709 resultados para Childhood Overweight
The work of children’s liberationists have been long been critiqued for pushing the parameters of rights discourse too far; specifically, by suggesting that there are no significant differences between children and adults, including their ability for self-determination. John Holt’s 1974 text Escape from Childhood is one such work which was deemed highly controversial for its time. This article uses Holt’s Escape from Childhood as an overarching framework against which to examine the current state of play on children’s rights as explicated through the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It suggests that whilst Holt has often been critiqued for being too radical, in the context of current children’s rights discourse Holt’s visioning is not as radical as it might first appear.
This study aimed to explore the reliability of self-reported trauma histories in a population with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Previous studies in other populations suggest high reliability of trauma histories over time and it was postulated that a similar high reliability would be demonstrated in this population. Thirty-nine patients with a confirmed diagnosis (DSM-IV criteria) were followed-up and re-administered the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire after 18 months. Cohen's kappa scores and intraclass correlations suggest reasonable test-retest reliability over the 18-month time period of the study for all types of childhood abuse, namely emotional, physical, sexual, and physical abuse and emotional neglect. Intraclass correlations ranged from r = .50 to (sexual abuse) to r = .96 (physical abuse). Cohen's kappas ranged from .44 (sexual abuse) to .76 (physical abuse). Retrospective reports of childhood trauma can be seen as reliable and are in keeping with results found with other mental health populations.
Childhood deprivation is a major risk to public health. Poor health in the early years accumulates and is expressed in adult health inequalities. The importance of social mobility - moves into and out of poverty or, indeed, change in relative affluence - for child wellbeing is less well understood. Home ownership and house value may serve as a useful measure of relative affluence and deprivation.
Analysis of the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study dataset focused on cohort members aged 18 and under at the 2001 census and their families. Using housing tenure and house value reported in 2001 and 2011, moves along the “housing ladder” over ten years were identified. Outcome measures were physical disability and mental health status as reported in 2011. Logistic regression models tested if health outcomes varied by upward and downward changes in house value.
After controlling for variations in age, sex, general health and social class, mental health is worse among those who moved to a lower value house. Compared to ‘no change’, those moving from the upper quintile of house value into social renting accommodation were almost six times more likely to report poor mental health (OR 5.90 95% CI 4.52, 7.70). Conversely, those experiencing the greatest upward movement were half as likely to report poor mental health (OR 0.46 95% CI 0.31, 0.68). There were smaller associations between physical health and downward (OR 2.66 95% CI 2.16, 3.27), and upward (OR 0.75 95% CI 0.61, 0.92) moves.
Poor mental health is more strongly associated with declines in living standards than with improvements. The gradient appears at multiple points along this proxy affluence-deprivation spectrum, not only at the extremes. Further research should explore whether circumstances surrounding moves, or change in social position explains the differential association between the health correlates of upward versus downward mobility.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an elevated fetal umbilical artery Doppler (UAD) pulsatility index (PI) at 28 weeks' gestation, in the absence of fetal growth restriction (FGR) and prematurity, is associated with adverse neurocognitive outcome in children aged 12 years.
METHODS: Prospective cohort study, comparing children with a normal fetal UAD PI (<90th centile) (n=110) and those with an elevated PI (≥90th centile) (n=40). UAD was performed at 28, 32 and 34 weeks gestation. At 12 years of age, all children were assessed under standardised conditions at Queen's University, Belfast, UK to determine cognitive and behavioural outcomes using the British Ability Score-II and Achenbach Child Behavioural Checklist Parent Rated Version under standardised conditions. Regression analysis was performed, controlling for confounders such as gender, socioeconomic status and age at assessment.
RESULTS: The mean age of follow-up was 12.4 years (±0.5 SD) with 44% of children male (n=63). When UAD was assessed at 28 weeks, the elevated fetal UAD group had lower scores in cognitive assessments of information processing and memory. Parameters included (1) recall of objects immediate verbal (p=0.002), (2) delayed verbal (p=0.008) and (3) recall of objects immediate spatial (p=0.0016). There were no significant differences between the Doppler groups at 32 or 34 weeks' gestation.
CONCLUSIONS: An elevated UAD PI at 28 weeks' gestation in the absence of FGR or prematurity is associated with lower scores of declarative memory in children aged 12 years. A potential explanation for this is an element of placental insufficiency in the presence of the appropriately grown fetus, which affects the development of the fetal hippocampus and information processing and memory long-term. These findings, however, had no impact on overall academic ability, mental processing and reasoning or overall behavioural function.
A obesidade infantil é um importante problema de saúde pública, não só pelos efeitos adversos durante a infância mas porque tende a persistir na idade adulta, constituindo um factor de risco para diversas doenças crónicas. Os alicerces de uma vida saudável estruturam-se na vida pré-natal e sedimentam-se nos seis primeiros anos de vida, sendo o crescimento da criança fortemente influenciado pelo seu contexto ambiental familiar. Foi neste âmbito que emergiu como objectivo geral deste estudo explorar as relações existentes entre os determinantes infantis (antecedentes obstétricos e peri-natais) e parentais (práticas alimentares, conhecimento dos pais sobre alimentação infantil, percepção parental de competência e percepção do peso da criança) e o desenvolvimento de excesso de peso em crianças pré-escolares. Este estudo, de carácter observacional e transversal, foi realizado com 792 crianças pré-escolares, idade M= 4,39 anos (±0,91Dp) e seus pais, residentes num concelho pertencente às NUTs III Dão-Lafões, sendo efectuada a avaliação antropométrica e classificação nutricional das crianças com base no referencial NCHS (CDC, 2000) e da OMS nos pais. O protocolo de pesquisa incluiu instrumentos de medida que validamos para a população portuguesa e a construção do Questionário de Conhecimentos sobre Alimentação Infantil (QAI) cujas propriedades psicométricas certificam a sua qualidade (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,942; Alfa de Cronbach teste re-teste = 0,977). Nas crianças, 31,3% apresentavam excesso de peso (12,4% obesidade), assim como 41,1% das mães (10,2% obesidade) e 64,4% dos pais (14,8% obesidade), sendo mais evidente nas mães o risco metabólico associado ao Perímetro da Cintura. As mães revelam mais conhecimentos sobre alimentação e sentimentos de eficácia mais elevados com o papel parental, enquanto os pais manifestaram mais sentimentos de motivação e satisfação. Os resultados obtidos corroboram existir efeito significativo dos determinantes infantis e parentais no excesso de peso da criança, designadamente: (i) do peso ao nascer, com impacto dos nascidos grandes; (ii) da higiene do sono especificamente dos que dormem menos de 11horas; (iii) dos que não brincam na rua, (iv) das mães mais jovens, do IMC e risco metabólico dos Pais; (v) da percepção parental da imagem corporal dos filhos, verificando-se que quanto mais elevado o IMC das crianças, mais distorcida é esta percepção dos pais; (vi) das crenças, atitudes e práticas alimentares e que permitem inferir que uma maior preocupação com o peso da criança, maior controlo, restrição e menor pressão para comer se associa a maior excesso de peso. As inferências evidenciam que, na vigilância de saúde periódica se torna imprescindível a valorização dos determinantes de risco biológicos e familiares do excesso de peso infantil, considerando programas de intervenção centrados na família, num processo que encontre sentido a partir daquilo que as famílias experienciam, de forma a ajudá-las a criar recursos fortalecedores de competência para uma parentalidade mais positiva.
In many countries, strategies to further develop services and institutions for the education and care of young children are linked to a discourse on professionalism. Ambitious policy goals, it is argued, can only be achieved by a skilled and qualified workforce whose practice is guided by a professional body of knowledge. This article argues that the prevailing conceptualisation of the early childhood professional is constructed out of a particular, hierarchical mode of producing and applying expert knowledge that is not necessarily appropriate to professional practice in the field of early childhood education. However, it is highly effective and contributes to forming a professional habitus that contradicts the relational core of early childhood practice. Drawing on the conceptual framework of hermeneutics, the article explores an alternative paradigm of a relational, systemic professionalism that embraces openness and uncertainty, and encourages co‐construction of professional knowledges and practices. Research, in this frame of thinking, is understood as a dialogic activity of asking critical questions and creating understandings across differences, rather than producing evidence to direct practice.
Adolescence is a time of developmental transition that for one in five young people is characterised by feelings of oppositionality, rebellion, and negativism. Despite the prevalent experience of teen turbulence and despite its significance within the phenomenological framework provided by reversal theory (RT), the childhood antecedents of rebelliousness in adolescence and adulthood have not been given extensive empirical attention within RT, although such work has been carried out using other constructs and theories. We examined recalled parenting style, childhood adversity, and attachment style in adulthood as correlates of proactive and reactive rebelliousness in a sample of 80 participants, aged 18 to 50 years. Each participant responded to a questionnaire package containing the revised Adult Attachment Scale, the Parental Bonding Instrument, the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Questionnaire, and the Negativism Dominance Scale. We found that paternal abusive parenting, followed by paternal parenting style, paternal neglect, and paternal antipathy were independently predictive of scores on proactive rebelliousness, the sensation-seeking form. Maternal and paternal indifferent parenting styles each were found to equivalently and independently predict scores on reactive rebelliousness, the interpersonal disaffection form. The results of this study suggest these two forms of rebelliousness may have distinctly different antecedents. A longitudinal study is needed to examine the potentially causal pathways that are suggested by the results of this cross-sectional research. We consider reversal theory explanations of these results and contrast them with complementary theoretical frameworks.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the leading causes of pain and disability among older adults, particularly women. Pain and mobility disability are major consequences of knee OA which and can interfere with the functional autonomy of elderly and thus, making it difficult to perform activities of daily living. Evidence suggests that obesity is strongly linked to knee OA and that nonpharmacological therapy should be based on physical activity and weight loss in case of overweight and obesity. A positive relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and health outcomes has been widely discussed in scientific literature, including its potential benefits in weight loss.
BACKGROUND: Affective instability (AI), childhood trauma, and mental illness are linked, but evidence in affective disorders is limited, despite both AI and childhood trauma being associated with poorer outcomes. Aims were to compare AI levels in bipolar disorder I (BPI) and II (BPII), and major depressive disorder recurrent (MDDR), and to examine the association of AI and childhood trauma within each diagnostic group. METHODS: AI, measured using the Affective Lability Scale (ALS), was compared between people with DSM-IV BPI (n=923), BPII (n=363) and MDDR (n=207) accounting for confounders and current mood. Regression modelling was used to examine the association between AI and childhood traumas in each diagnostic group. RESULTS: ALS scores in descending order were BPII, BPI, MDDR, and differences between groups were significant (p<0.05). Within the BPI group any childhood abuse (p=0.021), childhood physical abuse (p=0.003) and the death of a close friend in childhood (p=0.002) were significantly associated with higher ALS score but no association was found between childhood trauma and AI in BPII and MDDR. LIMITATIONS: The ALS is a self-report scale and is subject to retrospective recall bias. CONCLUSIONS: AI is an important dimension in bipolar disorder independent of current mood state. There is a strong link between childhood traumatic events and AI levels in BPI and this may be one way in which exposure and disorder are linked. Clinical interventions targeting AI in people who have suffered significant childhood trauma could potentially change the clinical course of bipolar disorder.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015