615 resultados para DISKS


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In this paper the influence of an axial microgravity on the minimum volume stability limit of axisymmetric liquid bridges between unequal disks is analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. The results here presented extend the knowledge of the static behaviour of liquid bridges to fluid configurations different from those studied up to now (almost equal disks). Experimental results, obtained by simulating microgravity conditions by the neutral buoyancy technique, are also presented and are shown to be in complete agreement with theoretical ones.


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This paper deals with the non-linear forced oscillations of axisymmetric long liquid bridges between equal disks. The dynamics of the liquid bridge has been analyzed by using a self-similar, one-dimensional model already used in similar problems. The influence of the dynamics on the static stability limits, as well as the main characteristics of the non-linear behaviour of long liquid bridges, have been studied with in the range of validity of the mathematical model used here.


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The shape of the interface of a drop of liquid held by surface tension forces between two solid disks,a liquid bridge, depends on the geometry of the supporting disks, the volume of liquid and the external forces acting on the drop. Therefore, once the geometry of the supporting disks and the volume of liquid are fixed, and assuming that the value of the surface tension is known, a way to measure such external forces could be by measuring the deformation of the liquid bridge interface.


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There is a self-similar solution for the stability limits of long, almost cylindrical liquid bridges between equal disks subjected to both axial and lateral accelerations. The stability limits depend on only two variables; the so-called reduced axial, and lateral Bond numbers. A novel experimental setup that involved rotating a horizontal cylindrical liquid bridge about a vertical axis of rotation was designed to test the stability limits predicted by the self-similar solution. Analytical predictions compared well with both numerical and experimental results.


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An experimental apparatus to study the breaking process of axisymmetric liquid bridges has been developed, and the breaking sequences of a large number of liquid bridge configurations at minimum-volume stability limit have been analyzed. Experimental results show that very close to the breaking moment the neck radius of the liquid bridge varies as t1/3, where t is the time to breakage, irrespective of the value of the distance between the solid disks that support the liquid column.


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A numerical method has been developed to determine the stability limits for liquid bridges held between noncircular supporting disks and the application to a configuration with a circular and an elliptical disk subjected to axial acceleration has been made. The numerical method led to results very different from the available analytical solution which has been revisited and a better approximation has been obtained. It has been found that just retaining one more term in the asymptotic analysis the solution reproduces the real behavior of the configuration and the numerical results.


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La creciente demanda de energía eléctrica y la necesidad de implementar energías no contaminantes hace que las llamadas tecnologías verdes sean cada día más solicitadas. Entre estas tecnologías encontramos la energía solar y la energía eólica; ambas tienen una trayectoria de uso e investigación bastante amplia, sin embargo aún presentan problemas de fondo que impiden dar mayor impulso a su uso. El objetivo de la presente tesis es presentar soluciones a problemas de optimización en campos conversores de energía. Para ello se analizan y resuelven dos problemas por medio de técnicas de aerodinámica experimental: el primero sobre campos de colectores solares y el segundo sobre campos eólicos. Las técnicas de medición utilizadas en aerodinámica, y en el presente trabajo, son: medición de cargas, anemometría de hilo caliente, velocimetría por imagen de partículas y escaneo de presiones; además de un análisis estadístico de los datos. En el primer caso se ensayan experimentalmente colectores solares parabólicos en donde, por cuestiones de seguridad o por protección contra el viento, se utilizan cercas. Éstas modifican el comportamiento del flujo corriente abajo y se ha encontrado que la distancia a la cual se colocan, así como el tipo de cercas (sólida o permeable), modifican las cargas estructurales a las que los colectores están expuestos. Los resultados demuestran que existe una distancia crítica en la cual la presencia de la cerca aumenta la carga en lugar de disminuirla, por lo cual la selección adecuada del parapeto y la distancia a la cual se coloca son de suma importancia para la optimización de la estructura. En el segundo caso se ensaya experimentalmente y simula numéricamente la estela de turbinas eólicas por medio de discos porosos. En donde un disco permeable simula el rotor de una turbina. El disco es capaz de semejar la estela y los efectos que ésta puede causar corriente abajo. Los resultados muestran que seleccionando adecuadamente la porosidad, es posible simular coeficientes de empuje similares a los desarrollados por los aerogeneradores, además la estela y sus efectos son semejantes a los medidos en campo. ABSTRACT The called green energy technologies are increasingly required because of the growing demand for electricity and the need to implement nonpolluting energy. Among the green energy technologies it is found the solar and the wind energy, both have a history of use and fairly extensive research; however they still have problems which limit to give them further impetus to its use. The aim of this thesis is to present solutions to optimization problems in energy harvesting. To this end it is analysed, and solved, two problems by means of techniques in experimental aerodynamics: the first issue with regard to parabolic troughs and the second about wind farms. The measurement techniques commonly used in aerodynamics, and used in this research work, are: measurement of loads, hot wire anemometry, particle image velocimetry and scanning of pressures; where data are collected and then an statistical analysis is done. In the first case it is tested parabolic troughs where, either for security reasons or protection against the wind actions, fences are used. These fences modify the behaviour of flow downstream and it was found that the distance at which they are placed, and the type of fences (solid or permeable) modify the structural loads to which the parabolic troughs are exposed. The results show that there is a critical distance at which the presence of the fence increases the load instead of protecting the parabolic trough, hence making the proper selection of the parapet and the distance at which it stands are paramount for the optimization of the structure. In the second case it is tested, experimentally and numerically, the wake of wind turbines by means of porous disks; where the permeable disc simulates a turbine rotor. The disc is able to mimic the wake and the effects that it can cause downstream. The results show that by properly selecting the porosity, it is possible to simulate drag coefficients similar to those developed by wind turbines; moreover the porous disk wake and its effects are similar to those measured on field.


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Los sistemas microinformáticos se componen principalmente de hardware y software, con el paso del tiempo el hardware se degrada, se deteriora y en ocasiones se avería. El software evoluciona, requiere un mantenimiento, de actualización y en ocasiones falla teniendo que ser reparado o reinstalado. A nivel hardware se analizan los principales componentes que integran y que son comunes en gran parte estos sistemas, tanto en equipos de sobre mesa como portátiles, independientes del sistema operativo, además de los principales periféricos, también se analizan y recomiendan algunas herramientas necesarias para realizar el montaje, mantenimiento y reparación de estos equipos. Los principales componentes hardware internos son la placa base, memoria RAM, procesador, disco duro, carcasa, fuente de alimentación y tarjeta gráfica. Los periféricos más destacados son el monitor, teclado, ratón, impresora y escáner. Se ha incluido un apartado donde se detallan los distintos tipos de BIOS y los principales parámetros de configuración. Para todos estos componentes, tanto internos como periféricos, se ha realizado un análisis de las características que ofrecen y los detalles en los que se debe prestar especial atención en el momento de seleccionar uno frente a otro. En los casos que existen diferentes tecnologías se ha hecho una comparativa entre ambas, destacando las ventajas y los inconvenientes de unas frente a otras para que sea el usuario final quien decida cual se ajusta mejor a sus necesidades en función de las prestaciones y el coste. Un ejemplo son las impresoras de inyección de tinta frente a las laser o los discos duros mecánicos en comparación con y los discos de estado sólido (SSD). Todos estos componentes están relacionados, interconectados y dependen unos de otros, se ha dedicado un capítulo exclusivamente para estudiar cómo se ensamblan estos componentes, resaltando los principales fallos que se suelen cometer o producir y se han indicado unas serie tareas de mantenimiento preventivo que se pueden realizar para prolongar la vida útil del equipo y evitar averías por mal uso. Los mantenimientos se pueden clasificar como predictivo, perfectivo, adaptativo, preventivo y correctivo. Se ha puesto el foco principalmente en dos tipos de mantenimiento, el preventivo descrito anteriormente y en el correctivo, tanto software como hardware. El mantenimiento correctivo está enfocado al análisis, localización, diagnóstico y reparación de fallos y averías hardware y software. Se describen los principales fallos que se producen en cada componente, cómo se manifiestan o qué síntomas presentan para poder realizar pruebas específicas que diagnostiquen y acoten el fallo. En los casos que es posible la reparación se detallan las instrucciones a seguir, en otro caso se recomienda la sustitución de la pieza o componente. Se ha incluido un apartado dedicado a la virtualización, una tecnología en auge que resulta muy útil para realizar pruebas de software, reduciendo tiempos y costes en las pruebas. Otro aspecto interesante de la virtualización es que se utiliza para montar diferentes servidores virtuales sobre un único servidor físico, lo cual representa un importante ahorro en hardware y costes de mantenimiento, como por ejemplo el consumo eléctrico. A nivel software se realiza un estudio detallado de los principales problemas de seguridad y vulnerabilidades a los que está expuesto un sistema microinformático enumerando y describiendo el comportamiento de los distintos tipos de elementos maliciosos que pueden infectar un equipo, las precauciones que se deben tomar para minimizar los riesgos y las utilidades que se pueden ejecutar para prevenir o limpiar un equipo en caso de infección. Los mantenimientos y asistencias técnicas, en especial las de tipo software, no siempre precisan de la atención presencial de un técnico cualificado, por ello se ha dedicado un capítulo a las herramientas de asistencia remota que se pueden utilizar en este ámbito. Se describen algunas de las más populares y utilizadas en el mercado, su funcionamiento, características y requerimientos. De esta forma el usuario puede ser atendido de una forma rápida, minimizando los tiempos de respuesta y reduciendo los costes. ABSTRACT Microcomputer systems are basically made up of pieces of hardware and software, as time pass, there’s a degradation of the hardware pieces and sometimes failures of them. The software evolves, new versions appears and requires maintenance, upgrades and sometimes also fails having to be repaired or reinstalled. The most important hardware components in a microcomputer system are analyzed in this document for a laptop or a desktop, with independency of the operating system they run. In addition to this, the main peripherals and devices are also analyzed and a recommendation about the most proper tools necessary for maintenance and repair this kind of equipment is given as well. The main internal hardware components are: motherboard, RAM memory, microprocessor, hard drive, housing box, power supply and graphics card. The most important peripherals are: monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer and scanner. A section has been also included where different types of BIOS and main settings are listed with the basic setup parameters in each case. For all these internal components and peripherals, an analysis of their features has been done. Also an indication of the details in which special attention must be payed when choosing more than one at the same time is given. In those cases where different technologies are available, a comparison among them has been done, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of selecting one or another to guide the end user to decide which one best fits his needs in terms of performance and costs. As an example, the inkjet vs the laser printers technologies has been faced, or also the mechanical hard disks vs the new solid state drives (SSD). All these components are interconnected and are dependent one to each other, a special chapter has been included in order to study how they must be assembled, emphasizing the most often mistakes and faults that can appear during that process, indicating different tasks that can be done as preventive maintenance to enlarge the life of the equipment and to prevent damage because of a wrong use. The different maintenances can be classified as: predictive, perfective, adaptive, preventive and corrective. The main focus is on the preventive maintains, described above, and in the corrective one, in software and hardware. Corrective maintenance is focused on the analysis, localization, diagnosis and repair of hardware and software failures and breakdowns. The most typical failures that can occur are described, also how they can be detected or the specific symptoms of each one in order to apply different technics or specific tests to diagnose and delimit the failure. In those cases where the reparation is possible, instructions to do so are given, otherwise, the replacement of the component is recommended. A complete section about virtualization has also been included. Virtualization is a state of the art technology that is very useful especially for testing software purposes, reducing time and costs during the tests. Another interesting aspect of virtualization is the possibility to have different virtual servers on a single physical server, which represents a significant savings in hardware inversion and maintenance costs, such as electricity consumption. In the software area, a detailed study has been done about security problems and vulnerabilities a microcomputer system is exposed, listing and describing the behavior of different types of malicious elements that can infect a computer, the precautions to be taken to minimize the risks and the tools that can be used to prevent or clean a computer system in case of infection. The software maintenance and technical assistance not always requires the physical presence of a qualified technician to solve the possible problems, that’s why a complete chapter about the remote support tools that can be used to do so has been also included. Some of the most popular ones used in the market are described with their characteristics and requirements. Using this kind of technology, final users can be served quickly, minimizing response times and reducing costs.


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El estudio de la influencia de perturbaciones de distinta naturaleza en configuraciones de puentes líquidos apoyados en dos discos coaxiales en rotación encuentra una importante motivación en el uso de dicha configuración en la fabricación de cristales semiconductores ultra-puros por la denominada técnica de zona flotante, en la que la rotación de los discos se utiliza para alcanzar temperaturas uniformes. El presente estudio muestra los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de un método numérico en el análisis de la estabilidad de puentes líquidos en isorrotación sometidos al efecto de una fuerza axial uniforme (gravedad axial) y una excentricidad entre el eje de giro y el eje de los discos. Se analiza el efecto de la aplicación de estos factores tanto de forma conjunta como por separado. Aunque existen numerosos estudios previos sobre puentes líquidos sometidos a diversos efectos, el análisis del efecto combinado de la rotación con excentricidad y gravedad axial no ha sido realizado con anterioridad. Este estudio permite además entender los resultados del experimento a bordo de la misión TEXUS-23, en el que un puente líquido sujeto entre dos discos circulares y coaxiales es sometido al efecto de una rotación creciente en torno a un eje desplazado respecto al eje de los discos. Aunque en el experimento no se impone una fuerza axial controlada, la desestabilización y rotura del puente se produce de forma notablemente asimétrica, lo que no puede ser explicado con los estudios precedentes y sugiere una posible presencia de una aceleración axial residual. Se ha desarrollado por tanto un método de análisis de imágenes que permite comparar las formas obtenidas en el experimento con las calculadas numéricamente. En este estudio se muestran los detalles del procesado realizado en las imágenes de la misión TEXUS-23, y los resultados de su comparación con el análisis numérico, que permiten determinar el valor de la gravedad axial que mejor reproduce los resultados del experimento. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia del conocimiento y la modelización de efectos cuya presencia (intencionada o no) afectan de forma visible a la estabilidad y la morfología de los puentes líquidos. ABSTRACT The study of the influence of various disturbances in configurations consisting of a liquid bridge supported by two co-axial disks in rotation has an important motivation in the use of this configuration in the fabrication of ultrapure semiconductor crystals via the so-called floating zone technique, in which the rotation of the disks is used to achieve a uniform temperature field. The present study shows the results obtained through the application of a numerical method in the analysis of the stability of liquid bridges in isorotation under the effect of a uniform axial force field (axial gravity) and an offset between the rotation axis and the axis of the supporting disks (eccentricity). The analysis studies the effect of both the combined and separate application of these factors. Although there are numerous studies on liquid bridges subject to various effects, the analysis of the combined effect of rotation with eccentricity and axial gravity has not been done before. Furthermore, this study allows us to understand the results from the experiment aboard the TEXUS-23 mission, in which a liquid bridge supported between two circular-shaped, co-axial disks is subject to the effect of an increasing rotation around an axis with an offset with respect to the axis of the disks. Although the experiment conditions do not include a controlled axial force field, the instability and breakage of the bridge occurs with a marked asymmetry, which cannot be explained by previous studies and suggests the possible presence of a residual axial gravity. Therefore, an image analysis method has been developed which allows to compare the shapes obtained in the experiment with those calculated with the numerical method. This study shows the details of the processing performed on the images from the TEXUS-23 mission and the results from their comparison with the numerical analysis, which allow to determine the axial gravity value which best recovers the experimental results. These results highlight the importance of the understanding and modelling of effects which, when present (intentionally or not), noticeably affect the stability and shape of the liquid bridges.


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If only Fluid Mechanics aspects are considered, the configuration appearing in the floating zone technique for crystal growth can be modelled as a mass of liquid spanning between two solid rods. Besides, if now the influence of temperature gradients and heat flow are not considered, the simplest fluid model consists of an isothermal liquid mass of constant properties (density and surface tension) held by capillary forces between two solid disks placed a distance L apart: the so called liquid bridge. As it is well known, if both supporting disks were parallel, coaxial and of the same diameter, 2R, the volume of liquid, V, were equal to that of a cylinder of the same L and R (V=KR~L) and no body forces were acting on the liquid column, the fluid configuration (under these conditions of cylindrical shape) will become unstable when the distance between the disks equals the length of the circumference of the supporting disks (L=2KR, the so-called Rayleigh stability limit). One should be aware that the Rayleigh stability limit can be dramatically modified when the geometry differs from the above described cylinder (due to having non-coaxial disks, different diameter disks, liquid volume different from the cylindrical one, etc) or when other external effects like accelerations either axial or lateral are considered. In this paper the stability limits of liquid bridges considering different types of perturbations are reviewed.


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Mutations in the hook gene alter intracellular trafficking of internalized ligands in Drosophila. To dissect this defect in more detail, we developed a new approach to visualize the pathway taken by the Bride of Sevenless (Boss) ligand after its internalization into R7 cells. A chimeric protein consisting of HRP fused to Boss (HRP-Boss) was expressed in R8 cells. This chimera was fully functional: it rescued the boss mutant phenotype, and its trafficking was indistinguishable from that of the wild-type Boss protein. The HRP activity of the chimera was used to follow HRP-Boss trafficking on the ultrastructural level through early and late endosomes in R7 cells. In both wild-type and hook mutant eye disks, HRP-Boss was internalized into R7 cells. In wild-type tissue, Boss accumulated in mature multivesicular bodies (MVBs) within R7 cells; such accumulation was not observed in hook eye disks, however. Quantitative electron microscopy revealed a loss of mature MVBs in hook mutant tissue compared with wild type, whereas more than twice as many multilammelar late endosomes were detected. Our genetic analysis indicates that Hook is required late in endocytic trafficking to negatively regulate delivery from mature MVBs to multilammelar late endosomes and lysosomes.


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We identified a new Drosophila gene, peter pan (ppan), in a screen for larval growth–defective mutants. ppan mutant larvae do not grow and show minimal DNA replication but can survive until well after their heterozygotic siblings have pupariated. We cloned the ppan gene by P-element plasmid rescue. ppan belongs to a highly conserved gene family that includes Saccharomyces cerevisiae SSF1 and SSF2, as well as Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Arabidopsis, Caenorhabditis elegans, mouse, and human homologues. Deletion of both SSF1 and SSF2 in yeast is lethal, and depletion of the gene products causes cell division arrest. Mosaic analysis of ppan mutant clones in Drosophila imaginal disks and ovaries demonstrates that ppan is cell autonomous and required for normal mitotic growth but is not absolutely required for general biosynthesis or DNA replication. Overexpression of the wild-type gene causes cell death and disrupts the normal development of adult structures. The ppan gene family appears to have an essential and evolutionarily conserved role in cell growth.


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We have studied the radial structure of the stellar mass surface density (μ∗) and stellar population age as a function of the total stellar mass and morphology for a sample of 107 galaxies from the CALIFA survey. We applied the fossil record method based on spectral synthesis techniques to recover the star formation history (SFH), resolved in space and time, in spheroidal and disk dominated galaxies with masses from 10^9 to 10^12 M_⊙. We derived the half-mass radius, and we found that galaxies are on average 15% more compact in mass than in light. The ratio of half-mass radius to half-light radius (HLR) shows a dual dependence with galaxy stellar mass; it decreases with increasing mass for disk galaxies, but is almost constant in spheroidal galaxies. In terms of integrated versus spatially resolved properties, we find that the galaxy-averaged stellar population age, stellar extinction, and μ_∗ are well represented by their values at 1 HLR. Negative radial gradients of the stellar population ages are present in most of the galaxies, supporting an inside-out formation. The larger inner (≤1 HLR) age gradients occur in the most massive (10^11 M_⊙) disk galaxies that have the most prominent bulges; shallower age gradients are obtained in spheroids of similar mass. Disk and spheroidal galaxies show negative μ∗ gradients that steepen with stellar mass. In spheroidal galaxies, μ∗ saturates at a critical value (~7 × 10^2 M_⊙/pc^2 at 1 HLR) that is independent of the galaxy mass. Thus, all the massive spheroidal galaxies have similar local μ_∗ at the same distance (in HLR units) from the nucleus. The SFH of the regions beyond 1 HLR are well correlated with their local μ_∗, and follow the same relation as the galaxy-averaged age and μ_∗; this suggests that local stellar mass surface density preserves the SFH of disks. The SFH of bulges are, however, more fundamentally related to the total stellar mass, since the radial structure of the stellar age changes with galaxy mass even though all the spheroid dominated galaxies have similar radial structure in μ_∗. Thus, galaxy mass is a more fundamental property in spheroidal systems, while the local stellar mass surface density is more important in disks.


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We present the first far-IR observations of the solar-type stars δ Pav, HR 8501, 51 Peg and ζ^2 Ret, taken within the context of the DUNES Herschel open time key programme (OTKP). This project uses the PACS and SPIRE instruments with the objective of studying infrared excesses due to exo-Kuiper belts around nearby solar-type stars. The observed 100 μm fluxes from δ Pav, HR 8501, and 51 Peg agree with the predicted photospheric fluxes, excluding debris disks brighter than L_dust/L_* ~ 5 x 10^-7 (1σ level) around those stars. A flattened, disk-like structure with a semi-major axis of ~100 AU in size is detected around ζ2 Ret. The resolved structure suggests the presence of an eccentric dust ring, which we interpret as an exo-Kuiper belt with L_dust/L_* ≈ 10^-5.


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We present Keck I MOSFIRE spectroscopy in the Y and H bands of GDN-8231, a massive, compact, star-forming galaxy at a redshift of z ~ 1.7. Its spectrum reveals both Hα and [Nii] emission lines and strong Balmer absorption lines. The Hα and Spitzer MIPS 24 μm fluxes are both weak, thus indicating a low star-formation rate of SFR≲5-10 M_⨀ yr−1. This, added to a relatively young age of ~700 Myr measured from the absorption lines, provides the first direct evidence for a distant galaxy being caught in the act of rapidly shutting down its star formation. Such quenching allows GDN-8231 to become a compact, quiescent galaxy, similar to three other galaxies in our sample, by z ~ 1.5. Moreover, the color profile of GDN-8231 shows a bluer center, consistent with the predictions of recent simulations for an early phase of inside-out quenching. Its line-of-sight velocity dispersion for the gas, σ_LOG^gas = 127 ± 32 km s^−1, is nearly 40% smaller than that of its stars, σ_LOG^* = 215 ± 35 km s^−1. High-resolution hydro-simulations of galaxies explain such apparently colder gas kinematics of up to a factor of ~1.5 with rotating disks being viewed at different inclinations and/or centrally concentrated star-forming regions. A clear prediction is that their compact, quiescent descendants preserve some remnant rotation from their star-forming progenitors.