983 resultados para Chemical engineering.
The optimal integration of work and its interaction with heat can represent large energy savings in industrial plants. This paper introduces a new optimization model for the simultaneous synthesis of work exchange networks (WENs), with heat integration for the optimal pressure recovery of process gaseous streams. The proposed approach for the WEN synthesis is analogous to the well-known problem of synthesis of heat exchanger networks (HENs). Thus, there is work exchange between high-pressure (HP) and low-pressure (LP) streams, achieved by pressure manipulation equipment running on common axes. The model allows the use of several units of single-shaft-turbine-compressor (SSTC), as well as stand-alone compressors, turbines and valves. Helper motors and generators are used to respond to any demand and excess of energy. Moreover, between the WEN stages the streams are sent to the HEN to promote thermal recovery, aiming to enhance the work integration. A multi-stage superstructure is proposed to represent the process. The WEN superstructure is optimized in a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation and solved with the GAMS software, with the goal of minimizing the total annualized cost. Three examples are conducted to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. In all case studies, the heat integration between WEN stages is essential to improve the pressure recovery, and to reduce the total costs involved in the process.
The optimization of chemical processes where the flowsheet topology is not kept fixed is a challenging discrete-continuous optimization problem. Usually, this task has been performed through equation based models. This approach presents several problems, as tedious and complicated component properties estimation or the handling of huge problems (with thousands of equations and variables). We propose a GDP approach as an alternative to the MINLP models coupled with a flowsheet program. The novelty of this approach relies on using a commercial modular process simulator where the superstructure is drawn directly on the graphical use interface of the simulator. This methodology takes advantage of modular process simulators (specially tailored numerical methods, reliability, and robustness) and the flexibility of the GDP formulation for the modeling and solution. The optimization tool proposed is successfully applied to the synthesis of a methanol plant where different alternatives are available for the streams, equipment and process conditions.
In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for the rigorous design of distillation columns that integrates a process simulator in a generalized disjunctive programming formulation. The optimal distillation column, or column sequence, is obtained by selecting, for each column section, among a set of column sections with different number of theoretical trays. The selection of thermodynamic models, properties estimation etc., are all in the simulation environment. All the numerical issues related to the convergence of distillation columns (or column sections) are also maintained in the simulation environment. The model is formulated as a Generalized Disjunctive Programming (GDP) problem and solved using the logic based outer approximation algorithm without MINLP reformulation. Some examples involving from a single column to thermally coupled sequence or extractive distillation shows the performance of the new algorithm.
Electron donor-acceptor (EDA) interactions are widely involved in chemistry and their understanding is essential to design new technological applications in a variety of fields ranging from material sciences and chemical engineering to medicine. In this work, we study EDA complexes of carbon dioxide with ketones using several ab initio and Density Functional Theory methods. Energy contributions to the interaction energy have been analyzed in detail using both variational and perturbational treatments. Dispersion energy has been shown to play a key role in explaining the high stability of a non-conventional structure, which can roughly be described by a cooperative EDA interaction.
Even though it has been proved that a fully thermally coupled distillation (TCD) system minimizes the energy used by a sequence of columns, it is well-known that vapor/liquid transfers between different sections produce an unavoidable excess of vapor (liquid) in some of them, increasing both the investment and operating costs. It is proposed here to take advantage of this situation by extracting the extra vapor/liquid and subjecting it to a direct/reverse vapor compression cycle. This new arrangement restores the optimal operating conditions of some of the affected sections with energy savings of around 20–30% compared with conventional TCD columns. Various examples, including the direct and reverse vapor recompression cycles, are presented. Furthermore, in each example, all possible modes of distillation (direct, indirect and Petlyuk distillation) with and without vapor recompression cycles (VRC) are compared to ensure that this approach delivers the best results.
This paper presents an alternative model to deal with the problem of optimal energy consumption minimization of non-isothermal systems with variable inlet and outlet temperatures. The model is based on an implicit temperature ordering and the “transshipment model” proposed by Papoulias and Grossmann (1983). It is supplemented with a set of logical relationships related to the relative position of the inlet temperatures of process streams and the dynamic temperature intervals. In the extreme situation of fixed inlet and outlet temperatures, the model reduces to the “transshipment model”. Several examples with fixed and variable temperatures are presented to illustrate the model's performance.
Mathematical programming can be used for the optimal design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers (STHEs). This paper proposes a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model for the design of STHEs, following rigorously the standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA). Bell–Delaware Method is used for the shell-side calculations. This approach produces a large and non-convex model that cannot be solved to global optimality with the current state of the art solvers. Notwithstanding, it is proposed to perform a sequential optimization approach of partial objective targets through the division of the problem into sets of related equations that are easier to solve. For each one of these problems a heuristic objective function is selected based on the physical behavior of the problem. The global optimal solution of the original problem cannot be ensured even in the case in which each of the sub-problems is solved to global optimality, but at least a very good solution is always guaranteed. Three cases extracted from the literature were studied. The results showed that in all cases the values obtained using the proposed MINLP model containing multiple objective functions improved the values presented in the literature.
We present a derivative-free optimization algorithm coupled with a chemical process simulator for the optimal design of individual and complex distillation processes using a rigorous tray-by-tray model. The proposed approach serves as an alternative tool to the various models based on nonlinear programming (NLP) or mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) . This is accomplished by combining the advantages of using a commercial process simulator (Aspen Hysys), including especially suited numerical methods developed for the convergence of distillation columns, with the benefits of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) metaheuristic algorithm, which does not require gradient information and has the ability to escape from local optima. Our method inherits the superstructure developed in Yeomans, H.; Grossmann, I. E.Optimal design of complex distillation columns using rigorous tray-by-tray disjunctive programming models. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2000, 39 (11), 4326–4335, in which the nonexisting trays are considered as simple bypasses of liquid and vapor flows. The implemented tool provides the optimal configuration of distillation column systems, which includes continuous and discrete variables, through the minimization of the total annual cost (TAC). The robustness and flexibility of the method is proven through the successful design and synthesis of three distillation systems of increasing complexity.
This multidisciplinary study concerns the optimal design of processes with a view to both maximizing profit and minimizing environmental impacts. This can be achieved by a combination of traditional chemical process design methods, measurements of environmental impacts and advanced mathematical optimization techniques. More to the point, this paper presents a hybrid simulation-multiobjective optimization approach that at once optimizes the production cost and minimizes the associated environmental impacts of isobutane alkylation. This approach has also made it possible to obtain the flowsheet configurations and process variables that are needed to manufacture isooctane in a way that satisfies the above-stated double aim. The problem is formulated as a Generalized Disjunctive Programming problem and solved using state-of-the-art logic-based algorithms. It is shown, starting from existing alternatives for the process, that it is possible to systematically generate a superstructure that includes alternatives not previously considered. The optimal solution, in the form a Pareto curve, includes different structural alternatives from which the most suitable design can be selected. To evaluate the environmental impact, Life Cycle Assessment based on two different indicators is employed: Ecoindicator 99 and Global Warming Potential.
The temperature and the composition of the vapor–liquid–liquid equilibrium (VLLE) and the vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) of a ternary mixture of water–n-butanol–cyclohexane were measured at atmospheric pressure (101.32 kPa) in a modified dynamic recirculating still. As found in the literature, the experimental data obtained reveal a ternary azeotrope at 341.86 K with a mole fraction composition of 0.281, 0.034, and 0.685 water, n-butanol, and cyclohexane, respectively. The liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) compositions were measured at a constant temperature of 313.15 K and compared with data in the literature collected at other temperatures. Thermodynamic consistency of all the experimental data was demonstrated. The universal quasichemical (UNIQUAC) and the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) thermodynamic models were used to correlate the VLE and LLE data, while the original universal functional (UNIFAC) model was used to compare the predicted data.
Poster presented in the 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 24), Budapest, Hungary, June 15-18, 2014.
The solubility, density, refractive index, and viscosity data for the ethylene glycol + CsBr + H2O, 1,2-propanediol + CsBr + H2O, and glycerin + CsBr + H2O ternary systems have been determined at (288.15, 298.15, and 308.15) K. In all cases, the solubility of CsBr in aqueous solutions was decreased significantly due to the presence of polyhydric alcohol. The liquid–solid equilibrium experimental data were correlated using the NRTL (nonrandom two-liquid) activity coefficient model, considering nondissociation of the dissolved salt in the liquid phase, and new interaction parameters were estimated. The mean deviations between calculated and experimental compositions were low, showing the good descriptive quality and applicability of the NRTL model. The refractive indices, densities, and viscosities for the unsaturated solutions of the three ternary systems have also been measured at three temperatures. Values for all of the properties were correlated with the salt concentrations and proportions of polyhydric alcohol in the solutions.
Environmentally friendly sulfonated black carbon (BC) catalysts were prepared from biodiesel waste, glycerol. These black carbons (BCs) contain a high amount of acidic groups, mainly sulfonated and oxygenated groups. Furthermore, these catalysts show a high catalytic activity in the glycerol etherification reaction with tert-butyl alcohol, the activity being larger for the sample prepared with a higher glycerol:sulfuric acid ratio (1:3). The yield for mono-tert-butyl glycerol (MTBG), di-tert-butyl glycerol (DTBG) and tri-tert-butyl-glycerol (TTBG) were very similar to those obtained using a commercial resin, Amberlyst-15. Furthermore, experimental results show that the carbon with the lowest acidic surface group content, BC prepared in minor glycerol:sulfuric acid ratio (10:1), can be chemically treated after carbonization to achieve an improved catalytic activity. The activity of all BCs is high and very similar, about 50% and 20% for the MTBG and DTBG + TTBG, respectively.
Graphical Representation of the Changes of Sector for Particular Cases in the Ponchon Savarit Method
A graphical and systematic analysis of particular cases where the compositions of the streams developed in the rectification column coincide with one of the vapor (yGFk) or liquid (xGFk) portions generated from the GFk can be found in this material (i.e.: yGFk=yk+1,1 or xGFk=xk,NTk).
13th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering (Sociedad Española de Química Industrial e Ingeniería Química, Fira Barcelona, Expoquimia), Barcelona, September 30-October 3, 2014