1000 resultados para Cromossomo X - Tese


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Il "Commento a Giovanni" si presenta con caratteri di eccezionalità nell'ambito di una produzione origeniana, da collocare sotto il segno del genio.


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PURPOSE: To redirect an ongoing antiviral T-cell response against tumor cells in vivo, we evaluated conjugates consisting of antitumor antibody fragments coupled to class I MHC molecules loaded with immunodominant viral peptides. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: First, lymphochoriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-infected C57BL/6 mice were s.c. grafted on the right flank with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-transfected MC38 colon carcinoma cells precoated with anti-CEA x H-2D(b)/GP33 LCMV peptide conjugate and on the left flank with the same cells precoated with control anti-CEA F(ab')(2) fragments. Second, influenza virus-infected mice were injected i.v., to induce lung metastases, with HER2-transfected B16F10 cells, coated with either anti-HER2 x H-2D(b)/NP366 influenza peptide conjugates, or anti-HER2 F(ab')(2) fragments alone, or intact anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody. Third, systemic injections of anti-CEA x H-2D(b) conjugates with covalently cross-linked GP33 peptides were tested for the growth inhibition of MC38-CEA(+) cells, s.c. grafted in LCMV-infected mice. RESULTS: In the LCMV-infected mice, five of the six grafts with conjugate-precoated MC38-CEA(+) cells did not develop into tumors, whereas all grafts with F(ab')(2)-precoated MC38-CEA(+) cells did so (P = 0.0022). In influenza virus-infected mice, the group injected with cells precoated with specific conjugate had seven times less lung metastases than control groups (P = 0.0022 and P = 0.013). Most importantly, systemic injection in LCMV-infected mice of anti-CEA x H-2D(b)/cross-linked GP33 conjugates completely abolished tumor growth in four of five mice, whereas the same tumor grew in all five control mice (P = 0.016). CONCLUSION: The results show that a physiologic T-cell antiviral response in immunocompetent mice can be redirected against tumor cells by the use of antitumor antibody x MHC/viral peptide conjugates.


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Fins a la darreria del segle VIII, el complex episcopal gironí se situava fora murs, al voltant de l'esglésiamartirial de Sant Feliu; a principis del segle IX, el complex es desdoblà amb la consagració d'una segona església episcopal, Santa Maria, dins murs, raó per la qual la seu fou coneguda, al llarg d'aquella centúria, amb la doble advocació de Santa Maria i Sant Feliu. Al llarg del segle X, s'afermà la preeminència de Santa Maria fins al punt que, en l'últim terç del segle. Sant Feliu ja no és esmentada com a seu episcopal, encara que hi continuà vinculada com a una església dependent, sense personalitat ni administració pròpia. Des de final del segle, el procés s'accelerà amb la construcció d'una nova església catedral a Santa Maria, que complementà l'aixecament d'un nou complex episcopal dins murs, en gran part culminat a mitjan segle XI i format per xenodoquium, catedral, palau episcopal i conjunt canonical, a banda de noves residències de canonges i altres clergues en el seu entorn. Aquests fets significaren la consolidació de Santa Maria com a seu única, però també la profunda remodelació urbanística d'un sector significatiu de la ciutat, prop d'un 20% del total, expressió del nou domini del bisbe i dels clergues sobre la 'seva ciutat'


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The observation concerns a patient who was professionally exposed to silica dust. Radiologically he presented a diffuse interstitial infiltrate and clinically an obstructive syndrome with emphysem. The diagnosis of silicosis was made. The development was followed during 12 years without important modification of the X-ray or the respiratory functions. The patient died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm. At the autopsy the examination of the lungs permitted to exclude the initial diagnosis of silicosis and to conclude to an histiocytosis X. This diagnostic mistake allows to get on some radiological, clinical and epidemiological aspects, characteristic or these both pathologies.


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Recent studies have revealed that our sex chromosomes differentiated relatively recently from ancestral autosomes in the common ancestor of placental and marsupial mammals (therians). Here, we show that the therian X started to accumulate new retroduplicate genes with overall sex-biased expression upon therian sex chromosome differentiation. This process reached its peak within the first approximately 90 million years of sex chromosome evolution and then leveled off. Taken together, our observations suggest that the major sex-related functional remodeling of the X was completed relatively soon after the origination of therian sex chromosomes.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARs) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. For transcriptional activation of their target genes, PPARs heterodimerize with the retinoid-X receptor (RXR). The convergence of the PPAR and RXR signaling pathways has been shown to have an important function in lipid metabolism. The promoter of the gene encoding the acyl-coenzyme-A oxidase (ACO), the rate-limiting enzyme in peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids, is a target site of PPAR action. In this study, we examined the role and the contribution of both cis-and trans-acting factors in the transcriptional regulation of this gene using transient transfections in insect cells. We identified several functional cis-acting elements present in the promoter of the ACO gene and established that PPAR-dependent as well as PPAR-independent mechanisms can activate the ACO promoter in these cells. We show that the PPAR/RXR heterodimer exerts its effect through two response elements within the ACO promoter, in synergy with the transcription factor Sp1 via five Sp1-binding sites. Furthermore, this functional interaction also occurs when Sp1 is co-expressed with PPAR or RXR alone, indicating that activation can occur independently of PPAR/RXR heterodimers.


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A child with clinical features associated a trisomy for the distal part of 9q was shown to have the following abnormal chromosome complement : 47,XY,+t)X;9) (Xpter yields Xq24:9q31 yields 9qter), inv 9(p11q13), var 14 (14pQFQ34).


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BACKGROUND The human pregnane X receptor (hPXR) is an orphan nuclear receptor that induces transcription of response elements present in steroid-inducible cytochrome P-450 gene promoters. This activation requires the participation of retinoid X receptors (RXRs), needed partners of hPXR to form heterodimers. We have investigated the expression of hPXR and RXRs in normal, premalignant, and malignant breast tissues, in order to determine whether their expression profile in localized infiltrative breast cancer is associated with an increased risk of recurrent disease. METHODS Breast samples from 99 patients including benign breast diseases, in situ and infiltrative carcinomas were processed for immunohistochemistry and Western-blot analysis. RESULTS Cancer cells from patients that developed recurrent disease showed a high cytoplasmic location of both hPXR isoforms. Only the infiltrative carcinomas that relapsed before 48 months showed nuclear location of hPXR isoform 2. This location was associated with the nuclear immunoexpression of RXR-alpha. CONCLUSION Breast cancer cells can express both variants 1 and 2 of hPXR. Infiltrative carcinomas that recurred showed a nuclear location of both hPXR and RXR-alpha; therefore, the overexpression and the subcellular location changes of hPXR could be considered as a potential new prognostic indicator.


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Aquest projecte es basa, en el disseny i construcció d’una aplicació directa de l’holografia de microones. Està compost per el disseny d’un sistema el qual és capaç de mesurar la potència que arriba a un sistema d’antenes receptores al travessar un obstacle i posteriorment, mitjançant una sèrie de passos que caracteritzen l’holografia, el que permet és, recuperar una imatge virtual de l’obstacle en qüestió el qual s’ha volgut holografiar. Aquest sistema s’ha elaborat mitjançant un motor rotatori i posteriorment lineal per fer l’escaneig de potència. Primerament el que s’ha dut a terme és una simulació de com el sistema es comportaria en un entorn ideal i posteriorment, s’ha dut a la realitat amb un sistema el qual ens ha permès fer una comparació amb els resultats obtinguts en la simulació. Finalment es mostren els resultats sobre la seva viabilitat.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy is a nondestructive method providing ultra-high-resolution 3D digital images of rock microstructures. We describe this method and, to demonstrate its wide applicability, we present 3D images of very different rock types: Berea sandstone, Fontainebleau sandstone, dolomite, calcitic dolomite, and three-phase magmatic glasses. For some samples, full and partial saturation scenarios are considered using oil, water, and air. The rock images precisely reveal the 3D rock microstructure, the pore space morphology, and the interfaces between fluids saturating the same pore. We provide the raw image data sets as online supplementary material, along with laboratory data describing the rock properties. By making these data sets available to other research groups, we aim to stimulate work based on digital rock images of high quality and high resolution. We also discuss and suggest possible applications and research directions that can be pursued on the basis of our data.


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BACKGROUND Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune demyelinating disease that occurs more frequently in women than in men. Multiple Sclerosis Associated Retrovirus (MSRV) is a member of HERV-W, a multicopy human endogenous retroviral family repeatedly implicated in MS pathogenesis. MSRV envelope protein is elevated in the serum of MS patients and induces inflammation and demyelination but, in spite of this pathogenic potential, its exact genomic origin and mechanism of generation are unknown. A possible link between the HERV-W copy on chromosome Xq22.3, that contains an almost complete open reading frame, and the gender differential prevalence in MS has been suggested. RESULTS MSRV transcription levels were higher in MS patients than in controls (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.004). Also, they were associated with the clinical forms (Spearman; p = 0.0003) and with the Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score (MSSS) (Spearman; p = 0.016). By mapping a 3 kb region in Xq22.3, including the HERV-W locus, we identified three polymorphisms: rs6622139 (T/C), rs6622140 (G/A) and rs1290413 (G/A). After genotyping 3127 individuals (1669 patients and 1458 controls) from two different Spanish cohorts, we found that in women rs6622139 T/C was associated with MS susceptibility: [χ2; p = 0.004; OR (95% CI) = 0.50 (0.31-0.81)] and severity, since CC women presented lower MSSS scores than CT (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.039) or TT patients (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.031). Concordantly with the susceptibility conferred in women, rs6622139*T was associated with higher MSRV expression (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS Our present work supports the hypothesis of a direct involvement of HERV-W/MSRV in MS pathogenesis, identifying a genetic marker on chromosome X that could be one of the causes underlying the gender differences in MS.