950 resultados para Cylindrical shells


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PURPOSE: To implement a double-inversion bright-blood coronary MR angiography sequence using a cylindrical re-inversion prepulse for selective visualization of the coronary arteries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local re-inversion bright-blood magnetization preparation was implemented using a nonselective inversion followed by a cylindrical aortic re-inversion prepulse. After an inversion delay that allows for in-flow of the labeled blood-pool into the coronary arteries, three-dimensional radial steady-state free-precession (SSFP) imaging (repetition/echo time, 7.2/3.6 ms; flip angle, 120 degrees, 16 profiles per RR interval; field of view, 360 mm; matrix, 512, twelve 3-mm slices) is performed. Coronary MR angiography was performed in three healthy volunteers and in one patient on a commercial 1.5 Tesla whole-body MR System. RESULTS: In all subjects, coronary arteries were selectively visualized with positive contrast. In addition, a middle-grade stenosis of the proximal right coronary artery was seen in one patient. CONCLUSION: A novel T1 contrast-enhancement strategy is presented for selective visualization of the coronary arteries without extrinsic contrast medium application. In comparison to former arterial spin-labeling schemes, the proposed magnetization preparation obviates the need for a second data set and subtraction.


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The rotational speed of high-speed electric machines is over 15 000 rpm. These machines are compact in size when compared to the power rate. As a consequence, the heat fluxes are at a high level and the adequacy of cooling becomes an important design criterion. In the high-speed machines, the air gap between the stator and rotor is a narrow flow channel. The cooling air is produced with a fan and the flow is then directed to the air gap. The flow in the gap does not provide sufficient cooling for the stator end windings, and therefore additional cooling is required. This study investigates the heat transfer and flow fields around the coil end windings when cooling jets are used. As a result, an innovative and new assembly is introduced for the cooling jets, with the benefits of a reduced amount of hot spots, a lower pressure drop, and hence a lower power need for the cooling fan. The gained information can also be applied to improve the cooling of electric machines through geometry modifications. The objective of the research is to determine the locations of the hot spots and to find out induced pressure losses with different jet alternatives. Several possibilities to arrange the extra cooling are considered. In the suggested approach cooling is provided by using a row of air jets. The air jets have three main tasks: to cool the coils effectively by direct impingement jets, to increase and cool down the flow that enters the coil end space through the air gap, and to ensure the correct distribution of the flow by forming an air curtain with additional jets. One important aim of this study is the arrangement of cooling jets in such manner that hot spots can be avoided to wide extent. This enables higher power density in high-speed motors. This cooling system can also be applied to the ordinary electric machines when efficient cooling is needed. The numerical calculations have been performed using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics software. Two geometries have been generated: cylindrical for the studied machine and Cartesian for the experimental model. The main parameters include the positions, arrangements and number of jets, the jet diameters, and the jet velocities. The investigated cases have been tested with two widely used turbulence models and using a computational grid of over 500 000 cells. The experimental tests have been made by using a simplified model for the end winding space with cooling jets. In the experiments, an emphasis has been given to flow visualisation. The computational analysis shows good agreement with the experimental results. Modelling of the cooling jet arrangement enables also a better understanding of the complex system of heat transfer at end winding space.


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The dynamical properties ofshaken granular materials are important in many industrial applications where the shaking is used to mix, segregate and transport them. In this work asystematic, large scale simulation study has been performed to investigate the rheology of dense granular media, in the presence of gas, in a three dimensional vertical cylinder filled with glass balls. The base wall of the cylinder is subjected to sinusoidal oscillation in the vertical direction. The viscoelastic behavior of glass balls during a collision, have been studied experimentally using a modified Newton's Cradle device. By analyzing the results of the measurements, using numerical model based on finite element method, the viscous damping coefficient was determinedfor the glass balls. To obtain detailed information about the interparticle interactions in a shaker, a simplified model for collision between particles of a granular material was proposed. In order to simulate the flow of surrounding gas, a formulation of the equations for fluid flow in a porous medium including particle forces was proposed. These equations are solved with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique using a subgrid-model originally proposed for compressible turbulent flows. For a pentagonal prism-shaped container under vertical vibrations, the results show that oscillon type structures were formed. Oscillons are highly localized particle-like excitations of the granular layer. This self-sustaining state was named by analogy with its closest large-scale analogy, the soliton, which was first documented by J.S. Russell in 1834. The results which has been reportedbyBordbar and Zamankhan(2005b)also show that slightly revised fluctuation-dissipation theorem might apply to shaken sand, which appears to be asystem far from equilibrium and could exhibit strong spatial and temporal variations in quantities such as density and local particle velocity. In this light, hydrodynamic type continuum equations were presented for describing the deformation and flow of dense gas-particle mixtures. The constitutive equation used for the stress tensor provides an effective viscosity with a liquid-like character at low shear rates and a gaseous-like behavior at high shear rates. The numerical solutions were obtained for the aforementioned hydrodynamic equations for predicting the flow dynamics ofdense mixture of gas and particles in vertical cylindrical containers. For a heptagonal prism shaped container under vertical vibrations, the model results were found to predict bubbling behavior analogous to those observed experimentally. This bubbling behavior may be explained by the unusual gas pressure distribution found in the bed. In addition, oscillon type structures were found to be formed using a vertically vibrated, pentagonal prism shaped container in agreement with computer simulation results. These observations suggest that the pressure distribution plays a key rolein deformation and flow of dense mixtures of gas and particles under vertical vibrations. The present models provide greater insight toward the explanation of poorly understood hydrodynamic phenomena in the field of granular flows and dense gas-particle mixtures. The models can be generalized to investigate the granular material-container wall interactions which would be an issue of high interests in the industrial applications. By following this approach ideal processing conditions and powder transport can be created in industrial systems.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate peduncle and fruit yield in clone MS 076 and in a clonal population of drip-irrigated, early dwarf cashew trees propagated by layering, in six cropping seasons. In order to meet the increased water requirements of the crop resulting from plant growth and development, irrigation during the dry season was performed daily according to the following water regime: 15 min/plant/day during the 1st year, 30 min/plant/day during the 2nd year, 45 min/plant/day during the 3rd year and 60 min/plant/day during all subsequent years. Water was supplied by one drip emitter/plant, at an (adjustable) flow rate of 36 L/h.The research was carried out in Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil, and a random block design was utilized, with five replicates and split-plots. The clones were assigned to plots and the cropping seasons were considered as subplots. The clonal population was superior to the clone only with regard to number of nut shells (NNS), and solely in the first season. The clone was superior to the population as to NNS and peduncle yield (PY) in the second season, and also with regard to the three evaluated traits - NNS, PY, and nut shell yield, in the last three cropping seasons.


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Tässä työssä selostetaan kuumalanka-anemometrin käyttö virtausmittauksissa. Kuumalanka-anemometrilla saadaan mitattua virtausnopeuden ja -suunnan lisäksi nopeusheilahteluja. Mittaustaajuus on tyypillisesti useita kymmeniä tuhansia mittauksia sekunnissa ja signaali on jatkuva. Nykytekniikalla pystytään helposti tallentamaan mittauslaitteistolta saatu viesti tietokoneelle ja muuntamaan se nopeudeksi. Hetkellisten nopeuksien avulla voidaan laskea turbulenttisen virtauksen ominaisuuksia, kuten turbulenssin intensiteetti ja spektri. Kuumalanka-anemometrissa lämmitetään sähköisesti ohutta lankaa, joka on mitattavassa virtauksessa. Langan sähköteho on suunnilleen yhtäsuuri kuin langasta konvektiolla siirtyvä lämpöteho. Tällöin on teoreettisesti mahdollista laskea virtausnopeus lämpötehosta lämmönsiirtokorrelaatioilla. Käytännössä laitteisto joudutaan kuitenkin erikseen kalibroimaan, mutta sähkötehon teoreettista riippuvuutta konvektiosta käytetään hyväksi. Kuumalangan lämmitettävä osuus on tyypillisesti halkaisijaltaan 5 µm ja pituudeltaan noin 1 mm. Sitä käytetään pääasiassa kaasuvirtausten mittaamiseen ja valtaosassa mittauksissa virtausaineena on ilma. Kuumalanka voi olla toteutettu kuumakalvotekniikalla, jossa halkaisijaltaan noin 50 - 70 µm paksuinen kuitu on päällystetty ohuella sähköä johtavalla kalvolla. Kuumakalvoanturin ei tarvitse olla muodoltaan sylinterimäinen, se voi olla mm. kartiomainen tai kiilamainen. Erikoispäällystetyllä kuumakalvoanturilla on mahdollista mitata myös nestevirtauksia. Mitattaessa kaasuvirtauksia kuumakalvon etuna on selvästi parempi kestävyys verrattuna kuumalankaan. Nimitystä kuumalanka-anemometri käytetään yleisesti molemmista anturityypeistä Tämän työn alussa käsitellään sylinterin yli tapahtuvaan virtaukseen liittyvää virtausmekaniikkaa ja lämmönsiirtoa. Anemometrin sähköinen osa, laitteisto ja sen kalibrointi käydään läpi. Langan suuntariippuvuuden laskentaan esitetään tarvittavat yhtälöt. Työssä esitellään kolme laitteistolla tehtyä perusmittausta: anturin kohtauskulman muuttaminen, pyörähdyssymmerisen suihkun nopeuskenttä ja tuulitunnelin rajakerros. Lisäksi esitellään yksi käytännöllinen ja vaativampi mittaus, jossa on mitattu nopeusprofiili radiaalikompressorin diffuusorin loppuosassa.


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Fluid mixing in mechanically agitated tanks is one of the major unit operations in many industries. Bubbly flows have been of interest among researchers in physics, medicine, chemistry and technology over the centuries. The aim of this thesis is to use advanced numerical methods for simulating microbubble in an aerated mixing tank. Main components of the mixing tank are a cylindrical vessel, a rotating Rushton turbine and the air nozzle. The objective of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is to predict fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and chemical reactions. The CFD simulations of a turbulent bubbly flow are carried out in a cylindrical mixing tank using large eddy simulation (LES) and volume of fluid (VOF) method. The Rushton turbine induced flow is modeled by using a sliding mesh method. Numerical results are used to describe the bubbly flows in highly complex liquid flow. Some of the experimental works related to turbulent bubbly flow in a mixing tank are briefly reported. Numerical simulations are needed to complete and interpret the results of the experimental work. Information given by numerical simulations has a major role in designing and scaling-up mixing tanks. The results of this work have been reported in the following scientific articles: ·Honkanen M., Koohestany A., Hatunen T., Saarenrinne P., Zamankhan P., Large eddy simulations and PIV experiments of a two-phase air-water mixer, in Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference (2005). ·Honkanen M., Koohestany A., Hatunen T., Saarenrinne P., Zamankhan P., Dynamical States of Bubbling in an Aerated Stirring Tank, submitted to J. Computational Physics.


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Tavoitteena tällä tutkimuksella on soveltaa modernin optimisuunnittelun keinoja komposiittimuovisen nestesäiliön lieriömäisen vaipparakenteen suunnittelemiseksi optimaalisen tyydyttäviksi valmistustekniikan ja kustannusten kannalta. Kuormituksia on kahdenlaisia. Säiliön sisällä on neste, joka tuottaa hydrostaattisen painekuorman ja järjestelmään kytketty puhallin tuottaa ulkoisen ylipaineen. Säiliöt ovat pystysäiliöitä ja ne tukeutuvat alustaan suoran pohjalaatan avulla. FEM- malleissa kuoren alaosat ovat jäykästi kiinnitettyjä ja yläosissa säteensuuntaiset siirtymät ovat estettyjä. Materiaaleiksi kuoreen on valittu kahdella eri menetelmällä lujitetut komposiittimateriaalit. Kantavan kerroksen toimintona on kantaa kuormat. Sulkukerros toimii korroosiosuojana ja sen lujuus on kantavaa kerrosta pienempi. Keinoina käytetään ensin innovatiivista suunnittelua optimaalisten lähtövaihtoehtojen ideoimiseksi ja valitsemiseksi jatkokehittelyä varten. Tavoitteena on asiakkaan tyytyväisyyden maksimointi huomioiden tuotteen kustannukset ja kesto. Yhtenä suunnittelun keinona on käytetty kuoriteoriaa ja komposiittien materiaalimalleja. Kestoehtoina on sovellettu komposiiteille soveltuvia kriteerejä. Toisena keinona käytetään FEM-laskentaa. Elementtityypiksi on valittu kaksiulotteinen kuorielementti, jossa on ortotrooppisen ainemallin mukaiset materiaaliominaisuudet. Jännitystuloksien merkittävyys keston kannalta selvitettiin Tsai-Hillin kriteerillä. Tuloksina saatiin ensin innovoitua rakenteelle kaksi päävaihtoehtoa, joita alettiin optimoida. Valitussa ratkaisussa on huomioitu kokonaisuus ja eri yksityiskohdat, kuten paino, jäykisteet kustannustehokkuus, valmistusnopeus, laatu, hävikit, päästöt, lujuus ja kilpailukykyinen myyntihinta. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että käytetyt keinot ovat hyvin tehokkaita ja niillä voidaan suunnitella ja toteuttaa komposiittirakenteita, jotka tyydyttävät optimaalisesti loppukäyttäjän teknis- taloudelliset vaatimukset. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat, että standardin ja FEM-laskennan ennustukset ovat lähellä toisiaan sylinterimäisillä kuoriosilla, mutta standardit suosittavat suurempia mittoja itse jäykisteille.


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In traffic accidents involving motorcycles, paint traces can be transferred from the rider's helmet or smeared onto its surface. These traces are usually in the form of chips or smears and are frequently collected for comparison purposes. This research investigates the physical and chemical characteristics of the coatings found on motorcycles helmets. An evaluation of the similarities between helmet and automotive coating systems was also performed.Twenty-seven helmet coatings from 15 different brands and 22 models were considered. One sample per helmet was collected and observed using optical microscopy. FTIR spectroscopy was then used and seven replicate measurements per layer were carried out to study the variability of each coating system (intravariability). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were also performed on the infrared spectra of the clearcoats and basecoats of the data set. The most common systems were composed of two or three layers, consistently involving a clearcoat and basecoat. The coating systems of helmets with composite shells systematically contained a minimum of three layers. FTIR spectroscopy results showed that acrylic urethane and alkyd urethane were the most frequent binders used for clearcoats and basecoats. A high proportion of the coatings were differentiated (more than 95%) based on microscopic examinations. The chemical and physical characteristics of the coatings allowed the differentiation of all but one pair of helmets of the same brand, model and color. Chemometrics (PCA and HCA) corroborated classification based on visual comparisons of the spectra and allowed the study of the whole data set at once (i.e., all spectra of the same layer). Thus, the intravariability of each helmet and its proximity to the others (intervariability) could be more readily assessed. It was also possible to determine the most discriminative chemical variables based on the study of the PCA loadings. Chemometrics could therefore be used as a complementary decision-making tool when many spectra and replicates have to be taken into account. Similarities between automotive and helmet coating systems were highlighted, in particular with regard to automotive coating systems on plastic substrates (microscopy and FTIR). However, the primer layer of helmet coatings was shown to differ from the automotive primer. If the paint trace contains this layer, the risk of misclassification (i.e., helmet versus vehicle) is reduced. Nevertheless, a paint examiner should pay close attention to these similarities when analyzing paint traces, especially regarding smears or paint chips presenting an incomplete layer system.


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We explore the possible association between the microquasar LSI +61°303 and the EGRET source 2CG 135+01/3EG J0241+6103 by studying, with a detailed numerical model, whether this system can produce the emission and the variability detected by EGRET (>100 MeV) through inverse Compton (IC) scattering. Our numerical approach considers a population of relativistic electrons entrained in a cylindrical inhomogeneous jet, interacting with both the radiation and the magnetic fields, taking into account the Thomson and Klein-Nishina regimes of interaction. Our results reproduce the observed spectral characteristics and variability at γ-rays, thus strengthening the identification of LSI +61°303 as a high-energy γ-ray source.


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We report here the draft genome sequence of Aeromonas molluscorum 848T, the type strain of this Aeromonas species, which was isolated from wedge shells (Donax trunculus) obtained from a retail market in Barcelona, Spain, in 1997.


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In this paper natural casts of microborings, of LMC at present, in subtrates of mollusc fragments, are reviewed. The aragonite in the shells was dissolved in vadose continental conditions, with the subsequent exposure of the casts and micritic envelope...


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During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.


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During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.


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The possible associations between the microquasars LS 5039 and LS I +61 303 and the EGRET sources 3EG J1824-1514 and 3EG J0241+6103 suggest that microquasars could also be sources of high-energy gamma-rays. In this work, we present a detailed numerical inverse Compton (IC) model, based on a microquasar scenario, that reproduces the high-energy gamma-ray spectra and variability observed by EGRET for the mentioned sources. Our model considers a population of relativistic electrons entrained in a cylindrical inhomogeneous jet that interact through IC scattering with both the radiation and the magnetic fields.


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Catalunya és un dels territoris on hi ha hagut més auge del sector de la cervesa artesana, i són molt nombroses les microcerveseries i les botigues especialitzades on es poden trobar els recursos materials necessaris, a més de ser centres difusió de coneixements relacionats. Així, doncs, aquest projecte està emmarcat en un context que permet el desenvolupament de tècniques d’elaboració de cervesa artesana. Aquest projecte es basa en la construcció d’un equip amb materials reutilitzats i amb un pressupost limitat que permet reproduir a petita escala els processos d’elaboració que es duen a terme en les microcerveseries artesanes actuals. El projecte s’ha assentat sobre la comprensió dels fonaments teòrics i pràctics del procés d’elaboració de cervesa, i amb l’experiència inicial d’elaboració de cervesa amb un equip bàsic de tipus homebrewer. Per minimintzar costos els tancs s’han construït a partir de barrils de cervesa i les parts sobrants s’han aprofitat per a altres elements. S’han emprat elements quotidians com una olla a pressió i s’ha construït un sistema regulador de pressió (per al tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric construït) en lloc d’adquirir-lo. S’ha posat l’èmfasi en minimitzar la necessitat de manipulació manual durant l’elaboració. Per tant, s’han instal·lat els components de l’equip formant un circuit tancat amb sistema de bombeig, i s’ha incorporat un sistema que permet el control i la lectura de les temperatures de cada procés. Altres elements són el sistema de filtres amb mecanisme de tub en forma d’ela (que permet l’extracció del most dels tanc de maceració i de cocció d’una manera efectiva i sense necessitat de manipulació) i el sistema de dutxa (que permet automatitzar el procés de rentat i filtrat). Un element que distingeix aquest equip d’altres equips emprats en algunes microcerveseries artesanes és el tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric amb vàlvula controladora de pressió, que permet prescindir de la doble fermentació en ampolla, ja que permet aprofitar el gas carbònic produït durant la fermentació per la carbonatació de la cervesa. Es pot concloure que gràcies a les seves característiques, l’equip permet realitzar successives elaboracions obtenint el mateix producte amb les mateixes característiques organolèptiques, principalement gràcies a la cambra de fermentació, que permet realitzar les etapes de fermentació, maduració i clarificació controlant la temperatura desitjada; al tanc de maceració amb aïllament, que permet realitzar el procés a temperatura constant sense pèrdues tèrmiques i al sistema de control de temperatura de totes les etapes. L’únic inconvenient és que, degut a la manca pressupostària, ha estat impossible l’adquisició d’un sistema d’embotellament isobàric que permeti realitzar l’embotellament sense pèrdues del gas carbònic. Per tant, el producte final pot embotellar-se amb una lleugera pèrdua de gas o es pot emmagatzemar en el mateix fermentador cilindrocònic per al seu consum directe, a l’estil d’alguns brewpubs.