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© 2015 IEEE.We consider a wireless control architecture with multiple control loops over a shared wireless medium. A scheduler observes the random channel conditions that each control system experiences over the shared medium and opportunistically selects systems to transmit at a set of non-overlapping frequencies. The transmit power of each system also adapts to channel conditions and determines the probability of successfully receiving and closing the loop. We formulate the optimal design of channel-aware scheduling and power allocation that minimize the total power consumption while meeting control performance requirements for all systems. In particular, it is required that for each control system a given Lyapunov function decreases at a specified rate in expectation over the random channel conditions. We develop an offline algorithm to find the optimal communication design, as well as an online protocol which selects scheduling and power variables based on a random observed channel sequence and converges almost surely to the optimal operating point. Simulations illustrate the power savings of our approach compared to other non-channel-aware schemes.


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Body size and development time are important life history traits because they are often highly correlated with fitness. Although the developmental mechanisms that control growth have been well studied, the mechanisms that control how a species-characteristic body size is achieved remain poorly understood. In insects adult body size is determined by the number of larval molts, the size increment at each molt, and the mechanism that determines during which instar larval growth will stop. Adult insects do not grow, so the size at which a larva stops growing determines adult body size. Here we develop a quantitative understanding of the kinetics of growth throughout larval life of Manduca sexta, under different conditions of nutrition and temperature, and for genetic strains with different adult body sizes. We show that the generally accepted view that the size increment at each molt is constant (Dyar's Rule) is systematically violated: there is actually a progressive increase in the size increment from instar to instar that is independent of temperature. In addition, the mass-specific growth rate declines throughout the growth phase in a temperature-dependent manner. We show that growth within an instar follows a truncated Gompertz trajectory. The critical weight, which determines when in an instar a molt will occur, and the threshold size, which determines which instar is the last, are different in genetic strains with different adult body sizes. Under nutrient and temperature stress Manduca has a variable number of larval instars and we show that this is due to the fact that more molts at smaller increments are taken before threshold size is reached. We test whether the new insight into the kinetics of growth and size determination are sufficient to explain body size and development time through a mathematical model that incorporates our quantitative findings.


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The mathematical simulation of the evacuation process has a wide and largely untapped scope of application within the aircraft industry. The function of the mathematical model is to provide insight into complex behaviour by allowing designers, legislators, and investigators to ask ‘what if’ questions. Such a model, EXODUS, is currently under development, and this paper describes its evolution and potential applications. EXODUS is an egress model designed to simulate the evacuation of large numbers of individuals from an enclosure, such as an aircraft. The model tracks the trajectory of each individual as they make their way out of the enclosure or are overcome by fire hazards, such as heat and toxic gases. The software is expert system-based, the progressive motion and behaviour of each individual being determined by a set of heuristics or rules. EXODUS comprises five core interacting components: (i) the Movement Submodel — controls the physical movement of individual passengers from their current position to the most suitable neighbouring location; (ii) the Behaviour Submodel — determines an individual's response to the current prevailing situation; (iii) the Passenger Submodel — describes an individual as a collection of 22 defining attributes and variables; (iv) the Hazard Submodel — controls the atmospheric and physical environment; and (v) the Toxicity Submodel — determines the effects on an individual exposed to the fire products, heat, and narcotic gases through the Fractional Effective Dose calculations. These components are briefly described and their capabilities and limitations are demonstrated through comparison with experimental data and several hypothetical evacuation scenarios.


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A discretized series of events is a binary time series that indicates whether or not events of a point process in the line occur in successive intervals. Such data are common in environmental applications. We describe a class of models for them, based on an unobserved continuous-time discrete-state Markov process, which determines the rate of a doubly stochastic Poisson process, from which the binary time series is constructed by discretization. We discuss likelihood inference for these processes and their second-order properties and extend them to multiple series. An application involves modeling the times of exposures to air pollution at a number of receptors in Western Europe.


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In semilevitation melting, a cylindrical metal ingot is melted by a coaxial a.c. induction coil. A watercooled solid base supports the ingot, while the top and side free surface is confined by the magnetic forces as the melting front progresses. The dynamic interplay between gravity, hydrodynamic stress, and the Lorentz force in the fluid determines the instantaneous free surface shape. The coupled nonstationary equations for turbulent flow, heat with phase change, and high-frequency electromagnetic field are solved numerically for the axisymmetric time-dependent domain by a continuous mesh transformation, using a pseudospectral method. Results are obtained for the two actually existing coil configurations and several validation cases.


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Given M(r; f) =maxjzj=r (jf(z)j) , curves belonging to the set of points M = fz : jf(z)j = M(jzj; f)g were de�ned by Hardy to be maximum curves. Clunie asked the question as to whether the set M could also contain isolated points. This paper shows that maximum curves consist of analytic arcs and determines a necessary condition for such curves to intersect. Given two entire functions f1(z) and f2(z), if the maximum curve of f1(z) is the real axis, conditions are found so that the real axis is also a maximum curve for the product function f1(z)f2(z). By means of these results an entire function of in�nite order is constructed for which the set M has an in�nite number of isolated points. A polynomial is also constructed with an isolated point.


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The CFD modelling of metals reduction processes particularly always seems to involve the interaction of liquid metals, a gas (often air) top space, liquid droplets in the top space and injection of both solid particles and gaseous bubbles into the bath. These phases all interact and exhange mass, momentum and energy. Often it is the extent to which these multi-phase phemomena can be effectively captured within the CFD model which determines whether or not a tool of genuine use to the target industry sector can constructed. In this paper we discuss these issues in the context of two problems - one involving the injection of sparging gases into a steel continuous caster and the other based on the development of a novel process for aluminium electrolysis.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element/volume/difference methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. Since the exact solution is obtained at the grid collocation points superior accuracy can be achieved on modest grid resolution. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted with time and in space, to particular flow conditions or geometric variations. This is especially advantageous where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free sutface. The electromagnetic field then determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape and the liquid shape affects in turn the electromagnetic field. In AC applications a thin "skin effect" region results on the free surface that dominates grid requirements. Infinitesimally thin boundary cells can be introduced using Chebyshev polynomial expansions without detriment to the numerical accuracy. This paper presents a general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach and outlines the solution procedures used. Several instructive example applications are given: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting and stirring and the dynamics of magnetically levitated droplets in AC and DC fields. Comparisons to available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements will be discussed.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element and volume methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. The exact solution is obtained at grid collocation points leading to superior accuracy on modest grids. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted in time and space to particular flow conditions or geometric variations, especially useful where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free surface. The electromagnetic field determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape, which then affects the electromagnetic field. A general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach is presented, with several instructive example applications: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting in a cold crucible and the dynamics of AC/DC magnetically levitated droplets. Finally, comparisons with available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements are discussed.


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Within the building evacuation context, wayfinding describes the process in which an individual located within an arbitrarily complex enclosure attempts to find a path which leads them to relative safety, usually the exterior of the enclosure. Within most evacuation modelling tools, wayfinding is completely ignored; agents are either assigned the shortest distance path or use a potential field to find the shortest path to the exits. In this paper a novel wayfinding technique that attempts to represent the manner in which people wayfind within structures is introduced and demonstrated through two examples. The first step is to encode the spatial information of the enclosure in terms of a graph. The second step is to apply search algorithms to the graph to find possible routes to the destination and assign a cost to the routes based on their personal route preferences such as "least time" or "least distance" or a combination of criteria. The third step is the route execution and refinement. In this step, the agent moves along the chosen route and reassesses the route at regular intervals and may decide to take an alternative path if the agent determines that an alternate route is more favourable e.g. initial path is highly congested or is blocked due to fire.


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During the soldering process, the copper atoms diffuse into liquid solders. The diffusion process determines integrity and the reworking possibility of a solder joint. In order to capture the diffusion scenarios of solid copper into liquid Sn–Pb and Sn–Cu solders, a computer modeling has been performed for 10 s. An analytical model has also been proposed for calculating the diffusion coefficient of copper into liquid solders. It is found that the diffusion coefficient for Sn–Pb solder is 2.74 × 10− 10 m2/s and for Sn–Cu solder is 6.44 × 10−9 m2/s. The modeling results reveal that the diffusion coefficient is one of the major factors that govern the rate at which solid Cu dissolve in the molten solder. The predicted dissolved amounts of copper into solders have been validated with the help of scanning electron microscopic analysis.


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The main sources of financing for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are equity (internally generated cash), trade credit paid on time, long and short term bank credits, delayed payment on trade credit and other debt. The marginal costs of each financing instrument are driven by asymmetric information (cost of gathering and analysing information) and transactions costs associated with non-payment (costs of collecting and selling collateral). According to the Pecking Order Theory, firms will choose the cheapest source in terms of cost. In the case of the static trade-off theory, firms choose finance so that the marginal costs across financing sources are all equal, thus an additional Euro of financing is obtained from all the sources whereas under the Pecking Order Theory the source is determined by how far down the Pecking Order the firm is presently located. In this paper, we argue that both of these theories miss the point that the marginal costs are dependent of the use of the funds, and the asset side of the balance sheet primarily determines the financing source for an additional Euro. An empirical analysis on a unique dataset of Portuguese SME's confirms that the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet has an impact of the type of financing used and the Pecking Order Theory and the traditional Static Trade-off theory are rejected.


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We have examined the ability of observers to parse bimodal local-motion distributions into two global motion surfaces, either overlapping (yielding transparent motion) or spatially segregated (yielding a motion boundary). The stimuli were random dot kinematograms in which the direction of motion of each dot was drawn from one of two rectangular probability distributions. A wide range of direction distribution widths and separations was tested. The ability to discriminate the direction of motion of one of the two motion surfaces from the direction of a comparison stimulus was used as an objective test of the perception of two discrete surfaces. Performance for both transparent and spatially segregated motion was remarkably good, being only slightly inferior to that achieved with a single global motion surface. Performance was consistently better for segregated motion than for transparency. Whereas transparent motion was only perceived with direction distributions which were separated by a significant gap, segregated motion could be seen with abutting or even partially overlapping direction distributions. For transparency, the critical gap increased with the range of directions in the distribution. This result does not support models in which transparency depends on detection of a minimum size of gap defining a bimodal direction distribution. We suggest, instead, that the operations which detect bimodality are scaled (in the direction domain) with the overall range of distributions. This yields a flexible, adaptive system that determines whether a gap in the direction distribution serves as a segmentation cue or is smoothed as part of a unitary computation of global motion.


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Using a speed-matching task, we measured the speed tuning of the dynamic motion aftereVect (MAE). The results of our Wrst experiment, in which we co-varied dot speed in the adaptation and test stimuli, revealed a speed tuning function. We sought to tease apart what contribution, if any, the test stimulus makes towards the observed speed tuning. This was examined by independently manipulating dot speed in the adaptation and test stimuli, and measuring the eVect this had on the perceived speed of the dynamic MAE. The results revealed that the speed tuning of the dynamic MAE is determined, not by the speed of the adaptation stimulus, but by the local motion characteristics of the dynamic test stimulus. The role of the test stimulus in determining the perceived speed of the dynamic MAE was conWrmed by showing that, if one uses a test stimulus containing two sources of local speed information, observers report seeing a transparent MAE; this is despite the fact that adaptation is induced using a single-speed stimulus. Thus while the adaptation stimulus necessarily determines perceived direction of the dynamic MAE, its perceived speed is determined by the test stimulus. This dissociation of speed and direction supports the notion that the processing of these two visual attributes may be partially independent.


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Pyramidal neurons (PyNs) in ‘higher’ brain are highly susceptible to acute stroke injury yet ‘lower’ brain regions better survive global ischemia, presumably because of better residual blood flow. Here we show that projection neurons in ‘lower’ brain regions of hypothalamus and brainstem intrinsically resist acute stroke-like injury independent of blood flow in the brain slice. In contrast `higher` projection neurons in neocortex, hippocampus, striatum and thalamus are highly susceptible. In live brain slices from rat deprived of oxygen and glucose (OGD), we imaged anoxic depolarization (AD) as it propagates through these regions. AD, the initial electrophysiological event of stroke, is a depolarizing front that drains residual energy in compromised gray matter. The extent of AD reliably determines ensuing damage in higher brain, but using whole-cell recordings we found that all CNS neurons do not generate a robust AD. Higher neurons generate strong AD and show no functional recovery in contrast to neurons in hypothalamus and brainstem that generate a weak and gradual AD. Most dramatically, lower neurons recover their membrane potential, input resistance and spike amplitude when oxygen and glucose is restored, while higher neurons do not. Following OGD, new recordings could be acquired in all lower (but not higher) brain regions, with some neurons even withstanding multiple OGD exposure. Two-photon laser scanning microscopy confirmed neuroprotection in lower, but not higher gray matter. Specifically pyramidal neurons swell and lose their dendritic spines post-OGD, whereas neurons in hypothalamus and brainstem display no such injury. Exposure to the Na+/K+ ATPase inhibitor ouabain (100 μM), induces depolarization similar to OGD in all cell types tested. Moreover, elevated [K+]o evokes spreading depression (SD), a milder version of AD, in higher brain but not hypothalamus or brainstem so weak AD correlates with the inability to generate SD. In summary, overriding the Na+/K+ pump using OGD, ouabain or elevated [K+]o evokes steep and robust depolarization of higher gray matter. We show that this important regional difference can be largely accounted for by the intrinsic properties of the resident neurons and that Na+/K+ ATPase pump efficiency is a major determining factor generating strong or weak spreading depolarizations.