904 resultados para CNR


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In the last years there has been a growing demand of plastic surgery for soft tissue reconstruction. In response to this, many biological and synthetic devices have been produced, aiming to allow wide and complex body reshapings. Acellular dermal matrices are one of these devices, and are made of human or animal tissues made acellular after their sampling. They are used for cervical, breast and abdominal wall reconstruction. Tutopatch®, generally used for face reconstruction or neurosurgery, is made of acellular bovine pericardium, and its high amount of collagen allows a fast tissue healing and a scaffold for the surrounding tissue rigeneration. In our case report Tutopatch® has been used in immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy. This device has been used to close laterally the subpectoral pocket, allowing a bigger volume prosthesis to be placed We have not experienced particular postoperatory complications, and after 12 months of follow up we have found a valid functional and aesthetic result. We consider Tutopatch® as a valid alternative to other acellular dermal matrices specifically designed for breast reconstruction.


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Background. Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a rare disease which accounts for approximately 5-9% of all thyroid cancers and originates from the calcitonin-secerning parafollicular C cells. MTC can be divided into two subgroups: sporadic (75%) or inherited (25%). The majority of patients with invasive MTC have metastasis to regional lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis, as evidenced by the frequent finding of persistently elevated calcitonin levels after thyroidectomy and the high rates of recurrence in the cervical lymph nodes reported in retrospective studies. Objectives. The purpose of the study is to review our single institution's experience with MTC since 1998 and to evaluate surgical strategy, patterns of lymph node metastases and calcitonin response to compartment-oriented lymphadenectomy in patients with primary or recurrent sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma. Methods. A retrospective review of 26 patients treated for MTC at the “Antonio Cardarelli” Hospital referral center, in Naples, between 1998 and 2012. There were 18 female and 8 male patients, median age at presentation was 55 years, and median follow-up for survivors was 5 years. Total thyroidectomy was performed in all 26 patients; central compartment (CC) node dissection (level VI) in 12 (46%) patients; central plus lateral compartment (LC) node dissection (levels II, III, and IV) in 7 (27%) patients. 4 patients (15%) underwent reoperation for loco-regional recurrent/persistent MTC. Results. After a median post-surgical follow-up of 5 years (range 1-10 years), 63 % of patients were living disease-free, 15% were living with disease and/or persistently elevated calcitonin levels after surgery, 11% were deceased due to MTC and 11 % were lost to follow-up. Conclusions. We agree with most authors advocating for a total thyroidectomy and prophylactic central neck dissection in the setting of clinically detected MTC. Lateral neck dissection may be best reserved for patients with positive preoperative imaging. Nevertheless MTC has a high rate of lymph node metastases that are sub optimally detected preoperatively in the central compartment by neck ultrasound or intra-operatively by the surgeon, and reoperation is associated with a higher rate of surgical complications. In our limited experience, patients with thyroid confined nodular pathology, without nodal disease and unknown preoperative diagnosis of MTC, underwent only total thyroidectomy with a good prognosis.


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Background. Laparoscopy is ever more common in both elective and emergency surgery. In fact, in abdominal emergencies it enables the resolution of preoperative diagnostic doubts as well as treatment of the underlying disease. We present a retrospective study of the results of a 5-year experience at a single center. Patients and methods. Between September 2006 and August 2011, 961 patients were treated via laparoscopy, including 486 emergency cases (15 gastroduodenal perforation; 165 acute cholecystitis; 255 acute appendicitis; 15 pelvic inflammatory disease and non-specific abdominal pain [NSAP]; 36 small bowel obstruction). All procedures were conducted by a team trained in laparoscopic surgery. Results. The conversion rate was 22/486 patients (4.53%). A definitive laparoscopic diagnosis was possible in over 96% of cases, and definitive treatment via laparoscopy was possible in most of these. Conclusions Our own experience confirms the literature evidence that laparoscopy is a valid option in the surgical treatment of abdominal emergencies. In any case, it must be performed by a dedicated and highly experienced team. Correct patient selection is also important, to enable the most suitable approach for each given situation.


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Introduction. Total mesorectal excision (TME) is the cornerstone of a correct surgical therapy for extraperitoneal rectal cancer. Aim of the study is to evaluate our 5 years experience confronting retrospectively laparoscopic (lap) TME in respect to its laparotomic (open) counterpart. Patients and Methods. 30 patients were treated laparoscopically for stage I-III extraperitoneal rectal cancer and retrospectively compared to a homogeneous group, stratified for sex, age, comorbidities and stage of disease. Results. 30 days mortality was zero for both groups, while morbidity was 20% for the lap group and 36.6% for the open group. Mean lymph nodes harvested was 24 ± 12 for the lap group, 26 ± 14 for the open group (p > 0.05). Five years overall and disease free survival was respectively 82.2% and 81.4% in the lap group, 79.9% and 79.6% in the open group, without statistical significance (p>0.05). Discussion. Minimally invasive TME resulted a safe, effective and oncologically adequate procedure when retrospectively compared to its laparotomic counterpart, with 5 years overall survival and disease free survival reaching no statistical significance compared to the open approach, but with all the advantages of the laparoscopy such as less pain and blood loss, faster recovery, less morbidity and better cosmetics. Conclusions. Our study has retrospectively demonstrated that laparoscopic TME is feasible and oncologically effective, even if it remains a complex minimally invasive procedure, requiring adequate skill. More prospective, randomized studies are necessary to define such a procedure as the new gold standard in treatment of stage I-III extraperitoneal rectal cancer.


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We present the case of a patient with a double adenocarcinoma of the right colon and sigma associated with a bilateral infiltrating ductal breast carcinoma. Sigma and caecum bowel cancers were diagnosed at colonoscopy, with computerized tomography staging, while breast cancer was found with screening mammography. Following right hemicolectomy , sigmoidectomy and bilateral mastectomy the histology confirmed the presence of colonic adenocarcinoma and infiltrating and in situ lobular cancer. This case report reviews the treatment of synchronous neoplasia.


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Colorectal foreign bodies per anum introduced are not exceptional. They can be classified as high-lying or low-lying, depending on their location relative to the recto-sigmoid junction. High-lying rectal foreign bodies sometimes require surgery; low-lying ones are often palpable by digital examination and can removed at bedside. No reliable data exist regarding the frequency of inserted rectal foreign bodies and the literature is largely anecdotal. We review our experience on patients almost all males and heterosexual with retained colorectal foreign bodies and their outcome in Surgical Emergency Unit of a Southern Italy University hospital.


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We report a case of pancreatic pseudocyst secondary to acute necrotizing pancreatitis treated with open cystogastrostomy. Following a literature review, we stress the enormous benefits offered by modern diagnostic techniques, and especially imaging techniques, for the diagnosis and monitoring of this disease. Treatment should be delayed for at least six weeks, following which the drainage by open surgery offers the best results and lowest morbidity and mortality, followed by laparoscopy and endoscopy, indicated in particular cases and in patients where open surgery is contraindicated.


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Colonic lipomas larger than 2 cm in diameter are likely to be symptomatic. In some cases a complication is the first clinical sign. Massive lower intestinal bleeding or obstruction, acute bleeding, prolapse or perforation or, rarely, acute intussusception with intestinal obstruction require urgent surgery. Diagnosis is often made following colonoscopy, which can also have a therapeutic role. Imaging procedures such as CT has a secondary role. Patients with small asymptomatic colonic lipomas need regular follow up. For larger (diameter > 2 cm) and/or symptomatic lipomas, resection should be considered, although the choice between endoscopic or surgical resection remains controversial. We believe that even lipomas > 2 cm can safely be removed by endoscopic resection. If surgery is indicated, we consider laparoscopy to be the ideal approach in all patients for whom minimally invasive surgery is not contraindicated.


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Obiective. This study assesses the descriptive epidemiology of children with eye injuries presenting to the Emergency Department of a non exclusive Paediatric University Hospital - First Division of Ophthalmology of “Sapienza” University of Rome - over a period of 12 years. Study Design. A retrospective long term study of 12 years. Participants. All paediatric patients (up to 14 years of age) presenting with ocular injuries and hospitalized. Methods. It was analyzed the incidence of the ocular trauma among males and females. The situation in which the trauma occurred, type of trauma (contusive or perforating), the presence of endo-bulbar foreign bodies, visual acuity outcome. Results. There were 203 patients who presented to the Emergency Department in the period examined. Contusive traumas were 130 (90 males, 40 females). The perforating trauma were 73 (63 males, 10 females). The presence of an endo-bulbar foreign body was registered in 10 patients. A detailed analysis of the causes of the trauma is therefore provided. We evidence that males were almost exclusively involved in sport traumas (60 males versus 2 females), and in second instance accidental trauma is almost equally divided between two genders. Conclusions. Our retrospective study presents the paediatric cases of a non exclusive Paediatric University Hospital where 3% of ocular traumas requiring hospitalization were in children. Therefore our data could be useful in order to bring about the necessary preventive measures to minimize paediatric eye injuries.


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Cardiovascular prevention has been developed in the last eight years producing an ever increasing amount of data requiring frequent updating. Studies using angiography to determine change in coronary obstruction have indicated progression, stabilization, or regression of coronary lesions associated with changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins. Moreover, the guidelines on arterial hypertension published in 2007 listed the risk factors affecting prognosis but even by 2009 an update modified not only the list of risks, but even the philosophy behind the thought process which introduced as essential element in the prognosis of hypertension the ascertained existence of a damaged organ. Thus, the documentation of atherosclerotic vascular disease (plaques) and the quantification of its extension in the arterial tree became a determinant in the definition of cardiovascular risk. Magnetic Resonance (MRI) and coronary computed tomography (coro CT) applied to the heart and large vessels are the most promising methods.


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Background. Tremendous advances in biomaterials science and nanotechnologies, together with thorough research on stem cells, have recently promoted an intriguing development of regenerative medicine/tissue engineering. The nanotechnology represents a wide interdisciplinary field that implies the manipulation of different materials at nanometer level to achieve the creation of constructs that mimic the nanoscale-based architecture of native tissues. Aim. The purpose of this article is to highlight the significant new knowledges regarding this matter. Emerging acquisitions. To widen the range of scaffold materials resort has been carried out to either recombinant DNA technology-generated materials, such as a collagen-like protein, or the incorporation of bioactive molecules, such as RDG (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid), into synthetic products. Both the bottom-up and the top-down fabrication approaches may be properly used to respectively obtain sopramolecular architectures or, instead, micro-/nanostructures to incorporate them within a preexisting complex scaffold construct. Computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM) scaffold technique allows to achieve patient-tailored organs. Stem cells, because of their peculiar properties - ability to proliferate, self-renew and specific cell-lineage differentiate under appropriate conditions - represent an attractive source for intriguing tissue engineering/regenerative medicine applications. Future research activities. New developments in the realization of different organs tissue engineering will depend on further progress of both the science of nanoscale-based materials and the knowledge of stem cell biology. Moreover the in vivo tissue engineering appears to be the logical step of the current research.


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Therapeutic plasmapheresis allows the extracorporeal removal of plasmatic lipoproteins (Lipid-apheresis) (LA). It can be non selective (non specific), semi - selective or selective low density lipoprotein-lipoprotein(a) (specific [LDL- Lp(a)] apheresis) (Lipoprotein apheresis, LDLa). The LDL removal rate is a perfect parameter to assess the system efficiency. Plasma-Exchange (PEX) cannot be considered either specific nor, selective. In PEX the whole blood is separated into plasma and its corpuscular components usually through centrifugation or rather filtration. The corpuscular components mixed with albumin solution plus saline (NaCl 0.9%) solution at 20%-25%, are then reinfused to the patient, to substitute the plasma formerly removed. PEX eliminates atherogenic lipoproteins, but also other essential plasma proteins, such as albumin, immunoglobulins, and hemocoagulatory mediators. Cascade filtration (CF) is a method based on plasma separation and removal of plasma proteins through double filtration. During the CF two hollow–fiber filters with pores of different diameter are used to eliminate the plasma components of different weight and molecular diameter. A CF system uses a first polypropylene filter with 0.55 µm diameter pores and a second one of diacetate of cellulose with 0.02 µm pores. The first filter separates the whole blood, and the plasma is then perfused through a second filter which allows the recovery of molecules with a diameter lower than 0.02 µm, and the removal of molecules larger in diameter as apoB100–containing lipoproteins. Since both albumin and immunoglobulins are not removed, or to a negligible extent, plasma-expanders, substitution fluids, and in particular albumin, as occurs in PEX are not needed. CF however, is characterized by lower selectivity since removes also high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles which have an antiatherogenic activity. In the 80’s, a variation of Lipid-apheresis has been developed which allows the LDL-cholesterol (LDLC) (-61%) and Lp(a) (-60%) removal from plasma through processing 3 liters of filtered plasma by means of lipid-specific thermofiltration, LDL immunoadsorption, heparin-induced LDL precipitation, LDL adsorption through dextran sulphate. More recently (90’s) the DALI®, and the Liposorber D® hemoperfusion systems, effective for apoB100- containing lipoproteins removal have been developed. All the above mentioned systems are established LDL-apheresis techniques referable to the generic definition of LDLa. However, this last definition cannot describe in an appropriate manner the removal of another highly atherogenic lipoprotein particle: the Lp(a). Thus it would be better to refer the above mentioned techniques to the wider scientific and technical concept of lipoprotein apheresis. Lipid apheresis - Lipoprotein apheresis - LDL-apheresis - Severe Dyslipidemia.


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The present study was aimed at assessing the experience of a single referral center with recurrent varicose veins of the legs (RVL) over the period 1993-2008. Among a total of 846 procedures for Leg Varices (LV), 74 procedures were for RVL (8.7%). The causes of recurrence were classified as classic: insufficient crossectomy (13); incompetent perforating veins (13); reticular phlebectasia (22); small saphenous vein insufficiency (9); accessory saphenous veins (4); and particular: post-hemodynamic treatment (5); incomplete stripping (1); Sapheno-Femoral Junction (SFJ) vascularization (5); post-thermal ablation (2). For the “classic” RVL the treatment consisted essentially of completing the previous treatment, both if the problem was linked to an insufficient earlier treatment and if it was due to a later onset. The most common cause in our series was reticular phlebectasia; when the simple sclerosing injections are not sufficient, this was treated by phlebectomy according to Mueller. The “particular” cases classified as 1, 2 and 4 were also treated by completing the traditional stripping procedure (+ crossectomy if this had not been done previously), considered to be the gold standard. In the presence of a SFJ neo-vascularization, with or without cavernoma, approximately 5 cm of femoral vein were explored, the afferent vessels ligated and, if cavernoma was present, it was removed. Although inguinal neo-angiogenesis is a possible mechanism, some doubt can be raised as to its importance as a primary factor in causing recurrent varicose veins, rather than their being due to a preexisting vein left in situ because it was ignored, regarded as insignificant, or poorly evident. In conclusion, we stress that LV is a progressive disease, so the treatment is unlikely to be confined to a single procedure. It is important to plan adequate monitoring during follow-up, and to be ready to reoperate when new problems present that, if left, could lead the patient to doubt the validity and efficacy of the original treatment.


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