995 resultados para Chemical engineering


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Vapor-liquid equilibrium data have been measured for the binary systems methyl ethyl ketone-p-xylene and chlorobenzene-p-xylene, at 685 mmHg pressure. The activity coefficients have been evaluated taking Into consideration the vapor-phase nonideallty. The f-x-y data have been subjected to a thermodynamic consistency test and the activity coefficients have been correlated by the Wilson equation.


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Several samples of poly(vinyl formal) having the same vinyl alcohol content (8–9%) but varying contents of vinyl acetate (6–22%) and vinyl formol (70–85%) were prepared and subjected to thermogravimetric analysis, in air and nitrogen atmospheres, employing both isothermal and dynamic methods. Kinetic parameters determined from both the isothermal and dynamic TGA data are compared. The activation energy is seen to be largely dependent on the degree of conversion, implying a complex degradation reaction. The activation energy is also much less for degradation in air than in nitrogen, which can be explained by a reaction with oxygen-producing structures favoring degradation. The activation energy is less sensitive to variation in polymer composition for degradation in air than in nitrogen. Thus, in the dynamic process, the activation energy value decreases (from 36 to 23 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%) in nitrogen atmosphere, while in air the activation energy value increases only moderately (from 21 to 27 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%). The order of reaction is nearly unity, irrespective of the composition of the polymer, both in air and nitrogen.


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We report a simple and rapid process for the room-temperature synthesis of gold nanoparticles using tannic acid, a green reagent, as both the reducing and stabilising agent. We systematically investigated the effect of pH on the size distribution of nanoparticles synthesized. Based on induction time and zeta- potential measurements, we show that particle size distribution is controlled by a fine balance between the rates of reduction (determined by the initial pH of reactants) and coalescence (determined by the pH of the reaction mixture) in the initial period of growth. This insight led to the optimal batch process for size-controlled synthesis of 2-10 nm gold nanoparticles - slow addition (within 10 minutes) of chloroauric acid into tannic acid.


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A detailed experimental and simulation study has been carried out in the present work to understand drop breakup in regions around the edge of the Rushton turbine in agitated vessels. The effect of impeller speed, impeller size, interfacial tension, and the viscosities of the two phases is studied on drop breakup through their effect on dmax, the size of the largest drop in the system, and the whole size distribution. The measurements were carried out using Galai particle size analyser and optical microscope. Experimental analysis shows that the dmax, maximum stable drop diameter varies with impeller tip velocity to the power -1. The variation of dmax with interfacial tension is studied using different surfactants. The effect of viscosity ratio, achieved by changing the dispersed phase viscosity, on dmax is captured. For the same dmax values obtained from two different dispersed phases show that the wider drop size distribution is observed for higher dispersed phase viscosity.


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Research on conducting polymers, organic light emitting diodes and organic solar cells has been an exciting field for the past decade. The challenge with these organic devices is the long term stability of the active material. Organic materials are susceptible to chemical degradation in the presence of oxygen and moisture. The sensitivity of these materials towards oxygen and moisture makes it imperative to protect them by encapsulation. Polymer nanocomposites can be used as encapsulation materials in order to prevent material degradation. In the present work, amine functionalized alumina was used as a cross-linking and reinforcing material for the polymer matrix in order to fabricate the composites to be used for encapsulation of devices. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to elucidate the surface chemistry. Thermogravimetric analysis techniques and CHN analysis were used to quantify grafting density of amine groups over the surface of the nanoparticles. Mechanical characterizations of the composites with various loadings were carried out with dynamic mechanical analyzer. It was observed that the composites have good thermal stability and mechanical flexibility, which are important for an encapsulant. The morphology of the composites was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.


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Existing models for dmax predict that, in the limit of μd → ∞, dmax increases with 3/4 power of μd. Further, at low values of interfacial tension, dmax becomes independent of σ even at moderate values of μd. However, experiments contradict both the predictions show that dmax dependence on μd is much weaker, and that, even at very low values of σ,dmax does not become independent of it. A model is proposed to explain these results. The model assumes that a drop circulates in a stirred vessel along with the bulk fluid and repeatedly passes through a deformation zone followed by a relaxation zone. In the deformation zone, the turbulent inertial stress tends to deform the drop, while the viscous stress generated in the drop and the interfacial stress resist deformation. The relaxation zone is characterized by absence of turbulent stress and hence the drop tends to relax back to undeformed state. It is shown that a circulating drop, starting with some initial deformation, either reaches a steady state or breaks in one or several cycles. dmax is defined as the maximum size of a drop which, starting with an undeformed initial state for the first cycle, passes through deformation zone infinite number of times without breaking. The model predictions reduce to that of Lagisetty. (1986) for moderate values of μd and σ. The model successfully predicts the reduced dependence of dmax on μd at high values of μd as well as the dependence of dmax on σ at low values of σ. The data available in literature on dmax could be predicted to a greater accuracy by the model in comparison with existing models and correlations.


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Process control systems are designed for a closed-loop peak magnitude of 2dB, which corresponds to a damping coefficient () of 0.5 approximately. With this specified constraint, the designer should choose and/or design the loop components to maintain a constant relative stability. However, the manipulative variable in almost all chemical processes will be the flow rate of a process stream. Since the gains and the time constants of the process will be functions of the manipulative variable, a constant relative stability cannot be maintained. Up to now, this problem has been overcome either by selecting proper control valve flow characteristics or by gain scheduling of controller parameters. Nevertheless, if a wrong control valve selection is made then one has to account for huge loss in controllability or eventually it may lead to an unstable control system. To overcome these problems, a compensator device that can bring back the relative stability of the control system was proposed. This compensator is similar to a dynamic nonlinear controller that has both online and offline information on several factors related to the control system. The design and analysis of the proposed compensator is discussed in this article. Finally, the performance of the compensator is validated by applying it to a two-tank blending process. It has been observed that by using a compensator in the process control system, the relative stability could be brought back to a great extent despite the effects of changes in manipulative flow rate.


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Existing models for dmax predict that, in the limit of μd → ∞, dmax increases with 3/4 power of μd. Further, at low values of interfacial tension, dmax becomes independent of σ even at moderate values of μd. However, experiments contradict both the predictions show that dmax dependence on μd is much weaker, and that, even at very low values of σ,dmax does not become independent of it. A model is proposed to explain these results. The model assumes that a drop circulates in a stirred vessel along with the bulk fluid and repeatedly passes through a deformation zone followed by a relaxation zone. In the deformation zone, the turbulent inertial stress tends to deform the drop, while the viscous stress generated in the drop and the interfacial stress resist deformation. The relaxation zone is characterized by absence of turbulent stress and hence the drop tends to relax back to undeformed state. It is shown that a circulating drop, starting with some initial deformation, either reaches a steady state or breaks in one or several cycles. dmax is defined as the maximum size of a drop which, starting with an undeformed initial state for the first cycle, passes through deformation zone infinite number of times without breaking. The model predictions reduce to that of Lagisetty. (1986) for moderate values of μd and σ. The model successfully predicts the reduced dependence of dmax on μd at high values of μd as well as the dependence of dmax on σ at low values of σ. The data available in literature on dmax could be predicted to a greater accuracy by the model in comparison with existing models and correlations.


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The various existing models for predicting the maximum stable drop diameterd max in turbulent stirred dispersions have been reviewed. Variations in the basic framework dictated by additional complexities such as the presence of drag reducing agents in the continuous phase, or viscoelasticity of the dispersed phase have been outlined. Drop breakage in the presence of surfactants in the continuous phase has also been analysed. Finally, the various approaches to obtaining expressions for the breakage and coalescence frequencies, needed to solve the population balance equation for the number density function of the dispersed phase droplets, have been discussed.


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The mechano-chemical degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) and poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) using ultrasound (US), ultraviolet (UV) radiation and a photoinitiator (benzoin) has been investigated. The degradation of the polymers was monitored using the reduction in number average molecular weight (M-n) and polydispersity (PDI). A degradation mechanism that included the decomposition of the initiator, generation of polymer radicals by the hydrogen abstraction of initiator radicals, reversible chain transfer between stable polymer and polymer radicals was proposed. The mechanism assumed mid-point chain scission due to US and random scission due to UV radiation. A series of experiments with different initial M-n of the polymers were performed and the results indicated that, irrespective of the initial PDI, the PDI during the sono-photooxidative degradation evolved to a steady state value of 1.6 +/- 0.05 for all the polymers. This steady state evolution of PDI was successfully predicted by the continuous distribution kinetics model. The rate coefficients of polymer scission due to US and UV exhibited a linear increase and decrease with the size of the alkyl group of the poly(alkyl methacrylate)s, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.