973 resultados para DRUG-BINDING
The newborns of mammals have a high folate demand, yet obtain adequate folate nutrition solely from their mothers' milk despite its low folate content. Milk folate is entirely bound by an excess of folate-binding protein (FBP), prompting speculation that FBP may affect the bioavailability of the limited folate supply. Previous research has shown that FBP-bound folic acid is more gradually absorbed, thereby reducing the peak plasma folate concentration and preventing loss into the urine. Natural folates are reduced derivatives of folic acid, with milk predominantly containing 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, yet little research has been carried out to determine the role of FBP in the bioavailability of reduced folates. We studied the effect of FBP on folate nutrition of rats in both single-dose and 4-wk feeding experiments. The effect of FBP was influenced by the presence of other milk components. FBP increased bioavailability of dietary folate when it was consumed with other whey proteins or with soluble casein. However, in the presence of acid-precipitated casein or a whey preparation enriched in lipids, bioavailability was decreased. These results highlight the difficulties of extrapolating from experimental results obtained using purified diets alone and of studying interactions among dietary components. They suggest that the addition of FBP-rich foods to folate-rich foods could enhance the bioavailability of natural folates, but that the outcome of such a combination would depend on interactions with other components of the diet.
Glucocorticoids are pivotal for adipose tissue development. Rodent studies suggest that corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) modulates glucocorticoid action in adipose tissue. In humans, both genetic CBG deficiency and suppressed CBG concentrations in hyperinsulinemic states are associated with obesity. We hypothesized that CBG deficiency in humans modulates the response of human preadipocytes to glucocorticoids, predisposing them to obesity. We compared normal preadipocytes with subcultured preadipocytes from an individual with the first ever described complete deficiency of CBG due to a homozygous null mutation. CBG-negative preadipocytes proliferated more rapidly and showed greater peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-mediated differentiation than normal preadipocytes. CBG was not expressed in normal human preadipocytes. Glucocorticoid receptor number and binding characteristics and 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity were similar for CBG-negative and normal preadipocytes. We propose that the increased proliferation and enhanced differentiation of CBG-negative preadipocytes may promote adipose tissue deposition and explain the obesity seen in individuals with genetic CBG deficiency. Furthermore, these observations may be relevant to obesity occurring with suppressed CBG concentrations associated with hyperinsulinemia.
The interactions of chi-conopeptide MrIA with the human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) were investigated by determining the effects of hNET point mutations on the inhibitory potency of MrIA. The mutants were produced by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in COS-7 cells. The potency of MrIA was greater for inhibition of uptake by hNET of [H-3] norepinephrine (K-i 1.89 muM) than [H-3] dopamine (K-i 4.33 muM), and the human dopamine transporter and serotonin transporter were not inhibited by MrIA ( to 7 muM). Of 18 mutations where hNET amino acid residues were exchanged with those of the human dopamine transporter, MrIA had increased potency for inhibition of [H-3] norepinephrine uptake for three mutations ( in predicted extracellular loops 3 and 4 and transmembrane domain (TMD) 8) and decreased potency for one mutation (in TMD6 and intracellular loop (IL) 3). Of the 12 additional mutations in TMDs 2, 4, 5, and 11 and IL1, three mutations (in TMD2 and IL1) had reduced MrIA inhibitory potency. All of the other mutations tested had no influence on MrIA potency. A comparison of the results with previous data for desipramine and cocaine inhibition of norepinephrine uptake by the mutant hNETs reveals that MrIA binding to hNET occurs at a site that is distinct from but overlaps with the binding sites for tricyclic antidepressants and cocaine.
A barracuda implicated in ciguatera fish poisoning in Guadeloupe was estimated to have an overall flesh toxicity of 15 MUg/g using mouse bioassay. A lipid soluble extract was separated into two toxic fractions, FrA and FrB, on a LH20 Sephadex column eluted with dichloromethane/methanol (1:1). When intraperitoneal injected into mice, FrA provoked symptoms characteristic of slow-acting ciguatoxins, whereas FrB produced symptoms indicative of fast-acting toxins (FAT). High performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/radio-ligand binding (HPLC/MS/RLB) analysis confirmed the two fractions were distinct, because only a weak overlap of some compounds was observed. HPLC/MS/RLB analysis revealed C-CTX-1 as the potent toxin present in FrA, and two coeluting active compounds at m/z 809.43 and 857.42 in FrB, all displaying the characteristic pattern of ion formation for hydroxy-polyethers. Other C-CTX congeners and putative hydroxy-polyether-like compounds were detected in both fractions, however, the RLB found them inactive. C-CTX-1 accounted for >90% of total toxicity in this barracuda and was confirmed to be a competitive inhibitor of brevetoxin binding to voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSCs) with a potency two-times lower than P-CTX-1. However, FAT active on VSSCs and
NOR-1/NR4A3 is an orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. NOR-1 and its close relatives Nurr1 and Nur77 are members of the NR4A subgroup of nuclear receptors. Members of the NR4A subgroup are induced through multiple signal transduction pathways. They have been implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation, T-cell apoptosis, chondrosarcomas, neurological disorders, inflammation, and atherogenesis. However, the mechanism of transcriptional activation, coactivator recruitment, and agonist-mediated activation remain obscure. Hence, we examined the molecular basis of NOR-1-mediated activation. We observed that NOR-1 trans-activates gene expression in a cell- and target-specific manner; moreover, it operates in an activation function (AF)-1-dependent manner. The N-terminal AF-1 domain delimited to between amino acids 1 and 112, preferentially recruits the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC). Furthermore, SRC-2 modulates the activity of the AF-1 domain but not the C-terminal ligand binding domain (LBD). Homology modeling indicated that the NOR-1 LBD was substantially different from that of hRORbeta, a closely related AF-2-dependent receptor. In particular, the hydrophobic cleft characteristic of nuclear receptors was replaced with a very hydrophilic surface with a distinct topology. This observation may account for the inability of this nuclear receptor LBD to efficiently mediate cofactor recruitment and transcriptional activation. In contrast, the N-terminal AF-1 is necessary for cofactor recruitment and can independently conscript coactivators. Finally, we demonstrate that the purine anti-metabolite 6-mercaptopurine, a widely used antineoplastic and anti-inflammatory drug, activates NOR-1 in an AF-1-dependent manner. Additional 6-mercaptopurine analogs all efficiently activated NOR-1, suggesting that the signaling pathways that modulate proliferation via inhibition of de novo purine and/or nucleic acid biosynthesis are involved in the regulation NR4A activity. We hypothesize that the NR4A subgroup mediates the genotoxic stress response and suggest that this subgroup may function as sensors that respond to genotoxicity.
Estudo realizado com benzedeiras de uma área de saúde do município de Vitória - ES, objetivando identificá-las, conhecer suas histórias de vida e o interesse das mesmas em articularem-se com os profissionais das unidades básicas de saúde locais. Por se tratar de uma região marcada pela violência advinda do tráfico de drogas, tornou-se impossível identificar o universo dessas mulheres, face à impossibilidade de acesso a alguns desses bairros; assim posto, nossa amostra ficou limitada a cinco benzedeiras. A coleta de material do estudo se deu através de entrevistas e observações registradas em um diário de campo. O material transcrito e os apontamentos do diário de campo possibilitaram a narrativa de inspiração cartográfica deste estudo. Essas benzedeiras são mulheres entre 64 a 88 anos de idade, residem em locais inóspitos e em moradias humildes. Algumas benzem apenas crianças, outras todos aqueles que as procuram, inclusive para benzimento de seus animais. Nenhuma delas cobra e tão pouco aceita agradecimento pela atenção prestada, pois segundo elas, o agradecimento deve ser dirigido a Deus. São mulheres humildes, todas moradoras antigas da área, ora reconhecidas como importantes pelo dom que têm, ora rechaçadas como demoníacas por grupos religiosos. No tocante a uma aproximação com as equipes locais de saúde, todas as benzedeiras se mostraram avessas à ideia, no entendimento de que tal aproximação significaria uma demanda de benzimentos aumentada e obrigatória, o que contraria a lógica da atenção prestada pelas mesmas, que só benzem de acordo com a conveniência: sentindo-se bem, praticam o benzimento; estando desvitalizadas, evitam benzer. Por se tratar de mulheres idosas, as benzedeiras encontram-se ameaçadas de extinção, visto que aprender o oficio não tem sido objeto de interesse das novas gerações.
Fiber meshes of poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and poly(hydroxybutyrate)/ poly(ethylene oxide) (PHB/PEO) with different concentrations of chlorhexidine (CHX) were prepared by electrospinning, for assessment as a polymer based drug delivery system. The electrospun fibers were characterized at morphological, molecular and mechanical levels. The bactericidal potential of PHB and PHB/PEO electrospun fibers with and without CHX was investigated against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) by disk diffusion susceptibility tests. Electrospun fibers containing CHX exhibited bactericidal activity. PHB/PEO-1%CHX displayed higher CHX release levels and equivalent antibacterial activity when compared to PHB/PEO with 5 and 10 wt% CHX. Bactericidal performance of samples with 1 wt% CHX was assessed by Colony Forming Units (CFU), where a reduction of 100 % and 99.69 % against E. coli and S. aureus were achieved, respectively.
Malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum), ranks as one of the most baleful infectious diseases worldwide. New antimalarial treatments are needed to face existing or emerging drug resistant strains. Protein degradation appears to play a significant role during the asexual intraerythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC) of P. falciparum. Inhibition of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS), a major intracellular proteolytic pathway, effectively reduces infection and parasite replication. P. falciparum and erythrocyte UPS coexist during IDC but the nature of their relationship is largely unknown. We used an approach based on Tandem Ubiquitin-Binding Entities (TUBEs) and 1D gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry to identify major components of the TUBEs-associated ubiquitin proteome of both host and parasite during ring, trophozoite and schizont stages. Ring-exported protein (REX1), a P. falciparum protein located in Maurer's clefts and important for parasite nutrient import, was found to reach a maximum level of ubiquitylation in trophozoites stage. The Homo sapiens (H. sapiens) TUBEs associated ubiquitin proteome decreased during the infection, whereas the equivalent P. falciparum TUBEs-associated ubiquitin proteome counterpart increased. Major cellular processes such as DNA repair, replication, stress response, vesicular transport and catabolic events appear to be regulated by ubiquitylation along the IDC P. falciparum infection.
We present a novel data analysis strategy which combined with subcellular fractionation and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based proteomics provides a simple and effective workflow for global drug profiling. Five subcellular fractions were obtained by differential centrifugation followed by high resolution LC-MS and complete functional regulation analysis. The methodology combines functional regulation and enrichment analysis into a single visual summary. The workflow enables improved insight into perturbations caused by drugs. We provide a statistical argument to demonstrate that even crude subcellular fractions leads to improved functional characterization. We demonstrate this data analysis strategy on data obtained in a MS-based global drug profiling study. However, this strategy can also be performed on other types of large scale biological data.
Epidemiological studies of drug misusers have until recently relied on two main forms of sampling: probability and convenience. The former has been used when the aim was simply to estimate the prevalence of the condition and the latter when in depth studies of the characteristics, profiles and behaviour of drug users were required, but each method has its limitations. Probability samples become impracticable when the prevalence of the condition is very low, less than 0.5% for example, or when the condition being studied is a clandestine activity such as illicit drug use. When stratified random samples are used, it may be difficult to obtain a truly representative sample, depending on the quality of the information used to develop the stratification strategy. The main limitation of studies using convenience samples is that the results cannot be generalised to the whole population of drug users due to selection bias and a lack of information concerning the sampling frame. New methods have been developed which aim to overcome some of these difficulties, for example, social network analysis, snowball sampling, capture-recapture techniques, privileged access interviewer method and contact tracing. All these methods have been applied to the study of drug misuse. The various methods are described and examples of their use given, drawn from both the Brazilian and international drug misuse literature.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of combination of antidepressants with other drugs and risk of drug interactions in the setting public hospital units in Brazil. METHODS: Prescriptions of all patients admitted to a public hospital from November 1996 to February 1997 were surveyed from the hospital's data processing center in São Paulo, Brazil. A manual search of case notes of all patients admitted to the psychiatric unit from January 1993 to December 1995 and all patients registered in the affective disorders outpatient clinic in December 1996 was carried out. Patients taking any antidepressant were identified and concomitant use of drugs was checked. By means of a software program (Micromedex®) drug interactions were identified. RESULTS: Out of 6,844 patients admitted to the hospital, 63 (0.9%) used antidepressants and 16 (25.3%) were at risk of drug interaction. Out of 311 patients in the psychiatric unit, 63 (20.2%) used antidepressants and 13 of them (20.6%) were at risk. Out of 87 patients in the affective disorders outpatient clinic, 43 (49.4%) took antidepressants and 7 (16.2%) were at risk. In general, the use of antidepressants was recorded in 169 patients and 36 (21.3%) were at risk of drug interactions. Twenty different forms of combinations at risk of drug interactions were identified: four were classified as mild, 15 moderate and one severe interaction. CONCLUSION: In the hospital general units the number of drug interactions per patient was higher than in the psychiatric unit; and prescription for depression was lower than expected.
OBJECTIVE: Many business organizations in Brazil have adopted drug testing programs in the workplace since 1992. Rehabilitation, rather than layoff and disciplinary measures, has been offered as part of the Brazilian employee assistance programs. The purpose study is to profile drug abuse among company workers of different Brazilian geographical regions. METHODS: Urine samples of 12,700 workers from five geographical regions were tested for the most common illicit drugs of abuse in the country: marijuana, cocaine, and amphetamine. Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) were the techniques utilized for urine testing. The distribution of collected urine samples according to geographical regions was: 72.0% southeast, 13.8% northeast, 7.9% south, 5.7% central west and 0.6% north. RESULTS: Of all samples analyzed, 1.8% was found to be positive for drugs: 0.5% from the south region, 1.1% from northeast, 1.2% from central west, 1.3% from north, and 2.2% from southeast. Of these, 59.9% was marijuana, 17.7% cocaine, 14.6% amphetamine, and 7.7% associated drugs. CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of drugs found in the samples shows a regional variation. Marijuana, however, was found in all regions. Cocaine was seen only in central west and southeast regions. Amphetamine was found in northeast, central west, and southeast regions.
Nowadays, the phenomenon of population ageing represents an worldwide problem, which assumes particular significance in Portugal. As they get older, individuals present more comorbidities and consequently consume an increasing number of drugs, which contributes to a growing drug therapy complexity. The institutionalized elders are particularly affected by this occurrence. Drug therapy complexity is defined as the conciliator of several characteristics of the pharmacotherapy and can affect patient’s safety and medication adherence. It can be measured with Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI). This study aims to determine the drug therapy complexity of institutionalized elders in order to assess the need of pharmacotherapeutic follow-up.
3rd Portuguese Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry and 1st Portuguese-Spanish-Brazilian Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Aveiro, 28-30 Novembro 2012.