684 resultados para Coliformes a 45ºC


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A entrada das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, a dificuldade de locomoção do local de trabalho até a residência, a falta de tempo para o preparo das refeições e o preço mais acessível fez com que a escolha por lanches e refeições rápidas tenha crescido muito, nos últimos anos. Entretanto, esses alimentos estão sujeitos a contaminação desde seu preparo até o momento do consumo, além da manutenção em temperaturas inadequadas. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar microbiológica lanches e salgados comercializados em lanchonetes, “lojas de conveniência” e trailers das principais áreas da cidade de Botucatu, deacordo com os padrões estabelecidos pela ANVISA (RDC N º 12, 2001). As análises foram realizadas de acordo com o Compendium (APHA, 2001). Foram analisadas 122 amostras de salgados de carne, coxinhas, risoles de queijo, camarão e palmito, enrolado de salsicha além de salgado de frios e sanduíches, das quais 17 (13,9%) excederam aos limites microbiológicos. Excesso de coliformes termotolerantes foram encontrados 2 coxinhas, 2 risoles de palmito e 6 salgados de carne, no total de 10 amostras (8,2%). A presença Salmonella spp. foi detectada em duas amostras (1,6%) e clostrídios sulfito redutores apresentaram concentrações acima dos limites em somente uma (0,8%) amostra de salgado de carne. Não foram encontradas amostras com excesso de Bacillus cereus. Staphyloccocus aureus foi observado em valores acima dos permitidos em 8 amostras (6,6%) (5 coxinhas, 2 risoles de frios e 1 salgado). A partir das amostras analisadas, os resultados obtidos indicam que a maioria dos salgados estava dentro dos limites microbiológicos estabelecidos pela ANVISA (2001). Entretanto, 9% das amostras apresentaram patógenos, expondo a população a riscos. É necessária maior vigilância das autoridades competentes e, principalmente, conscientização por parte dos vendedores


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The aim of the present work is to investigate a simplified rainwater treatment strategy for nonpotable use. For this, there were simulated in laboratory scale the treatment conditions of a system that employs Corn Starch as a coagulant in cyclic filtration (from 1 to 5 filtration cycles). A commercial Corn Starch in different dosages was used (0,1; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5; 4,0; 4,5; 5,0; 5,5; 6,0; 6,5; 7,0; 7,5; 8,0; 8,5 e 9,0 mg/L). The NBR 15527/07 recommended parameters were monitored on the inflow and outflow and compared to different first flushes (0.5; 1.0 and 1.5mm). The obtained results indicate that the 6.0mg/L dosage presented the best results (removal efficiency of 86% of turbidity; 88% of apparent color and absent of total and faecal coliform residuals). However, it was not possible to prove the filtration cycles benefit, in laboratory scale, because for some Corn Starch dosages the water did not present better quality when increasing the number of cycles.


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The conservation of raw milk for long periods of time under refrigeration can result in the lost of its quality. This happens because bacterias, capable of developing in low temperatures, as psichrotrophics, in milk, associates with its enzymatic activities, are capable to degradate it. Although the pasteurization of milk sufficiently diminishes the transmission of the illnesses, that generally eliminates such microorganisms, is not a total efficient process because many enzymes produced for such bacterias are termostable, being able to resist the treatment and to remain active, leading to the loss of the quality of milk and its derivatives. The Normative Instruction 51 of 2002 established that milk must be cooled and stored in the production property, what resulted increasing the incidence of such bacteria in population destined milk. In some parts of the world contaminated milk is causing serious risks to the health of the population, assuming great importance in Public Health, mainly in relation to the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the product. ANVISA establishes, thus, maximum bacteriological concentration that must be evidenced before commercializing the product, guaranteeing the quality of milk as proper for consumption. Based on these aspects, the objective of this work is the microbiological analysis of 30 milk samples type C, collected in bakeries of the city Botucatu, in the state of São Paulo. Analysis were made to determinate the most likely number of termotolerants coliforms, as well the number of colony units of psichrotrophics bacterias, the presence of Salmonella and the enumeration of positive Staphylococcus aureus, at the moment of purchase and validity of the products


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This paper conducts to water quality study of Stream Guaratinguetá from its source to its confluence with the River Paraiba, through the analysis of some physical, chemical and biological parameters. All tests were performed according to Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater 20th edition and compared to the CONAMA Resolution No. 357 (2005). Coliforms was the most critical parameter found in samples. The results lead to the conclusion that the biggest problem of water quality in the stream in study is the aquatic rice (rice field) and the launch “fresh” sewage


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Brazil is one of the largest producers of animal protein. In 2010, the production of meat (beef, pork and poultry) was estimated at 24.5 million tons and 75% was consumed in the country. The meat is a primary source of water and fat and contains between 20% and 35% protein, providing all essential amino acids and several micronutrients and vitamins. Due to the large consumption of this food, its quality is extremely important and the research of some indicators microorganism become essential in order to ensure the hygienic and sanitary quality, indicating contamination of fecal origin, with the possible presence of pathogens or to identify food spoilage. Thus, the aim of study was to determine the microbiological quality of 90 samples handled meat products and pre- prepared marketed in Botucatu city, according to the parameters required by ANVISA (RDC  12, 2001). Among the samples analyzed, all of them were negative for Staphylococcus coagulase positive and were within the limit allowed by ANVISA for the Clostridium sulfite reducer (up to 3 x 103 CFU/ g). The presence of Salmonella was confirmed in only one sample (1.1%), against to the legal parameters. About thermotolerant coliforms, 54.4% of the samples were outside the acceptable limit by law (up to 5 x 103 MPN/g). Therefore, the presence of these microorganisms indicates inadequate hygiene conditions of foodhandlers and equipment used in the, which are considered inadequate for consumption


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This study was conducted to verify water quality and environmental impacts related to the occupation of the watershed of the Bandeirantes stream, located in Rio Claro, SP. The intention is to propose measures to enable the mitigation of negative impacts, and boosting the recovery and maintenance of the quality of water resources, preventing its complete degradation. Water analysis were performed at three different points, east, crossing the Ring Road (dirt road) and near the confluence with the Ribeirão Claro. The results indicated significant degradation of water, especially after the crossing, where it witnessed the accumulation of solid waste and easy access to the stream, both for animals as for people, due to limited riparian it. Another impact was observed the current construction of the Forum of Rio Claro in the right side of the stream studied, causing change in the landscape, change the flow properties and removal of existing vegetation at the site of work, defined as an environmentally protected area, as determined by existing law. Measures such as: restoration of riparian zones, effluent treatment, planned urban growth and environmental education of the population, would be essential to mitigate the environmental impacts of watershed Bandeirantes stream


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The work is to study about the quality of surface waters of the Piaguí and neighborhoods Colonia Santa Luzia. Six samples of which the physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed were collected. The tests were conducted in accordance with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 20th edition and compared with the resolution of CONAMA No. 357 (2005). Critical parameters are found in fecal coliform and water coloring, which may indicate an anthropogenic interference in the sampling points (domestic sewage), or the effect of rainfall during the collection period influence the results


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Este projeto investigou alternativa de tratamento simplificada para fins não potáveis para aplicação em escala industrial. É neste contexto que esta pesquisa alojou sua importância – nas possíveis estratégias de tratamento, em especial na utilização de sistema contendo filtro de pressão e no uso do amido natural de milho como coagulante, auxiliando no processo de filtração, visando aumento da segurança sanitária e da qualidade da água de chuva disponibilizada para aproveitamento. A hipótese do trabalho foi investigar a possibilidade da diminuição ou até eliminação do volume de água descartada na operação de abstração da primeira chuva. Para tal, foram realizados ensaios em escala de laboratório com uma precipitação coletada nos dias 10/03/08 e 03/04/2008. Os resultados da estratégia de tratamento delineada foram comparados com os obtidos pela estratégia convencional com descarte de 1,5 mm da primeira chuva, o que corresponde a um volume de 558 L de água de chuva. Utilizou-se a dosagem de 6,0 mg/L para fim de comparação com a água bruta, sem nenhum tratamento, e com a água somente filtrada. Os resultados não confirmaram a hipótese de que o tratamento com amido natural permite eliminar a etapa de abstração da primeira chuva, porém, vale ressaltar que a qualidade da água coletada já era muito boa previamente ao tratamento. Merece destaque o fato de que a amostra de precipitação submetida aos ensaios apresentados foi coletada em período de freqüente precipitação e, embora tenha sido observado o interstício de 3 dias consecutivos de estiagem a qualidade da água de chuva coletada pode ser considerada boa (34UH de cor aparente; 8,84 UT de turbidez e 238,2 (NMP) de coliformes totais e 3 (NMP) de coliformes termotolerantes). Acredita-se que, para o caso de precipitações ocorridas após longo período de estiagem, a necessidade de tratamento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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água que abastece uma cidade se não for tratada pode tornar-se importante veículo de transmissores de doenças. O controle da qualidade é uma medida que visa, principalmente, garantir a saúde da população. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade da água distribuída pelo sistema de abastecimento da cidade de Santa Lúcia – SP. A água proveniente desse sistema chega até as residências e, muitas vezes, é consumida sem nenhum tratamento doméstico complementar. A cidade de Santa Lúcia é abastecida por três poços profundos (P2, P3, e P4). Com o intuito de avaliar a qualidade da água captada desses poços e distribuídas para consumo humano foram coletadas amostras diretamente dos poços e de um ponto de consumo nas áreas abastecidas por cada poço. Foram feitas três coletas em cada ponto, em três diferentes épocas do ano. Realizaram-se análises físico-químicas e bacteriológicas em todas as amostras. As análises bacteriológicas foram feitas para determinação da presença de coliformes totais, E. coli e contagem padrão de bactérias heterotróficas em placa. As análises físico-químicas avaliaram cloro residual livre, fluoreto, turbidez, pH, cor aparente e sólidos totais dissolvidos. Duas amostras foram positivas para coliformes totais, apenas uma amostra coletada no poço 2 foi positiva para E. coli. Para bactérias heterotróficas todas a amostras apresentaram contagem em placa inferior a 500 UFC/mL. Todas as amostras estavam dentro do padrão determinado pela legislação para pH, turbidez e sólidos totais dissolvidos. Todas as amostras coletadas no poço 2 tiveram como resultado ausência de cloro residual livre, o mesmo resultado para os demais pontos na segunda coleta de amostras. Todas as amostras apresentaram fluoreto com valores abaixo do VMP estabelecido pela legislação brasileira porém apenas cinco com concentrações dentro da faixa estabelecida pela legislação do Estado de São Paulo ...


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Studies regarding the quality and quantity of water have become more and more important because of the increasing negative environmental impacts occurred and their scarcity increase as well. At the Center of Tropical Fish Research (Centro de Pesquisas de Peixes Tropicais - CEPTAlIBAMA) located in the city of Pirassununga, SP, there is a dam named Represa Velha which supplies 128 tanks that are fish hatcheries. This dam takes in part of the Barrinha stream micro-basin where it has been observed strong impacts due to the deforestation of its support forest, as well an the intensive agricultural activities in the neighboring areas. There has been established and distributed 13 points of water-collectors disposed inside the stream and the dam. The water samples were taken from the stream only from its surface because of the low depth and, inside. In the dam, the water samples were taken at the water column, at a 50cm distance over the sediment. In every point of collection inside the dam, it was placed a chamber of sedimentation, vertically in the water column at a 70% height from the total depth. The collections took place during the dry/cold and raining/warm periods of the years 2000 and 2001. Then, it were analyzed the physical, physical-chemical, chemical and micro-biological parameters of the water samples. The obtained results were statistically analyzed throughout the SAS system (Statistical Analisys System). Parameters such as total phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and turbidity were within the established limits for the Class 2 water, according to the n° 20/1986 CONAMA Resolução. However, the total and Escherichia coli coliforms, mainly inside the Barrinha stream, had showed values above of the established limits for the same... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fresh cheeses such as Minas frescal and ricotta are excellent means for undesirable microorganisms to thrive, damaging quality and wholesomeness of these products. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the contaminating microorganisms in the processing line of fresh cheese, namely Minas frescal and ricotta, of a dairy plant nestled in the city of São José do Rio Preto-SP. The analyses were carried out with the following steps: water, pasteurized milk, curd, mass, whey, palmar surface and coagulation tank, and cheeses with zero and five days of shelf life. Such steps were monitored by determining the MLN of total coliforms and thermotolerants; counting of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and mesophilic aerobic bacteria; search of Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. Twelve samples were evaluated in each step. Among the water samples, three are provided with higher values than the ones recommended in terms of mesophilic aerobic bacteria. Three milk samples did not comply with thermotolerant coliforms. The mass samples, curd and whey showed a decrease in the counting for all microorganisms. Both palm surface and coagulation tank showed low counting for all bioindicators. All milk samples showed compliance regarding phosphatase/peroxidase.


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This paper reports the data on the cuiabana sausage historical aspect, and from the study performed on its technical/sensory characteristics. Four formulations of cuiabana-type sausage were prepared, varying the basic raw material (bovine, chicken and swine meats). For processing these sausages, the raw meats (beef, chicken and pork) were cut into cubes and together with the other ingredients (garlic, cheese, pepper and chives) they were weighed and homogenized. The resulting mixture was refrigerated for 24 hours for intensifying the flavor. Thereafter, it was stuffed into natural casings. These prepared samples were characterized on the physical-chemical profile and on the shelf life under refrigeration for over a seven day-storage in order to assess the microbiological contamination (total coliforms and fecal thermotolerant bacteria), sulphite-reducing clostridium, Salmonella spp., coagulase-positive Staphylococcus), and pH. The sensory evaluation and statistics analysis were carried out on the different types of laboratory- processed cuiabana sausage. Introducing over time changes in the cuiabana sausages formulation are positive factors; therefore, variations in the formulations it is feasible to get a better final product than that original one, and it might be resulted from the market demand.


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Lately, the acceptability of fermented dairy beverages has been increased, due to the nutritional benefits, the practical consumption and the low cost of product for the manufacturers, and consequently for final market price to the consumers. During the manufacturing process, these products can be susceptible to microbiological contamination. The present study investigated the contaminant microbiota in fermented dairy beverages produced by small- and medium-sized companies, by means of analyses on moulds and yeasts counting, determination of the Most Probable Number (MPN) of total and thermo tolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. detection, and determination of pH value. In spite of the absence of Salmonella spp., a high counts of yeasts and moulds were found, and E. coli was detected in five samples (16.67 %); and the sample were classified as “products in poor sanitary conditions”, because they showed thermo-tolerant coliforms counting higher than the standard established by the legislation in force. Therefore, quality programs such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) should be employed to prevent any contamination risk, in order to provide safe products to consumers.