966 resultados para Child Nutrition
Roland L. Weinsier, M.D., Dr.P.H., devoted himself to the fields of nutrition and obesity for more than 35 years. He contributed outstanding work related to the treatment of obesity through dietary and lifestyle change; metabolic/energetic influences on obesity, weight loss, and weight regain; body composition changes accompanying weight loss and regain; the health benefits and risks of weight loss; nutrition education for physicians; and nutrition support of sick patients. He served on the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) National Task Force on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity, as Chair of the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Department of Nutrition Sciences, and as Founder and Director of its NIDDK-funded Clinical Nutrition Research Center. He was a long-time and active member of NAASO, serving in the roles of Councilor, Publications Committee Chair, Continuing Medical Education Course Director, Public Relations Committee Chair, and Membership Committee Co-Chair, to name just a few. He was well respected as a staunch defender of NAASO's scientific integrity in these roles. Sadly, Roland Weinsier died on November 27, 2002. He will be missed and remembered by many as a revered and beloved teacher, mentor, healer, and scholar.
The thermic effect of a meal (TEM) was measured in a group of 10 prepubertal obese children before (OB) and after (OA) weight reduction, and in a group of 10 age-matched control children (C) of normal body weight. Following a hypocaloric balanced diet for 6 +/- 1 months, the obese children lost 5.2 +/- 1.3 kg i.e. 11% of their initial body weight. The thermic response to the mixed liquid meal - fed at an energy level corresponding to 30% of the 24 h premeal resting metabolic rate - was found to be significantly lower in OB than in C children (61 +/- 25 kJ.3h-1 vs 79 +/- 21 kJ.3h-1, P less than 0.05), despite their higher test meal energy. After slimming, the TEM of obese children increased towards the controls' values (73 +/- 30 kJ.3h-1). These results support the hypothesis of the existence of a moderate thermogenic defect in some obese children which represents a consequence rather than an aetiological factor of obesity.
Over the last decades, a decline in motor skills and in physical activity and an increase in obesity has been observed in children. However, there is a lack of data in young children. We tested if differences in motor skills and in physical activity according to weight or gender were already present in 2- to 4-year-old children. Fifty-eight child care centers in the French part of Switzerland were randomly selected for the Youp'là bouge study. Motor skills were assessed by an obstacle course including 5 motor skills, derived from the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment test. Physical activity was measured with accelerometers (GT1M, Actigraph, Florida, USA) using age-adapted cut-offs. Weight status was assessed using the International Obesity Task Force criteria (healthy weight vs overweight) for body mass index (BMI). Of the 529 children (49% girls, 3.4 ± 0.6 years, BMI 16.2 ± 1.2 kg/m2), 13% were overweight. There were no significant weight status-related differences in the single skills of the obstacle course, but there was a trend (p = 0.059) for a lower performance of overweight children in the overall motor skills score. No significant weight status-related differences in child care-based physical activity were observed. No gender-related differences were found in the overall motor skills score, but boys performed better than girls in 2 of the 5 motor skills (p ≤ 0.04). Total physical activity as well as time spent in moderate-vigorous and in vigorous activity during child care were 12-25% higher and sedentary activity 5% lower in boys compared to girls (all p < 0.01). At this early age, there were no significant weight status- or gender-related differences in global motor skills. However, in accordance to data in older children, child care-based physical activity was higher in boys compared to girls. These results are important to consider when establishing physical activity recommendations or targeting health promotion interventions in young children.
We study the effects of the cancellation of a sizeable child benefit in Spainon birth timing and neonatal health. In May 2010, the government announced that a2,500-euro universal "baby bonus" would stop being paid to babies born startingJanuary 1, 2011. We use detailed micro data from birth certificates from 2000 to 2011,and find that more than 2,000 families were able to anticipate the date of birth of theirbabies from (early) January 2011 to (late) December 2010 (for a total of about 10,000births a week nationally). This shifting took place in part via an increase as well as ananticipation of pre-programmed c-sections, seemingly mostly in private clinics. We findthat this shifting of birthdates resulted in a significant increase in the number ofborderline low birth weight babies, as well as a peak in neonatal mortality. The resultssuggest that announcement effects are important, and that families and healthprofessionals may face effective trade-offs when deciding on the timing (and method) ofbirth.
Opinnäytetyömme on kaksiosainen, ja se on osa lapsiperheiden terveyden edistämisen projektia, jossa Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia on osallisena. Ensimmäisen työn aiheena oli Haagan terveysasemalla järjestettävä teemapäivä, jonka kohderyhmänä olivat lastenneuvolassa asioivat vanhemmat sekä neuvolan terveydenhoitajat. Tarkoituksena oli lisätä vanhempien tietoa alle 3-vuotiaan lapsen ravitsemuksesta ja sen vaikutuksesta tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön kehitykselle. Opinnäytetyömme toinen osa perustuu ensimmäisen työn pohjalta nousseeseen tarpeeseen tehdä terveydenhoitajille konkreettinen apuväline vanhemmille suunnattuun ravitsemusohjaukseen. Työn tarkoituksena on välittää tietoa lapsiperheiden ruokailutottumuksista pienten lasten vanhemmille. Suunnittelemme ja toteutamme vanhemmille suunnatun opaslehtisen, jotta heillä olisi helposti käytettävissään olevaa tietoa lasten ravitsemuksesta ja vinkkejä arkipäivän ruokailutilanteisiin. Opaslehtisen sisältö pohjautuu osittain ensimmäisen opinnäytetyön teoriaosuuteen, jossa käsiteltiin lapsen terveellistä kehitystä tukevaa ravitsemusta, perheiden ruokailutottumuksia sekä ravitsemukseen liittyviä uhkatekijöitä. Sisällön suunnittelussa käytimme lisäksi apuna uusinta tutkimustietoa lapsen ravitsemuksesta sekä terveysaineistolle laadittuja laatukriteereitä hyvän lopputuloksen varmistamiseksi. Halusimme tuottaa helposti lähestyttävän ja selkokielisen käytännön oppaan jokapäiväiseen käyttöön. Sisältöaiheiksi valitsimme lasten ravitsemukseen liittyviä keskeisiä asioita: alle 3-vuotiaan lapsen ravitsemus, perheen ruokailutottumukset, ruokareseptejä ja vinkkejä päivittäiseen ruoanvalmistukseen. Opaslehtisen nimenä on ”Pieni ruokakirja - Opaslehtinen pienten lasten vanhemmille”. Opaslehtinen soveltuu terveysasemien käyttöön ja siitä on todellista hyötyä monille lapsiperheille sekä terveydenhoitajille työssään.
Critical illness is characterised by nutritional and metabolic disorders, resulting in increased muscle catabolism, fat-free mass loss, and hyperglycaemia. The objective of the nutritional support is to limit fat-free mass loss, which has negative consequences on clinical outcome and recovery. Early enteral nutrition is recommended by current guidelines as the first choice feeding route in ICU patients. However, enteral nutrition alone is frequently associated with insufficient coverage of the energy requirements, and subsequently energy deficit is correlated to worsened clinical outcome. Controlled trials have demonstrated that, in case of failure or contraindications to full enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition administration on top of insufficient enteral nutrition within the first four days after admission could improve the clinical outcome, and may attenuate fat-free mass loss. Parenteral nutrition is cautious if all-in-one solutions are used, glycaemia controlled, and overnutrition avoided. Conversely, the systematic use of parenteral nutrition in the ICU patients without clear indication is not recommended during the first 48 hours. Specific methods, such as thigh ultra-sound imaging, 3rd lumbar vertebra-targeted computerised tomography and bioimpedance electrical analysis, may be helpful in the future to monitor fat-free mass during the ICU stay. Clinical studies are warranted to demonstrate whether an optimal nutritional management during the ICU stay promotes muscle mass and function, the recovery after critical illness and reduces the overall costs.
A body weight lower than 90% of the optional value has an unfavorable influence on the prognosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Short term studies of up to three months duration have shown improved function of respiratory muscle exercise tolerance and immunologic parameters by an increased caloric intake of 45 kcal/kg body weight. In a randomized trial of twelve months 14 of 30 patients with an average FEV1 of 0.8 l were instructed to take a high calorie diet. For simplicity a part of the calories were administered as Fresubin, a fluid nutrient formula. Although a weight gain of 7 kg (p = 0.003) was obtained the difference to the control group was statistically not significant (p = 0.08). The same was true for skin fold thickness (12.4 vs 5.7 mm), change of ventilatory parameters and the 6 minute walking distance (-33 vs -86 m). Subjective improvement was, however, impressive in all patients with dietary intervention, explainable probably by increased attention. Dietary counselling for increased intake of calories, vitamins and also calcium is thus very important in the treatment of patients with COPD.
Cet article présente un état des lieux des recherches menées selon le paradigme de « l'alliance familiale » sur le développement des interactions triadiques mère-père-enfant lors de la transition à la parentalité. Ces recherches ont montré tout d'abord que la qualité des interactions triadiques tend à être stable au cours des deux premières années de vie de l'enfant, et qu'elle peut être anticipée durant la grossesse par l'observation d'interactions dans une simulation de jeu triadique. Ensuite, elles ont montré qu'une altération de ces interactions a une influence sur le développement de l'enfant qui se manifeste tout au long des cinq premières années, tant au niveau affectif que cognitif (par exemple : la capacité d'attention triangulaire lors des premiers mois, ou le développement de la théorie de l'esprit et les difficultés de comportements à cinq ans). Cette influence s'exerce en plus de celle d'autres variables comme la relation d'attachement mère-enfant, ou la personnalité de l'enfant lui-même évaluée selon son tempérament. La triade constitue donc un contexte de développement en soi qui doit être pris en compte dans la prise en charge et l'intervention auprès de jeunes enfants.This paper presents the main results of researches on the development of mother-father-child triadic interactions during the transition to parenthood, according to the « family alliance » model. First, these researches have shown that the quality of triadic interactions tends to be stable through the first two years, and that it can be predicted during pregnancy by observation of a simulated triadic play. Then, they have shown that disturbances in triadic interactions have an impact on several affective and cognitive developmental outcomes for the child throughout the first five years (for example, the triangular attention capacity during the first months, or the development of theory of mind and externalized behaviors at age five). This impact is specific, and triadic interactions exert an influence on the development of the child over and above other variables like the mother-child attachment relationship, or the personality of the child assessed in terms of temperament. The triad constitutes then a context of development per se which has to be taken into account when working clinically with young children.
Undernutrition is a widespread problem in the intensive care and is associated with a worse clinical outcome. Enteral nutrition is the recommended nutritional support in ICU patients. However, enteral nutrition is frequently insufficient to cover protein-energy needs. The initiation of supplemental parenteral nutrition, when enteral nutrition is insufficient, could optimize the nutritional therapy. Such a combination could allow reducing morbidity, length of stay and recovery, as well as improving quality of life and health care costs. Prospective studies are currently underway to test this hypothesis.
Few data for normal urinary oxalate (Ox) and calcium (Ca) excretion related both to gestational age and nutritional factors have been reported in preterm or term infants. We therefore determined the molar Ox and Ca to creatinine (Cr) ratios in spot urines from 64 preterm and 37 term infants aged 1-60 days, either fed formula or human milk (HM). Only vitamin D was supplemented; renal or metabolic diseases were excluded. Urinary Ox/Cr ratio was higher in preterm than in term infants, both when formula fed (1st month 253 vs. 180 mmol/mol and 2nd month 306 vs. 212 mmol/mol; P<0.05) or HM fed (206 vs. 169 mmol/ mol and 283* vs. 232 mmol/mol; *P<0.05). Ox/Cr was also higher in formula- than HM-fed preterm infants. The ratio increased during the first 2 months of life irrespective of nutrition. Urinary Ca/Cr ratio was comparable in all groups during the 1st month of life, except for a lower (P < 0.05) value in term infants fed HM (0.10 mol/mol). It increased in all groups during the 2nd month of life, being highest in HM-fed preterm infants (1.86 mol/mol). In conclusion, urinary Ox and Ca excretion is influenced by both gestational age and nutrient intake in preterm and term infants.
Epidemiological studies indicate that children born small for gestational age (SGA) have an increased risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders as adults. This suggests that foetal undernutrition leads to permanent metabolic alterations, which predispose to metabolic abnormalities upon exposure to environmental factors such as low physical activity and/or high-energy intake in later life (thrifty phenotype hypothesis). However, this relationship is not restricted to foetal undernutrition or intrauterine growth retardation, but is also found for children born premature, or for high birth weight children. Furthermore, early post-natal nutrition, and more specifically catch-up growth, appear to modulate cardiovascular risk as well. Intrauterine growth retardation can be induced in animal models by energy/protein restriction, or ligation of uterine arteries. In such models, altered glucose homeostasis, including low beta-cell mass, low insulin secretion and insulin resistance is observed after a few weeks of age. In humans, several studies have confirmed that children born SGA have insulin resistance as adolescents and young adults. Alterations of glucose homeostasis and increased lipid oxidation can indeed be observed already in non-diabetic children born SGA at early pubertal stages. These children also have alterations of stature and changes in body composition (increased fat mass), which may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Permanent metabolic changes induced by foetal/early neonatal nutrition (metabolic inprinting) may involve modulation of gene expression through DNA methylation, or alterations of organ structure. It is also possible that events occurring during foetal/neonatal development lead to long-lasting alterations of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis or the hypothalamo-pituitary-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis.
History of Child Welfare in Iowa and the studies pertaining to it for the years 1937 and 1940. Includes a table showing number of children and money paid per child through Widow's Pensions for the year 1939.