869 resultados para Computer Assisted Design
After foot and/or ankle fracture, the restoration of optimal gait symmetry is one of the criteria of recovery. Orthotic insoles and orthopaedic shoes improve gait symmetry and regularity by controlling joint motion and improving alignment. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of prescription footwear on gait quality by using accelerometers attached to the lower back. Sixteen adult patients with persistent disability after ankle and/or foot fractures performed two 30-s walking trials with and without prescription footwear (insoles and stabilizing shoes). Sixteen control subjects were also tested for comparison. The autocorrelation function was computed from the acceleration signal and the first two dominant periods were assessed (d1 and d2). Two parameters were used: (1) Stride Regularity (SR) which expresses the similarity between strides over time (d2), and (2) Stride Symmetry (SS) a ratio (d1/d2) which expresses the left/right similarity of gait independently of repeatability in the successive movements of each limb. In control subjects, SR and SS were 0.86+/-0.05 (correlation coefficient) and 81+/-10%, respectively. In the patient group, the effect of footwear was significant (SR: 0.88+/-0.06 vs. 0.90+/-0.05, SS: 38+/-23% vs. 46+/-27%). Pain was also significantly reduced (-34%). By using a rapid and low-cost method, we objectively quantified gait quality improvement after footwear intervention, concomitant to pain reduction. Substantial inter-patient variability in the footwear outcome was observed. In conclusion, we believe that trunk accelerometry can be a useful tool in the field of gait rehabilitation.
A cardiac-triggered free-breathing three-dimensional balanced fast field-echo projection magnetic resonance (MR) angiographic sequence with a two-dimensional pencil-beam aortic labeling pulse was developed for the renal arteries. For data acquisition during free breathing in eight healthy adults and seven consecutive patients with renal artery disease, real-time navigator technology was implemented. This technique allows high-spatial-resolution and high-contrast renal MR angiography and visualization of renal artery stenosis without exogenous contrast agent or breath hold. Initial promising results warrant larger clinical studies.
Two-dimensional (2D)-breath-hold coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) has been shown to be a fast and reliable method to depict the proximal coronary arteries. Recent developments, however, allow for free-breathing navigator gated and navigator corrected three-dimensional (3D) coronary MRA. These 3D approaches have potential for improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and allow for the acquisition of adjacent thin slices without the misregistration problems known from 2D approaches. Still, a major impediment of a 3D acquisition is the increased scan time. The purpose of this study was the implementation of a free-breathing navigator gated and corrected ultra-fast 3D coronary MRA technique, which allows for scan times of less than 5 minutes. Twelve healthy adult subjects were examined in the supine position using a navigator gated and corrected ECG triggered ultra-fast 3D interleaved gradient echo planar imaging sequence (TFE-EPI). A 3D slab, consisting of 20 slices with a reconstructed slice thickness of 1.5 mm, was acquired with free-breathing. The diastolic TFE-EPI acquisition block was preceded by a T2prep pre-pulse, a diaphragmatic navigator pulse, and a fat suppression pre-pulse. With a TR of 19 ms and an effective TE of 5.4 ms, the duration of the data acquisition window duration was 38 ms. The in-plane spatial resolution was 1.0-1.3 mm*1.5-1.9 mm. In all cases, the entire left main (LM) and extensive portions of the left anterior descending (LAD) and right coronary artery (RCA) could be visualized with an average scan time for the entire 3D-volume data set of 2:57 +/- 0:51 minutes. Average contiguous vessel length visualized was 53 +/- 11 mm (range: 42 to 75 mm) for the LAD and 84 +/- 14 mm (range: 62 to 112 mm) for the RCA. Contrast-to-noise between coronary blood and myocardium was 5.0 +/- 2.3 for the LM/LAD and 8.0 +/- 2.9 for the RCA, resulting in an excellent suppression of myocardium. We present a new approach for free-breathing 3D coronary MRA, which allows for scan times superior to corresponding 2D coronary MRA approaches, and which takes advantage of the enhanced SNR of 3D acquisitions and the post-processing benefits of thin adjacent slices. The robust image quality and the short average scanning time suggest that this approach may be useful for screening the major coronary arteries or identification of anomalous coronary arteries. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 1999;10:821-825.
BACKGROUND: Chemotherapy is prescribed according to protocols of several cycles. These protocols include not only therapeutic agents but also adjuvant solvents and inherent supportive care measures. Multiple errors can occur during the prescription, the transmission of documents and the drug delivery processes, and lead to potentially serious consequences. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a computerised physician order entry (CPOE) system on the number of errors in prescription recorded by the centralised chemotherapy unit of a pharmacy service in a university hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Existing chemotherapy protocols were standardised by a multidisciplinary team (composed of a doctor, a pharmacist and a nurse) and a CPOE system was developed from a File Maker Pro database. Chemotherapy protocols were progressively introduced into the CPOE system. The effect of the system on prescribing errors was measured over 15 months before and 21 months after starting computerised protocol prescription. Errors were classified as major (dosage and drug name) and minor (volume or type of infusion solution). RESULTS: Before computerisation, 141 errors were recorded for 940 prescribed chemotherapy regimens (15%). After introduction of the CPOE system, 75 errors were recorded for 1505 prescribed chemotherapy regimens (5%). Of these errors, 69 (92%) were recorded in prescriptions that did not use a computerised protocol. A dramatic decrease in the number of errors was noticeable when 50% of the chemotherapy protocols were prescribed through the CPOE system. CONCLUSION: Errors in chemotherapy prescription nearly disappeared after implementation of CPOE. The safety of chemotherapy prescription was markedly improved.
Glutathione (GSH) dysregulation at the gene, protein, and functional levels has been observed in schizophrenia patients. Together with disease-like anomalies in GSH deficit experimental models, it suggests that such redox dysregulation can play a critical role in altering neural connectivity and synchronization, and thus possibly causing schizophrenia symptoms. To determine whether increased GSH levels would modulate EEG synchronization, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, was administered to patients in a randomized, double-blind, crossover protocol for 60 days, followed by placebo for another 60 days (or vice versa). We analyzed whole-head topography of the multivariate phase synchronization (MPS) for 128-channel resting-state EEGs that were recorded at the onset, at the point of crossover, and at the end of the protocol. In this proof of concept study, the treatment with NAC significantly increased MPS compared to placebo over the left parieto-temporal, the right temporal, and the bilateral prefrontal regions. These changes were robust both at the group and at the individual level. Although MPS increase was observed in the absence of clinical improvement at a group level, it correlated with individual change estimated by Liddle's disorganization scale. Therefore, significant changes in EEG synchronization induced by NAC administration may precede clinically detectable improvement, highlighting its possible utility as a biomarker of treatment efficacy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01506765.
This paper presents the segmentation of bilateral parotid glands in the Head and Neck (H&N) CT images using an active contour based atlas registration. We compare segmentation results from three atlas selection strategies: (i) selection of "single-most-similar" atlas for each image to be segmented, (ii) fusion of segmentation results from multiple atlases using STAPLE, and (iii) fusion of segmentation results using majority voting. Among these three approaches, fusion using majority voting provided the best results. Finally, we present a detailed evaluation on a dataset of eight images (provided as a part of H&N auto segmentation challenge conducted in conjunction with MICCAI-2010 conference) using majority voting strategy.
Visualization of the vascular systems of organs or of small animals is important for an assessment of basic physiological conditions, especially in studies that involve genetically manipulated mice. For a detailed morphological analysis of the vascular tree, it is necessary to demonstrate the system in its entirety. In this study, we present a new lipophilic contrast agent, Angiofil, for performing postmortem microangiography by using microcomputed tomography. The new contrast agent was tested in 10 wild-type mice. Imaging of the vascular system revealed vessels down to the caliber of capillaries, and the digital three-dimensional data obtained from the scans allowed for virtual cutting, amplification, and scaling without destroying the sample. By use of computer software, parameters such as vessel length and caliber could be quantified and remapped by color coding onto the surface of the vascular system. The liquid Angiofil is easy to handle and highly radio-opaque. Because of its lipophilic abilities, it is retained intravascularly, hence it facilitates virtual vessel segmentation, and yields an enduring signal which is advantageous during repetitive investigations, or if samples need to be transported from the site of preparation to the place of actual analysis, respectively. These characteristics make Angiofil a promising novel contrast agent; when combined with microcomputed tomography, it has the potential to turn into a powerful method for rapid vascular phenotyping.
Neuronal oscillations are an important aspect of EEG recordings. These oscillations are supposed to be involved in several cognitive mechanisms. For instance, oscillatory activity is considered a key component for the top-down control of perception. However, measuring this activity and its influence requires precise extraction of frequency components. This processing is not straightforward. Particularly, difficulties with extracting oscillations arise due to their time-varying characteristics. Moreover, when phase information is needed, it is of the utmost importance to extract narrow-band signals. This paper presents a novel method using adaptive filters for tracking and extracting these time-varying oscillations. This scheme is designed to maximize the oscillatory behavior at the output of the adaptive filter. It is then capable of tracking an oscillation and describing its temporal evolution even during low amplitude time segments. Moreover, this method can be extended in order to track several oscillations simultaneously and to use multiple signals. These two extensions are particularly relevant in the framework of EEG data processing, where oscillations are active at the same time in different frequency bands and signals are recorded with multiple sensors. The presented tracking scheme is first tested with synthetic signals in order to highlight its capabilities. Then it is applied to data recorded during a visual shape discrimination experiment for assessing its usefulness during EEG processing and in detecting functionally relevant changes. This method is an interesting additional processing step for providing alternative information compared to classical time-frequency analyses and for improving the detection and analysis of cross-frequency couplings.
Cortical folding (gyrification) is determined during the first months of life, so that adverse events occurring during this period leave traces that will be identifiable at any age. As recently reviewed by Mangin and colleagues(2), several methods exist to quantify different characteristics of gyrification. For instance, sulcal morphometry can be used to measure shape descriptors such as the depth, length or indices of inter-hemispheric asymmetry(3). These geometrical properties have the advantage of being easy to interpret. However, sulcal morphometry tightly relies on the accurate identification of a given set of sulci and hence provides a fragmented description of gyrification. A more fine-grained quantification of gyrification can be achieved with curvature-based measurements, where smoothed absolute mean curvature is typically computed at thousands of points over the cortical surface(4). The curvature is however not straightforward to comprehend, as it remains unclear if there is any direct relationship between the curvedness and a biologically meaningful correlate such as cortical volume or surface. To address the diverse issues raised by the measurement of cortical folding, we previously developed an algorithm to quantify local gyrification with an exquisite spatial resolution and of simple interpretation. Our method is inspired of the Gyrification Index(5), a method originally used in comparative neuroanatomy to evaluate the cortical folding differences across species. In our implementation, which we name local Gyrification Index (lGI(1)), we measure the amount of cortex buried within the sulcal folds as compared with the amount of visible cortex in circular regions of interest. Given that the cortex grows primarily through radial expansion(6), our method was specifically designed to identify early defects of cortical development. In this article, we detail the computation of local Gyrification Index, which is now freely distributed as a part of the FreeSurfer Software (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital). FreeSurfer provides a set of automated reconstruction tools of the brain's cortical surface from structural MRI data. The cortical surface extracted in the native space of the images with sub-millimeter accuracy is then further used for the creation of an outer surface, which will serve as a basis for the lGI calculation. A circular region of interest is then delineated on the outer surface, and its corresponding region of interest on the cortical surface is identified using a matching algorithm as described in our validation study(1). This process is repeatedly iterated with largely overlapping regions of interest, resulting in cortical maps of gyrification for subsequent statistical comparisons (Fig. 1). Of note, another measurement of local gyrification with a similar inspiration was proposed by Toro and colleagues(7), where the folding index at each point is computed as the ratio of the cortical area contained in a sphere divided by the area of a disc with the same radius. The two implementations differ in that the one by Toro et al. is based on Euclidian distances and thus considers discontinuous patches of cortical area, whereas ours uses a strict geodesic algorithm and include only the continuous patch of cortical area opening at the brain surface in a circular region of interest.
PURPOSE: To objectively characterize different heart tissues from functional and viability images provided by composite-strain-encoding (C-SENC) MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: C-SENC is a new MRI technique for simultaneously acquiring cardiac functional and viability images. In this work, an unsupervised multi-stage fuzzy clustering method is proposed to identify different heart tissues in the C-SENC images. The method is based on sequential application of the fuzzy c-means (FCM) and iterative self-organizing data (ISODATA) clustering algorithms. The proposed method is tested on simulated heart images and on images from nine patients with and without myocardial infarction (MI). The resulting clustered images are compared with MRI delayed-enhancement (DE) viability images for determining MI. Also, Bland-Altman analysis is conducted between the two methods. RESULTS: Normal myocardium, infarcted myocardium, and blood are correctly identified using the proposed method. The clustered images correctly identified 90 +/- 4% of the pixels defined as infarct in the DE images. In addition, 89 +/- 5% of the pixels defined as infarct in the clustered images were also defined as infarct in DE images. The Bland-Altman results show no bias between the two methods in identifying MI. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique allows for objectively identifying divergent heart tissues, which would be potentially important for clinical decision-making in patients with MI.
Three-dimensional imaging and quantification of myocardial function are essential steps in the evaluation of cardiac disease. We propose a tagged magnetic resonance imaging methodology called zHARP that encodes and automatically tracks myocardial displacement in three dimensions. Unlike other motion encoding techniques, zHARP encodes both in-plane and through-plane motion in a single image plane without affecting the acquisition speed. Postprocessing unravels this encoding in order to directly track the 3-D displacement of every point within the image plane throughout an entire image sequence. Experimental results include a phantom validation experiment, which compares zHARP to phase contrast imaging, and an in vivo study of a normal human volunteer. Results demonstrate that the simultaneous extraction of in-plane and through-plane displacements from tagged images is feasible.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the normal ligamentous and tendinous anatomy of the intermetacarpal (IMC) and common carpometacarpal (CCMC) joints with MRI and MR arthrography. METHOD: MR images of 22 wrists derived from fresh human cadavers were obtained before and after arthrography. The MR imaging features of the ligaments and tendons about the CCMC and IMC joints and the joints themselves were analyzed in a randomized fashion and correlated with those seen on anatomic sections. RESULTS: Six CCMC ligaments were visualized. The dorsal and palmar CCMC ligaments and the pisometacarpal ligament were best visualized in the sagittal plane. The radial and ulnar CCMC collateral ligaments and the capito-third metacarpal ligament were best visualized in the coronal plane. Three main IMC ligaments were observed: a dorsal and a palmar ligament and an interosseous ligament complex. All three ligaments were best visualized in the axial plane. Four tendinous insertions to the metacarpal bases were evident. CONCLUSION: The anatomy of the ligaments and tendinous insertions about the second to fifth IMC and the CCMC joints is well demonstrated by MR imaging and MR arthrography. MR arthrography does not significantly improve the visualization of these complex structures.
At high magnetic field strengths (≥ 3T), the radiofrequency wavelength used in MRI is of the same order of magnitude of (or smaller than) the typical sample size, making transmit magnetic field (B1+) inhomogeneities more prominent. Methods such as radiofrequency-shimming and transmit SENSE have been proposed to mitigate these undesirable effects. A prerequisite for such approaches is an accurate and rapid characterization of the B1+ field in the organ of interest. In this work, a new phase-sensitive three-dimensional B1+-mapping technique is introduced that allows the acquisition of a 64 × 64 × 8 B1+-map in ≈ 20 s, yielding an accurate mapping of the relative B1+ with a 10-fold dynamic range (0.2-2 times the nominal B1+). Moreover, the predominant use of low flip angle excitations in the presented sequence minimizes specific absorption rate, which is an important asset for in vivo B1+-shimming procedures at high magnetic fields. The proposed methodology was validated in phantom experiments and demonstrated good results in phantom and human B1+-shimming using an 8-channel transmit-receive array.