seminal work on liberal market economy (LME) and coordinated market economy (CME) categories as a “work-in-progress” (2001: 2), we too suggest that Australia’s evolution in the LME category, and more specifically its industrial relations system development, and the consequences for employment relations practices of its domestic MNCs, may be a work-in-progress.
We propose and advocate basic principles for the fusion of incomplete or uncertain information items, that should apply regardless of the formalism adopted for representing pieces of information coming from several sources. This formalism can be based on sets, logic, partial orders, possibility theory, belief functions or imprecise probabilities. We propose a general notion of information item representing incomplete or uncertain information about the values of an entity of interest. It is supposed to rank such values in terms of relative plausibility, and explicitly point out impossible values. Basic issues affecting the results of the fusion process, such as relative information content and consistency of information items, as well as their mutual consistency, are discussed. For each representation setting, we present fusion rules that obey our principles, and compare them to postulates specific to the representation proposed in the past. In the crudest (Boolean) representation setting (using a set of possible values), we show that the understanding of the set in terms of most plausible values, or in terms of non-impossible ones matters for choosing a relevant fusion rule. Especially, in the latter case our principles justify the method of maximal consistent subsets, while the former is related to the fusion of logical bases. Then we consider several formal settings for incomplete or uncertain information items, where our postulates are instantiated: plausibility orderings, qualitative and quantitative possibility distributions, belief functions and convex sets of probabilities. The aim of this paper is to provide a unified picture of fusion rules across various uncertainty representation settings.
We show that a self-generated set of combinatorial games, S, may not be hereditarily closed but, strong self-generation and hereditary closure are equivalent in the universe of short games. In [13], the question “Is there a set which will give an on-distributive but modular lattice?” appears. A useful necessary condition for the existence of a finite non-distributive modular L(S) is proved. We show the existence of S such that L(S) is modular and not distributive, exhibiting the first known example. More, we prove a Representation Theorem with Games that allows the generation of all finite lattices in game context. Finally, a computational tool for drawing lattices of games is presented.
The electronic storage of medical patient data is becoming a daily experience in most of the practices and hospitals worldwide. However, much of the data available is in free-form text, a convenient way of expressing concepts and events, but especially challenging if one wants to perform automatic searches, summarization or statistical analysis. Information Extraction can relieve some of these problems by offering a semantically informed interpretation and abstraction of the texts. MedInX, the Medical Information eXtraction system presented in this document, is the first information extraction system developed to process textual clinical discharge records written in Portuguese. The main goal of the system is to improve access to the information locked up in unstructured text, and, consequently, the efficiency of the health care process, by allowing faster and reliable access to quality information on health, for both patient and health professionals. MedInX components are based on Natural Language Processing principles, and provide several mechanisms to read, process and utilize external resources, such as terminologies and ontologies, in the process of automatic mapping of free text reports onto a structured representation. However, the flexible and scalable architecture of the system, also allowed its application to the task of Named Entity Recognition on a shared evaluation contest focused on Portuguese general domain free-form texts. The evaluation of the system on a set of authentic hospital discharge letters indicates that the system performs with 95% F-measure, on the task of entity recognition, and 95% precision on the task of relation extraction. Example applications, demonstrating the use of MedInX capabilities in real applications in the hospital setting, are also presented in this document. These applications were designed to answer common clinical problems related with the automatic coding of diagnoses and other health-related conditions described in the documents, according to the international classification systems ICD-9-CM and ICF. The automatic review of the content and completeness of the documents is an example of another developed application, denominated MedInX Clinical Audit system.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral comparar a representação mental da realidade em crianças cegas congénitas, com a construção mental da realidade em crianças videntes, ao frequentarem o mesmo contexto de aprendizagem no Ensino Básico da Escola Regular (EBER). Esta comparação visou os seguintes objetivos específicos: (i) caracterizar as representações mentais construídas pelas crianças cegas congénitas a frequentar o EBER, (ii) comparar as representações mentais construídas pelas crianças cegas congénitas com as representações mentais construídas pelas crianças videntes, (iii) caracterizar as representações mentais que as crianças cegas congénitas constroem acerca da sua integração no EBER e (iv) caracterizar as representações mentais que os alunos videntes constroem acerca da integração das crianças cegas no EBER. O enquadramento teórico centrou-se nos conceitos de cegueira, desenvolvimento infantil e representações mentais. Metodologicamente, optámos por um design de estudos de caso múltiplos, com múltiplas unidades de análise. Para a recolha de dados recorremos a (i) entrevistas, (ii) conversas informais, (iii) questionário sociométrico e (iv) análise documental. Os resultados sugerem (i) ausência de diferenças significativas entre o grupo de sujeitos cegos congénitos e o grupo de videntes na identificação de estímulos de natureza percetual, (ii) ausência de diferenças significativas na riqueza, na complexidade e no total, entre as representações mentais evocadas por cegos congénitos e as representações mentais evocadas por videntes, (iii) ausência de diferenças significativas na natureza das informações entre as representações mentais evocadas por cegos congénitos e as representações mentais evocadas por videntes, (iv) ausência de diferenças significativas entre cegos congénitos e videntes, no número de preferências recebidas, no valor relativo tendo em consideração as ordens das preferências recebidas e no número de preferências recíprocas, (v) os videntes emitiram significativamente mais preferências que os respetivos pares cegos congénitos e (vi) o número de preferências emitidas pelos cegos congénitos está significativa e inversamente relacionado com as diferenças entre a riqueza, a complexidade e o total das representações mentais de cegos congénitos e videntes.
O objeto principal desta tese é o estudo de algoritmos de processamento e representação automáticos de dados, em particular de informação obtida por sensores montados a bordo de veículos (2D e 3D), com aplicação em contexto de sistemas de apoio à condução. O trabalho foca alguns dos problemas que, quer os sistemas de condução automática (AD), quer os sistemas avançados de apoio à condução (ADAS), enfrentam hoje em dia. O documento é composto por duas partes. A primeira descreve o projeto, construção e desenvolvimento de três protótipos robóticos, incluindo pormenores associados aos sensores montados a bordo dos robôs, algoritmos e arquitecturas de software. Estes robôs foram utilizados como plataformas de ensaios para testar e validar as técnicas propostas. Para além disso, participaram em várias competições de condução autónoma tendo obtido muito bons resultados. A segunda parte deste documento apresenta vários algoritmos empregues na geração de representações intermédias de dados sensoriais. Estes podem ser utilizados para melhorar técnicas já existentes de reconhecimento de padrões, deteção ou navegação, e por este meio contribuir para futuras aplicações no âmbito dos AD ou ADAS. Dado que os veículos autónomos contêm uma grande quantidade de sensores de diferentes naturezas, representações intermédias são particularmente adequadas, pois podem lidar com problemas relacionados com as diversas naturezas dos dados (2D, 3D, fotométrica, etc.), com o carácter assíncrono dos dados (multiplos sensores a enviar dados a diferentes frequências), ou com o alinhamento dos dados (problemas de calibração, diferentes sensores a disponibilizar diferentes medições para um mesmo objeto). Neste âmbito, são propostas novas técnicas para a computação de uma representação multi-câmara multi-modal de transformação de perspectiva inversa, para a execução de correcção de côr entre imagens de forma a obter mosaicos de qualidade, ou para a geração de uma representação de cena baseada em primitivas poligonais, capaz de lidar com grandes quantidades de dados 3D e 2D, tendo inclusivamente a capacidade de refinar a representação à medida que novos dados sensoriais são recebidos.
No Monumento Nacional aos Combatentes do Ultramar, em Belém, encontram-se dispostos por ano e ordem alfabética os nomes dos militares mortos nesse conflito que durou treze anos. Este enunciado é o ponto de partida para um projeto artístico que, não sendo construído fisicamente a partir de fontes documentais ou de artefactos relacionados com os factos históricos, se irá desenvolver com base em premissas conceptuais no sentido de despoletar a partilha dessa memória. Este projeto artístico é, em si, a criação de um novo documento que olha o passado e o procura projetar no futuro com base no momento “PRESENTE”. Nesta comunicação propomo-nos, metodologicamente, discutir o processo de construção de um projeto artístico que, com a atribuição do prémio Bolsa Estação Imagem | Mora 2014 dará origem a uma exposição pública e à publicação de um livro relacionando-o com um conjunto de possibilidades que questionam as potencialidades que a área da criação artística dispõe para contaminar as questões da musealização de forma a contribuir com o despontar de novas abordagens e narrativas nas práticas da materialização de exposições como médium e lugar de criação artística. Através da consideração processual deste projeto procuramos atingir o significado da memória nos processos de mediação artística onde as imagens renunciando à possibilidade de serem simulacro ou fantasmagoria, simbolizam cada coisa e o seu contrário, abeirando-se da não representação e, neste limite, qual o papel do museu nessas práticas de mediação.
Keypoints (junctions) provide important information for focus-of-attention (FoA) and object categorization/recognition. In this paper we analyze the multi-scale keypoint representation, obtained by applying a linear and quasi-continuous scaling to an optimized model of cortical end-stopped cells, in order to study its importance and possibilities for developing a visual, cortical architecture.We show that keypoints, especially those which are stable over larger scale intervals, can provide a hierarchically structured saliency map for FoA and object recognition. In addition, the application of non-classical receptive field inhibition to keypoint detection allows to distinguish contour keypoints from texture (surface) keypoints.
In the United States, most unions are recognized by a majority vote of employees through union representation elections administered by the government. Most empirical studies of individual voting behavior during union representation elections use a rational choice model. Recently, however, some have posited that voting is often influenced by emotions. We evaluate competing hypotheses about the determinants of union voting behavior by using data collected from a 2010 representation election at Delta Air Lines, a US-based company. In addition to the older rational choice framework, multiple regression results provide support for an emotional choice model. Positive feelings toward the employer are statistically significantly related to voting ‘no’ in a representation election, while positive feelings toward the union are related to a ‘yes’ vote. Effect sizes for the emotion variables were generally larger than those for the rational choice variables, suggesting that emotions may play a key role in representation election outcomes.