941 resultados para Darfour (2003 à 2008)
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Hydrographic data collected during surveys carried out in austral winter 2003 and summer 2004 are used to analyze the distributions of temperature (T) and salinity (S) over the continental shelf and slope of eastern South America between 27 degrees S and 39 degrees S. The water mass structure and the characteristics of the transition between subantarctic and subtropical shelf water (STSW), referred to as the subtropical shelf front (STSF), as revealed by the vertical structure of temperature and salinity are discussed. During both surveys, the front intensifies downward and extends southwestward from the near coastal zone at 33 degrees S to the shelf break at 36 degrees S. In austral winter subantarctic shelf water (SASW), derived from the northern Patagonia shelf, forms a vertically coherent cold wedge of low salinity waters that locally separate the outer shelf STSW from the fresher inner shelf Plata Plume Water (PPW) derived from the Rio de la Plata. Winter T-S diagrams and cross-shelf T and S distributions indicate that mixtures of PPW and tropical water only occur beyond the northernmost extent of pure SASW, and form STSW and an inverted thermocline characteristic of this region. In summer 2004, dilution of Tropical water (TW) occurs at two distinct levels: a warm near surface layer, associated to PPW-TW mixtures, similar to but significantly warmer than winter STSW, and a colder (T similar to 16 degrees C) salinity minimum layer at 40-50 m depth, created by SASW-STSW mixtures across the STSF. In winter, the salinity distribution controls the density structure creating a cross-shore density gradient, which prevents isopycnal mixing across the STSF. Temperature stratification in summer induces a sharp pycnocline providing cross-shelf isopycnal connections across the STSF. Cooling and freshening of the upper layer observed at stations collected along the western edge of the Brazil Current suggest offshore export of shelf waters. Low T and S filaments, evident along the shelf break in the winter data, suggest that submesoscale eddies may enhance the property exchange across the shelf break. These observations suggest that as the subsurface shelf waters converge at the STSF, they flow southward along the front and are expelled offshore, primarily along the front axis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of meningococcal disease reported to the Regional Health Department in Sorocaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 1999 to 2008. Annual incidence of the disease was two cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with an increase from 2006 to 2008. Annual incidence rates were highest in the 0 to 4 year age bracket. Case-fatality was 21.8%, higher in the 0 to 4 year age bracket (26.4%), which also showed the highest incidence of the disease, and in the over 30-year age bracket (28%). Diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory test in 71% of cases (culture in 45.3%) and by clinical and epidemiological criteria in 22%. Serological groups were B in 45.7%, C in 47.3%, W135 in 3.7%, and Y in 1.5% of the identified cases, with a predominance of B from 1999 to 2003 and C from 2004 to 2008. The most frequent phenotypes were B:4, 7:P1.19,15 and C:23:P1.14-6. The results emphasize the need for regional surveillance of trends in the disease for early detection of outbreaks and monitoring circulating strains.
O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a ocorrência da doença meningocócica notificada no Departamento Regional de Saúde XVI, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 1999 a 2008. Em Sorocaba, a incidência anual da doença foi de cerca de dois casos por 100 mil habitantes, com aumento entre 2006 e 2008. As incidências anuais foram maiores entre 0 a 4 anos de idade. A letalidade no período foi de 21,8%, maior nas faixas etárias de 0 a 4 anos (26,4%), na qual se deu a maior incidência da doença, e com idade superior a 30 anos (28%). A confirmação diagnóstica foi laboratorial em 71% dos casos (cultura em 45,3%) e por critérios clínico-epidemiológicos em 22%. O sorogrupo B ocorreu em 45,7%; o C, em 47,3%; o W135, em 3,7%; e o Y, em 1,5% dos casos identificados, com predomínio do sorogrupo B, entre 1999 e 2003, e do C, entre 2004 e 2008. Os fenótipos B:4,7:P1.19,15 e C:23:P1.14-6 predominaram. Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de acompanhamento, de forma regional, da tendência da doença para a detecção de surtos precocemente e monitoramento de cepas circulantes.
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a tributação sobre os principais bens finais do setor sucroenergético, quais sejam açúcar e álcool. Para tanto, estima-se - a partir da metodologia de recolhimento da cada tributo - a carga tributária potencial incidente sobre estes produtos em todos os elos de suas cadeias no estado de São Paulo nos anos de 2000 e 2008. Os resultados apontam para uma carga tributária potencial de 23,04% do preço final do álcool hidratado e de 27,39% do preço final do açúcar cristal em 2008. Com o objetivo de mensurar a importância da isenção de alguns tributos às vendas externas, este artigo estima as diferenças em termos de carga tributária potencial entre o álcool/açúcar exportado e aquele vendido no mercado doméstico. A diferença da carga tributária incidente sobre o álcool exportado pela usina e aquele vendido para o mercado doméstico é estimada em 15,65 pp. Para o açúcar, essa diferença é de 21,25 pp. Por último, estima-se a carga tributária incidente sobre o setor no ano 2000 - que foi de 40,08% para o álcool hidratado e de 25,91% para o açúcar. Observa-se um aumento da carga incidente sobre o açúcar e redução da carga incidente sobre o álcool.
[ES] Los resultados del alumnado español en los informes PISA, elaborados cada tres años por la OCDE, deberían conducir a una autocrítica en cuanto al funcionamiento de nuestro sistema educativo y servir para propiciar diversos análisis con el objetivo de establecer políticas educativas que mejoren dichos resultados. En los últimos informes, años 2003 y 2006, por término medio los alumnos españoles presentan resultados por debajo de la media de la OCDE y de muchos países europeos. No obstante, los resultados de estos informes hacen referencia únicamente a medias nacionales, sin tener en cuenta las variables que influencian los resultados individuales del alumno encuestado. Por ello, las opiniones que aparecen siempre derivadas a partir de estos resultados no están, en la mayor parte de los casos, fundamentadas analíticamente. Asimismo, no se realiza un estudio comparativo entre los resultados obtenidos en ambos años (2003 y 2006), por lo que tampoco conocemos cómo evolucionan nuestros alumnos y si las variables que afectan a su resultado se mantienen en el tiempo o van, por el contrario, modificándose. Mediante el presente artículo profundizamos en los motivos de estos resultados, así como en la variación que han tenido a lo largo de los tres años (2003-2006), realizando un análisis econométrico que permite analizar el grado de asociación de los resultados individuales del alumnado español en función de sus características personales y familiares, así como de las características del centro y de la clase, para aquellos alumnos de 15 años que participaron en los informes PISA 2003 y 2006 respectivamente en España. A partir del análisis efectuado, se proponen distintas políticas de actuación en los diferentes niveles.
The recent reform in European antitrust enforcement is embodied in Regolation n. 1/2003/ Ce and related Communications. Since 2004 when it came into force, some crytical assessments can already be made. The work starts from some technical analysis of the reform, under a procedural perspective, to assess the proceedings’ real impact on parties’ rights and to criticize its limits. Decentralisation has brought about more complicacies, since community procedural systems are not harmonized, neither in their administrative rules, nor in their civil proceedings, which are all involved in the European antitrust network. Therefore, antitrust proceedings end un as being more jurisdictional in their effects than in their guarentees, which is a flaw to be mended by legislators. National laws shoud be harmonized, community law should be clarified and the system should turn more honestly towards a rationalized jurisdiction-cented mechanism. Otherwise, parties defense rights and the overall efficiency are put into doubt. Italy is a good exemple of how many colmlicacies can outburst from national procedures and national decentralised application. An uncertain pattern of judicial control, together with unclear relationships among the institutions to cooperate in the antitrust network can produce more problems than they aim to solve. As to the private enforcement, Regulation n.1 does not even attempt to give precise regulation to this underdeveloped sector. A continual comparison with U.S. system has brought the Commission to become aware both of the risks and of the advanteges of an increased civil antitrust litigation in fronto of national judges. In order to substain a larger development of this parallel and, presently, difficult way of judicial compensation, it is presently ongoing a consultation among states to find suitable incentives to make private enforcement more appealing and effective. The solution to this lack of private litigation is not to be sought in Regulation n. 1 which calls into action national legislators and proceedures to implement further improvements. As a conclusion, Regulation n. 1 is the outpost of an ambitious community design to create an efficient control mechanism over antitrust violations. It focuses on Commission proceedings, powers and sanctions in order to establish deterrence, then it highlights civil litigation perspectives and it involves directly states into antitrust application. It seems that more could be done to technically shape administrative proceedings in a more jurisdictionally oriented form, then to clarify respective roles and coordination mecanisms in order to prevent difficulties easy to forsee. Some of jurisprudential suggestions have been accepted, but much more is left to be done in the future to improve european antitrust enforcement system.
On the basis of illustrations of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the new digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' at the Mainz University Library - together with a lavishly-constructed and multiply-linked Web interface version - was presented to the public on 17 November 2008. This e-book, edited by Andreas Anderhub and Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, contains the speeches and presentations given on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the electronic archive. The collection of the new archive, published here for the first time, holds about 3,500 images and is part of the only Shakespeare illustration archive in the world. The Shakespeare Illustration Archive was founded in 1946 by the internationally acclaimed Shakespeare and Goethe scholar, Prof. Horst Oppel. This part of the archive was donated to the Mainz University Library on condition that its holdings be digitalised and made available to the public. The collection has been named 'The Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Donation of 9, 15, and 16 September 2005, and honouring the 16 March 1988 Delegation of Authority and Declaration of Intent by Frau Ingeborg Oppel, Prof. Oppel's widow and legal assignee. Vice-President Prof. Jürgen Oldenstein opened the proceedings by noting that 2008 had been a good year for international Shakespeare scholarship. For, in London, the site of the 'Theatre' in Shoreditch, where Shakespeare's company performed, had been unearthed, and in Mainz the Shakespeare Archive had gone online with thousands of illustrations. The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, Prof. Mechthild Dreyer, who mentioned that she herself had long been successfully employing interdisciplinary research methods, took particular pleasure in the transdisciplinary approach to research resolutely pursued by Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel. Prof. Clemens Zintzen (Cologne), former President of the Mainz Academy of Literature and Sciences, recalled highlights from the more than sixty-year-long history of the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. Prof. Kurt Otten (Heidelberg and Cambridge) drew an impressive portrait of Horst Oppel's personality as an academic and praised his influential books on Goethe and Shakespeare. He pointed out that Oppel's Shakespeare Illustration Archive, the basis for many a dissertation, had enjoyed great popularity around the world. Prof. Otten also delineated the academic career of Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel and her new findings regarding Shakespeare's time, life and work. Prof. Rüdiger Ahrens OBE (Würzburg) drew attention to Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel's research results, directly or indirectly arising out of her work on the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. This research had centred on proving the authenticity of four visual representations of Shakespeare (the Chandos and Flower portraits, the Davenant bust and the Darmstadt Shakespeare death mask); solving the mystery around Shakespeare's 'Dark Lady'; and establishing the dramatist's Catholic religion. Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel reported on her 'Shakespeare Illustration' project, describing the nature, dimensions and significance of the Archive's pictorial material, which relates to all of Shakespeare's plays and stretches over five centuries. She explained that the digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Illustration Archive' was an addition to the three-volume edition she had compiled, authored and edited for publication in 2003. Unlike the print version, however, the digital collection had only been partly editorially prepared. It represented source material and a basis for further work. Hammerschmidt-Hummel expressed her thanks to the Head of the Central University Library, Dr Andreas Anderhub, for his untiring commitment. After the initial donation had been made, he had entered enthusiastically into setting up the necessary contacts, getting all the work underway, and clearing the legal hurdles. Hammerschmidt-Hummel was especially grateful to University of Mainz librarian Heike Geisel, who had worked for nearly five years to carry out the large-scale digitalization of a total of 8,800 items. Frau Geisel was also extremely resourceful in devising ways of making the collection yield even more, e.g. by classifying and cross-linking the data, assembling clusters of individual topics that lend themselves to research, and (in collaboration with the art historian Dr Klaus Weber) making the archive's index of artists compatible with the data-bank of artists held by the University of Mainz Institute of Art History. In addition, she compiled an extremely helpful 'users' guide' to the new digital collection. Frau Geisel had enjoyed invaluable support from Dr Annette Holzapfel-Pschorn, the leading academic in the Central IT Department at the University, who set up an intelligent, most impressive Web interface using the latest application technologies. Frau Geisel and Dr Holzapfel-Pschorn were highly praised for their convincing demonstration, using illustrations to Hamlet, of how to access this well-devised and exceptionally user-friendly Web version. For legal reasons, Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel pointed out, the collection could not be released for open access on the internet. The media - as Dr Anderhub stressed in his foreword - had shown great interest in the new digital collection of thousands of Shakespearean illustrations (cf. Benjamin Cor's TV feature in "Tagesthemen", 17 November 2008, presented by Tom Buhrow). The ‘Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive’ should also meet with particular interest not only among academic specialists, but also among the performers of the arts and persons active in the cultural realm in general, as well as theatre and film directors, literary managers, teachers, and countless Shakespeare enthusiasts.
PURPOSE To develop a score predicting the risk of adverse events (AEs) in pediatric patients with cancer who experience fever and neutropenia (FN) and to evaluate its performance. PATIENTS AND METHODS Pediatric patients with cancer presenting with FN induced by nonmyeloablative chemotherapy were observed in a prospective multicenter study. A score predicting the risk of future AEs (ie, serious medical complication, microbiologically defined infection, radiologically confirmed pneumonia) was developed from a multivariate mixed logistic regression model. Its cross-validated predictive performance was compared with that of published risk prediction rules. Results An AE was reported in 122 (29%) of 423 FN episodes. In 57 episodes (13%), the first AE was known only after reassessment after 8 to 24 hours of inpatient management. Predicting AE at reassessment was better than prediction at presentation with FN. A differential leukocyte count did not increase the predictive performance. The score predicting future AE in 358 episodes without known AE at reassessment used the following four variables: preceding chemotherapy more intensive than acute lymphoblastic leukemia maintenance (weight = 4), hemoglobin > or = 90 g/L (weight = 5), leukocyte count less than 0.3 G/L (weight = 3), and platelet count less than 50 G/L (weight = 3). A score (sum of weights) > or = 9 predicted future AEs. The cross-validated performance of this score exceeded the performance of published risk prediction rules. At an overall sensitivity of 92%, 35% of the episodes were classified as low risk, with a specificity of 45% and a negative predictive value of 93%. CONCLUSION This score, based on four routinely accessible characteristics, accurately identifies pediatric patients with cancer with FN at risk for AEs after reassessment.