942 resultados para Biology, Molecular|Biology, Genetics|Biology, Virology


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Abstract This thesis investigates the pathogenicity of a Chlamydia-related bacterium: Waddlia chondrophila, which is suspected to cause abortion in bovines as well as miscarriages in humans. Macrophages represent the first line of defense of the innate immunity against invading pathogens, we thus studied the interaction between W. chondrophila and human macrophages. We observed that W. chondrophila multiplied very efficiently inside monocyte-derived macrophages. Diagnostic tools to detect obligate intracellular bacteria are lacking so we developed a Waddlia specific real-time PCR based on the 16S rRNA encoding gene. Since W. chondrophila could be involved in human miscarriage, we analyzed samples from women having miscarriage or uneventful pregnancy. Waddlia serologies results confirmed an association between the presence of W. chondrophila antibodies and miscarriage (23.2% versus 14.6% in the control group, p-value 0.044). As W. chondrophila's pathogenicity was suggested, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. W. chondrophila revealed to be susceptible to macrolides and tetracylines but resistant to beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones. This resistance to fluoroquinolones could be explained by mutations in the quinolone resistance determining region of the gyrase (GyrA) and topoisomerase IV (ParC) encoding genes. In conclusion, this thesis allowed to precise the role of W. chondrophila in human miscarriage. However, more studies will be necessary to fully understand the pathogenesis of W. chondrophila in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Résumé Le but de cette thèse a été d'étudier la pathogénicité d'une bactérie apparentée aux Chlamydia: Waddlia chondrophila. Les macrophages représentant la première ligne de défense du système immunitaire inné contre les pathogènes, nous avons d'abord étudié l'interaction entre W. chondrophila and les macrophages humains. Nous avons pu observer que W. chondrophila résistait aux effecteurs microbicides des macrophages et se multipliait efficacement au sein de ces cellules. Au vu du manque d'outils diagnostiques pour détecter cette bactérie intracellulaire obligatoire, nous avons également développé une PCR en temps réel, spécifique pour Waddlia, basée sur le gène de l'ARN ribosomal 16S. Cette PCR a été utilisée dans les différents projets afin de détecter la présence de W. chondrophila. W. chondrophila étant suspectée de pouvoir causer des fausses couches chez la femme, nous avons analysé des échantillons provenant de femmes ayant souffert de fausse couche, ainsi que, comme contrôles, des femmes ayant eu une grossesse normale. Les sérologies ont révélé une association entre la présence d'anticorps dirigés contre Waddlia et la fausse couche (23.2% versus 14.6% chez les contrôles, p-value=0.044). La présence de la bactérie a aussi été détectée par PCR et immunohistochimie dans plusieurs échantillons. L'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche se précisant, nous avons étudié sa susceptibilité aux antibiotiques. W. chondrophila s'est révélée sensible aux macrolides et aux tetracyclines mais résistante aux beta-lactames et aux quinolones. Cette résistance aux quinolones peut être expliquée par la présence de mutations dans le QRDR (région déterminant la résistance aux quinolones) des gènes gyrA et parC. En conclusion, cette thèse a permis de préciser l'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche. Des études complémentaires seront cependant nécessaires pour confirmer et préciser le rôle exact de W. chondrophila dans les problèmes obstétricaux.


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Since the end of the last millennium, the focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) has progressively found use in biological research. This instrument is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an attached gallium ion column and the 2 beams, electrons and ions (FIB) are focused on one coincident point. The main application is the acquisition of three-dimensional data, FIB-SEM tomography. With the ion beam, some nanometres of the surface are removed and the remaining block-face is imaged with the electron beam in a repetitive manner. The instrument can also be used to cut open biological structures to get access to internal structures or to prepare thin lamella for imaging by (cryo-) transmission electron microscopy. Here, we will present an overview of the development of FIB-SEM and discuss a few points about sample preparation and imaging.


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Summary : The chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 and their common receptor CCR7 attract antigenpresenting dendritic cells (DCs) and naive T cells into the T zone of secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) and are therefore critically involved in homeostatic T cell recirculation and the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In addition. CCR7 ligands were proposed to mediate T cell exit from neonatal thymus, allowing colonization of T zones in SLOB. The relative contribution of CCL19 and CCL21 to these processes has remained unclear, as they were studied in mouse models lacking either CCR7 or both ligands. The aim of my thesis was to characterize Cc119-' mice and thereby investigate the relative roles of the two CCR7 ligands in development, homeostasis and immune response. The first study addressed the role of CCR7 ligands in DC biology. We found that CCL19 is dispensable for DC migration to lymph nodes and their localization to T zones. Furthermore, a CCL19-deficient environment did not lead to a defect in DC maturation or T cell priming. Therefore, CCL21 is sufficient to mediate CCR7-dependent processes during the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In the second study we investigated how the two CCR7 ligands affect CCR7 expression and function on naive T cells. We found that in SLOB CCR7 is constantly occupied with CCL19 and CCL21, eventually leading to its internalization. The reduced level of free CCR7 on these cells led to diminished ligand sensitivity and consequently impaired chemotactic responses. This effect was reversible by passage through aCCR7 ligand-free environment like the blood circulation. We propose that the different states of ligand sensitivity in SLOB and blood are important to allow for proper T cell recirculation. In the third study the role of CCL19 in neonatal thymus and spleen was analyzed. While neonatal Cc119-!- mice had no defect in thymic egress, we observed reduced T cell accumulation in the spleen but not lymph nodes. We identified reticular stromal cells in the developing white pulp (WP) as the major CCL 19 source. The development of these WP stromal cells as well as their CCL19 expression were dependent on LTalß2+ B cells. In conclusion, we have found that CCL21 can mostly compensate for lack of CCL19 in homeostasis and immunity. In contrast, during development. CCL19 has anon-redundant function for T cell colonization of the spleen.


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Rest or sleep in all animal species constitutes a period of quiescence necessary for recovery from activity. Whether rest and activity observed in all organisms share a similar fundamental molecular basis with sleep and wakefulness in mammals has not yet been established. In addition and in contrast to the circadian system, strong evidence that sleep is regulated at the transcriptional level is lacking. Nevertheless, several studies indicate that single genesmay regulate some specific aspects of sleep. Efforts to better understand or confirm the role of known neurotransmission pathways in sleep-wake regulation using transgenic approaches resulted so far in only limited new insights. Recent gene expression profiling efforts in rats, mice, and fruit flies are promising and suggest that only a few gene categories are differentially regulated by behavioral state. How molecular analysis can help us to understand sleep is the focus of this chapter.


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This chapter presents the state of the art concerning the deep-sea Mediterranean environment: geology, hydrology, biology and fisheries. These are the fields of study dealt with in the scientific papers of this volume. The authors are specialists who have addressed their research to the Mediterranean deep-sea environment during the last years. This introduction is an overview but not an exhaustive review.


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SUMMARY : The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is an evolutionarily ancient association between most land plants and Glomeromycotan fungi that is based on the mutual exchange of nutrients between the two partners. Its structural and physiological establishment is a multi-step process involving a tightly regulated signal exchange leading to intracellular colonization of roots by the fungi. Most research on the molecular biology and genetics of symbiosis development has been performed in dicotyledonous model legumes. In these, a plant signaling pathway, the common SYM pathway, has been found to be required for accommodation of both root symbionts rhizobia and AM fungi. Rice, a monocotyledon model and the world's most important staple crop also forms AM symbioses, has been largely ignored for studies of the AM symbiosis. Therefore in this PhD work functional conservation of the common SYM pathway in rice was addressed and demonstrated. Mycorrhiza-specific marker genes were established that are expressed at different stages of AM development and therefore represent readouts for various AM-specific signaling events. These tools were successfully used to obtain evidence for a yet unknown signaling network comprising common SYM-dependent and -independent events. In legumes AM colonization induces common SYM signaling dependent changes in root system architecture. It was demonstrated that also in rice, root system architecture changes in response to AM colonization but these alterations occur independently of common SYM signaling. The rice root system is complex and contains three different root types. It was shown that root type identity influences the quantity of AM colonization, indicating root type specific symbiotic properties. Interestingly, the root types differed in their transcriptional responses to AM colonization and the less colonized root type responded more dramatically than the more strongly colonized root type. Finally, in an independent project a novel mutant, inhospitable (iho), was discovered. It is perturbed at the most early step of AM colonization, namely differentiation of the AM fungal hyphae into a hyphopodium at the root surface. As plant factors required for this early step are not known, identification of the IHO gene will greatly contribute to the advance of mycorrhiza RÉSUMÉ : La symbiose mycorhizienne arbusculaire (AM) est une association évolutionnairement ancienne entre la majorité des plantes terrestres et les champignons du type Glomeromycota, basée sur l'échange mutuel d'éléments nutritifs entre les deux partenaires. Son établissement structural et physiologique est un processus en plusieurs étapes, impliquant des échanges de signaux étroitement contrôlés, aboutissant à la colonisation intracellulaire des racines par le champignon. La plupart des recherches sur la biologie moléculaire et la génétique du développement de la symbiose ont été effectuées sur des légumineuses dicotylédones modèles. Dans ces dernières, une voie de signalisation, la voie SYM, s'est avérée nécessaire pour permettre la mise en place de la symbiose mycorhizienne. Chez les plantes monocotylédones, comme le riz, une des céréales les plus importantes, nourrissant la moitié de la population mondiale, peu de recherches ont été effectuées sur les bases de la cette symbiose. Dans ce travail de thèse, la conservation fonctionnelle de la voie commune SYM chez le riz a été étudiée et démontrée. De plus, des gènes marqueurs spécifiques des différentes étapes du développement de l'AM ont été identifiés, permettant ainsi d'avoir des traceurs de la colonisation. Ces outils ont été utilisés avec succès pour démontrer l'existence d'un nouveau réseau de signalisation, comprenant des éléments SYM dépendant et indépendant. Chez les légumineuses, la colonisation par les AM induit des changements dans l'architecture du système racinaire, via la signalisation SYM dépendantes. Cependant chez le riz, il a été démontré que l'architecture de système racinaire changeait suite à la colonisation de l'AM, mais ceux, de façon SYM indépendante. Le système racinaire du riz est complexe et contient trois types différents de racines. Il a été démontré que le type de racine pouvait influencer l'efficacité de la colonisation par l'AM, indiquant que les racines ont des propriétés symbiotiques spécifiques différentes. De façon surprenante, les divers types de racines répondent de différemment suite à colonisation par l'AM avec des changements de la expression des gènes. Le type de racine le moins colonisé, répondant le plus fortement a la colonisation, et inversement. En parallèle, dans un projet indépendant, un nouveau mutant, inhospitable (iho), a été identifié. Ce mutant est perturbé lors de l'étape la plus précoce de la colonisation par l'AM, à savoir la différentiation des hyphes fongiques de l'AM en hyphopodium, à la surface des racines. Les facteurs d'origine végétale requis pour cette étape étant encore inconnus, l'identification du gène IHO contribuera considérablement a accroître nos connaissance sur les bases de la mise en place de cette symbiose.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are an ecologically important group of fungi. Previous studies showed the presence of divergent copies of beta-tubulin and V-type vacuolar H+-ATPase genes in AMF genomes and suggested horizontal gene transfer from host plants or mycoparasites to AMF. We sequenced these genes from DNA isolated from an in vitro cultured isolate of Glomus intraradices that was free of any obvious contaminants. We found two highly variable beta-tubulin sequences and variable H+-ATPase sequences. Despite this high variation, comparison of the sequences with those in gene banks supported a glomeromycotan origin of G. intraradices beta-tubulin and H+-ATPase sequences. Thus, our results are in sharp contrast with the previously reported polyphyletic origin of those genes. We present evidence that some highly divergent sequences of beta-tubulin and H+-ATPase deposited in the databases are likely to be contaminants. We therefore reject the prediction of horizontal transfer to AMF genomes. High differences in GC content between glomeromycotan sequences and sequences grouping in other lineages are shown and we suggest they can be used as an indicator to detect such contaminants. H+-ATPase phylogeny gave unexpected results and failed to resolve fungi as a natural group. beta-Tubulin phylogeny supported Glomeromeromycota as sister group of the Chytridiomycota. Contrasts between our results and trees previously generated using rDNA sequences are discussed.


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Abstract The recent colonization of America by Drosophila subobscura represents a great opportunity for evolutionary biology studies. Knowledge of the populations from which the colonization started would provide an understanding of how genetic composition changed during adaptation to the new environment. Thus, a 793 nucleotide fragment of the Odh (Octanol dehydrogenase) gene was sequenced in 66 chromosomal lines from Barcelona (western Mediterranean) and in 66 from Mt. Parnes (Greece, eastern Mediterranean). No sequence of Odh fragment in Barcelona or Mt. Parnes was identical to any of those previously detected in America. However, an Odh sequence from Barcelona differed in only one nucleotide from another found in American populations. In both cases, the chromosomal lines presented the same inversion: O7, and the Odh gene was located within this inversion. This evidence suggests a possible western Mediterranean origin for the colonization. Finally, the molecular and inversion data indicate that the colonization was not characterized by multiple reintroductions.


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We sequenced 1077 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and 511 bp of the nuclear Apolipoprotein B gene in bicoloured shrew (Crocidura leucodon, Soricidae) populations ranging from France to Georgia. The aims of the study were to identify the main genetic clades within this species and the influence of Pleistocene climatic variations on the respective clades. The mitochondrial analyses revealed a European clade distributed from France eastwards to north-western Turkey and a Near East clade distributed from Georgia to Romania; the two clades separated during the Middle Pleistocene. We clearly identified a population expansion after a bottleneck for the European clade based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequencing data; this expansion was not observed for the eastern clade. We hypothesize that the western population was confined to a small Italo-Balkanic refugium, whereas the eastern population subsisted in several refugia along the southern coast of the Black Sea.