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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Balanced X-autosome translocations are rare, and female carriers are a clinically heterogeneous group of patients, with phenotypically normal women, history of recurrent miscarriage, gonadal dysfunction, X-linked disorders or congenital abnormalities, and/or developmental delay. We investigated a patient with a de novo X;19 translocation. The six-year-old girl has been evaluated due to hyperactivity, social interaction impairment, stereotypic and repetitive use of language with echolalia, failure to follow parents/caretakers orders, inconsolable outbursts, and persistent preoccupation with parts of objects. The girl has normal cognitive function. Her measurements are within normal range, and no other abnormalities were found during physical, neurological, or dysmorphological examinations. Conventional cytogenetic analysis showed a de novo balanced translocation, with the karyotype 46,X,t(X;19)(p21.2;q13.4). Replication banding showed a clear preference for inactivation of the normal X chromosome. The translocation was confirmed by FISH and Spectral Karyotyping (SKY). Although abnormal phenotypes associated with de novo balanced chromosomal rearrangements may be the result of disruption of a gene at one of the breakpoints, submicroscopic deletion or duplication, or a position effect, X; autosomal translocations are associated with additional unique risk factors including X-linked disorders, functional autosomal monosomy, or functional X chromosome disomy resulting from the complex X-inactivation process.


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Abstract Background The association of balanced rearrangements with breakpoints near SOX9 [SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9] with skeletal abnormalities has been ascribed to the presumptive altering of SOX9 expression by the direct disruption of regulatory elements, their separation from SOX9 or the effect of juxtaposed sequences. Case presentation We report on two sporadic apparently balanced translocations, t(7;17)(p13;q24) and t(17;20)(q24.3;q11.2), whose carriers have skeletal abnormalities that led to the diagnosis of acampomelic campomelic dysplasia (ACD; MIM 114290). No pathogenic chromosomal imbalances were detected by a-CGH. The chromosome 17 breakpoints were mapped, respectively, 917–855 kb and 601–585 kb upstream of the SOX9 gene. A distal cluster of balanced rearrangements breakpoints on chromosome 17 associated with SOX9-related skeletal disorders has been mapped to a segment 932–789 kb upstream of SOX9. In this cluster, the breakpoint of the herein described t(17;20) is the most telomeric to SOX9, thus allowing the redefining of the telomeric boundary of the distal breakpoint cluster region related to skeletal disorders to 601–585 kb upstream of SOX9. Although both patients have skeletal abnormalities, the t(7;17) carrier presents with relatively mild clinical features, whereas the t(17;20) was detected in a boy with severe broncheomalacia, depending on mechanical ventilation. Balanced and unbalanced rearrangements associated with disorders of sex determination led to the mapping of a regulatory region of SOX9 function on testicular differentiation to a 517–595 kb interval upstream of SOX9, in addition to TESCO (Testis-specific enhancer of SOX9 core). As the carrier of t(17;20) has an XY sex-chromosome constitution and normal male development for his age, the segment of chromosome 17 distal to the translocation breakpoint should contain the regulatory elements for normal testis development. Conclusions These two novel translocations illustrate the clinical variability in carriers of balanced translocations with breakpoints near SOX9. The translocation t(17;20) breakpoint provides further evidence for an additional testis-specific SOX9 enhancer 517 to 595 kb upstream of the SOX9 gene.


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Le persone che soffrono di insufficienza renale terminale hanno due possibili trattamenti da affrontare: la dialisi oppure il trapianto di organo. Nel caso volessero seguire la seconda strada, oltre che essere inseriti nella lista d'attesa dei donatori deceduti, possono trovare una persona, come il coniuge, un parente o un amico, disposta a donare il proprio rene. Tuttavia, non sempre il trapianto è fattibile: donatore e ricevente possono, infatti, presentare delle incompatibilità a livello di gruppo sanguigno o di tessuto organico. Come risposta a questo tipo di problema nasce il KEP (Kidney Exchange Program), un programma, ampiamente avviato in diverse realtà europee e mondiali, che si occupa di raggruppare in un unico insieme le coppie donatore/ricevente in questa stessa situazione al fine di operare e massimizzare scambi incrociati di reni fra coppie compatibili. Questa tesi approffondisce tale questione andando a valutare la possibilità di unire in un unico insieme internazionale coppie donatore/ricevente provenienti da più paesi. Lo scopo, naturalmente, è quello di poter ottenere un numero sempre maggiore di trapianti effettuati. Lo studio affronta dal punto di vista matematico problematiche legate a tale collaborazione: i paesi che eventualmente accettassero di partecipare a un simile programma, infatti, devono avere la garanzia non solo di ricavarne un vantaggio, ma anche che tale vantaggio sia equamente distribuito fra tutti i paesi partecipanti.


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Statically balanced compliant mechanisms require no holding force throughout their range of motion while maintaining the advantages of compliant mechanisms. In this paper, a postbuckled fixed-guided beam is proposed to provide the negative stiffness to balance the positive stiffness of a compliant mechanism. To that end, a curve decomposition modeling method is presented to simplify the large deflection analysis. The modeling method facilitates parametric design insight and elucidates key points on the force-deflection curve. Experimental results validate the analysis. Furthermore, static balancing with fixed-guided beams is demonstrated for a rectilinear proof-of-concept prototype.