1000 resultados para Diebold e Mariano


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O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar frutos de goiabeira da cultivar Sassaoka, submetidas ao processamento mínimo e armazenadas em dois tipos de embalagens por seis dias. O experimento foi conduzido no laboratório de Tecnologia de Alimentos, localizado na Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (Unesp), Câmpus de Ilha Solteira - SP. Os frutos foram levados ao laboratório e posteriormente lavados, desinfectados, descascados, escorridos e acondicionados nas embalagens. Os tratamentos foram: embalagem PET e em bandeja de isopor com filme plástico (14 µm), em quatro tempos. Os frutos foram armazenados durante seis dias, sob temperatura de 8ºC e umidade relativa de 80%. A cada dois dias de armazenamento refrigerado, foram retiradas três amostras de cada tratamento para as avaliações. Foram avaliados perda de massa, pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, vitamina C e aparência visual. A embalagem de isopor (bandeja) com filme plástico proporcionou melhor conservação quando comparada com a embalagem PET, mantendo os frutos em boas condições por até quatro dias após processados. A embalagem PET apresentou tendência de acumular água dentro da embalagem, desde o segundo dia de armazenamento, sendo inadequada para essa finalidade. Os teores de vitamina C e sólidos solúveis foram maiores no final do armazenamento na embalagem PET, assim como o pH e a acidez titulável.


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Plant growth regulators and biostimulants have been used as an agronomic technique to optimize the production of seedlings in various crops. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of gibberellic acid and the biostimulant Stimulate® on the initial growth of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.). The experiments were conducted in a nursery with 50% shading, in a randomized block design with five replications and five plants per plot. Thirty eight days after sowing, the leaves were sprayed seven times a day with 0.0 (control), 0.8, 1.6, 2.4 and 3.2 mL of gibberellic acid L-1 aqueous solution and with 0.0 (control), 6.0,12.0, 18.0, and 24.0 mL Stimulate® L-1 aqueous solution. Stem diameter (SD), plant height (PH), longest root length (LRL), shoot dry mass (SDM), root dry mass (RDM) and RDM:SDM ratio were evaluated ninety days after sowing. Variance and regression analysis showed that GA3 at 4% promoted plant growth (height), but had no significant effect on stem diameter, longest root length, shoot and root dry mass and the RDM:SDM ratio. On the other hand, all concentrations of Stimulate® significantly increased plant height and shoot and root dry mass of tamarind seedlings.


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BACKGROUND: The p53 transcription factor is located at the core of a complex wiring of signaling pathways that are critical for the preservation of cellular homeostasis. Only recently it has become clear that p53 regulates the expression of several long intergenic noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs). However, relatively little is known about the role that lincRNAs play in this pathway. RESULTS: Here we characterize a lincRNA named Pint (p53 induced noncoding transcript). We show that Pint is a ubiquitously expressed lincRNA that is finely regulated by p53. In mouse cells, Pint promotes cell proliferation and survival by regulating the expression of genes of the TGF-β, MAPK and p53 pathways. Pint is a nuclear lincRNA that directly interacts with the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), and is required for PRC2 targeting of specific genes for H3K27 tri-methylation and repression. Furthermore, Pint functional activity is highly dependent on PRC2 expression. We have also identified Pint human ortholog (PINT), which presents suggestive analogies with the murine lincRNA. PINT is similarly regulated by p53, and its expression significantly correlates with the same cellular pathways as the mouse ortholog, including the p53 pathway. Interestingly, PINT is downregulated in colon primary tumors, while its overexpression inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells, suggesting a possible role as tumor suppressor. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal a p53 autoregulatory negative mechanism where a lincRNA connects p53 activation with epigenetic silencing by PRC2. Additionally, we show analogies and differences between the murine and human orthologs, identifying a novel tumor suppressor candidate lincRNA.


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Tecidos de plantas infectados constituem uma importante fonte de inóculo primário para fitobacterioses. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a sobrevivência de Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv), agente do cancro bacteriano da videira, em tecidos infectados na superfície do solo e durante a compostagem de restos de poda. Mudas de videira 'Festival' foram inoculadas com mutante resistente à rifampicina Xcv2Rif e mantidas em casa de vegetação até apresentarem alta severidade da doença. No primeiro experimento, ramos fragmentados e folhas inteiras destas plantas foram acondicionados em bolsas de malha plástica e colocados na superfície de microparcelas. No segundo experimento, ramos e folhas fragmentados foram acondicionados em bolsas plásticas e depositados no interior de pilhas de compostagem de restos de poda de videira. A sobrevivência de Xcv2Rif em tecidos infectados foi monitorada a intervalos de 8 e 10 dias a partir do início do primeiro e segundo experimentos, respectivamente. No primeiro experimento, foi também avaliada a decomposição de tecidos, e no segundo, as curvas de temperatura das pilhas, conteúdo de fenóis e microbiota antagonista a Xcv2Rif. O patógeno sobreviveu em altas populações até 80 dias em tecidos infectados na superfície do solo. A compostagem eliminou Xcv2Rif de restos culturais em 10 dias, devido às altas temperaturas, liberação de compostos fenólicos e antagonismo microbiano. Concluindo, em tecidos infectados de videira Xcv sobrevive na superfície do solo por, pelo menos, 80 dias mas é eliminada pela compostagem em 10 dias.


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A produtividade em bananeira é um caráter complexo que resulta da associação de diferentes fatores, influenciados pelo ambiente. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos diretos e indiretos de características vegetativas sobre a produção de bananeira em três ciclos. O trabalho foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Acre, em Rio Branco, Acre, entre os anos de 2003 e 2006. Foram avaliados 13 genótipos de bananeira (Preciosa, Japira, Pacovan-Ken, Pacovan, BRS Platina, Prata-Anã, ST12-31, Nanicão, Grande Naine, Calipso, Ambrosia, Bucaneiro e FHIA-02), no espaçamento de 3 m x 2 m, no esquema de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Determinaram-se a altura de plantas, diâmetro do pseudocaule, número de folhas na floração e na colheita, peso do cacho e número de pencas no cacho. Realizou-se a análise de variância para cada ciclo e estimaram-se os coeficientes de correlação fenotípicos e os coeficientes de trilha. Adotou-se como variável básica o peso do cacho, e as demais, como variáveis explicativas. O estudo dos efeitos diretos e indiretos evidenciou que o caráter produção é bastante influenciado pelo ambiente no primeiro ciclo, e, nos ciclos seguintes, a produção é muito influenciada pelas características vegetativas, principalmente número de folhas na colheita.


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O cancro bacteriano da videira é causado por Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv). Visando à limpeza clonal de mudas de 'Red Globe', foram estudados: tamanho ideal de ápices e gemas axilares para cultivo em meio de Galzy modificado (MGM); efeito da termoterapia (38ºC/30 dias); e ação de antibióticos na eliminação de Xcv em videiras infectadas. Os percentuais de contaminação por Xcv e de regeneração foram analisados, e as plantas obtidas foram indexadas em meio ágar nutritivo-dextrose-extrato de levedura-ampicilina (NYDAM), seguindo-se teste de patogenicidade. O cultivo de explantes com 3 mm possibilitou a obtenção de plantas livres da bactéria, com regeneração 14,3 vezes maior que explantes com 1 mm. A termoterapia de mudas infectadas, associada ao cultivo in vitro, não eliminou o patógeno. O cultivo de explantes com 10 mm, durante 40 dias em MGM + cefotaxima (300 mg L-1), proporcionou limpeza clonal das mudas. A indexação de plantas de videira regeneradas in vitro, quanto à infecção por Xcv utilizando NYDAM, seguida de teste de patogenicidade, é uma alternativa econômica e eficiente para produção de mudas de alta qualidade fitossanitária.


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OBJECTIVES: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has become a promising method for pre-screening ALK-rearrangements in non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC). Various ALK antibodies, detection systems and automated immunostainers are available. We therefore aimed to compare the performance of the monoclonal 5A4 (Novocastra, Leica) and D5F3 (Cell Signaling, Ventana) antibodies using two different immunostainers. Additionally we analyzed the accuracy of prospective ALK IHC-testing in routine diagnostics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-two NSCLC with available ALK FISH results and enriched for FISH-positive carcinomas were retrospectively analyzed. IHC was performed on BenchMarkXT (Ventana) using 5A4 and D5F3, respectively, and additionally with 5A4 on Bond-MAX (Leica). Data from our routine diagnostics on prospective ALK-testing with parallel IHC, using 5A4, and FISH were available from 303 NSCLC. RESULTS: All three IHC protocols showed congruent results. Only 1/25 FISH-positive NSCLC (4%) was false negative by IHC. For all three IHC protocols the sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) compared to FISH were 96%, 100%, 100% and 97.8%, respectively. In the prospective cohort 3/32 FISH-positive (9.4%) and 2/271 FISH-negative (0.7%) NSCLC were false negative and false positive by IHC, respectively. In routine diagnostics the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of IHC compared to FISH were 90.6%, 99.3%, 93.5% and 98.9%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: 5A4 and D5F3 are equally well suited for detecting ALK-rearranged NSCLC. BenchMark and BOND-MAX immunostainers can be used for IHC with 5A4. True discrepancies between IHC and FISH results do exist and need to be addressed when implementing IHC in an ALK-testing algorithm.


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Os diversos materiais orgânicos e as proporções usadas como substratos na produção de mudas de goiabeira podem fazer a diferença na qualidade final, trazendo benefícios ao produtor e ao meio ambiente. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de fontes e as proporções de materiais orgânicos na germinação de sementes e no crescimento de plantas jovens de goiabeira. O experimento foi realizado no período de setembro de 2010 a março de 2011, na Fazenda Experimental do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba, Câmpus Sousa, localizado no Perímetro Irrigado de São Gonçalo, Município de Sousa, Paraíba. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 3x4 (esterco bovino, esterco ovino e húmus de minhoca, nas seguintes proporções: 0;20; 40 e 60%), com quatro repetições e dez plantas por unidade experimental. As características avaliadas foram: comprimento da parte aérea, diâmetro do caule, massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca das raízes, massa seca total e os teores de macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) na massa seca da parte aérea. O esterco de ovino e o húmus de minhoca são as fontes orgânicas que proporcionam os mais altos valores médios para as características morfológicas avaliadas. A proporção de 40% do material orgânico, independentemente da fonte usada, favoreceu o crescimento das mudas de goiabeira. Proporções crescentes das fontes orgânicas no substrato provocam redução no teor de fósforo.


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A disseminação de Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv), agente do cancro bacteriano da videira, ocorre, dentre outras formas, por meio de mudas e bacelos infectados. Foi estudada a obtenção de material propagativo livre do patógeno, testando a eficiência do tratamento de bacelos com termoterapia, bactericidas e sanitizantes. Os isolados de Xcv foram testados quanto à patogenicidade e realizado o teste de sensibilidade in vitro aos produtos, em diferentes concentrações. A erradicação de Xcv em bacelos de videira foi testada em experimentos com termoterapia (50ºC por 30 e 40 min; 53ºC por 5 e 10 min); bactericidas [oxitetraciclina+sulfato de cobre (150+2.000; 165+2.200; 180+2.400 e 195+2.600 mg L-1 de H2O) e oxitetraciclina (600; 700; 800 e 900 mg L-1)]; e sanitizantes [cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio (600; 1.200; 1.800; 2.400 e 3.000 µL L-1); hipoclorito de sódio (5.000; 10.000; 20.000; 30.000 e 40.000 µL L-1) e cloreto de benzalcônio (125; 167;250; 334 e 500 µL L-1)]. Foram avaliados período de incubação, incidência e severidade da doença. O bactericida oxitetraciclina e os sanitizantes cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio e hipoclorito de sódio proporcionaram os maiores halos de inibição de Xcv in vitro. No entanto, apesar dos diversos tratamentos testados, não foi possível recomendar tratamento termoterápico ou produto que erradicasse Xcv de bacelos infectados. Porém, ficou confirmada a grande importância destes na disseminação do agente do cancro bacteriano da videira.


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Several species of Annona (Annonaceae) are used in traditional Mexican medicine by their anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant and tranquilizing properties. It has been reported that the alkaloids isolated from some species of the Annona have affinity to serotonergic 5-HT1A receptors and modulate dopaminergic transmission, which is involved in depressive disorders. In this review it is showed the results of the antidepressant-like effect of an alkaloid extract from the aerial parts of Annona cherimola (TA) in mice. The antidepressant-like effect was evaluated in the forced swimming test. To elucidate a possible mechanism of action, experiments of synergism with antidepressant drugs, such as imipramine (IMI), clomipramine (CLIMI), and fluoxetine (FLX), were carried out. The neurotransmitter content (DA: dopamine, 5HT: serotonin and its metabolites, HVA: homovanillic acid and 5HIAA:5-hydroxyindoleacetic) in the whole brain of mice were also determined by HPLC method. The results showed that repeated treatment with TA produced antidepressant-like effects in mice. This effect was not related to an increase in locomotor activity. Administration of TA facilitated the antidepressant effect of IMI and CLIMI as well as increased the turnover of DA and 5-HT. The alkaloids: 1,2-dimethoxy-5, 6.6 to 7-tetrahydro-4H-dibenzoquinoline-3,8,9,10-tetraol, anonaine, liriodenine, and nornuciferine were the main constituents of TA.


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BACKGROUND: Gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinomas rarely metastasize to the central nervous system (CNS). The role of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) in patients with these cancers and CNS involvement is presently unknown. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A multicentre registry was established to collect data from patients with gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinomas and CNS involvement both retrospectively and prospectively. Inclusion in the study required a predefined clinical data set, a central neuro-radiological or histopathological confirmation of metastatic CNS involvement and central assessment of HER2 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridisation (ISH). In addition, expression of E-cadherin and DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins were assessed by IHC. RESULTS: One hundred patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The population's median age was 59 years (interquartile range: 54-68), of which 85 (85%) were male. Twenty-five patients were of Asian and 75 of Caucasian origin. HER2 status was positive in 36% (95% CI: 26.6-46.2) of cases. Median time from initial diagnosis to the development of brain metastases (BMets) or leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LC) was 9.9 months (95% CI: 8.5-15.0). Median overall survival from diagnosis was 16.9 months (95% CI: 14.0-20.7) and was not related to the HER2 status. E-cadherin loss was observed in 9% of cases and loss of expression in at least one DNA MMR proteins in 6%. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of a positive HER2 status in patients with gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma and CNS involvement was higher than expected. The impact of anti-HER2 therapies should be studied prospectively.


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Directed cell migration and axonal guidance are essential steps in neural development. Both processes are controlled by specific guidance cues that activate the signaling cascades that ultimately control cytoskeletal dynamics. Another essential step in migration and axonal guidance is the regulation of plasmalemma turnover and exocytosis in leading edges and growth cones. However, the cross talk mechanisms linking guidance receptors and membrane exocytosis are not understood. Netrin-1 is a chemoattractive cue required for the formation of commissural pathways. Here, we show that the Netrin-1 receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) forms a protein complex with the t-SNARE (target SNARE) protein Syntaxin-1 (Sytx1). This interaction is Netrin-1 dependent both in vitro and in vivo, and requires specific Sytx1 and DCC domains. Blockade of Sytx1 function by using botulinum toxins abolished Netrin-1-dependent chemoattraction of axons in mouse neuronal cultures. Similar loss-of-function experiments in the chicken spinal cord in vivo using dominant-negative Sytx1 constructs or RNAi led to defects in commissural axon pathfinding reminiscent to those described in Netrin-1 and DCC loss-of-function models. We also show that Netrin-1 elicits exocytosis at growth cones in a Sytx1-dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Sytx1/DCC complex associates with the v-SNARE (vesicle SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) and that knockdown of TI-VAMP in the commissural pathway in the spinal cord results in aberrant axonal guidance phenotypes. Our data provide evidence of a new signaling mechanism that couples chemotropic Netrin-1/DCC axonal guidance and Sytx1/TI-VAMP SNARE proteins regulating membrane turnover and exocytosis.


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Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) participate in molecular events that regulate cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. The present study demonstrates that soluble heparin-binding proteins or cross-linking antibodies induce the aggregation of cell surface HSPGs and their distribution along underlying actin filaments. Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy and immunogold and electron microscopy indicate that, in the absence of ligands, HSPGs are irregularly distributed on the fibroblast cell surface, without any apparent codistribution with the actin cytoskeleton. In the presence of ligand (lipoprotein lipase) or antibodies against heparan sulfate, HSPGs aggregate and colocalize with the actin cytoskeleton. Triton X-100 extraction and immunoelectron microscopy have demonstrated that in this condition HSPGs were clustered and associated with the actin filaments. Crosslinking experiments that use biotinylated lipoprotein lipase have revealed three major proteoglycans as binding sites at the fibroblast cell surface. These cross-linked proteoglycans appeared in the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction. Platinum/carbon replicas of the fibroblast surface incubated either with lipoprotein lipase or antiheparan sulfate showed large aggregates of HSPGs regularly distributed along cytoplasmic fibers. Quantification of the spacing between HSPGs by confocal microscopy confirmed that the nonrandom distribution of HSPG aggregates along the actin cytoskeleton was induced by ligand binding. When cells were incubated either with lipoprotein lipase or antibodies against heparan sulfate, the distance between immunofluorescence spots was uniform. In contrast, the spacing between HSPGs on fixed cells not incubated with ligand was more variable. This highly organized spatial relationship between actin and proteoglycans suggests that cortical actin filaments could organize the molecular machinery involved in signal transduction and molecular movements on the cell surface that are triggered by heparin-binding proteins.


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Directed cell migration and axonal guidance are essential steps in neural development. Both processes are controlled by specific guidance cues that activate the signaling cascades that ultimately control cytoskeletal dynamics. Another essential step in migration and axonal guidance is the regulation of plasmalemma turnover and exocytosis in leading edges and growth cones. However, the cross talk mechanisms linking guidance receptors and membrane exocytosis are not understood. Netrin-1 is a chemoattractive cue required for the formation of commissural pathways. Here, we show that the Netrin-1 receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) forms a protein complex with the t-SNARE (target SNARE) protein Syntaxin-1 (Sytx1). This interaction is Netrin-1 dependent both in vitro and in vivo, and requires specific Sytx1 and DCC domains. Blockade of Sytx1 function by using botulinum toxins abolished Netrin-1-dependent chemoattraction of axons in mouse neuronal cultures. Similar loss-of-function experiments in the chicken spinal cord in vivo using dominant-negative Sytx1 constructs or RNAi led to defects in commissural axon pathfinding reminiscent to those described in Netrin-1 and DCC loss-of-function models. We also show that Netrin-1 elicits exocytosis at growth cones in a Sytx1-dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Sytx1/DCC complex associates with the v-SNARE (vesicle SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) and that knockdown of TI-VAMP in the commissural pathway in the spinal cord results in aberrant axonal guidance phenotypes. Our data provide evidence of a new signaling mechanism that couples chemotropic Netrin-1/DCC axonal guidance and Sytx1/TI-VAMP SNARE proteins regulating membrane turnover and exocytosis.


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Directed cell migration and axonal guidance are essential steps in neural development. Both processes are controlled by specific guidance cues that activate the signaling cascades that ultimately control cytoskeletal dynamics. Another essential step in migration and axonal guidance is the regulation of plasmalemma turnover and exocytosis in leading edges and growth cones. However, the cross talk mechanisms linking guidance receptors and membrane exocytosis are not understood. Netrin-1 is a chemoattractive cue required for the formation of commissural pathways. Here, we show that the Netrin-1 receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) forms a protein complex with the t-SNARE (target SNARE) protein Syntaxin-1 (Sytx1). This interaction is Netrin-1 dependent both in vitro and in vivo, and requires specific Sytx1 and DCC domains. Blockade of Sytx1 function by using botulinum toxins abolished Netrin-1-dependent chemoattraction of axons in mouse neuronal cultures. Similar loss-of-function experiments in the chicken spinal cord in vivo using dominant-negative Sytx1 constructs or RNAi led to defects in commissural axon pathfinding reminiscent to those described in Netrin-1 and DCC loss-of-function models. We also show that Netrin-1 elicits exocytosis at growth cones in a Sytx1-dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Sytx1/DCC complex associates with the v-SNARE (vesicle SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) and that knockdown of TI-VAMP in the commissural pathway in the spinal cord results in aberrant axonal guidance phenotypes. Our data provide evidence of a new signaling mechanism that couples chemotropic Netrin-1/DCC axonal guidance and Sytx1/TI-VAMP SNARE proteins regulating membrane turnover and exocytosis.