605 resultados para Corporate social reporting
This paper begins by suggesting that when considering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), even CSR as justified in terms of the business case, stakeholders are of great importance to corporations. In the UK the Company Law Review (DTI, 2002) has suggested that it is appropriate for UK companies to be managed upon the basis of an enlightened shareholder approach. Within this approach the importance of stakeholders, other than shareholders, is recognised as being instrumental in succeeding in providing shareholder value. Given the importance of these other stakeholders it is then important that corporate management measure and manage stakeholder performance. In order to do this there are two general approaches that could be adopted and these are the use of monetary values to reflect stakeholder value or cost and non-monetary values. In order to consider these approaches further this paper considered the possible use of these approaches for two stakeholder groups: namely employees and the environment. It concludes that there are ethical and practical difficulties with calculating economic values for stakeholder resources and so prefers a multi-dimensional approach to stakeholder performance measurement that does not use economic valuation.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the determinants of a firm's strategy to invest in a conflict location. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been done before. We examine this using a standard model of international business, overlaid with the fundamental approach to corporate social responsibility. We start with the population of multinationals who have chosen to invest in low income countries with weak institutions. We then split this sample in order to distinguish between firms that have invested in conflict regions compared to those that have not. Our analysis then proceeds to explain the decision of those firms to invest in conflict locations using a simple Probit model. We find that countries with weaker institutions and less concern about corporate social responsibility (CSR) are more likely to invest in conflict regions. Finally, firms with more concentrated ownership are more likely to invest in such locations. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
China is unique both politically and economically. How this uniqueness impacts on firms'' adoption of market orientation and the impact of market orientation on business performance, however, remain unclear. This book reports a study by Dr Riliang Qu who aims to address the above knowledge void. The study employs a two-stage research strategy including interviews and a survey of 1000 hotels and travel services. The study found that government regulations restricting the firm rivalry and the shortage of competent managerial talents are among the most serious constraints to the firms'' development of market orientation along with such factors as inadequacy of government regulation on product quality and consumer protection. The findings suggest that in transitional like China, government actions could be a major force behind firms'' aspiration of being market-oriented. The study also found that the benefits of market orientation are multi-fold in that it not only improves company''s business performance but also has positive effects on customer satisfaction/retention, power in distribution channel, and corporate social responsibility.
The purpose of this paper is to examine, using panel data econometric techniques, the determinants of a firm’s strategy to invest in a conflict location. To the best of our knowledge this has not been done before. We use a large database of firm-level data that includes 2858 multinational firms that have a subsidiary in a developing country (during 1999-2006). Out of these firms 290 are classified as having a subsidiary in a conflict location. The choice of a conflict location is based on data from the Inter Country Risk Guide (ICRG). We start with the population of multinationals who have chosen to invest in low income countries with weak institutions. Our analysis then proceeds to explain the decision of those firms to invest in conflict locations. We have four hypotheses: (1) Firms with concentrated ownership are more likely to invest in a conflict region; (2) Firms from countries with weaker institutions are more likely to invest in conflict regions; (3) Firms and Countries with less concern over corporate social responsibility are more likely to invest in conflict countries; and (4) that there is large sector level differences in the propensity to invest in a conflict region. The results suggest that all of these hypotheses can be confirmed.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the conceptual lens of corporate social responsibility (CSR), business and civil society can be used to explore “less popular causes” (in this case, a community-based public sector empirical study of initiatives with offenders) and, in particular, respond to the question used by Walzer “In which society can lives be best led?” Design/methodology/approach – This is a formative and summative evaluation study of a National Offender Management “community payback” offender scheme based in the UK using a mixed method, predominantly qualitative approach that integrates theory and practice. Findings – The paper finds that citizenship actions of front-line public sector employees, working in partnership with other agencies in the community, embody the essence of Walzer's notion of CSR and civil society by going beyond the call of duty to provide additional training and moral support for the community offenders. Originality/value – The paper contributes towards an understanding of how CSR and civil society debates can inform wider aspects of public policy and business through its application to areas of society that are perceived to be “challenging” and “undeserving”.
This paper explores the relationship in theory and practice between strategic HRM on the one hand and the growing interest in business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the other and calls for the HRM profession to provide inspirational leadership in the area of CSR. A multidisciplinary approach is taken to highlight the range of theoretical contributions relevant to this debate. This paper puts forward a number of arguments as to why HR professionals should seize the opportunity to be the natural leaders of CSR.
Aim: To systematically review, using a qualitative, narrative synthesis approach, papers examining alcohol industry efforts to influence alcohol marketing policy, and compare with those used by the tobacco industry. Methods: Literature searches were conducted between April and July 2011, and updated in March 2013. Papers were included if they: made reference to alcohol industry efforts to influence (a) policy debates concerning marketing regulations, (b) new specific marketing policies or (c) broad alcohol policy which included marketing regulations; were written in English; and concerned the period 1990-2013. Alcohol industry political activity was categorized into strategies/tactics and frames/arguments. Data extraction was undertaken by the lead author and 100% of the papers were fully second-reviewed. Seventeen papers met the review criteria. Results: Five main political strategies and five main frames were identified. The alcohol industry argues against marketing regulation by emphasizing industry responsibility and the effectiveness of self-regulation, questioning the effectiveness of statutory regulation and by focusing on individual responsibility. Arguments relating to industry responsibility are often reinforced through corporate social responsibility activities. The industry primarily conveys its arguments through manipulating the evidence base and by promoting ineffective voluntary codes and non-regulatory initiatives. Conclusions: The alcohol industry's political activity is more varied than existing models of corporate political activity suggest. The industry's opposition to marketing regulation centres on claims that the industry is responsible and that self regulation is effective. There are considerable commonalities between tobacco and alcohol industry political activity, with differences due potentially to differences in policy contexts and perceived industry legitimacy.
The tobacco industry's future depends on increasing tobacco use in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), which face a growing burden of tobacco-related disease, yet have potential to prevent full-scale escalation of this epidemic. To drive up sales the industry markets its products heavily, deliberately targeting non-smokers and keeps prices low until smoking and local economies are sufficiently established to drive prices and profits up. The industry systematically flaunts existing tobacco control legislation and works aggressively to prevent future policies using its resource advantage to present highly misleading economic arguments, rebrand political activities as corporate social responsibility, and establish and use third parties to make its arguments more palatable. Increasingly it is using domestic litigation and international arbitration to bully LMICs from implementing effective policies and hijacking the problem of tobacco smuggling for policy gain, attempting to put itself in control of an illegal trade in which there is overwhelming historical evidence of its complicity. Progress will not be realised until tobacco industry interference is actively addressed as outlined in Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Exemplar LMICs show this action can be achieved and indicate that exposing tobacco industry misconduct is an essential first step.
Purpose – The objective of this paper is to address the question whether and how firms can follow a standard management process to cope with emerging corporate social responsibility (CSR) challenges? Both researchers and practitioners have paid increasing attention to the question because of the rapidly evolving CSR expectations of stakeholders and the limited diffusion of CSR standardization. The question was addressed by developing a theoretical framework to explain how dynamic capabilities can contribute to effective CSR management. Design/methodology/approach – Based on 64 world-leading companies’ contemporary CSR reports, we carried out a large-scale content analysis to identify and examine the common organizational processes involved in CSR management and the dynamic capabilities underpinning those management processes. Findings – Drawing on the dynamic capabilities perspective, we demonstrate how the deployment of three dynamic capabilities for CSR management, namely, scanning, sensing and reconfiguration capabilities can help firms to meet emerging CSR requirements by following a set of common management processes. The findings demonstrate that what is more important in CSR standardization is the identification and development of the underlying dynamic capabilities and the related organizational processes and routines, rather than the detailed operational activities. Originality/value - Our study is an early attempt to examine the fundamental organizational capabilities and processes involved in CSR management from the dynamic capabilities perspective. Our research findings contribute to CSR standardization literature by providing a new theoretical perspective to better understand the capabilities enabling common CSR management processes.
Ebben a tanulmányban részletesen bemutatjuk a 2009-es Versenyképesség felmérés etika és környezetvédelem vonatkozású témaköreit, valamint a vállalati interjúkon alapuló kutatásunk alapján a vállalati döntéshozatal azon jellemzőibe nyújtunk bepillantást, amelyek segítik, illetve gátolják a CSR és a fenntarthatóság vállalati érvényesülését. A vállalati etika és a vállalati környezetvédelem területein egyaránt egy-egy klasszikusnak számító intézmény, illetve rendszer terjedt el leginkább a vállalatok körében: az etikai kódex az etikai intézményesülés relatíve gyakori elemének számít, míg a környezetvédelmi eszközökre vonatkozó kérdéskörben a legjobb helyezést a minőségmenedzsment rendszer kapta. A felelős döntések hatótényezőinek vizsgálatakor azt tapasztaltuk, hogy szervezeti és egyéni jellemzők egyformán segítői és akadályai lehetnek a felelős vállalati működés terjedésének. Ugyanakkor azt is láttuk, hogy egy figyelemreméltó eszköztár a CSR explicit kifejeződéseként önmagában nem teremti meg az implicit felelősségvállalás terjedését, a reflektált, valamennyi vállalati döntésben mérlegelésre kerülő érintetti szempontok, morális, fenntarthatósági, felelősségi vonatkozások meglétét. ________ In this study we overview the findings of the Competitiveness Research Program in the fields of business ethics and environmental management, and we also introduce some of the results of our research on the Hungarian tendencies of corporate social responsibility based on qualitative research interviews. Both in the fields of business ethics and environmental management one dominant classic tool were identified. Code of conduct is the most prevailing instrument in the field of ethics and quality management still kept its popularity amongst the environmental management tools. It turned out that both organizational and individual characteristics can be enablers and burdens of the spread of corporate social responsibility. We also revealed that remarkable CSR initiatives and principles in a firm does not necessarily create the presence of implicit social responsibility, a reflexive decision making in the company that considers all stakeholders’ view and sustainability, ethical and responsibility issues.
Napjaink társadalmi és környezeti kihívásaira lehetetlen a vállalati szféra bevonása nélkül válaszokat adni – ez a felismerés látszik a nemzetközi szervezetek újabb, az üzleti világot megszólító kezdeményezéseiben is. Arról persze nincs szó, hogy a hatósági szabályozás valaha is feleslegessé válhat, mellette azonban egyre nagyobb mértékben van szükség az üzleti szféra önszabályozására. A vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalása (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR) ezekre a kihívásokra adott válaszként jelent meg, elsősorban a transznacionális vállalatok részéről. Természetesen kérdés, hogy minderre a CSR-koncepció jelenti- e a megfelelő megoldást? Ennek eldöntéséhez szeretne ez a tanulmány is hozzájárulni.
A vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalásával (CSR) kapcsolatos alapelvek, kezdeményezések és tevékenységek kommunikációja a vállalati kommunikáció egyik sarkalatos pontjává vált szinte az egész világon. A cégek CSR-kezdeményezéseik bemutatásához egyre többször az internetet is igénybe veszik. Az on-line média használatával párhuzamosan az elmúlt évtizedben egyre többen kutatják a CSR-kommunikáció elektronikus formáit, jóllehet ezek a kutatások többnyire leíró jellegűek, és a CSR-kommunikáció, valamint egyes vállalati jellemzők (méret, iparág és más magyarázó változók) között keresnek kapcsolatot. A szerzők e cikkben a társadalmi felelősségvállalással foglalkozó vállalati weboldalakat kritikai szemüvegen keresztül vizsgálják. Céljuk, hogy feltárják az on-line kommunikációt jellemző belső ellentmondásokat és a vallott és követett értékek közötti különbségeket. _______ Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, initiatives, and activities has become a common practice of companies all around the world. It is quite apparent that firms use internet more and more often to communicate their CSR initiatives to their stakeholders. Parallel with the extensive use of the online media, more and more research has been elaborated on the field of online CSR communication in the last decade as well. However, these studies usually have a strong descriptive focus trying to reveal connections between the intensity of online communication of CSR values and activities, and company size, industrial background, and other explanatory variables. In contrast, the authors analysed corporate web pages dedicated to CSR through critical lenses. Their research was designed to explore any dissonances and contradictions within online communication and between communication and real activities of firms from construction, retail, and telecommunication industries in Hungary.
A vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalás (CSR – corporate social responsibility) fogalma és menedzsmenteszköztára nem ismeretlen a hazai gazdasági életben, díjak, konferenciák, felmérések kapcsolódnak hozzá évről évre. A szerző dolgozatában először röviden elemzi a vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalás elméleti megközelítéseiben a menedzserek szerepét kiemelő irányokat, majd a felelősségvállalás tartalmára vonatkozóan címszavakban bemutat néhány meghatározó elképzelést, amelyek a vizsgálati kérdések alapjait is adják. Ezt követi a kutatási eredmények bemutatása, majd a további kutatási lehetőségeket is tartalmazó konklúzió.
A kereskedelmi láncok különböző stratégiákat választhatnak, illetve alkalmazhatnak a társadalmi, gazdasági és környezeti kihívások kezelésére, a társadalmi normákhoz és elvárásokhoz való igazodáshoz. A tanulmányban a szerző azt vizsgálja, hogy milyen összefüggés van a társadalmi felelősségvállalásuk és a versenyképességük között, s a felelős magatartásuk javítja-e versenypozíciójukat. Bemutatja, hogy hazai viszonylatban a nagyobb forgalmat lebonyolító kereskedelmi láncok milyen CSR-tevékenységet végeznek, ez beépült-e hosszabb távú üzleti stratégiájukba, és mennyiben járul/járulhat hozzá versenyképességük fokozásához. Elemzi több kereskedelmi láncnál, hogy miképpen sikerült összeegyeztetni társadalmi felelősségvállalásukat a profitérdekeltségükkel, továbbá megteremthető-e a felelős működésük és a költséghatékony gazdálkodásuk összhangja. Többek között rámutat arra, hogy a gazdasági és külső szociális felelősségvállalásuk, továbbá a versenyképességük közötti pozitív korreláció megkérdőjelezhetetlen, ami win-win szituációt alakít ki. ______ Commercial companies can embark on and apply different strategies to tackle social, economic and environmental challenges and to comply with the standards and expectations of the community. In the study the author analyses the relationship between corporate social responsibility activities and competitiveness, and whether or not the responsible attitude of these companies improves their competitive position. She outlines the CSR activities of high turnover commercial chains in Hungary, examining their incorporation into the company’s longer term business strategy, and how these activities may contribute to their enhanced competitiveness. She will analyse several commercial chains from the point of view of their success in harmonizing their CSR with their profit making, and whether they can create the harmony of an environmentally friendly attitude and cost-effective operations. Among other findings, the author concludes that there is an unquestionable correlation between corporate economic and outside social responsibility and profitability, which creates a definite win-win situation.