683 resultados para Coleoptera


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Significantly more individuals and biomass of flying insects were present at the forest edge than in the understory throughout the year, as monitored by flight interception traps, in Central Amazonia. Numbers and biomass of flying insects increased at higher rates at the edge with rainfall, associated with termite swarming behavior and increased Homopteran density. The most abundant insects were Diptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Isoptera, whose ranked abundances varied with respect to forest edge and understory, as well as with season.


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Natural predation first instar larvae of the cotton leafworm (CLW) A. argillacea was studied in cotton fields in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, during 1986. The presence of naturally occurring arthropod predators showed a first instar larvae predation rate of 78.6 and 88.9% after 24 h and 48 h of exposure, respectively. A predator prey ratio of 1 : 1 (1 CLW key predator per 1 prey/plant) maintained a level of no more than 1 CLW small larvae per plant. The most evident arthropod predators in the studied fields were: beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), ants Pheidole sp. and Conomyrma sp.; Dermaptera Doru lineare (Eschs); Hemiptera Geocoris sp., and Orius insidiosus Say; and the spiders Theridion volubile, Chrysso pulcherrima, Misumenops sp., Chiracanthium sp., and Oxyopes salticus Hentz.


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This work describes the first report about the occurrence of recombination nodules (RNs) in spread pachytene cells of two species of Coleoptera: Palembus dermestoides (Tenebrionidae) and Epicauta atomaria (Meloidae). The RNs were observed in preparations contrasted with phosphotungstic acid. Considering RN morphology and its occurrence in pachytene bivalents (one per autosome bivalent) these structures were interpreted to be late RNs. P. dermestoides and E. atolraria have 2n = 20 chromosomes including an Xyp sex determination system. In spite of most frequently subtelocentric morphology observed in the autosomes of both species, the occurrence of RNs is limited only to the synaptonemal complex (SC) structure of the long arms. These findings are in agreement with those obtained using light microscopy analysis in which only one chiasma or terminalization event is observed per autosomal bivalent in early or late metaphase I cells. The RNs have the same average width of the SC of each analyzed species, a circular shape, strong electron density, and are observed mainly between the lateral elements of the SC. The RNs of P. dermestoides and E. atomaria have approximately the same average size (width), 180 +/- 20 nm and 160 +/- 80 nm, respectively. The absence of RNs in the short arms and its occurrence in the long arms are discussed considering the short arm pericentromeric and pro-centric heterochromatin. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel


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A research about arthropode fauna in laying hen excrement was carried out in a poultry house in the State of São Paulo, from January 2001 to December 2002. The objective was to verify the frequency of Diptera and Coleoptera collected by Berlese funil and flutuation methods, and to show correlation between the collect methods and sazonality possible in the currents seasons. A total of 29,499 insects were collected from seventy five collects, being 16,702 Diptera (six families) and 12,797 Coleoptera (four families). Some arthropodes presented direct relation with the collect method, the seasons of the years and the rainfall precipitation, with significant increase in the number of insects collected in certain periods of the year.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Reproduction and feeding aspects of Neoplecostomus microps (Loricariidae, Neoplecostominae) in the Ribeirao Grande system, eastern Serra da Mantiqueira (São Paulo State). The Ribeirao Grande system is located in the slope of the Serra da Mantiqueira and is surrounded by Atlantic forest. Eight sites were surveyed in the Ribeirao Grande system, during the winter (July 2001), spring (October 2001), summer (February 2002) and fall (April 2002). Samples were made with an electrofishing device. Gonad maturation, levels of stomach fullness and fat content were analyzed and their distributions reported in an annual cycle. Neoplecostomus microps has a spawning in the spring through to summer. The size at sexual maturity is about 5.9 cm total length for males and 6.9 cm for females. The high values in October and February by the gonadosomatic index and the relative condition factor coincided with the spawning period. In the diet of N. microps were found Diptera larvae (Simulium, Chironomus), Plecoptera nymphs and Coleoptera aquatic Larvae (Psephenus). The increased feeding from summer to fall provided fat accumulation. During subsequent seasons, fish may utilize visceral fat reserves for maintenance and reproduction. The reproductive pattern and feeding are interpreted as being an adaptation with respect to temporal and spatial variation and food availability.


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From field observations on Drimys brasiliensis, principally in the Botucatu region of São Paulo State, Brazil, new data on the reproductive biology, the rhythm of growth, and the development of lateral cymose inflorescences, flowers and fruits are presented. Pollination accelerates the rate of flower-development for about 4-6 days. Pollination experiments show that D. brasiliensis is not self-sterile; because of mechanical devices the sticky pollen grains do not normally come into contact with the stigmata unless an animal pollen vector is involved. The pollinators are diurnal Coleoptera, Diptera and Thysanoptera which eat from the pollen, lick from the stigmatic exudates and (in case of the flies) probably also from the staminal glands. Fruit- and seedeaters are birds which seem to be the main dispersal agents. Establishment of new individuals normally is through seedlings, but also by vegetative propagation through plagiotropous branches which may root and separate from the mother plant. The morphological, developmental and reproductive aspects in D. brasiliensis are discussed in a wider context, compared with data from other Magnoliidae, and related to aspects of early Angiosperm evolution. © 1980 Springer-Verlag.


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Diagnostic insect damage to cocoa tree leaves and fruits were compared in situations with and without the presence of the little fire ants, Wasmannia auropunctata and the closely related and sympatric W. cf rochai. No significant differences in thrips, lepidopteran, or chrysomelid beetle damage to fruits, or to young and old leaves, were associated with these ants. However, significant increases of pseudococcids Planococcus citrii, associated with areas dominated by W. auropunctata, and to a lesser degree with W. cf rochai, were present. W. auropunctata has been reported to be a canopy mosaic dominant in cocoa farms, but the lack of reduced herbivore incidences and its lack of spatial permanence do not support favoring its populations for the management of phytophagous insect control.


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The venomous brazilian animals can cause accidents in human beings with great frequency. By means of this revision, the authors talk about the species and the accidentes more commons and more serious in our country. The function of the dermatologist in diagnostic, treatment and prevention of the accidents is enphatized.


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The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the beetles Epicauta atomaria (Meloidae) and Palembus dermestoides (Tenebrionidae) were analysed using standard staining, C-banding and silver impregnation techniques. We determine the diploid and haploid chromosome numbers, the sex determination system and describe the chromosomal morphology, the C-banding pattern and the chromosome(s) bearing NORs (nucleolar organizer regions). Both species shown 2n = 20 chromosomes, the chromosomal meioformula 9 + Xyp, and regular chromosome segregation during anaphases I and II. The chromosomes of E. atomaria are basically metacentric or submetacentric and P. dermestoides chromosomes are submetacentric or subtelocentric. In both beetles the constitutive heterochromatin is located in the pericentromeric region in all autosomes and in the Xp chromosome; additional C-bands were observed in telomeric region of the short arm in some autosomes in P. dermestoides. The yp chromosome did not show typical C-bands in these species. As for the synaptonemal complex, the nucleolar material is associated to the 7th bivalent in E. atomaria and 3rd and 7th bivalents in P. dermestoides. Strong silver impregnated material was observed in association with Xyp in light and electron microscopy preparations in these species and this material was interpreted to be related to nucleolar material.


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Feeding, seasonal changes in visceral fat and condition factor were compared in two species of characidiin fishes, Characidium lauroi and C. alipioi from Ribeirão Grande system, southeastern Brazil. Five streams of Ribeirão Grande system were sampled (22° 47' 08 S, 45° 28' 17W). The samples were taken four times per site, from July, 2001 to April, 2002: winter (July 2001), spring (October 2001), summer (February 2002) and autumn (April 2002). Quantitative collections were made with an electro-fishing device powered by a generator with maximum capacity of 1,500 V and 8.7 A of 60 Hz alternating current. Ephemeroptera nymphs, Diptera larvae (Chironomidae, Simuliidae), Plecoptera nymphs, Trichoptera larvae (Hydroptilidae, Psychoyiidae), terrestrial insects (Coleoptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera [Heteroptera, Homoptera]), Megaloptera larvae (Corydalidae), Arachnida, Ostracoda and vegetal debris were found in both species' diets. Visceral fat declined in February, coinciding with the decline of the condition factor in both species. The increased feeding from summer to fall provides fat accumulation. During subsequent seasons, fish may utilize visceral fat reserves for maintenance and reproduction.


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Luciferyl adenylate, the key intermediate in beetle bioluminescence, is produced through adenylation of D-luciferin by beetle luciferases and also by mealworm luciferase-like enzymes which produce a weak red chemiluminescence. However, luciferyl adenylate is only weakly chemiluminescent in water at physiological pH and it is unclear how efficient bioluminescence evolved from its weak chemiluminescent properties. We found that bovine serum albumin (BSA) and neutral detergents enhance luciferyl adenylate chemiluminescence by three orders of magnitude, simulating the mealworm luciferase-like enzyme chemiluminescence properties. These results suggest that the beetle protoluciferase activity arose as an enhanced luciferyl adenylate chemiluminescence in the protein environment of the ancestral AMP-ligase. The predominance of luciferyl adenylate chemiluminescence in the red region under most conditions suggests that red luminescence is a more primitive condition that characterized the original stages of protobioluminescence, whereas yellow-green bioluminescence may have evolved later through the development of a more structured and hydrophobic active site. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Beetle luciferases emit a wide range of bioluminescence colors, ranging from green to red. Firefly luciferases can shift the spectrum to red in response to pH and temperature changes, whereas click beetle and railroadworm luciferases do not. Despite many studies on firefly luciferases, the origin of pH-sensitivity is far from being understood. Through comparative site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies, using the pH-sensitive luciferases (Macrolampis and Cratomorphus distinctus fireflies) and the pH-insensitive luciferases (Pyrearinus termitilluminans, Phrixotrix viviani and Phrixotrix hirtus) cloned by our group, here we show that substitutions dramatically affecting bioluminescence colors in both groups of luciferases are clustered in the loop between residues 223-235 (Photinus pyralis sequence). The substitutions at positions 227, 228 and 229 (P. pyralis sequence) cause dramatic redshift and temporal shift in both groups of luciferases, indicating their involvement in labile interactions. Modeling studies showed that the residues Y227 and N229 are buried in the protein core, fixing the loop to other structural elements participating at the bottom of the luciferin binding site. Changes in pH and temperature (in firefly luciferases), as well as point mutations in this loop, may disrupt the interactions of these structural elements exposing the active site and modulating bioluminescence colors. © 2007 The Authors.


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Firefly luciferases are called pH-sensitive because their bioluminescence spectra display a typical red-shift at acidic pH, higher temperatures, and in the presence of heavy metal cations, whereas other beetle luciferases (click beetles and railroadworms) do not, and for this reason they are called pH-insensitive. Despite many studies on firefly luciferases, the origin of pH-sensitivity is far from being understood. This subject is revised in view of recent results. Some substitutions of amino-acid residues influencing pH-sensitivity in firefly luciferases have been identified. Sequence comparison, site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies have shown a set of residues differing between pH-sensitive and pH-insensitive luciferases which affect bioluminescence colors. Some substitutions dramatically affecting bioluminescence colors in both groups of luciferases are clustered in the loop between residues 223-235 (Photinus pyralis sequence). A network of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges involving the residues N229-S284-E311-R337 was found to be important for affecting bioluminescence colors. It is suggested that these structural elements may affect the benzothiazolyl side of the luciferin-binding site affecting bioluminescence colors. Experimental evidence suggest that the residual red light emission in pH-sensitive luciferases could be a vestige that may have biological importance in some firefly species. Furthermore, the potential utility of pH-sensitivity for intracellular biosensing applications is considered. © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies.


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The review focuses on the questions (1) how does the spatial heterogeneity of landscape influences carabid biodiversity, and (2) what are the main factors causing this biodiversity across nested spatial scales (study point - plant association - landscape level). The analysis of recent literature indicates that the spatial distribution of carabids differs at various spatial scales, and the factors responsible for the distribution are different. At the study point level most of the communities exhibit high variability of population density and diversity, which has no correlations with soil, and sometimes, vegetation, parameters. Most of the factors that contribute to formation of the communities are stochastic, simply because patches of a factor are much smaller than the size of a distinct carabid community. At the level of plant association, soil factors begin to play the role in driving the communities. At this level, litter depth, micro-climate and vegetation composition are the main factors. At the landscape level, geological factors, such as topography, landscape geochemistry, and history are playing important roles. As a conservation measure, spatial heterogeneity should be kept at all spatial scales at the same time to maintain carabid biodiversity in agricultural areas.