660 resultados para Bureaucratic itineraries


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O estágio supervisionado é uma etapa primordial a ser cumprida pelos alunos de um curso de licenciatura, pois é durante seu cumprimento que o aluno poderá, de fato, experimentar sua profissão docente a partir da unidade teoria/prática. Contudo, muitas vezes, o estágio é visto apenas como uma questão burocrática do curso e não como uma ferramenta pedagógica, sendo o momento em que é possível observar as práticas em sala de aula, compará-las e refazê-las, além de ser uma experiência que contribui para a formação inicial desse aluno enquanto futuro professor. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos verificar qual a representação que o aluno estagiário tem sobre o estágio, desvelando quais saberes docentes são adquiridos por meio dessa prática e como é estabelecida a relação entre a lei de estágio, o curso investigado e o aluno estagiário. Para tal, realizou-se uma pesquisa de revisão da literatura a fim de se obter um aprofundamento no referencial teórico e, posteriormente, uma pesquisa documental envolvendo estudos sobre os aspectos legais do estágio e sobre o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Com a intenção de constatar quais representações os alunos têm sobre o estágio, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de um questionário a dezesseis alunos de um curso de Letras a distância de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior localizada na Grande São Paulo. As análises dos dados foram realizadas a partir da criação de cinco categorias de análise: As representações sobre a escola pública, As representações sobre os professores, As representações sobre o estágio, A carga horária e A relação teoria e prática. Os resultados apontam para representações bastante positivas sobre o estágio, representações estas que revelam no discurso dos alunos a valorização do professor e da escola pública, a aquisição de saberes docentes e o estágio enquanto momento de observação, reflexão e práxis docente. Além disso, embora a maioria dos estagiários considere excessiva a carga horária legalmente exigida, reconhecem a importância e relevância desse momento para sua formação acadêmica e profissional.


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O presente trabalho enfoca um dos colegiados mais tradicionais das escolas públicas no Estado de São Paulo: os Conselhos de Classe e Série. Concebidos para serem espaços de avaliação coletiva com potencial para propiciar a construção ou re-construção da Proposta Pedagógica, foram reduzidos, na prática, a meros rituais burocráticos, à medida que muitas escolas desconsideram a exigência legal que determina a participação dos alunos em suas instâncias. O estudo teve por objetivo a identificação e a análise dos fatores que interferem direta e indiretamente na implementação da participação dos alunos e seus pais nestes colegiados. De natureza empírica, a pesquisa apóia-se nas análises de Maurício Tragtemberg, para quem a escola funciona como centro de reprodução das relações de produção, à medida que seleciona os alunos através do que denomina pedagogia burocrática . Concentrou-se numa das escolas que incluíram efetivamente alunos e pais nos Conselhos de Classe e Série, confrontando, durante o processo, os conflitos inerentes à estrutura burocrática da instituição escolar. Constatamos que as práticas da maioria dos professores da escola pesquisada mantêm-se permeadas pelas representações tradicionais de cunho patrimonialista, no sentido apontado por Weber, em contradição ao esforço da equipe de direção em aprofundar a participação dos alunos e seus pais nos colegiados. As representações tradicionais convivem e integram-se à estrutura burocrática da escola pública, constituindo-se num dos principais obstáculos à efetiva participação. Optamos pela observação participante, em virtude de nossa dupla inserção nesse processo: tanto através da docência em escola pública da rede estadual, quanto do exercício de um cargo de especialista no âmbito da Diretoria de Ensino procedimento metodológico que nos permitiu dispor de dados de várias escolas, possibilitando o estabelecimento de algumas comparações pertinentes para o estudo proposto.(AU)


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Tendo como referencial o sociólogo Luiz Pereira, e levando em consideração as relevantes críticas à visão weberiana sobre a burocracia feitas principalmente por Maurício Tragtenberg, esta dissertação almejou, através de uma pesquisa empírica, mostrar que a construção da identidade profissional do professor sofre influência direta de sua visão ideológica. Partindo de uma análise crítica da visão weberiana de burocracia, o presente trabalho busca traçar o perfil ideológico do professor da rede pública. Para tanto, este trabalho baseia-se em uma pesquisa abrangendo entrevistas, análise de documentos e observações do cotidiano de uma escola pública estadual escolhida como fonte de pesquisa. Pretendeu-se abordar a questão da filiação ideológica dos professores da rede pública, analisando em dois níveis: o da filiação ideológica a uma classe social (a classe média) e o da filiação ideológica a uma categoria social ligada ao Estado (a burocracia estatal). Levou-se, portanto, em consideração a hipótese de uma filiação ideológica dos professores a ambos os grupos, já que, à parte a alta burocracia (filiada ideologicamente às classes dominantes), a maioria do corpo burocrático (média e baixa burocracia) tende a adotar a perspectiva ideológica da classe média.(AU)


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Numa perspectiva sociológica, este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar o perfil profissional do supervisor de ensino que atua na Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo, verificando se sua atuação está voltada ao pedagógico ou ao administrativo e qual o compromisso político e as concepções educacionais destes profissionais. Apoiando-se em Tragtenberg, Silva Jr e Huert, entre outros autores que abordam, especificamente, a supervisão de ensino, procurou-se fazer uma analise histórica da legislação, de planilhas e dos dados que foram colhidos através de depoimentos e entrevistas com supervisores de ensino efetivos de três Diretorias de Ensino da Grande São Paulo. O resultado da pesquisa aponta para a predominância de um perfil burocrático e de fiscalização na ação do supervisor de ensino, bem como de executor das políticas públicas e não partícipe da sua elaboração. O supervisor de ensino é um representante de um poder político que favorece uma determinada ordem, mesmo que exista uma tentativa de superação de uma representatividade unilateral dentro da supervisão de ensino.(AU)


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Há tempo, as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos diretores de escola da rede pública estadual de São Paulo constituem motivo de inquietação e impotência, pois estes têm seu trabalho engessado pela rotina burocrático-administrativa, a qual dificulta o desempenho das atividades pedagógicas. Este trabalho centra-se no estudo das possibilidades e limites no desenvolvimento da função pedagógica do Diretor de Escola, aliás, Gerente ou Educador? Nesta pesquisa utiliza-se dos documentos da Unidade Escolar, desde sua fundação em 1985 até 2007, para se entender o desenvolvimento da função de diretor de escola, neste duplo aspecto burocráticoadministrativo e pedagógico. Desta forma, foram abordadas as seguintes questões: quais são as solicitações e exigências da Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo (SEE-SP) e dos órgãos a ela subordinados em relação às atividades desenvolvidas cotidianamente pelo diretor de escola? Quais as incumbências objetivas que o diretor de escola tem que responder para a SEE-SP? A partir disso, quais são as possibilidades e os limites do diretor para desenvolver a função pedagógica no ambiente escolar? A hipótese aventada é que, o diretor de escola não consegue centrar-se no desenvolvimento das atividades pedagógicas em face do atendimento às exigências burocrático-administrativas da SEE-SP e dos órgãos a ela subordinados, os quais condicionam sua atividade profissional. Pretende-se com este estudo contribuir para o debate acerca da prática da gestão escolar e da reflexão da função e do papel do diretor de escola no processo de transformação econômico-político-social. A apresentação desta pesquisa está estruturada em três capítulos. As considerações finais apontam que o diretor de escola, devido ao grande número de solicitações e exigências de tarefas burocrático-administrativas, emanadas do poder central e de seus órgãos subordinados, vê comprometido o desempenho das funções pedagógicas.(AU)


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é identificar se existem elementos presentes nas atividades diárias do professor que interferem em seu ministério e quantificar sua influência, utilizando como referencial teórico o livro A Pedagogia da Autonomia de Paulo Freire e as bases conceituais da pedagogia freiriana. Foi feito um levantamento da rotina das instituições para comprovar a existência e a extensão do que chamaremos aqui limitadores da autonomia do trabalho docente responsáveis pela redução da capacidade do docente em seu trabalho junto aos alunos. Dessa forma, eventos cuja origem se acha fora da ação do professor, muitas vezes, distante mesmo do ambiente escolar, em um contexto em que a própria instituição se insere, têm sua participação na redução dessa autonomia. Outros limitadores têm sua gênese dentro do próprio ambiente educacional, dificultando e às vezes impedindo, essa ação. São limitadores que por sua ligação intrínseca com a instituição, do ponto de vista de contexto, neste ensaio classifico como institucionais. O excesso de atividades a que o professor se encontra sujeito, bem como a avalanche burocrática obrigando-o por vezes a levar parte de suas atividades para dentro de sua vida pessoal, aparecem aqui como limitadores funcionais, por estarem intimamente ligados aos aspectos da própria prática do docente. Mesmo as barreiras físicas e assecuratórias da tranqüilidade do ambiente escolar, como: crachás, portões, catracas e outros, são tratados aqui como limitadores físicos, compondo com os demais as categorias em torno das quais o tema aqui tratado se desenvolve. Existem de fato, limitadores da ação educacional? Em que medida produzem seus efeitos e em que proporção são sentidos pelos profissionais da educação? São questões cujas análises se embasarão em respostas dadas por professores da Educação Infantil, do Ensino Fundamental I e II além do Ensino Médio, a um questionário, que compiladas e estatisticamente tratadas, desembocarão na conclusão hipótese deste ensaio: A atividade educacional padece dos efeitos provocados pelos limitadores da ação docente . Para tanto faremos o estabelecimento das bases referenciais no capítulo primeiro, recortando da obra do eminente educador os elementos que servirão para seu embasamento teórico. Partindo dos aspectos mais genéricos para os mais específicos, que têm conotação com o presente tema, passamos no capítulo segundo ao levantamento das diversas atividades próprias da prática educativa, das quais o professor não tem como se eximir, classificando-as didaticamente, em uma preparação para um momento posterior de levantamento de dados. No capítulo terceiro é apresentado o questionário e seus resultados; a metodologia estatística empregada foi a qualitativa, porém com avaliações que permitem mensurar o grau de interferência de cada categoria presente no resultado final. Desta forma concluí, de acordo com a hipótese inicial, pela existência dos limitadores como fatores inerentes à prática educacional e sua relevância como agentes inibidores da ação docente dentro do universo estudado.(AU)


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Public policy becomes managerial practice through a process of implementation. There is an established literature within Implementation Studies which explains the variables and some of the processes involved in implementation, but less attention has been focused upon how public service managers convert new policy initiatives into practice. The research proposes that managers and their organisations have to go through a process of learning in order to achieve the implementation of public policy. Data was collected over a five year period from four case studies of capital investment appraisal in the British National Health Service. Further data was collected from taped interviews by key actors within the case studies. The findings suggest that managers do learn to implement policy and four factors are important in this learning process. These are; (i) the nature of bureaucratic responsibility; (ii) the motivation of actors towards learning; (iii) the passage of time which allows for the development of competence and (iv) the use of project team structures. The research has demonstrated that the conversion of policy into practice occurs through the operationalisation of solutions to policy problems via job tasks. As such it suggests that in understanding how policy is implemented, technical learning is more important than cultural learning, in this context. In conclusion, a "Model of Learned Implementation" is presented, together with a discussion of some of the implications of the research. These are the possible use of more pilot projects for new policy initiatives and the more systematic diffusion of knowledge about implementation solutions.


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Purpose - The purpose of the paper is to the identify risk factors, which affect oil and gas construction projects in Vietnam and derive risk responses. Design/methodology/approach - Questionnaire survey was conducted with the involvement of project executives of PetroVietnam and statistical analysis was carried out in order to identify the major project risks. Subsequently, mitigating measures were derived using informal interviews with the various levels of management of PetroVietnam. Findings - Bureaucratic government system and long project approval procedures, poor design, incompetence of project team, inadequate tendering practices, and late internal approval processes from the owner were identified as major risks. The executives suggested various strategies to mitigate the identified risks. Reforming the government system, effective partnership with foreign collaborators, training project executives, implementing contractor evaluation using multiple criteria decision-making technique, and enhancing authorities of project people were suggested as viable approaches. Practical implications - The improvement measures as derived in this study would improve chances of project success in the oil and gas industry in Vietnam. Originality/value - There are several risk management studies on managing projects in developing countries. However, as risk factors vary considerably across industry and countries, the study of risk management for successful projects in the oil and gas industry in Vietnam is unique and has tremendous importance for effective project management.


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Purpose – Seeks to examine how far Michael Lipsky's theory of discretion as it relates to public sector professionals as “street-level bureaucrats” is still applicable in the light of public sector reform and in particular the introduction of increased managerial control over professionals. Design/methodology/approach – The main thesis in Lipsky's work, Street-Level Bureaucracy, that street-level bureaucrats devise their own rules and procedures to deal with the dilemmas of policy implementation is linked to public sector reform over the past 25 years or so. The article differentiates between three forms of discretion, rule, task and value and assesses the extent to which these different forms of discretion have been compromised by reform. Examples are drawn principally from the literature on school teachers and social workers Findings – The findings suggest that the rule-making (hence bureaucratic) capacity of professionals at street-level is much less influential than before although it is questionable whether or not the greater accountability of professionals to management and clarity of the targets and objectives of organisations delivering public policy has liberated them from the dilemmas of street-level bureaucracy. Research limitations/implications – The work has focussed on the UK and in particular on two professions. However, it may be applied to any country which has undergone public sector reform and in particular where “new public management” processes and procedures have been implemented. There is scope for in-depth studies of a range of occupations, professional and otherwise in the UK and elsewhere. Practical implications – Policy makers and managers should consider how far the positive aspects of facilitating discretion in the workplace by reducing the need for “rule-making” to cope with dilemmas have been outweighed by increased levels of bureaucracy and the “de-skilling” of professionals. Originality/value – Lipsky's much cited and influential work is evaluated in the light of public sector reform some 25 years since it was published. The three forms of discretion identified offer the scope for their systematic application to the workplace.


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The contemporary understanding of public sector risk management entails a broadening of the traditional bureaucratic approach to risk beyond the boundaries of purely financial risks. However, evidence suggests that in reality public sector risk management does not always match the rhetoric. This paper focuses on the apparent inadequacy of any risk framework in the current Prudential Borrowing Framework (PBF) guidance in relation to that which was developed under Public Private Partnerships and Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Our analysis shows that the PBF and its associated indicators for local authorities adopt a narrow financial approach and fail to account for the full range of potential risks associated with capital projects. The PBF does not provide a framework for local authorities to consider long-term risk and fails to encourage understanding of the generic nature of risk. The introduction of the PBF appears to represent a retrograde step from PPP/PFI as regards risk and risk management.


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It is clear from several government reports and research papers published recently, that the curriculum for English in primary and secondary schools is about to change, yet again. After years of a bureaucratic stranglehold that has left even Ofsted report writers criticising the teaching of English, it seems as if the conditions are right for further revisions. One of the questions that inevitably arises when a curriculum for English is reviewed, relates to the place and purpose of the teaching of grammar. This paper outlines a possible curriculum for grammar across both primary and secondary phases, arguing that for the teaching of grammar to have any salience or purpose at all, it has to be integrated into the curriculum as a whole, and not just that of writing. A recontextualised curriculum for grammar of the kind proposed here, would teach pupils to become critically literate in ways which recognise diversity as well as unity, and with the aim of providing them with the means to critically analyse and appraise the culture in which they live.


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Since 1988, quasi-markets have been introduced into many areas of social policy in the UK, the NHS internal market is one example. Markets operate by price signals. The NHS Internal Market, if it is to operate efficiently, requires purchasers and providers to respond to price signals. The research hypothesis is - cost accounting methods can be developed to enable healthcare contracts to be priced on a cost-basis in a manner which will facilitate the achievement of economic efficiency in the NHS internal market. Surveys of hospitals in 1991 and 1994 established the cost methods adopted in deriving the prices for healthcare contracts in the first year of the market and three years on. An in-depth view of the costing for pricing process was gained through case studies. Hospitals had inadequate cost information on which to price healthcare contracts at the inception of the internal market: prices did not reflect the relative performance of healthcare providers sufficiently closely to enable the market's espoused efficiency aims to be achieved. Price variations were often due to differing costing approaches rather than efficiency. Furthermore, price comparisons were often meaningless because of inadequate definition of the services (products). In April 1993, the NHS Executive issued guidance on costing for contracting to all NHS providers in an attempt to improve the validity of price comparisons between alternative providers. The case studies and the 1994 survey show that although price comparison has improved, considerable problems remain. Consistency is not assured, and the problem of adequate product definition is still to be solved. Moreover, the case studies clearly highlight the mismatch of rigid, full-cost pricing rules with both the financial management considerations at local level and the emerging internal market(s). Incentives exist to cost-shift, and healthcare prices can easily be manipulated. In the search for a new health policy paradigm to replace traditional bureaucratic provision, cost-based pricing cannot be used to ensure a more efficient allocation of healthcare resources.


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In the last few decades, the world has witnessed an enormous growth in the volume of foreign direct investment (FDI). The global stock of FDI reached US$ 7.5 trillion in 2003 and accounted for 11% of world Gross Domestic Product, up from 7% in 1990. The sales of multinational enterprises at around US$ 19 trillion were more than double the level of world exports. Substantial FDI inflows went into transition countries. Inflows into one of the region's largest recipient, the Russian Federation, almost doubled, enabling Russia to become one of the five top FDI destinations in 2005-2006. FDI inflows in Russia have increased almost threefold from 13.6% in 2003 to 35% in 2007. In 2003, these flows were twice greater than those into China; whilst in 2007 they were six times larger. Russia's FDI inflows were also about 2.5 times greater than those of Brazil. Efficient government institutions are argued by many economists to foster FDI and growth as a result. However, the magnitude of this effect has yet to be measured. This thesis takes a Political Economy approach to explore, empirically, the potential impact of malfunctioning governmental institutions, proxied by three indices of perceived corruption, on FDI stocks accumulation/distribution within Russia over the period of 2002-2004. Using a regional data-set it concentrates on three areas relating to FDI. Firstly, it considers the significance, the size and the sign of the impact of perceived corruption on accumulation of FDI stocks within Russia. Secondly, it quantifies the impact of perceived corruption on the volume of FDI stocks simultaneously estimating the impact of the investment in public capital such as telecommunications and transportation networks on FDI in the presence of corruption. In particular, it addresses the question whether more corrupt regions in Russia are also those that could have accumulated more of FDI stocks, and investigates whether those 'more corrupt' regions would have had lower level of public capital investment. Finally, it examines whether decentralisation increases or decreases corruption and whether a larger extent of decentralisation has a positive or negative impact on FDI (stocks). The results of three studies are as follows. Firstly, along with market potential, corruption is found to be one of the key factors in explaining FDI distribution within Russia between 2002 and 2004. Secondly, corruption on average is found to be related to FDI positively suggesting that it may act as speed money: to save their time foreign direct investors might be willing to bribe the regional authorities so to move in front of the bureaucratic lines. Thirdly, although when corruption is controlled for, the impact of the latter on unobservable FDI is found to be on average positive, no association between FDI and public investment is observed with the only exception of transportation infrastructure (i.e., railway). The results might suggest therefore that it is possible that not only regions with high levels of perceived corruption attract more FDI but also that expansions in public capital investments are not accompanied by an increase of the volume of FDI (stocks) in regions with high levels of corruption. This casts some doubt on the productivity of the investment in public capital in these regions as it might be that bureaucrats may prefer to use these infrastructural projects for rent extraction. Finally, we find decentralisation to have a significant and positive impact on both FDI stock accumulation and corruption, suggesting that local governments may spend more on public goods to make the area more attractive to foreign investors but at the same time they may be interested into extracting rents from foreign investors. These results support the idea that the regulation of FDI is associated with and facilitated by a larger public sector, which distorts competition and introduces opportunities for rent-seeking by particular economic and political factors.


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The study addresses the introduction of an innovation of new technology into a bureaucratic profession. The organisational setting is that of local authority secondary schools at a time at which microcomputers were being introduced in both the organisational core (for teaching) and its periphery (school administration). The research studies innovation-adopting organisations within their sectoral context; key actors influencing the innovation are identified at the levels of central government, local government and schools.A review of the literature on new technology and innovation (including educational innovation), and on schools as organisations in a changing environment leads to the development of the conceptual framework of the study using a resource dependency model within a cycle of the acquisition, allocation and utilisation of financial, physical and intangible resources. The research methodology is longitudinal and draws from both positivist and interpretive traditions. lt includes an initial census of the two hundred secondary schools in four local education authorities, a final survey of the same population, and four case studies, using both interview methods and documentation. Two modes of innovation are discerned. In respect of administrative use a rationalising, controlling mode is identified, with local education authorities developing standardised computer-assisted administrative systems for use in schools. In respect of curricular use, in contrast, teachers have been able to maintain an indeterminate occupational knowledge base, derived from an ideology of professionalism in respect of the classroom use of the technology. The mode of innovation in respect of curricular use has been one of learning and enabling. The resourcing policies of central and local government agencies affect the extent of use of the technology for teaching purposes, but the way in which it is used is determined within individual schools, where staff with relevant technical expertise significantly affect the course of the innovation.


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The founding Treaties of the European Union (EU) provide the Commission with bureaucratic structures and functions, and the authority to take a political leadership role in the integration process. However, the legitimacy of the Commission's authority to act either as a bureaucracy or as a political institution is periodically contested, as is the authority and leadership of its President. Max Weber's theory of the legitimation of authority suggests itself in this context as a working tool for assessing the nature of institutional and individual authority and leadership in the Commission and the broader EU context. Weber's typology of authority offers both an understanding of the changes in the Commission's fortunes within the 'would-be polity' of the European institutions, and an appraisal of claims to authority at the individual level by the Commission President. When applied to two contrasting moments in the Commission's life during the presidency of Jacques Delors (the generating of the White Papers of 1985 and 1993), Weber's typology provides an explanation for the evolution of the legitimation of these forms of authority in terms of, first, the Union's imperfect provisions for legitimate claims to leadership authority on 'charismatic' grounds and, second, the absence in the Union of resources for leadership legitimacy based on 'traditional'-type authority, such as explicit, popular, or party political European-wide support for the project of European union. These are resources which, if present in the EU, would legitimise calls to reform the EU's institutions in the direction of more integration and a more federal polity. The case studies offer an appraisal of the functioning and malfunctioning of authority within the Union, as well as a critical assessment of the applicability of the Weberian model to the legitimation of authority in the EU.