887 resultados para CEREBRAL-CORTEX


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Crianças de mães fumantes são mais suscetíveis a se tornarem adultos obesos e se viciarem em drogas ou alimentos palatáveis. Drogas e alimentos ativam a via mesolímbica de recompensa, causando sensação de prazer que induz ainda mais o consumo. Assim, avaliamos a relação entre a exposição apenas à nicotina ou à fumaça do cigarro durante a lactação com a preferência alimentar e sistema dopaminérgico de recompensa cerebral das proles, em dois modelos de programação: Modelo I: no 2o dia pós-natal (PN), lactantes receberam implante de minibombas osmóticas que liberam nicotina (NIC) ou salina (C), durante 14 dias. Em PN150 e novamente em PN160, as proles foram divididas em 4 grupos para um desafio alimentar: N-SC e C-SC que receberam ração padrão; N-SSD e C-SSD que podiam escolher livremente entre as dietas hiperlipídica e hiperglicídica. A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada após 12 h. As mães foram sacrificadas apenas na 21 da lactação (desmame) e as proles em PN15 (com nicotina), PN21 e PN170 (ausência da NIC). Ao desmame, as ratas lactantes NIC apresentaram menor conteúdo de tirosina hidroxilase (TH), maior OBRb e SOCS3 na area tegmentar ventral (VTA); menor TH, maior receptor de dopamina 1 (D1R), receptor de dopamina 2 (D2R) e transportador de dopamina (DAT) no núcleo accumbens (NAc); maior conteúdo de TH no estriado dorsal (DS); e maior D2R e SOCS3 no núcleo arqueado (ARC). Em PN15, os filhotes NIC apresentaram maior conteúdo de D1R, D2R e menor DAT no NAc, enquanto em PN21, apresentaram apenas menor DAT no DS, e menor conteúdo de pSTAT3 em ARC. Aos 170 dias, as proles SSD demonstraram maior preferência para a ração hiperlipídica. No entanto, os animais N-SSD consumiram mais ração hiperglicidica do que as proles C-SSD. A prole N apresentou menor conteúdo de D2R e DAT no NAc e menor D2R no ARC. Modelo II: as mães e suas proles foram divididas em: expostos à fumaça do cigarro (grupo S: 4 vezes / dia, do 3 ao 21 dia de lactação), e expostos ao ar filtrado (grupo C). Em PN175, as proles foram divididas em 4 grupos para o desafio alimentar S-SC, C-SC, S-SSD e C-SSD. A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada após 30 min e 12 h. Em PN180, as proles foram sacrificadas. O grupo S-SSD ingeriu mais das rações palatáveis do que o grupo C-SSD em 30 min e 12 h. Ambos os grupos preferiram a ração hiperlipídica. No entanto, os animais S-SSD consumiram mais ração hiperlipídica do que C-SSD em 30 min. A prole S apresentou menor conteúdo de TH no VTA, menor conteúdo de TH, D2R e maior conteúdo de D1R no NAc e menor OBRb no ARC. Demonstramos que tanto a nicotina isolada como a exposição à fumaça do cigarro durante a lactação resultaram em mudanças no sistema dopaminérgico das proles, programando o comportamento alimentar devido à diminuição da dopamina no NAc.


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Estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) sobre áreas corticais pré-selecionadas, tem aumentado o desempenho físico de diferentes populações. Porém, lacunas persistem no tocante aos mecanismos subjacentes à estes efeitos. Assim, a presente tese objetivou: a) investigar os efeitos da ETCC anódica (aETCC) e placebo (Sham) no córtex motor (CM) de indivíduos saudáveis sobre o desempenho de força máxima; b) comparar os efeitos da ETCC sobre a produção de força máxima e estabilidadade da força durante exercícios máximo e submáximo em sujeitos hemiparéticos e saudáveis; c) investigar o efeito da ETCC sobre a conectividade funcional inter-hemisférica (coerência eletroencefalográfica cEEG) do córtex pré-frontal (CPF), desempenho aeróbio e dispêndio energético (EE) durante e após exercício máximo e submáximo. No 1 estudo, 14 adultos saudáveis executaram 2 sessões de exercício máximo de força (EMF) dos músculos flexores e extensores do joelho dominante (3 séries de 10 rep máximas), precedidos por aETCC ou Sham (2mA; 20 mim). aETCC não foi capaz de aumentar o trabalho total e pico de torque (PT), resistência à fadiga ou atividade eletromiográfica durante o EMF. No 2 estudo, 10 hemiparéticos e 9 sujeitos saudáveis receberam aETCC e Sham no CM. O PT e a estabilidade da força (coeficiente de variação - CV) foram avaliados durante protocolo máximo e submáximo de extensão e flexão unilateral do joelho (1 série de 3 reps a 100% do PT e 2 séries de 10 reps a 50% do PT). Nenhuma diferença no PT foi observada nos dois grupos. Diminuições no CV foram obervadas durante a extensão (~25-35%, P<0.001) e flexão de joelho (~22-33%, P<0.001) após a aETCC comparada com Sham nos hemiparéticos, entretanto, somente o CV na extensão de joelhos diminuiu (~13-27%, P<0.001) nos saudáveis, o que sugere que aETCC pode melhorar o CV, mas não o PT em sujeitos hemiparéticos. No 3 estudo, 9 adultos saudáveis realizaram 2 testes incrementais máximos precedidos por aETCC ou Sham sobre o CPF com as respostas cardiorrespiratórias, percepção de esforço (PSE) e cEEG do CPF sendo monitoradas. O VO2 de pico (42.64.2 vs. 38.23.3 mL.kg.min-1; P=0,02), potência total (252.776.5 vs. 23773.3 W; P=0,05) e tempo de exaustão (531.1140 vs. 486.7115.3 seg; P=0,04) foram maiores após aETCC do que a Sham. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada para FC e PSE em função da carga de trabalho (P>0,05). A cEEG do CPF aumentou após aETCC vs. repouso (0.700.40 vs. 0.380.05; P=0,001), mas não após Sham vs. repouso (0.360.49 vs. 0.330.50; P=0,06), sugerindo que a aETCC pode retardar a fadiga aumentando a conectividade funcional entre os hemisférios do CPF e desempenho aeróbio durante exercício exaustivo. No 4 estudo, o VO2 e EE foram avaliados em 11 adultos saudáveis antes, durante a aETCC ou Sham no CPF e 30 min após exercício aeróbio submáximo isocalórico (~200kcal). Diferenças não foram observadas no VO2 vs. repouso durante aETCC e Sham (P=0.95 e P=0.85). Porém, a associação entre exercício e aETCC aumentou em ~19% o EE após ao menos, 30 min de recuperação após exercício quando comparada a Sham (P<0,05).


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Simultaneous recording from multiple single neurones presents many technical difficulties. However, obtaining such data has many advantages, which make it highly worthwhile to overcome the technical problems. This report describes methods which we have developed to permit recordings in awake behaving monkeys using the 'Eckhorn' 16 electrode microdrive. Structural magnetic resonance images are collected to guide electrode placement. Head fixation is achieved using a specially designed headpiece, modified for the multiple electrode approach, and access to the cortex is provided via a novel recording chamber. Growth of scar tissue over the exposed dura mater is reduced using an anti-mitotic compound. Control of the microdrive is achieved by a computerised system which permits several experimenters to move different electrodes simultaneously, considerably reducing the load on an individual operator. Neurones are identified as pyramidal tract neurones by antidromic stimulation through chronically implanted electrodes; stimulus control is integrated into the computerised system. Finally, analysis of multiple single unit recordings requires accurate methods to correct for non-stationarity in unit firing. A novel technique for such correction is discussed.


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We investigated whether stimulation of the pyramidal tract (PT) could reset the phase of 15-30 Hz beta oscillations observed in the macaque motor cortex. We recorded local field potentials (LFPs) and multiple single-unit activity from two conscious macaque monkeys performing a precision grip task. EMG activity was also recorded from the second animal. Single PT stimuli were delivered during the hold period of the task, when oscillations in the LFP were most prominent. Stimulus-triggered averaging of the LFP showed a phase-locked oscillatory response to PT stimulation. Frequency domain analysis revealed two components within the response: a 15-30 Hz component, which represented resetting of on-going beta rhythms, and a lower frequency 10 Hz response. Only the higher frequency could be observed in the EMG activity, at stronger stimulus intensities than were required for resetting the cortical rhythm. Stimulation of the PT during movement elicited a greatly reduced oscillatory response. Analysis of single-unit discharge confirmed that PT stimulation was capable of resetting periodic activity in motor cortex. The firing patterns of pyramidal tract neurones (PTNs) and unidentified neurones exhibited successive cycles of suppression and facilitation, time locked to the stimulus. We conclude that PTN activity directly influences the generation of the 15-30 Hz rhythm. These PTNs facilitate EMG activity in upper limb muscles, contributing to corticomuscular coherence at this same frequency. Since the earliest oscillatory effect observed following stimulation was a suppression of firing, we speculate that inhibitory feedback may be the key mechanism generating such oscillations in the motor cortex.


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Immunohistochemical techniques were used to characterise central neurons in the cerebral ganglia of both male and female Perna canaliculus. We used mollusc antibodies raised against neuropeptides and neurotransmitters known to control reproduction and spawning. Anti-ELH and anti-APGWamide showed very strong immunoreactivity in small type of neurons. Anti-5-HT and anti-DA immunoreactivity was mostly in large type of neurons. The labelled neurons are consistent with descriptions of neurosecretory cells implicated in the control of reproduction and spawning on the basis of earlier histological staining techniques used in this species. The use of selective immunological markers for peptides and amines appears to be a promising tool for further characterisation of neurosecretory cells, and to isolate and characterise neuropeptides and other biologically active materials involved in the control of reproduction in Perna canaliculus.


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This research is focused on the contribution of area 7 to the short-term visual spatial memory. Three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were trained in the direct delayed response task in which 5 delay intervals were used in each session. When each monkey reached the criterion of 90% correct responses in 5 successive sessions, two monkeys underwent a surgery while the other one received a sham operation as a control. In the first stage of the surgery, bilateral areas 7a, 7b and 7ip of the parietal cortex of two monkeys were precisely lesioned. After 7 days of recuperation, the monkeys were required to do the same task. The average percentage of correct responses in the lesioned animals decreased from 94.7% to 89.3% and 93.3% to 82.0% respectively (no significance, P > 0.05, n = 2). In addition, the monkeys' complex movements were mildly impaired. The lesioned monkeys were found to have difficulty picking up food from the wells. In the second stage, bilateral area 7m was lesioned. In the 5 postoperative sessions, the average percentage of correct responses in one monkey, with a relatively precise 7m lesion, decreased from 94.7% to 92.2% (no significance, P > 0.05), while the other monkey, with widely spread necrosis of lateral parietal cortex, showed an. obvious decline in performance, but still over the chance level. After 240 trials this monkey reattained the normal criterion. The results of this research suggest that the lesions of area 7 of the parietal cortex did not significantly affect the short-term visual spatial memory, which has been shown to be sensitive to lesions of the prefrontal cortex; they also support the notion of dissociation of spatial functions in the prefrontal and parietal cortices.


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We simultaneously recorded auditory evoked potentials (AEP) from the temporal cortex (TCx), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dPFCx) and the parietal cortex (PCx) in the freely moving rhesus monkey to investigate state-dependent changes of the AEP. AEPs obtained during passive wakefulness, active wakefulness (AW), slow wave sleep and rapid-eye-movement sleep (REM) were compared. Results showed that AEP from all three cerebral areas were modulated by brain states. However, the amplitude of AEP from dPFCx and PCx significantly appeared greater attenuation than that from the TCx during AW and REM. These results indicate that the modulation of brain state on AEP from all three cerebral areas investigated is not uniform, which suggests that different cerebral areas have differential functional contributions during sleep-wake cycle. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.


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Monkeys with lesions of areas 9 and 46 performed three variants of the spatial delayed response (SDR) task. There were no impairments in allocentric spatial memory in which geometrical relationships between environmental cues were used to identify spatial location; thus, memory of a 3D environmental map is intact. In contrast, there were severe impairments in egocentric spatial memory guided by visual or tactile cues that monkeys can relate to their viewing perspective during testing. These results strongly suggest that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex selectively mediates spatial memory tasks that are solved by referencing the location of targets to the body's orientation. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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Investigating the activities of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in the process of addiction is valuable for understanding the neural mechanism underlying the impairments of the PFC after drug abuse. However, limited data are obtained from primate animals and few studies analyze Electroencephalogram (EEG) in the gamma band, which plays an important role in cognitive functions. In addition, it is yet unclear whether drug abuse affects the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) - the two most important subregions of the PFC - in similar ways or not. The aim of this study is to address these issues. We recorded EEG in the OFC and DLPFC in three rhesus monkeys. All animals received a course of saline (NaCl 0.9%, 2 ml) injection (5 days) followed by 10 days of morphine injection (every 12 h), and then a further series of saline injection (7 days). A main finding in the present study was that morphine decreased EEG power in all frequency bands in a short period after injection in both the OFC and DLPFC in monkeys. And gamma power decreased not just in short period after morphine injection but lasted to 12 h after injection. Moreover, we found that although the changes in EEG activities in the OFC and DLPFC at 30-35 min after injection were similar, the DLPFC was more sensitive to the effect of morphine than the OFC. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the effects of chronic morphine treatment and its cessation on thalamus and the somatosensory cortex, an ex vivo high resolution (500 MHz) H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMRS), in the present study, was applied to detect multi


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Previous studies of the dorsomedial frontal cortex (DMF) and the prefrontal cortex (PF) have shown that, when monkeys respond to nonspatial features of a discriminative stimulus (e.g., color) and the stimulus appears at a place unrelated to the movement t


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The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has a central role in working memory (WM). Resistance to distraction is considered a fundamental feature of WM and PFC neuronal activity. However, although unexpected stimuli often disrupt our work, little is known about the un


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Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) combined with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) and tractography allows investigating functional anatomy of the human brain with high precision. Here we demonstrate that working memory (WM) processing of tactile temporal information is facilitated by delivering a single TMS pulse to the middle frontal gyrus (MFG) during memory maintenance. Facilitation was obtained only with a TMS pulse applied to a location of the MFG with anatomical connectivity to the primary somatosensory cortex (S1). TMS improved tactile WM also when distractive tactile stimuli interfered with memory maintenance. Moreover, TMS to the same MFG site attenuated somatosensory evoked responses (SEPs). The results suggest that the TMS-induced memory improvement is explained by increased top-down suppression of interfering sensory processing in S1 via the MFG-S1 link. These results demonstrate an anatomical and functional network that is involved in maintenance of tactile temporal WM. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.