946 resultados para CDNA
Two Brazilian Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates were biologically characterized as necrotic (PVY-NBR) and common (PVY-OBR) based upon symptoms on test plants. Additional characterization was performed by sequencing a cDNA corresponding to the 3' terminal region of the viral genome. The sequence consisted of 195 nucleotides (nt) coding part of the nuclear inclusion body b (NIb) gene, 804 nt of the coat protein (CP) gene, and 328 nt (PVY-OBR) or 326 nt (PVY-NBR) of the 3'-untranslated region (UTR). Translation of the sequence resulted in one single open reading frame with part of the NIb and a CP of 267 amino acids. The two isolates shared 95.1% similarity in the CP amino acid sequence. The CP and the 3'-UTR sequence of the Brazilian isolates were compared to those of other PVY isolates previously reported and unrooted phylogenetic trees were constructed. The trees revealed a separation of two distinct clusters, one comprising most of the common strains and the other comprising the necrotic strains. PVY-OBR was clustered in the common group and PVY-NBR in the necrotic one.
Garlic viruses often occur in complex infections in nature. In this study, a garlic virus complex, collected in fields in Brazil, was purified. RT-PCR was performed using specific primers designed from the consensus regions of the coat protein genes of Onion yellow dwarf virus, a garlic strain (OYDV-G) and Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV). cDNA of Garlic common latent virus (GCLV) was synthesized using oligo-dT and random primers. By these procedures individual garlic virus genomes were isolated and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence analysis associated with serological data reveals the presence of two Potyvirus OYDV-G and LYSV, and GCLV, a Carlavirus, simultaneously infecting garlic plants. Deduced amino acid sequences of the Brazilian isolates were compared with related viruses reported in different geographical regions of the world. The analysis showed closed relations considering the Brazilian isolates of OYDV-G and GCLV, and large divergence considering LYSV isolate. The detection of these virus species was confirmed by specific reactions observed when coat protein genes of the Brazilian isolates were used as probes in dot-blot and Southern blot hybridization assays. In field natural viral re-infection of virus-free garlic was evaluated.
Plants of Senna occidentalis (sin. Cassia occidentalis) with mosaic symptoms were collected near a soybean (Glycine max) field where some plants exhibited symptoms of mosaic and blistering. A preliminary examination of leaf tissue from diseased S. occidentalis by electron microscopy revealed the presence of pinwheel inclusions as well as long flexuous particles, indicating the presence of a potyvirus. Host range, serology, and amino acid sequence from this potyvirus were similar to those from other Brazilian isolates of Soybean mosaic virus (SMV). The 3'- terminal region of the genomic RNA was cloned and a cDNA sequence of 1.9 kb upstream of the poly (A) tract was determined. The sequence contains a single open reading frame and a 3'- non-translated region (NTR) of 259 bp. The nucleotide sequence of the CP gene of SMV-Soc was 98% identical to that of Brazilian isolates SMV-B, SMV-L, and SMV-FT10. The percentage of nucleotide identity of their 3'-NTR's was 91, 98, and 99% in relation to SMV-L, SMV-B, and SMV-FT10, respectively. In contrast to other Brazilian SMV isolates studied, SMV-Soc was able to infect sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Based on these results, the S. occidentalis isolate was identified as a new strain of SMV belonging to the SMV strain, group G5 and was named SMV-Soc. This is the first report of naturaly occurring SMV infecting plants of S. occidentalis in Brazil, adding this weed as a new source of SMV in the field.
Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), gênero Polerovirus, família Luteoviridae, é transmitido por afídeos de um modo persistente e circulativo. Membros da família Luteoviridae associam-se a um homólogo de GroEL produzido pelo endosimbionte primário (Buchnera sp.) de afídeos para evitar a degradação na hemolinfa. Partículas purificadas de luteovirus contêm dois tipos de proteínas: a capa protéica (CP) de ~22 kDa e um componente "capsidial" de 54 kDa, o qual é uma forma truncada de uma proteína de "transleitura" a partir do códon de terminação do gene da CP. O domínio de transleitura (RTD) contém determinantes responsáveis pela transmissão do vírus. Um clone de cDNA infeccioso do PLRV e um mutante deletério da RTD foram usados para analisar as interações entre esse luteovirus e seu afídeo vetor Myzus persicae. As partículas mutantes do PLRV, deficientes da proteína RTD inteira, não foram transmissíveis por M. persicae e não se ligaram a Buchnera GroEL. Adicionalmente, esse mutante foi menos persistente na hemolinfa do afídeo do que o vírus selvagem.
O vírus A da videira (Grapevine virus A, GVA) e o vírus B da videira (Grapevirus virus B, GVB) estão associados à acanaladura do lenho de Kober ("Kober stem grooving") e ao fendilhamento cortical da videira ("grapevine corky bark"), respectivamente. Este trabalho descreve o uso de sondas moleculares de cDNA na detecção de isolados do GVA (GVA-SP) e do GVB (GVB-C-SP e GVB-I-SP) em videiras (Vitis spp.) e fumo (Nicotiana occidentalis). As sondas marcadas com digoxigenina foram produzidas por RT-PCR utilizando oligonucleotídeos específicos para os genes da proteína capsidial. Os RNA totais foram extraídos de 45 plantas de diversas variedades de videira e de 13 plantas de fumo inoculadas mecanicamente com o GVB. Os RNA extraídos das plantas infetadas, indexadas biologicamente, hibridizaram com as sondas, não se verificando reação com plantas sadias. Para confirmar os resultados de hibridização, foram também feitos testes de RT-PCR. A utilização de hibridização "dot-blot" com sondas de cDNA mostrou-se eficaz na detecção dos vírus com especificidade e sensibilidade, ressaltando-se que, preferencialmente, folhas maduras e ramos dormentes devem ser utilizados nos testes diagnósticos para o GVB e GVA, respectivamente.
Integrins are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins, composed of two different subunits (alpha and beta). Altered expression of integrins in tumor cells contributes to metastasis tendency by influencing on the cells‟ attachment to adjacent cells and their migration. Viral pathogens, including certain enteroviruses, use integrins as receptors. Enteroviruses have also been suggested to be involved in the etiopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. The study focuses on the role of integrins in the pathogenesis of metastasis to cortical bone and on type 1 diabetes (T1D) and echovirus 1 infection. In the first part of the thesis, the role of different integrins in the initial attachment of MDA-MD-231 breast cancer cells to bovine cortical bone disks was studied. A close correlation between alpha2beta1 and alpha3beta1 integrin receptor expression and the capability of the tumor to attach to bone were observed. In the second part, a possible correlation between susceptibility to enterovirus infections in diabetic children and differences in enterovirus receptor genes, including certain integrins, was investigated. In parallel, virus-specific neutralizing antibodies and diabetic risk alleles were studied. In the diabetic group, an amino acid change was detected in the polio virus receptor and the neutralizing antibody titers against echovirus 30 were lower. However, to obtain statistically sustainable results, a larger number of individuals should be analyzed. Echovirus 1 (EV1) enters cells by attaching to the alpha2I domain of the alpha2beta1 integrin. In the third part EV1 was shown to attach to a chimeric receptor construct of the transferrin receptor and the alpha2I domain and to enter cells through clathrin-mediated endocytosis that is normally not used by the virus. The chimeric receptor was recycled to the plasma membrane, whereas the virus remained in intracellular vesicles. The virus replication cycle was initiated in these cells, suggesting that evolution pressure could possibly cause the virus to evolve to use a different entry mechanism. Moreover, a cDNA microarray analysis of host gene expression during EV1 replication showed that 0.53% of the total genes, including several immediate early genes, were differently expressed.
A escaldadura da folha, causada pela bactéria Xanthomonas albilineans colonizadora do xilema, é uma das principais doenças da cana-de-açúcar. A sintomatologia na fase crônica é caracterizada principalmente pelo aparecimento de uma faixa branca paralela à nervura central da folha, que evolui até queimar totalmente, sendo também observado brotação de gemas laterais no colmo. Neste trabalho, a técnica de macroarranjos de cDNA foi empregada para o estudo da expressão de 3.575 ESTs (espressed sequence tags) em folhas de cana-de-açúcar. Foram utilizadas duas variedades, uma resistente (SP82-1176) e outra suscetível (SP78-4467) a Xanthomonas albilineans as quais foram infectadas mecanicamente por ferimentos. As membranas dos macroarranjos foram confeccionadas a partir de ESTs de bibliotecas de folha e cartucho de cana-de-açúcar provenientes do projeto SUCEST e hibridizadas contra sondas de cDNA de plantas infectadas e controle marcadas com isótopos radioativos. Analisando os resultados dos macroarranjos foi possível verificar um comportamento diferenciado para cada variedade durante o ataque do patógeno. Após realizadas análises estatísticas identificamos na variedade resistente ESTs com expressão induzida relacionadas com biossíntese de isoprenoides, proteínas LRR transmembrânica, "ziper" de leucina, lignificação, tolerância ao frio, diferenciação de plastídeos, sistemas de defesa e de adaptação da planta ao meio ambiente. As ESTs reprimidas na variedade resistente foram àquelas relacionadas com genes responsáveis pela síntese de proteínas do controle da expansão da parede celular, detoxificação e transporte de auxina. Na variedade susceptível foram reprimidas ESTs relacionadas a genes de proteínas das respostas de defesa da planta, biossíntese de Etileno e regulação da transcrição.
Two Lettuce mosaic virus isolates capable of overcoming the resistance afforded by the resistance gene mo1² in lettuce, LMV-AF199 from Brazil, and LMV-E, an European isolate, were evaluated for the rapidity and severity of symptoms induced on the lettuce variety Salinas 88 (mo1²). The mosaic symptoms on Salinas 88 plants inoculated with LMV-AF199 appeared 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) and 15 dpi for LMV-E. The symptoms induced by LMV-AF199 in this cultivar were also more severe than those induced by LMV-E. In order to identify the region of the viral genome responsible for this phenotype, recombinant viruses were constructed between these isolates and the phenotype of each recombinant was analysed. The region encoding proteins P1 and HcPro from LMV-AF199 was associated with the increased virulence in Salinas 88.
Utilizando a técnica de macroarranjos de cDNA em membranas de náilon, analisou-se o perfil de expressão de 3.575 ESTs ("Expressed Sequence Tags") de cana-de-açúcar, oriundas do projeto SUCEST, em duas variedades, uma tolerante (SP80-0185) e outra suscetível (SP70-3370) ao Raquitismo da Soqueira. Foram analisadas amostras foliares de plantas inoculadas com Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli., agente etiológico do Raquitismo, contrastadas com plantas não inoculadas (controle), para cada variedade, marcadas com sondas de cDNA e hibridizadas contra os macroarranjos. Após as hibridizações e análises estatísticas dos dados foi possível identificar 49 ESTs com expressão alterada, sendo 44 na variedade tolerante (41 ESTs induzidos e 3 reprimidos) e 5 na variedade suscetível (2 ESTs induzidos e 3 reprimidos). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a tolerância da variedade SP80-0185 de cana-de-açúcar à bactéria fitopatogênica pode estar relacionada com a percepção de sinais extracelulares, visto que ESTs relacionados a vias de transdução de sinais apresentaram expressão gênica induzida na variedade tolerante, os quais codificam para uma EST com similaridade à H+-ATPase da membrana plasmática, fatores de transcrição G-box, OsNAC6, "DNA binding", família MYB e "Zinc Finger" e ainda uma EST com similaridade ao fator de ligação ao G-Box, o qual corresponde a uma seqüência de DNA cis presente em vários promotores de plantas e requerido para o reconhecimento de muitos estímulos ambientais. Na variedade suscetível foi reprimido uma EST com similaridade à lipase. Esta enzima, também de membrana, faz parte da síntese do jasmonato, o qual ativa as defesas vegetais contra patógenos de plantas. Possíveis funções para os genes induzidos ou reprimidos nas cultivares de cana tolerante ou resistente ao Raquitismo são discutidas neste trabalho.
Solano-violeta (Solanum violaefolium) é uma planta ornamental rasteira usada para cobrir solos de áreas sombreadas. Um vírus que induz manchas anelares nas folhas desta planta, tentativamente designado Solanum violaefolium ringspot virus - SvRSV, transmitido pelo ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) foi encontrado em Piracicaba, SP. Trata-se de um vírus baciliforme que se assemelha a outros vírus do tipo citoplasmático transmitidos por Brevipalpus sp. Este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar propriedades biológicas e estabelecer uma caracterização molecular parcial do SvRSV. O vírus pode ser transmitido mecanicamente a várias outras espécies botânicas, causando lesões localizadas. Entre as espécies avaliadas, Datura stramonium mostrou-se a melhor hospedeira experimental. Observou-se também a manifestação de sintomas nestas plantas após infestação das mesmas por B. obovatus previamente alimentado em lesões de SvRSV, confirmando esta outra espécie de ácaro como vetor do vírus. Suas propriedades físicas in vitro foram: temperatura de inativação 40-45 ºC; ponto final de diluição 10-3-10-4; longevidade in vitro 12 dias. Em secções ultrafinas, as partículas do SvRSV mostraram-se levemente mais delgadas e mais longas que as de outros vírus do mesmo grupo. A partir do dsRNA do SvRSV foi construída uma biblioteca de cDNA e foram identificadas duas possíveis regiões codificadoras das proteínas de movimento e replicase viral. Baseado nestas regiões foram desenhados "primers" para amplificação do RNA do SvRSV por RT-PCR. Sondas baseadas nas seqüências obtidas hibridizaram com ss- e dsRNA de D. stramonium infectadas pelo vírus. Ensaios preliminares de RT-PCR e hibridização não resultaram em reação com o vírus da leprose dos citros, tipo citoplasmático (CiLV-C).
Eucalypt plantation has high economical importance in Brazil; however, it has been attacked by various pathogens under different environmental stress conditions. Disease resistance and survival under unfavorable environmental conditions have revealed that the eucalypt has developed highly efficient defense systems. Here we show the results of the Eucalyptus ESTs Genome Project (FORESTs). Using the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) obtained by the Project, contigs of similar sequences from each cDNA library induced and not induced by stress agents were formed, and cDNA sequences similar to other already known molecules, such as plant-signaling molecules, phytoalexins, lignin biosynthesis pathways, PR-proteins and putative genes corresponding to enzymes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species, were identified. We also present general considerations about the mechanisms of Eucalyptus defense against biotic and abiotic stresses. These data are of extreme importance for future eucalypt breeding programs aimed at developing plants with enhanced resistance against pathogens and environmental stresses.
Our understanding of the pathogenesis of organ‐specific autoinflammation has been restricted by limited access to the target organs. Peripheral blood, however, as a preferred transportation route for immune cells, provides a window to assess the entire immune system throughout the body. Transcriptional profiling with RNA stabilizing blood collection tubes reflects in vivo expression profiles at the time the blood is drawn, allowing detection of the disease activity in different samples or within the same sample over time. The main objective of this Ph.D. study was to apply gene‐expression microarrays in the characterization of peripheral blood transcriptional profiles in patients with autoimmune diseases. To achieve this goal a custom cDNA microarray targeted for gene‐expression profiling of human immune system was designed and produced. Sample collection and preparation was then optimized to allow gene‐expression profiling from whole‐blood samples. To overcome challenges resulting from minute amounts of sample material, RNA amplification was successfully applied to study pregnancy related immunosuppression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Furthermore, similar sample preparation was applied to characterize longitudinal genome‐wide expression profiles in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) associated autoantibodies and eventually clinical T1D. Blood transcriptome analyses, using both the ImmunoChip cDNA microarray with targeted probe selection and genome‐wide Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 oligonucleotide array, enabled monitoring of autoimmune activity. Novel disease related genes and general autoimmune signatures were identified. Notably, down‐regulation of the HLA class Ib molecules in peripheral blood was associated with disease activity in both MS and T1D. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the potential of peripheral blood transcriptional profiling in biomedical research and diagnostics. Imbalances in peripheral blood transcriptional activity may reveal dynamic changes that are relevant for the disease but might be completely missed in conventional cross‐sectional studies.
Neutral alpha-mannosidase and lysosomal MAN2B1 alpha-mannosidase belong to glycoside hydrolase family 38, which contains essential enzymes required for the modification and catabolism of asparagine-linked glycans on proteins. MAN2B1 catalyses lysosomal glycan degradation, while neutral α-mannosidase is most likely involved in the catabolism of cytosolic free oligosaccharides. These mannose containing saccharides are generated during glycosylation or released from misfolded glycoproteins, which are detected by quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum. To characterise the biological function of human neutral α-mannosidase, I cloned the alpha-mannosidase cDNA and recombinantly expressed the enzyme. The purified enzyme trimmed the putative natural substrate Man9GlcNAc to Man5GlcNAc, whereas the reducing end GlcNAc2 limited trimming to Man8GlcNAc2. Neutral α-mannosidase showed highest enzyme activity at neutral pH and was activated by the cations Fe2+, Co2+ and Mn2+, Cu2+ in turn had a strong inhibitory effect on alpha-mannosidase activity. Analysis of its intracellular localisation revealed that neutral alpha-mannosidase is cytosolic and colocalises with proteasomes. Further work showed that the overexpression of neutral alpha-mannosidase affected the cytosolic free oligosaccharide content and led to enhanced endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation and underglycosylation of secreted proteins. The second part of the study focused on MAN2B1 and the inherited lysosomal storage disorder α-mannosidosis. In this disorder, deficient MAN2B1 activity is associated with mutations in the MAN2B1 gene. The thesis reports the molecular consequences of 35 alpha-mannosidosis associated mutations, including 29 novel missense mutations. According to experimental analyses, the mutations fall into four groups: Mutations, which prevent transport to lysosomes are accompanied with a lack of proteolytic processing of the enzyme (groups 1 and 3). Although the rest of the mutations (groups 2 and 4) allow transport to lysosomes, the mutated proteins are less efficiently processed to their mature form than is wild type MAN2B1. Analysis of the effect of the mutations on the model structure of human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase provides insights on their structural consequences. Mutations, which affect amino acids important for folding (prolines, glycines, cysteines) or domain interface interactions (arginines), arrest the enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum. Surface mutations and changes, which do not drastically alter residue volume, are tolerated better. Descriptions of the mutations and clinical data are compiled in an α-mannosidosis database, which will be available for the scientific community. This thesis provides a detailed insight into two ubiquitous human alpha-mannosidases. It demonstrates that neutral alpha-mannosidase is involved in the degradation of cytosolic oligosaccharides and suggests that the regulation of this α-mannosidase is important for maintaining the cellular homeostasis of N-glycosylation and glycan degradation. The study on alpha-mannosidosis associated mutations identifies multiple mechanisms for how these mutations are detrimental for MAN2B1 activity. The α-mannosidosis database will benefit both clinicians and scientific research on lysosomal alpha‑mannosidosis.
Kirjallisessa osassa tarkasteltiin pikornavirusten käyttöä geenivektoreina ja syöpäterapiassa. Pikornavirukset ovat positiivissäikeisiä RNA-viruksia, ja niiden genomi koostuu rakenteellisista kuoriproteiineista VP1-VP4 sekä ei-rakenteellisista proteiineista 2A-2C ja 3A-3D. Geenivektoritutkimukset ovat keskittyneet erilaisten inserttien kloonaamiseen virusten VP1-VP4-alueelle ja genomin 5'-päähän sekä näiden muutosten vaikutusten seuraamiseen virusten elinkierrossa solu- ja hiirimalleissa. Geenivektoreina on parhaiten toimineet coxsackievirukset B3, B4 ja A9 sekä mengo- ja poliovirus. Niitä on käytetty hiirissä mm. neuronien motorisen BDNF-reseptorin ilmentämiseen sekä hiiren interleukiini-10:n tuottamiseen selkäydinkanavan vaurioiden korjaamiseksi. Syöpäterapiatutkimuksissa on saatu lupaavia tuloksia coxsackieviruksilla A21, A13, A15 ja A18 sekä echo-, Seneca Valley 001- ja EMCV-viruksilla. Viruksilla on saatu mm. rintasyövän pääkasvain ja metastasoituneet etäpesäkkeet häviämään sekä eturauhassyövän kasvaimia pienenemään. Seneca Valley 001 -virus on osoittautunut tehokkaaksi syöpiä vastaan, joilla on neuroendokriinisiä ominaisuuksia. Viruksen käyttämistä faasi 2:n kliinisiin kokeisiin ollaan parhaillaan suunnittelemassa pienisoluisen keuhkosyövän ja lasten neuroendokriinisen syövän kohdalla. Kokeellisessa osassa optimoitiin RT-PCR-menetelmä coxsackievirus A7:n (CV-A7) genomin tuottamiseksi PCR-reaktiolla (FL-PCR). FL-PCR:n optimointi tehtiin vektoreilla, joihin oli kloonattu CV-A7-USSR- (USSR-pcDNA3) ja CV-A7-Parkerisolaattien (Parker-TA) genomit. Menetelmää käytettiin myöhemmin muiden CV-A7- virusisolaattien (275/58, ET1080 ja SVK) tutkimiseen. Näistä isolaateista eristettiin virus-RNA, joka käännettiin cDNA:ksi RT-entsyymillä. PCR:ssä käytetyt, CV-A7- spesifiset koettimet oli suunniteltu aiemmin sekvensoidun CV-A7-sekvenssin (GenBank AY421765) pohjalta. Infektiivisen kloonin tuottamiseksi USSR-pcDNA3- ja Parker-TA-vektoreista tuotettiin PCR:n avulla (T7-PCR) virusgenomin sisältävä DNAjakso, jonka 5'-päähän muodostui alukkeiden avulla T7RNA-polymeraasipromoottori ja 3'-päähän polyA-häntä. Työssä myös sekvensoitiin ja analysoitiin CV-A7-virusisolaatit Parker, USSR, 275/58, ET1080 ja SVK sekä kloonattiin täyspitkiä virusgenomeja cDNA-muodossa mutaatiokokeita varten. FL-PCR:n optimointi onnistui, ja neljä viidestä CV-A7-isolaatista sekvensoitiin. Virusgenomien pituus vaihteli 7403–7405 nt:n välillä. CV-A7-ET1080, -Parker ja - USSR osoittautuivat yli 99 % ja CV-A7-275/58 82,6 % nt samankaltaisiksi koko genomin pituudelta AY421765:en suhteen. Yksittäisten geenien ja proteiinien osalta CV-A7-275/58 oli 75,8–90,4 % nt ja 93,7–98,8 % aa samankaltainen muiden suhteen. Simplot-analyysissä 3B-geenialue oli heterogeenisin. CV-A7-SVK-isolaatti osoittautui echovirus kolmeksi. Infektiivistä kloonia ei saatu tuotettua T7-PCR-tuotteista.
O carcinoma de mama é a neoplasia maligna mais comum em mulheres. Estudos moleculares do carcinoma de mama, baseados na identificação do perfil de expressão gênica por meio do cDNA microarray, permitiram definir pelo menos cinco sub-grupos distintos: luminal A, luminal B, superexpressão do HER2, basal e normal breast-like. A técnica de tissue microarray (TMA), descrita pela primeira vez em 1998, permitiu estudar, em várias amostras de carcinoma, os perfis de expressão protéica de diferentes neoplasias. No carcinoma de mama, os TMAs têm sido utilizados para validar os achados dos estudos preliminares, identificando, desta forma, os novos subtipos fenotípicos do carcinoma de mama. Dentre os subtipos classicamente descritos, o grupo basal constitui um dos mais intrigantes subtipos tumorais e é freqüentemente associado com pior prognóstico e ausência de alvos terapêuticos definidos. A classificação histopatológica do carcinoma de mama tem pobre valor preditivo. Portanto, a associação entre o diagnóstico histológico com técnicas moleculares nos laboratórios de anatomia patológica, por meio do estudo imunoistoquímico, pode determinar o perfil molecular do carcinoma de mama, buscando melhorar a resposta terapêutica. Este estudo visou resumir os mais recentes conhecimentos em que se baseiam os novos conceitos da classificação do carcinoma de mama.