1000 resultados para Custo total


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Vinte e oito amostras de grãos de café verde pertencente à variedade Mundo Novo e separadas em quatro tipos de bebidas (MOLE, DURA, RIADA e RIO) foram analisadas quanto ao teor de nitrogênio peso seco. Não foram detectadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre 00 tipos de bebidas e portanto não foi considerado total. Esse teor variou de 2,53% para as amostras de bebidas DURA e RIO, 2,55% para as MOLES e 2,59% para as RIADAS, expressas sobre o peso seco. Não foram detectadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os tipos de bebidas e portanto não foi considerado possível utilizar os resultados para caracterizar o tipo da bebida.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a aplicação do método colorimétrico de determinação do silício na análise da silica total e solúvel em solos. Para a realização de tais objetivos foram focalizados, entre outros, dois aspectos principais: o estudo sobre os interferentes e a solubilização da silica, mediante ataque de amostra, a quente, com um ácido mineral e ácido fluorídrico, seguido da adição de ácido bórico. Uma vez estabelecidas as condições adequadas à solubilização, os procedimentos estudados tiveram sua precisão e exatidão avaliadas através de sua aplicação em amostras de areia cuidadosamente lavada. À seguir, procedeu-se à aplicação das técnicas preconizadas na análise de solos, associando-se ao método colorimétrico de determinação do silício, e, com a finalidade de comparação, as amostras foram analisadas também pelo método gravimétrico. Os dados obtidos permitem considerar as técnicas colorimétricas, bem como aquelas de solubilização da silica, satisfatoriamente exatas. Os teores de silica solúvel foram determinados a partir de extração por soluções aquosas de CaCI2 0,0025M, H3C-COONa 0,01 M, H2SO4 0,025M, e por água destilada, com o emprego do método do azul de molibdênio.


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No presente trabalho foi determinada a contagem total de bactérias (incubação a 32°C e a 5°C) existentes na superfície de alguns cortes de varejo de carne bovina comercializada por tres supermercados de Piracicaba, SP, bem como da superfície de diversos tipos de equipamento utilizado nas salas de desossa desses estabelecimentos. Foi determinado também o número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e, para um grupo de amostras de carne, o NMP de Escherichia coli. Para um dos supermercados (o mais antigo e menos adequado sob o aspecto sanitário) foi possível constatar uma diferença significativa entre as contagens totais em cortes recebidos já desossados pelo estabelecimento, a favor destes, e as contagens em cortes preparados na sala de desossa. O equipamento, tanto no estado considerado limpo (após o dia de trabalho) e aquele em uso apresentaram contagens totais excessivas; não houve diferença significativa entre um e outro caso, e, em ambos, a temperatura de incubação 32°C resultou em valores estatisticamente superiores aos obtidos com a incubação a 5°C. As contagens provenientes de análises de superfícies de madeira foram significativamente mais elevadas que as verificadas em superfícies metálicas (serra elétrica, facas, afiadores). A ocorrência de coliformes totais foi geral, tanto na carne como no equipamento, muitas vezes em números elevados. Em amostras de carne, analisadas quanto à presença e ao número de coliformes totais e de Escherichia coli, verificou-se que 96% daquelas positivas para coliformes totais também o eram para esta bactéria. Atras de material em uso foram positivas quanto à ocorrência de coliformes totais. Tal como ocorreu a carne, o número mais possível (NMP) assumiu, em vários casos, elevados valores. Embora não comprovado estatisticamente, os resultados sugerem uma maior ocorrência desse grupo de microrganismos nas superfícies de madeira (mesa e ou cepo).


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A flutuação de proteína total sérica foi avaliada em 37 bezerros, machos e fêmeas, da raça Holandesa Preta e Branca, apresentando grupos genéticos 15/16 Holandês: Guzerá, puro por cruza e puro de origem. O período experimental abrangeu os primeiros 70 dias de vida do bezerro. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: A1 - leite integral, colostro e sucedâneo (1 :1 :2) , com desmama aos 30 dias de idade; A2 leite integral, colostro e sucedâneo (1:1:2), com desmama aos 45 dias de idade; A3 - leite integral, colostro e sucedâneo (1:1:2), com desmama aos 60 dias de idade; B - leite integral, com desmama aos 45 dias de idade; C -sucedâneo, com desmama aos 45 dias de idade. Em todos os tratamentos os bezerros receberam colostro até 72 horas após o nascimento. O sucedâneo empregado foi leite em pó comercial, cuja fonte protéica é subproduto do leite. O concentrado utilizado foi uma ração comercial para desmama precoce. A coleta de sangue dos bezerros obedeceu ao seguinte esquema: imediatamente pós-natal (antes de qualquer ingestão de colostro) e 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70 dias de vida. Para análise da proteína foi utilizado o método de biureto. Para interpretação dos resultados, os dados foram submetidos às seguintes análises estatísticas: análise da variância, teste Tukey, correlação e regressão linear e análise da variância sob modelo fatorial, envolvendo os efeitos de tratamentos, coletas e interações. A concentração média de proteína total sérica apresentou o valor mais baixo por ocasião do nascimento (5,02 ± 0,51 g/100 ml) e o mais elevado (8,09 ± 0,51 g/100 ml) 24 horas pós-parto. No período de 1 a 30 dias, o tratamento A (A1 + A2 + A3) apresentou uma concentração de proteína total sérica significativamente mais elevada do que o tratamento C, não diferindo do tratamento B. Foi verificada uma redução linear e quadrática do teor de proteína total sérica nos primeiros 30 dias, seguida de elevação linear no período de 50 a 70 dias.


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The Spanish savings banks attracted quite a considerable amount of interest within the scientific arena, especially subsequent to the disappearance of the regulatory constraints during the second decade of the 1980s. Nonetheless, a lack of research identified with respect to mainstream paths given by strategic groups, and the analysis of the total factor productivity. Therefore, on the basis of the resource-based view of the firm and cluster analysis, we make use of changes in structure and performance ratios in order to identify the strategic groups extant in the sector. We attain a threeways division, which we link with different input-output specifications defining strategic paths. Consequently, on the basis of these three dissimilar approaches we compute and decompose a Hicks-Moorsteen total factor productivity index. Obtained results put forward an interesting interpretation under a multi-strategic approach, together with the setbacks of employing cluster analysis within a complex strategic environment. Moreover, we also propose an ex-post method of analysing the outcomes of the decomposed total factor productivity index that could be merged with non-traditional techniques of forming strategic groups, such as cognitive approaches.


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In this note we quantify to what extent indirect taxation influences and distorts prices. To do so we use the networked accounting structure of the most recent input-output table of Catalonia, an autonomous region of Spain, to model price formation. The role of indirect taxation is considered both from a classical value perspective and a more neoclassical flavoured one. We show that they would yield equivalent results under some basic premises. The neoclassical perspective, however, offers a bit more flexibility to distinguish among different tax figures and hence provide a clearer disaggregate picture of how an indirect tax ends up affecting, and by how much, the cost structure.


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Foram produzidos antígenos solúveis de P. brasiliensis, H. capsulatum e A. fumigatus e padronizados nas técnicas de imunodifusão dupla (IDD) e imunoeletroosmoforese (IEOF). A especificidade dos antígenos foi testada utilizando-se 96 soros de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose, histoplasmose, aspergilose, candidíase sistêmica, esporotricose, tuberculose, neoplasia pulmonar, leishmaniose tegumentar e visceral e em 18 indivíduos sadios. Na IDD, a especificidade foi de 100% usando-se como critério de positividade linhas de precipitação com identidade total com soro de referência. Entretanto na IEOF, a especificidade variou de acordo com o antígeno testado, sendo observadas reações cruzadas com antígeno de P. brasiliensis frente a soros de pacientes com histoplasmose (16,7%) e leishmaniose tegumentar (10%) e com antígeno de H. capsulatum frente a soros de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose (31,8%) e leishmaniose tegumentar (10%). Ambas as técnicas mostraram a mesma sensibilidade para o sorodiagnóstico de paracoccidioidomicose, histoplasmose e aspergilose, respectivamente 100%, 83,3% e 100%. A grande sensibilidade e especificidade da IDD observadas nos soros desses pacientes, aliadas à fácil reprodutibilidade e baixo custo, fazem esta técnica muito apropriada como procedimento de rotina, para a triagem de pacientes sintomáticos respiratórios.


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The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the clinical and radiographic results after TKA (PFC, DePuy), performed either by computer assisted navigation (CAS, Brainlab, Johnson&Johnson) or by conventional means. Material and methods: Between May and December 2006 we reviewed 36 conventional TKA performed between 2002 and 2003 (group A) and 37 navigated TKA performed between 2005 and 2006 (group B) by the same experienced surgeon. The mean age in group A was 74 years (range 62-90) and 73 (range 58-85) in group B with a similar age distribution. The preoperative mechanical axes in group A ranged from -13° varus to +13° valgus (mean absolute deviation 6.83°, SD 3.86), in group B from -13° to +16° (mean absolute deviation 5.35, SD 4.29). Patients with a previous tibial osteotomy or revision arthroplasty were excluded from the study. Examination was done by an experienced orthopedic resident independent of the surgeon. All patients had pre- and postoperative long standing radiographs. The IKSS and the WOMAC were utilized to determine the clinical outcome. Patient's degree of satisfaction was assessed on a visual analogous scale (VAS). Results: 32 of the 37 navigated TKAs (86,5%) showed a postoperative mechanical axis within the limits of 3 degrees of valgus or varus deviation compared to only 24 (66%) of the 36 standard TKAs. This difference was significant (p = 0.045). The mean absolute deviation from neutral axis was 3.00° (range -5° to +9°, SD: 1.75) in group A in comparison to 1.54° (range -5° to +4°, SD: 1.41) in group B with a highly significant difference (p = 0.000). Furthermore, both groups showed a significant postoperative improvement of their mean IKSS-values (group A: 89 preoperative to 169 postoperative, group B 88 to 176) without a significant difference between the two groups. Neither the WOMAC nor the patient's degree of satisfaction - as assessed by VAS - showed significant differences. Operation time was significantly higher in group B (mean 119.9 min.) than in group A (mean 99.6 min., p <0.000). Conclusion: Our study showed consistent significant improvement of postoperative frontal alignment in TKA by computer assisted navigation (CAS) compared to standard methods, even in the hands of a surgeon well experienced in standard TKA implantation. However, the follow-up time of this study was not long enough to judge differences in clinical outcome. Thus, the relevance of computer navigation for clinical outcome and survival of TKA remains to be proved in long term studies to justify the longer operation time. References 1 Stulberg SD. Clin Orth Rel Res. 2003;(416):177-84. 2 Chauhan SK. JBJS Br. 2004;86(3):372-7. 3 Bäthis H, et al. Orthopäde. 2006;35(10):1056-65.


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This paper investigates the extent to which the gap in total factor productivity between small and large firms is due to differences in the endowment of factors determining productivity and to the returns associated with these factors. We place particular emphasis on the contribution of differences in the propensity to innovate and in the use of skilled labor across firms of different size. Empirical evidence from a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms corroborates that both differences in endowments and returns to innovation and skilled labor significantly contribute to the productivity gap between small and large firms. In addition, it is observed that the contribution of innovation to this gap is caused only by differences in quantity, while differences in returns have no effect; in the case of human capital, however, most of the effect can be attributed to increasing differences in returns between small and large firms.


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Introduction: Coordination is a strategy chosen by the central nervous system to control the movements and maintain stability during gait. Coordinated multi-joint movements require a complex interaction between nervous outputs, biomechanical constraints, and pro-prioception. Quantitatively understanding and modeling gait coordination still remain a challenge. Surgeons lack a way to model and appreciate the coordination of patients before and after surgery of the lower limbs. Patients alter their gait patterns and their kinematic synergies when they walk faster or slower than normal speed to maintain their stability and minimize the energy cost of locomotion. The goal of this study was to provide a dynamical system approach to quantitatively describe human gait coordination and apply it to patients before and after total knee arthroplasty. Methods: A new method of quantitative analysis of interjoint coordination during gait was designed, providing a general model to capture the whole dynamics and showing the kinematic synergies at various walking speeds. The proposed model imposed a relationship among lower limb joint angles (hips and knees) to parameterize the dynamics of locomotion of each individual. An integration of different analysis tools such as Harmonic analysis, Principal Component Analysis, and Artificial Neural Network helped overcome high-dimensionality, temporal dependence, and non-linear relationships of the gait patterns. Ten patients were studied using an ambulatory gait device (Physilog®). Each participant was asked to perform two walking trials of 30m long at 3 different speeds and to complete an EQ-5D questionnaire, a WOMAC and Knee Society Score. Lower limbs rotations were measured by four miniature angular rate sensors mounted respectively, on each shank and thigh. The outcomes of the eight patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, recorded pre-operatively and post-operatively at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year were compared to 2 age-matched healthy subjects. Results: The new method provided coordination scores at various walking speeds, ranged between 0 and 10. It determined the overall coordination of the lower limbs as well as the contribution of each joint to the total coordination. The difference between the pre-operative and post-operative coordination values were correlated with the improvements of the subjective outcome scores. Although the study group was small, the results showed a new way to objectively quantify gait coordination of patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, using only portable body-fixed sensors. Conclusion: A new method for objective gait coordination analysis has been developed with very encouraging results regarding the objective outcome of lower limb surgery.


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OBJECTIVE: While there is a dose-response relationship between physical activity (PA) and health benefit, little is known about the effectiveness of different PA prescriptions on total daily PA. AIM: To test, under real-life conditions and using an objective, non-invasive measurement technique (accelerometry), the effect of prescribing additional physical activity (walking only) of different durations (30, 60 and 90 min/day) on compliance (to the activity prescribed) and compensation (to total daily PA). Participants in each group were prescribed 5 sessions of walking per week over 4 weeks. METHODS: 55 normal-weight and overweight women (mean BMI 25 ± 5 kg/m(2), height 165 ± 1 cm, weight 68 ± 2 kg and mean age 27 ± 1 years) were randomly assigned to 3 prescription groups: 30, 60 or 90 min/day PA. RESULTS: Walking duration resulted in an almost linear increase in the number of steps per day during the prescription period from an average of about 10,000 steps per day for the 30-min prescription to about 14,000 for the 90-min prescription. Compliance was excellent for the 30-min prescription but decreased significantly with 60-min and 90-min prescriptions. In parallel, degree of compensation subsequent to exercise increased progressively as length of prescription increased. CONCLUSION: A 30-min prescription of extra walking 5 times per week was well tolerated. However, in order to increase total PA further, much more than 60 min of walking may need to be prescribed in the majority of individuals. While total exercise 'volume' increased with prescriptions longer than 30 min, compliance to the prescription decreased and greater compensation was evident. © 2014 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.


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BACKGROUND: The presence of multiple melanocytic naevi is a strong risk factor for melanoma. Use of the whole body naevus count to identify at-risk patients is impractical. OBJECTIVES: To (i) identify a valid anatomical predictor of total naevus count; (ii) determine the number of naevi that most accurately predict total naevus count above 25, 50 and 100; and (iii) evaluate determinants of multiple melanocytic naevi and atypical naevi. METHODS: Clinical data from 292 consecutive Spanish patients consulting for skin lesions requiring debriding were collected throughout 2009 and 2010. Correlations between site-specific and whole body naevus counts were analysed. Cut-offs to predict total naevus counts were determined using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: The studied population was young (median age 31 years, interquartile range 28-43). The naevus count on the right arm correlated best with the total nevus count (R(2) 0·80 for men, 0·86 for women). Presence of at least five naevi on the right arm was the strongest determinant of a total naevus count above 50 [odds ratio (OR) 34·4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 13·9-85·0] and of having at least one atypical naevus (OR 5·7, 95% CI 2·4-13·5). Cut-off values of 6, 8 and 11 naevi on the right arm best predicted total naevus count above 25, 50 and 100, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the arm as a practical and reliable site to estimate the total naevus count when screening or phenotyping large populations. Threshold values for the number of naevi on the arm are proposed to help identify patients for melanoma screening.