620 resultados para COLIFORM MASTITIS


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Access to sufficient quantities of safe drinking water is a human right. Moreover, access to clean water is of public health relevance, particularly in semi-arid and Sahelian cities due to the risks of water contamination and transmission of water-borne diseases. We conducted a study in Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, to deepen the understanding of diarrhoeal incidence in space and time. We used an integrated geographical approach, combining socio-environmental, microbiological and epidemiological data from various sources, including spatially explicit surveys, laboratory analysis of water samples and reported diarrhoeal episodes. A geospatial technique was applied to determine the environmental and microbiological risk factors that govern diarrhoeal transmission. Statistical and cartographic analyses revealed concentration of unimproved sources of drinking water in the most densely populated areas of the city, coupled with a daily water allocation below the recommended standard of 20 l per person. Bacteriological analysis indicated that 93% of the non-piped water sources supplied at water points were contaminated with 10-80 coliform bacteria per 100 ml. Diarrhoea was the second most important disease reported at health centres, accounting for 12.8% of health care service consultations on average. Diarrhoeal episodes were concentrated in municipalities with the largest number of contaminated water sources. Environmental factors (e.g. lack of improved water sources) and bacteriological aspects (e.g. water contamination with coliform bacteria) are the main drivers explaining the spatio-temporal distribution of diarrhoea. We conclude that integrating environmental, microbiological and epidemiological variables with statistical regression models facilitates risk profiling of diarrhoeal diseases. Modes of water supply and water contamination were the main drivers of diarrhoea in this semi-arid urban context of Nouakchott, and hence require a strategy to improve water quality at the various levels of the supply chain.


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Chitin, N-acetylglucosamine and crude shrimp shell were found to support growth and survival of non-01 and 01 Vibrio cholerae species in aquatic microcosms. Growth was found to be concentration-dependent when the amount of chitin used was within the range of 0.5 g/L to 5 g/L. Toxigenic strains of V. cholerae retained their ability to produce cholera toxin in bay water with chitin as the sole source of nutrient. The amount of chitin solubilized in bay water was shown to depend on salinity but not pH. The inability of V. cholerae to grow in dilute (10%) sewage is reported, and its bearing on the adequacy of the currently used fecal coliform count as a measure of shellfish and shellfish harvesting water quality is discussed. ^


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A new technique for the detection of microbiological fecal pollution in drinking and in raw surface water has been modified and tested against the standard multiple-tube fermentation technique (most-probable-number, MPN). The performance of the new test in detecting fecal pollution in drinking water has been tested at different incubation temperatures. The basis for the new test was the detection of hydrogen sulfide produced by the hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria which are usually associated with the coliform group. The positive results are indicated by the appearance of a brown to black color in the contents of the fermentation tube within 18 to 24 hours of incubation at 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C. For this study 158 water samples of different sources have been used. The results were analyzed statistically with the paired t-test and the one-way analysis of variance. No statistically significant difference was noticed between the two methods, when tested 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C, in detecting fecal pollution in drinking water. The new test showed more positive results with raw surface water, which could be due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria of non-fecal origin like Desulfovibrio and Desulfomaculum. The survival of the hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria and the coliforms was also tested over a 7-day period, and the results showed no significant difference. The two methods showed no significant difference when used to detect fecal pollution at a very low coliform density. The results showed that the new test is mostly effective, in detecting fecal pollution in drinking water, when used at 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C. The new test is effective, simple, and less expensive when used to detect fecal pollution in drinking water and raw surface water at 35 (+OR-) .5(DEGREES)C. The method can be used for qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of water in the field and in the laboratory. ^


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Abstract Staphylococcus aureus is a major mastitis-causing pathogen. Various genotypes have been recently identified in Switzerland but Staph. aureus genotype B (GTB) was the only genotype associated with high within-herd prevalence. The risk of introducing this Staph. aureus genotype into a herd may be increased by frequent animal movements. This may also be the case when cows from different herds of origin are commingled and share their milking equipment for a limited period of time. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of Staph. aureus GTB in seasonally communal dairy herds before and after a summer period when dairy farming is characterized by mixing cows from different herds of origin in 1 communal operation. In addition, the environment was investigated to identify potential Staph. aureus GTB reservoirs relevant for transmission of the disease. A total of 829 cows from 110 herds of origin in 9 communal operations were included in the study. Composite milk samples were collected from all cows during the first or second milking after arrival at the communal operation and again shortly before the end of the season. Swab samples from the environment, involved personnel, and herding dogs present were collected before the cows arrived. At the end of the season, sampling of personnel was repeated. All samples were analyzed for the presence of Staph. aureus GTB using an established quantitative PCR. At the beginning of the season, Staph. aureus GTB-positive cows were identified in 7 out of 9 communal operations and the within-communal operation prevalence ranged from 2.2 to 38.9%. At the second sampling, all communal operations were Staph. aureus GTB positive, showing within-communal operation prevalence from 1 to 72.1%. The between-herd of origin prevalence increased from 27.3 to 56.6% and the cow-level prevalence increased from 11.2% at the beginning of the season to 29.6% at the end of the season. On 3 different communal operations, Staph. aureus GTB-positive swabs from seasonally employed personnel were identified at the end of the season. The results indicate that Staph. aureus GTB can easily spread in communal operations when cows from different herds of origin are mixed during the summer season. Effective management measures need to be designed to prevent the spread of Staph. aureus GTB in seasonally communal herds. Copyright © 2014 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS: Staphylococcus aureus; biosecurity; communal herd; epidemiology


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Elevation of ketone bodies occurs frequently after parturition during negative energy balance in high yielding dairy cows. Previous studies illustrated that hyperketonemia interferes with metabolism and it is assumed that it impairs the immune response. However, a causative effect of ketone bodies could not be shown in vivo before, because spontaneous hyperketonemia comes usually along with high NEFA and low glucose concentrations. The objective was to study effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) infusion and an additional intramammary lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge on metabolism and immune response in dairy cows. Thirteen dairy cows received intravenously either a BHBA infusion (group BHBA, n=5) to induce hyperketonemia (1.7 mmol/L), or an infusion with a 0.9 % saline solution (Control, n=8) for 56 h. Infusions started at 0900 on day 1 and continue up to 1700 two days later. Two udder quarters were challenged with 200 μg Escherichia coli-LPS 48 h after the start of infusion. Blood samples were taken one week and 2 h before the start of infusions as reference samples and hourly during the infusion. Liver and mammary gland biopsies were taken one week before the start of the infusion, 48 h after the start of the infusion, and mammary tissues was additionally taken 8 h after LPS challenge (56 h after the start of infusions). Rectal temperature (RT) and somatic cell count (SCC) was measured before and 48 h after the start of infusions and hourly during LPS challenge. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma glucose, BHBA, NEFA, triglyceride, urea, insulin, glucagon, and cortisol concentration. The mRNA abundance of factors related to potential adaptations of metabolism and immune system was measured in liver and mammary tissue biopsies. Differences between blood constituents, RT, SCC, and mRNA abundance before and 48 h after the start of infusions, and differences between mRNA abundance before and after LPS challenges were tested for significance by GLM of SAS procedure with treatment as fixed effect. Area under the curve was calculated for blood variables during 48 h BHBA infusion and during the LPS challenge, and additionally for RT and SCC during the LPS challenge. Most surprisingly, both plasma glucose and glucagon concentration decreased during the 48 h of BHBA infusion (P<0.05). During the 48 h of BHBA infusion, serum amyloid A mRNA abundance in mammary gland was increased (P<0.01), and haptoglobin (Hp) mRNA abundance tended to increase in cows treated with BHBA compared to control group (P= 0.07). RT, SCC, and candidate genes related to immune response in the liver were not affected by BHBA infusion. However, during LPS challenge the expected increase of both plasma glucose and glucagon concentration was much less pronounced in the animals treated with BHBA (P<0.05) and also SCC increased much less pronounced in the animals infused with BHBA (P<0.05) than in the controls. An increased BHBA infusion rate to maintain plasma BHBA constant could not fully compensate for the decreased plasma BHBA during the LPS challenge which indicates that BHBA is used as an energy source during the immune response. In addition, BHBA infused animals showed a more pronounced increase of mRNA abundance of IL-8, IL-10, and citrate synthase in the mammary tissue of LPS challenged quarters (P<0.05) than control animals. Results demonstrate that infusion of BHBA affects metabolism through decreased plasma glucose concentration which is likely related to a decreased release of glucagon during hyperketonemia and during additional inflammation. It also affects the systemic and mammary immune response which may reflect the increased susceptibility for mastitis during spontaneous hyperketonemia. The obviously reduced gluconeogenesis in response to BHBA infusion may be a mechanism to stimulated the use of BHBA as an energy source instead of glucose, and/or to save oxaloacetate for the citric acid cycle instead of gluconeogenesis and as a consequence to reduce ketogenesis.


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Bovine mastitis is a frequent problem in Swiss dairy herds. One of the main pathogens causing significant economic loss is Staphylococcus aureus. Various Staph. aureus genotypes with different biological properties have been described. Genotype B (GTB) of Staph. aureus was identified as the most contagious and one of the most prevalent strains in Switzerland. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with the herd-level presence of Staph. aureus GTB and Staph. aureus non-GTB in Swiss dairy herds with an elevated yield-corrected herd somatic cell count (YCHSCC). One hundred dairy herds with a mean YCHSCC between 200,000 and 300,000cells/mL in 2010 were recruited and each farm was visited once during milking. A standardized protocol investigating demography, mastitis management, cow husbandry, milking system, and milking routine was completed during the visit. A bulk tank milk (BTM) sample was analyzed by real-time PCR for the presence of Staph. aureus GTB to classify the herds into 2 groups: Staph. aureus GTB-positive and Staph. aureus GTB-negative. Moreover, quarter milk samples were aseptically collected for bacteriological culture from cows with a somatic cell count ≥150,000cells/mL on the last test-day before the visit. The culture results allowed us to allocate the Staph. aureus GTB-negative farms to Staph. aureus non-GTB and Staph. aureus-free groups. Multivariable multinomial logistic regression models were built to identify risk factors associated with the herd-level presence of Staph. aureus GTB and Staph. aureus non-GTB. The prevalence of Staph. aureus GTB herds was 16% (n=16), whereas that of Staph. aureus non-GTB herds was 38% (n=38). Herds that sent lactating cows to seasonal communal pastures had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (odds ratio: 10.2, 95% CI: 1.9-56.6), compared with herds without communal pasturing. Herds that purchased heifers had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (rather than Staph. aureus non-GTB) compared with herds without purchase of heifers. Furthermore, herds that did not use udder ointment as supportive therapy for acute mastitis had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (odds ratio: 8.5, 95% CI: 1.6-58.4) or Staph. aureus non-GTB (odds ratio: 6.1, 95% CI: 1.3-27.8) than herds that used udder ointment occasionally or regularly. Herds in which the milker performed unrelated activities during milking had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (rather than Staph. aureus non-GTB) compared with herds in which the milker did not perform unrelated activities at milking. Awareness of 4 potential risk factors identified in this study guides implementation of intervention strategies to improve udder health in both Staph. aureus GTB and Staph. aureus non-GTB herds.


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Berechnung der Eutergesundheitskosten in Schweizer Milchviehbetrieben und die Schätzung der ökonomischen Effizienz einer Intervention zur Verbesserung der Eutergesundheit. In 49 Betrieben wurden dafür die Mastitis-Kosten ein Jahr vor und im Jahr während der Intervention auf Herdenebene erhoben und durch die jeweilige Anzahl laktierender Kühe dividiert. Vierundzwanzig Betriebe erhielten zu Beginn der Studie einen Bericht mit Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Eutergesundheit und wurden anschliessend während eines Jahres monatlich durch ihren Bestandestierarzt weiterbetreut. Die übrigen 25 Betriebe erhielten keine Empfehlungen und wurden als negative Kontrollgruppe genutzt. Im ersten Analyse-Jahr (2 Jahre vor der Intervention, 2010) betrugen die Eutergesundheitskosten im Median unabhängig von der Gruppenzuteilung CHF 209.– pro laktierende Kuh. Während des Interventionsjahres (2012) lagen sie bei CHF 191.– für Kontrollbetriebe bzw. CHF 396.– für betreute Betriebe. Die Mehrausgaben während der Intervention beliefen sich für die betreute Gruppe im Median auf CHF 159.– pro laktierende Kuh. Auf nationaler Ebene wurden die Mastitis-Kosten im Jahr 2010 auf CHF 129.4 Millionen/Jahr geschätzt. Mit Hilfe des in der vorliegenden Studie verwendeten Berechnungsmodells kann die Wirtschaftlichkeit zukünftiger Mastitiskontrollprogramme beurteilt werden.


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Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important pathogens causing mastitis in dairy cows and in Mediterranean buffaloes. Genotype B (GTB) is contagious in dairy cows and may occur in up to 87% of cows of a dairy herd. It was the aim of this study to evaluate genotypes present, clinical outcomes, and prevalence of Staph. aureus in milk samples of primiparous Mediterranean dairy buffaloes. Two hundred composite milk samples originating from 40 primiparous buffaloes were collected from May to June 2012, at d 10, 30, 60, 90, and 150 d in milk (DIM) to perform somatic cell counts and bacteriological cultures. Daily milk yields were recorded. Before parturition until 40 to 50 DIM, all primiparous animals were housed separated from the pluriparous animals. Milking was performed in the same milking parlor, but the primiparous animals were milked first. After 50 DIM, the primiparous were mixed with the pluriparous animals, including the milking procedure. Individual quarter samples were collected from each animal, and aliquots of 1 mL were mixed and used for molecular identification and genotyping of Staph. aureus. The identification of Staph. aureus was performed verifying the presence of nuc gene by nuc gene PCR. All the nuc-positive isolates were subjected to genotype analysis by means of PCR amplification of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region and analyzed by a miniaturized electrophoresis system. Of all 200 composite samples, 41 (20.5%) were positive for Staph. aureus, and no genotype other than GTB was identified. The prevalence of samples positive for Staph. aureus was 0% at 10 DIM and increased to a maximum of 22/40 (55%) at 90 DIM. During the period of interest, 14 buffaloes tested positive for Staph. aureus once, 6 were positive twice, and 5 were positive 3 times, whereas 15 animals were negative at every sampling. At 90 and 150 DIM, 7 (17.5%) and 3 buffaloes (7.5%), respectively, showed clinical mastitis (CM), and only 1 (2.5%) showed CM at both samplings. At 60, 90, and 150 DIM, 1 buffalo was found with subclinical mastitis at each sampling. At 30, 60, 90, and 150 DIM, 2.5 (1/40), 22.5 (9/40), 35 (14/40), and 10% (4/40) were considered affected by intramammary infection, respectively. Buffaloes with CM caused by Staph. aureus had statistically significantly higher mean somatic cell count values (6.06 ± 0.29, Log10 cells/mL ± standard deviation) and statistically significantly lower mean daily milk yields (7.15 ± 1.49, liters/animal per day) than healthy animals (4.69 ± 0.23 and 13.87 ± 2.64, respectively), buffaloes with IMI (4.82 ± 0.23 and 11.16 ± 1.80, respectively), or with subclinical mastitis (5.47 ± 0.10 and 10.33 ± 0.68, respectively). Based on our knowledge, this is the first time that Staph. aureus GTB has been identified in milk samples of dairy Mediterranean buffaloes.


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A novel erythromycin ribosome methylase gene, erm(44), that confers resistance to macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics was identified by whole-genome sequencing of the chromosome of Staphylococcus xylosus isolated from bovine mastitis milk. The erm(44) gene is preceded by a regulatory sequence that encodes two leader peptides responsible for the inducible expression of the methylase gene, as demonstrated by cloning in Staphylococcus aureus. The erm(44) gene is located on a 53-kb putative prophage designated ΦJW4341-pro. The 56 predicted open reading frames of ΦJW4341-pro are structurally organized into the five functional modules found in members of the family Siphoviridae. ΦJW4341-pro is site-specifically integrated into the S. xylosus chromosome, where it is flanked by two perfect 19-bp direct repeats, and exhibits the ability to circularize. The presence of erm(44) in three additional S. xylosus strains suggests that this putative prophage has the potential to disseminate MLSB resistance.


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The aims of this study were to quantify the effectiveness of specialist advice about udder health in Swiss dairy herds and to compare 3 different udder health improvement strategies against a negative control group. In 2010, 100 Swiss dairy herds with a high (between 200,000 and 300,000 cells/mL) yield-corrected bulk milk somatic cell count (YCBMSCC) were recruited for a 1-yr multiarm randomized field trial. The herds were visited between September and December 2011 to evaluate udder health-management practices and then randomly allocated into 1 of 4 study arms containing 25 herds each. The negative control study arm received neither recommendations for improving udder health nor any active support. The remaining 75 farmers received a herd-specific report with recommendations to improve udder health management. The positive control study arm received no further active support during 2012. The veterinarian study arm received additional support in the form of monthly visits by their herd veterinarian. Finally, the study group study arm received support in the form of bimonthly study group meetings where different topics concerning udder health were discussed. One year later, implementation of recommendations and changes in udder health were assessed. Of the recommendations given, 44.3% were completely implemented, 23.1% partially, and 32.6% were not implemented. No differences in implementation of recommendations were noted between the 3 study arms. At study enrollment, farmers were asked for the study arm of their preference but were subsequently randomly assigned to 1 of the 4 study arms. Farmers that were assigned to the study arm of their preference implemented more recommendations than farmers assigned to a study arm not of their preference. No decrease in the within-herd prevalence of cows that had a high (≥200,000 cells/mL) composite somatic cell count was observed in herds that had a YCBMSCC ≥200,000 cells/mL at the start of intervention. However, the 3 study arms with intervention (positive control, the veterinarian, and the study groups) prevented an increase in the within-herd prevalence of cows that had a high somatic cell count in herds with a low YCBMSCC at the start of the intervention compared with the negative control study arm. In the year after sending the report, herds assigned to the study group study arm had a reduced incidence rate of treated mastitis cases in comparison with the year before sending the report.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of intramammary administration of prednisolone on the immune response of mammary glands in cows. ANIMALS: 5 lactating Red Holsteins. PROCEDURES: Cows received a different intramammary infusion in each mammary gland (10 mg of prednisolone, 100 μg of lipopolysaccharide [LPS], 100 μg of LPS and 10 mg of prednisolone, or saline [0.9% NaCl] solution). Milk samples were collected before (time 0) and 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 36 hours after treatment. Somatic cell count (SCC), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, and concentrations of serum albumin (SA) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in milk and mRNA expression of TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-8, and IL-1β in milk somatic cells were analyzed. RESULTS: Saline solution or prednisolone did not change SCC, LDH activity, and SA and TNF-α concentrations in milk and mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-8 in milk somatic cells. The SCC and TNF-α concentration in milk increased similarly in glands infused with LPS, independent of prednisolone administration. However, the increase of LDH activity and SA concentration in milk after LPS infusion was diminished by prednisolone administration. The mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-8, and IL-1β in milk somatic cells increased after LPS infusion and was unaffected by prednisolone. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Intramammary administration of prednisolone did not induce an immune response and did not change mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-8, and L-1β during the response to intramammary administration of LPS. However, prednisolone reduced disruption of the blood-milk barrier. This could influence the severity and cure rate of mastitis.


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Staphylococcus aureus is a major mastitis-causing pathogen in dairy cows. The latex agglutination-based Staphaurex test allows bovine S. aureus strains to be grouped into Staphaurex latex agglutination test (SLAT)-negative [SLAT(-)] and SLAT-positive [SLAT(+)] isolates. Virulence and resistance gene profiles within SLAT(-) isolates are highly similar, but differ largely from those of SLAT(+) isolates. Notably, specific genetic changes in important virulence factors were detected in SLAT(-) isolates. Based on the molecular data, it is assumed that SLAT(+) strains are more virulent than SLAT(-) strains. The objective of this study was to investigate if SLAT(-) and SLAT(+) strains can differentially induce an immune response with regard to their adhesive capacity to epithelial cells in the mammary gland and in turn, could play a role in the course of mastitis. Primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (bMEC) were challenged with suspensions of heat inactivated SLAT(+) (n = 3) and SLAT(-) (n = 3) strains isolated from clinical bovine mastitis cases. After 1, 6, and 24 h, cells were harvested and mRNA expression of inflammatory mediators (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-8, RANTES, SAA, lactoferrin, GM-CSF, COX-2, and TLR-2) was evaluated by reverse transcription and quantitative PCR. Transcription (ΔΔCT) of most measured factors was induced in challenged bMEC for 6 and 24 h. Interestingly, relative mRNA levels were higher (P<0.05) in response to SLAT(+) compared to SLAT(-) strains. In addition, adhesion assays on bMEC also showed significant differences between SLAT(+) and SLAT(-) strains. The present study clearly shows that these two S. aureus strain types cause a differential immune response of bMEC and exhibit differences in their adhesion capacity in vitro. This could reflect differences in the severity of mastitis that the different strain types may induce.


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Metabolic adaptations during negative energy and nutrient balance in dairy cows are thought to cause impaired immune function and hence increased risk of infectious diseases, including mastitis. Characteristic adaptations mostly occurring in early lactation are an elevation of plasma ketone bodies and free fatty acids (nonesterified fatty acids, NEFA) and diminished glucose concentration. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of elevated plasma β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) at simultaneously even or positive energy balance and thus normal plasma NEFA and glucose on factors related to the immune system in liver and mammary gland of dairy cows. In addition, we investigated the effect of elevated plasma BHBA and intramammary lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge on the mammary immune response. Thirteen dairy cows were infused either with BHBA (HyperB, n=5) to induce hyperketonemia (1.7 mmol/L) or with a 0.9% saline solution (NaCl, n=8) for 56 h. Two udder quarters were injected with 200 μg of LPS after 48 h of infusion. Rectal temperature (RT) and somatic cell counts (SCC) were measured before, at 48 h after the start of infusions, and hourly during the LPS challenge. The mRNA abundance of factors related to the immune system was measured in hepatic and mammary tissue biopsies 1 wk before and 48 h after the start of the infusion, and additionally in mammary tissue at 56 h of infusion (8h after LPS administration). At 48 h of infusion in HyperB, the mRNA abundance of serum amyloid A (SAA) in the mammary gland was increased and that of haptoglobin (Hp) tended to be increased. Rectal temperature, SCC, and mRNA abundance of candidate genes in the liver were not affected by the BHBA infusion until 48 h. During the following LPS challenge, RT and SCC increased in both groups. However, SCC increased less in HyperB than in NaCl. Quarters infused with LPS showed a more pronounced increase of mRNA abundance of IL-8 and IL-10 in HyperB than in NaCl. The results demonstrate that an increase of plasma BHBA upregulates acute phase proteins in the mammary gland. In response to intramammary LPS challenge, elevated BHBA diminishes the influx of leukocytes from blood into milk, perhaps by via modified cytokine synthesis. Results indicate that increased ketone body plasma concentrations may play a crucial role in the higher mastitis susceptibility in early lactation.


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Mycoplasma bovis causes mastitis in dairy cows and is associated with pneumonia and polyarthritis in cattle. The present investigation included a retrospective case–control study to identify potential herd-level risk factors for M. bovis associated disease, and a prospective cohort study to evaluate the course of clinical disease in M. bovis infected dairy cattle herds in Switzerland. Eighteen herds with confirmed M. bovis cases were visited twice within an average interval of 75 d. One control herd with no history of clinical mycoplasmosis, matched for herd size, was randomly selected within a 10 km range for each case herd. Animal health data, production data, information on milking and feeding-management, housing and presence of potential stress- factors were collected. Composite quarter milk samples were aseptically collected from all lactating cows and 5% of all animals within each herd were sampled by nasal swabs. Organ samples of culled diseased cows were collected when logistically possible. All samples were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In case herds, incidence risk of pneumonia, arthritis and clinical mastitis prior to the first visit and incidence rates of clinical mastitis and clinical pneumonia between the two visits was estimated. Logistic regression was used to identify potential herd-level risk factors for M. bovis infection. In case herds, incidence risk of M. bovis mastitis prior to the first visit ranged from 2 to 15%, whereas 2 to 35% of the cows suffered from clinical pneumonia within the 12 months prior to the first herd visit. The incidence rates of mycoplasmal mastitis and clinical pneumonia between the two herd visits were low in case herds (0–0.1 per animal year at risk and 0.1-0.6 per animal year at risk, respectively). In the retrospective-case-control study high mean milk production, appropriate stimulation until milk-let-down, fore-stripping, animal movements (cattle shows and trade), presence of stress-factors, and use of a specific brand of milking equipment, were identified as potential herd-level risk factors. The prospective cohort study revealed a decreased incidence of clinical disease within three months and prolonged colonization of the nasal cavity by M. bovis in young stock.


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Staphylococcus aureus is globally one of the most important pathogens causing contagious mastitis in cattle. Previous studies using ribosomal spacer (RS)-PCR, however, demonstrated in Swiss cows that Staph. aureus isolated from bovine intramammary infections are genetically heterogeneous, with Staph. aureus genotype B (GTB) and GTC being the most prominent genotypes. Furthermore, Staph. aureus GTB was found to be contagious, whereas Staph. aureus GTC and all the remaining genotypes were involved in individual cow disease. In addition to RS-PCR, other methods for subtyping Staph. aureus are known, including spa typing and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). They are based on sequencing the spa and various housekeeping genes, respectively. The aim of the present study was to compare the 3 analytic methods using 456 strains of Staph. aureus isolated from milk of bovine intramammary infections and bulk tanks obtained from 12 European countries. Furthermore, the phylogeny of animal Staph. aureus was inferred and the zoonotic transfer of Staph. aureus between cattle and humans was studied. The analyzed strains could be grouped into 6 genotypic clusters, with CLB, CLC, and CLR being the most prominent ones. Comparing the 3 subtyping methods, RS-PCR showed the highest resolution, followed by spa typing and MLST. We found associations among the methods but in many cases they were unsatisfactory except for CLB and CLC. Cluster CLB was positive for clonal complex (CC)8 in 99% of the cases and typically positive for t2953; it is the cattle-adapted form of CC8. Cluster CLC was always positive for t529 and typically positive for CC705. For CLR and the remaining subtypes, links among the 3 methods were generally poor. Bovine Staph. aureus is highly clonal and a few clones predominate. Animal Staph. aureus always evolve from human strains, such that every human strain may be the ancestor of a novel animal-adapted strain. The zoonotic transfer of IMI- and milk-associated strains of Staph. aureus between cattle and humans seems to be very limited and different hosts are not considered as a source for mutual, spontaneous infections. Spillover events, however, may happen.