993 resultados para CANALIZACIÓN DE RÍOS
Excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation can trigger various pathological conditions such as inflammation, in which xanthine oxidase (XO) is one major enzymatic source of ROS. Although XO has been reported to play essential roles in inflammatory conditions, the molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of XO in inflammatory pathways remain unclear. Febuxostat, a selective and potent inhibitor of XO, effectively inhibits not only the generation of uric acid but also the formation of ROS. In this study, therefore, we examined the effects of febuxostat on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated inflammatory responses. Here we show that febuxostat suppresses LPS-induced MCP-1 production and mRNA expression via activating MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) which, in turn, leads to dephosphorylation and inactivation of JNK in macrophages. Moreover, these effects of febuxostat are mediated by inhibiting XO-mediated intracellular ROS production. Taken together, our data suggest that XO mediates LPS-induced phosphorylation of JNK through ROS production and MKP-1 inactivation, leading to MCP-1 production in macrophages. These studies may bring new insights into the novel role of XO in regulating inflammatory process through MAPK phosphatase, and demonstrate the potential use of XO inhibitor in modulating the inflammatory processes.
La 3,4-Metilendioximetanfetamina (MDMA, éxtasis) es un derivado anfetamínico sintético ampliamente usado como droga recreativa, que produce neurotoxicidad serotonérgica en animales y posiblemente también en humanos. El mecanismo subyacente de neurotoxicidad, incluye la formación de especies reactivas de oxigeno (ROS), pero la fuente de generación de estos es un punto de controversia. Se postula que la neurotoxicidad inducida por la MDMA es mediada por la formación de metabolitos bioreactivos. Específicamente, los metabolitos primarios de tipo catecol, la 3,4- dihidroximetanfetamina (HHMA) y la 3,4-dihidroxianfetamina (HHA), que luego dan lugar a la formación de conjugados con el glutatión y la N-acetilcisteína, y que conservan la capacidad de entrar en el ciclo redox y presentan neurotoxicidad serotonérgica en ratas. Aunque la presencia de dichos metabolitos se demostró recientemente en microdialisados de cerebros de ratas, su formación en humanos no se ha reportado aun. Este trabajo describe la detección de N-acetil-cisteína-HHMA (NAC-HHMA) y N-acetil-cisteína-HHA (NAC-HHA) en orina humana de 15 consumidores recreacionales de MDMA (1.5 mg/kg) en un entorno controlado. Los resultados revelan que en las primeras 4 horas después del consumo de MDMA aproximadamente el 0.002% de la dosis administrada es recuperada como aductos tioéter. Los polimorfismos genéticos en la expresión de las enzimas CYP2D6 y COMT, que en conjunto son las principales determinantes de los niveles estables de HHMA y HHA, posiblemente expliquen la variabilidad interindividual observada en la recuperación de la NAC-HHMA y la NAC-HHA en orina. Resumiendo, por primera vez se demuestra la formación de aductos tioéteres neurotóxicos de la MDMA en humanos. Estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que la bioactivación de la MDMA a metabolitos neurotóxicos es el mecanismo relevante para la generación de la neurotoxicidad en humanos.
The ability of the developing myocardium to tolerate oxidative stress during early gestation is an important issue with regard to possible detrimental consequences for the fetus. In the embryonic heart, antioxidant defences are low, whereas glycolytic flux is high. The pro- and antioxidant mechanisms and their dependency on glucose metabolism remain to be explored. Isolated hearts of 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to normoxia (30 min), anoxia (30 min), and hyperoxic reoxygenation (60 min). The time course of ROS production in the whole heart and in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract was established using lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence. Cardiac rhythm, conduction, and arrhythmias were determined. The activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, gutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase as well as the content of reduced and oxidized glutathione were measured. The relative contribution of the ROS-generating systems was assessed by inhibition of mitochondrial complexes I and III (rotenone and myxothiazol), NADPH oxidases (diphenylene iodonium and apocynine), and nitric oxide synthases (N-monomethyl-l-arginine and N-iminoethyl-l-ornithine). The effects of glycolysis inhibition (iodoacetate), glucose deprivation, glycogen depletion, and lactate accumulation were also investigated. In untreated hearts, ROS production peaked at 10.8 ± 3.3, 9 ± 0.8, and 4.8 ± 0.4 min (means ± SD; n = 4) of reoxygenation in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract, respectively, and was associated with arrhythmias. Functional recovery was complete after 30-40 min. At reoxygenation, 1) the respiratory chain and NADPH oxidases were the main sources of ROS in the atria and outflow tract, respectively; 2) glucose deprivation decreased, whereas glycogen depletion increased, oxidative stress; 3) lactate worsened oxidant stress via NADPH oxidase activation; 4) glycolysis blockade enhanced ROS production; 5) no nitrosative stress was detectable; and 6) the glutathione redox cycle appeared to be a major antioxidant system. Thus, the glycolytic pathway plays a predominant role in reoxygenation-induced oxidative stress during early cardiogenesis. The relative contribution of mitochondria and extramitochondrial systems to ROS generation varies from one region to another and throughout reoxygenation.
NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent inflammatory responses are triggered by a variety of signals of host danger, including infection, tissue damage and metabolic dysregulation. How these diverse activators cause inflammasome activation is poorly understood. Recent data suggest that the mitochondria integrate these distinct signals and relay this information to the NLRP3 inflammasome. Dysfunctional mitochondria generate ROS, which is required for inflammasome activation. On the contrary, the NLRP3 inflammasome is negatively regulated by autophagy, which is a catabolic process that removes damaged or otherwise dysfunctional organelles, including mitochondria. In addition to the processing and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, NLRP3 inflammasome activation also influences cellular metabolic pathways such as glycolysis and lipogenesis. Mapping the connections between mitochondria, metabolism and inflammation is of great interest, as malfunctioning of this network is associated with many chronic inflammatory diseases.
La producció de biodièsel a partir d'olis de cuina utilitzats, amb l'objectiu de transformar un residu en un producte amb valor comercial i ambiental, és més net que els combustibles fòssils i contribueix a disminuir el gran consum de petroli que estem fent. En una primera part teòrica s’ha realitzat un treball de recerca d' informació del biodièsel per saber si és un bon combustible i si podria ser un possible substitut dels combustibles fòssils. En quant a la part pràctica l'objectiu principal ha estat fabricar el biodièsel . Les matèries primeres són oli de gira-sol i oli de cuina utilitzat, per tal de comparar les seves qualitats. S’ha arribat a la conclusió que presenten característiques molt semblants. Després de fer les anàlisis físico-químics de qualitat vam fer una mescla dels dos biodièsels fabricats, i el vam provar en un motor Dièsel per comprovar si funciona correctament i fer una comparació dels gasos emesos pel nostre combustible amb els emesos pel gasoil comercial. El resultat va ser molt positiu ja que el motor va funcionar correctament, i la comparació de gasos va sortir tal i com esperàvem ja que les quantitats de diòxid i monòxid de carboni emeses eren menors que en el gasoil.
Es descriu el procés de selecció dut a terme en el Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) durant el 2004 per tal de seleccionar el programa per gestionar els dipòsits digitals del CBUC. Dues de les condicions per a la selecció eren que es tractés de programari lliure i, a més, que es pogués implementar de manera immediata. Els programes analitzats van ser ARNO, CDSware, DSpace, EPrints, Fedora, i-Tor i MyCoRe. En el text es descriuen les principals característiques de cada un d'aquests programes i es justifica l'elecció de DSpace.
We develop a mediation model in which firm size is proposed to affect the scale and quality of innovative output through the adoption of different decision styles during the R&D process. The aim of this study is to understand how the internal changes that firms undergo as they evolve from small to larger organizations affect R&D productivity. In so doing, we illuminate the underlying theoretical mechanism affecting two different dimensions of R&D productivity, namely the scale and quality of innovative output which have not received much attention in previous literature. Using longitudinal data of Spanish manufacturing firms we explore the validity of this mediation model. Our results show that as firms evolve in size, they increasingly emphasize analytical decision making, and consequently, large-sized firms aim for higher-quality innovations while small firms aim for a larger scale of innovative output.
Les membres de l'ordre des Chlamydiales peuvent infecter un choix étendu d'animaux, insectes, et protistes. Comme toutes bactéries intracellulaires obligatoires, les Chlamydiales ont besoin d'une cellule hôte pour se répliquer. Chaque fois qu'une cellule est infectée une lutte commence entre les mécanismes de défense de la cellule et l'arsenal de facteurs de virulence de la bactérie. Dans cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés à déterminer le rôle de deux mécanismes de l'immunité innée de l'hôte. En premier, nous avons étudié les NADPH oxidases, une source de molécules superoxydantes (MSO). Leur rôle dans la restriction de la réplication de Waddlia chondrophila et Estrella iausannensis a été étudié dans l'organisme modèle Dictyostelium discoideum et les macrophages humains. Différentes protéines Nox étaient nécessaires pour contrôler la réplication de W. chondrophila ou E. Iausannensis. De plus, nous avons déterminé que parmi les Chlamydiales, cinq espèces possédaient une catalase. Cette enzyme peut dégrader l'eau oxygénée, une MSO. L'activité de la catalase a été démontrée in vitro et dans les corps élémentaires. Avant de pouvoir étudier le rôle de NOX2 dans des macrophages infectés avec E. Iausannensis, nous avons dû établir la capacité de la bactérie à se répliquer clans les macrophages avec son trafic intracellulaire. Le deuxième mécanisme d'immunité innée que nous avons étudié est l'autophagie. Dans les cellules infectées l'autophagie permet de digérer les bactéries envahissantes. Deux protéines de la voie autophagique (Atg1 et Atg8) jouent un rôle dans la restriction de la croissance de W. chondrophila dans D. discoideum. D'avantage d'études sur l'immunité innée et les bactéries apparentés aux Chlamydia sont indispensables, car les réponses paraissent être spécifiques pour chaque espèce. - Members of the Chlamydiales order are able to infect a large variety of animals, insects, and protists. These obligate intracellular bacteria require a host cell for replication. Each time a cell is infected a struggle begins between the virulence arsenal of the bacteria and the defense mechanisms activated by the host. Each bacterial species will exhibit a selection of virulence factors that will allow it to overcome the defense of the host in some species, but not others. In this thesis we were interested in dissecting the role of two host innate immunity mechanisms. First we determined the role of NADPH oxidases, a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), in restricting replication of Waddlia chondrophila and EstreHa lausannensis in the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum and human macrophages. Different Nox proteins were required to restrict growth of W. chondrophila and E. lausannensis. Additionally, we determined that five Chlamydia- related bacterial species encode for catalase, an enzyme that is able to degrade hydrogen peroxide, a ROS. The activity of the catalase was demonstrated in vitro and in elementary bodies. To study the role of NOX2 in macrophages for E. lausannensis we first had to determine the ability of E. lausannensis to grow in macrophages. Besides demonstrating its replication we also determined the intracellular trafficking of E. lausannensis. The second innate immunity mechanism studied was autophagy. Through autophagy bacteria can be targeted to degradation. Atg1 and Atg8, two autophagic proteins appeared restrict W. chondrophila replication in D. discoideum. More studies on innate immunity and Chlamydia-related bacteria are required. It appears that the responses to innate immunity are species specific and it will be difficult to generalize data obtained for W. chondrophila to the Chlamydiales order.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease due to lipid deposition in the arterial wall. Multiple mechanisms participate in the inflammatory process, including oxidative stress. Xanthine oxidase (XO) is a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and has been linked to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we show enhanced XO expression in macrophages in the atherosclerotic plaque and in aortic endothelial cells in ApoE(-/-) mice, and that febuxostat, a highly potent XO inhibitor, suppressed plaque formation, reduced arterial ROS levels and improved endothelial dysfunction in ApoE(-/-) mice without affecting plasma cholesterol levels. In vitro, febuxostat inhibited cholesterol crystal-induced ROS formation and inflammatory cytokine release in murine macrophages. These results demonstrate that in the atherosclerotic plaque, XO-mediated ROS formation is pro-inflammatory and XO-inhibition by febuxostat is a potential therapy for atherosclerosis.
Amb la finalitat de conèixer l’estat de qualitat de les aigües de les basses i pous del Parc del Garraf, s’analitzen una sèrie de paràmetres fisico-químics en 17 estacions de mostreig prèviament seleccionades, distribuïdes en zones amb diferents tipologies d’ús del sòl. La base de l’anàlisi ha estat la integració d’informació provinent de diferents fonts. Mitjançant l’elaboració de taules i gràfics, la generació de cartografia i el tractament estadístic de les dades, s’ha procedit a la tria de punts de mostreig i s’ha obtingut un inventari que ha permès la interpretació global dels resultats, facilitant la diagnosi. El procés de tractament de dades inclou la confecció d’un índex de qualitat de les aigües (ICA) propi, no vinculant, a partir de fórmules genèriques de normalització i ponderació de valors. Durant la realització de la diagnosi s’han detectat pertorbacions puntuals en determinats paràmetres corresponents a contaminacions locals, en diferents estacions de mostreig. Aquestes pertorbacions s’han relacionat amb la situació dels pous i les basses al Garraf i les tipologies d’ús del sòl de cada zona. El diagnòstic de pertorbacions ha orientat les propostes de millora aplicables que s’han dividit en tres classes segons el nivell d’actuació. Aquestes incideixen principalment, en la millora de la informació disponible, l’aplicació de l’agricultura ecològica, l’explotació sostenible dels aqüífers i la realització d’estudis globals i/o locals, més complets i exhaustius.
Combustion-derived and manufactured nanoparticles (NPs) are known to provoke oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in human lung cells; therefore, they play an important role during the development of adverse health effects. As the lungs are composed of more than 40 different cell types, it is of particular interest to perform toxicological studies with co-cultures systems, rather than with monocultures of only one cell type, to gain a better understanding of complex cellular reactions upon exposure to toxic substances. Monocultures of A549 human epithelial lung cells, human monocyte-derived macrophages and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs) as well as triple cell co-cultures consisting of all three cell types were exposed to combustion-derived NPs (diesel exhaust particles) and to manufactured NPs (titanium dioxide and single-walled carbon nanotubes). The penetration of particles into cells was analysed by transmission electron microscopy. The amount of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a and interleukin (IL)-8 were quantified. The results of the monocultures were summed with an adjustment for the number of each single cell type in the triple cell co-culture. All three particle types were found in all cell and culture types. The production of ROS was induced by all particle types in all cell cultures except in monocultures of MDDCs. The TAC and the (pro-)inflammatory reactions were not statistically significantly increased by particle exposure in any of the cell cultures. Interestingly, in the triple cell co-cultures, the TAC and IL-8 concentrations were lower and the TNF-a concentrations were higher than the expected values calculated from the monocultures. The interplay of different lung cell types seems to substantially modulate the oxidative stress and the inflammatory responses after NP exposure. [Authors]
In the recent years most libraries have focused on mass digitization programs and keeping electronic born documents, showing and organizing them in a repository. While those repositories have evolved to a much more manageable systems focusing on the user expectations and introducing web 2.0 tools, digital preservation is still in the to-do list of most of them. There is quite a lot of studies focused on preservation and some complex models exist, unfortunately, very few practical systems are running and its quite difficult for a library to get involved in a solution already tested by others. The CBUC (Consortium of University Catalan Libraries) runs TDX, an ETD repository now keeping more than 10.000 full text thesis from any of the 12 university members. After 10 years running TDX a solid preservation system was needed to ensure every thesis would be kept as it was regardless what happens to the repository. The perfect solution was found in the MetaArchive cooperative, this is the effort of many insitutions to keep a copy of each other content through a newtwork using the LOCKSS software as a mechanism to keep track of any change. The presentation will shortly introduce what TDX and MetaArchive is but will, in a practical way, show how the LOCKSS network for presrervation works. Finally a summary of the benefits of the overall experience will be shown.
Este Working Paper tiene como objetivo identificar las nuevas formas de trabajo y tendencias emergentes en el campo de la construcción de la paz. El destinatario de este informe es el ICIP, por lo que las conclusiones están también enfocadas al plano operativo y a la posibilidad de integrar alguna de las prácticas descritas en su plan de actuación ordinaria. El texto presenta una serie de nuevas realidades emergentes, como el crowdfunding y el crowdsourcing, la transparencia financiera e informativa o el impacto de las redes sociales, que afectan a la forma en la que abordamos la construcción de la paz a nivel internacional. Cada tendencia viene acompañada de uno o varios ejemplos concretos que ayudan a comprender más fácilmente lo que está sucediendo en este terreno y qué podemos definir como innovación social.
El Tercer Sector cívicosocial, entès com aquell conjunt d’organitzacions privades sense ànim de lucre que tenen com objectiu aconseguir la promoció de la persona, reduir les desigualtats socioeconòmiques i evitar l’exclusició social en el nostre territori, ha adquirit un pes molt significatiu en la nostra societat. És degut a aquesta importància, aconseguida al llarg dels anys, que totes les organitzaciones, fundacions i associacions han pres com a element de gran importància la comunicació. Saber comunicar-se ha arribat a un nivell imprescindible dins de la nostra societat i d’aquesta manera, el Tercer Sector n’ha pres consciència d’aquest fet. El present Treball Final de Carrera consisteix en l’estudi de diverses entitats representatives dels diversos sectors dins de l’àmbit territorial de Catalunya per veure de quina manera fan servir la comunicació i com es troben organitzades per saber assolir els seus objectius. Les nou entitats contactades són: Càritas, Intermón, Creu Roja, Amnistia Internacional, Greenpeace, Sos Racisme, SCIAS/ASC, Agrupació i ONCE. D’aquesta manera podem veure si el fet de disposar d’un departament dedicat a la comunicació, o de desenvolupar estratègies, repercuteix a obtenir uns millors resultats, tant interns com externs, dins de la entitat.