930 resultados para BLUETOOTH WORMS
We describe the first application of a non-radioactive ligand-blotting technique to the characterization of proteins interacting with nematode vitellins. Chromatographically purified vitellins from the free-living nematode Oscheius tipulae were labeled with fluorescein in vitro. Ligand-blotting assays with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-fluorescein antibodies showed that labeled vitellins reacted specifically with a polypeptide of approximately 100 kDa, which we named P100. This polypeptide is a specific worm`s vitellin-binding protein that is present only in adult worms. Blots containing purified O. tipulae vitellin preparations showed no detectable signal in the 100 kDa region, ruling out any possibility of yolk polypeptides self-assembling under the conditions used in our assay. Experiments done in the presence of alpha-methyl mannoside ruled out the possibility of vitellins binding to P100 through mannose residues. Triton X-114 fractionation of whole worm extracts showed that P100 is either a membrane protein or has highly hydrophobic regions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Schistosomiasis is one of the world`s greatly neglected tropical diseases, and its control is largely dependent on a single drug, praziquantel. Here, we report the in vitro effect of piplartine, an amide isolated from Piper tuberculatum (Piperaceae), on Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. A piplartine concentration of 15.8 mu M reduced the motor activity of worms and caused their death within 24 h in a RPMI 1640 medium. Similarly, the highest sub-lethal concentration of piplartine (6.3 mu M) caused a 75% reduction in egg production in spite of coupling. Additionally, piplartine induced morphological changes on the tegument, and a quantitative analysis carried out by confocal microscopy revealed an extensive tegumental destruction and damage in the tubercles. This damage was dose-dependent in the range of 15.8-630.2 mu M. At doses higher than 157.6 mu M, piplartine induced morphological changes in the oral and ventral sucker regions of the worms. It is the first time that the schistosomicidal activity has been reported for piplartine. Published by Elsevier Inc.
A crescente produção de resíduos sólidos urbanos e a escassez de áreas para uma destinação final tecnicamente adequada, via implantação de aterros sanitários, faz com que tome importância a técnica de tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos através das compostagem/vermicompostagem. Nesta pesquisa, foi realizada a avaliação destes processos, tendo sido observadas principalmente a influência da aeração e da umidade no desempenho destas técnicas de tratamento, em leiras de pequenos e grandes volumes. Nos experimentos, com leiras de pequenos volumes, realizados no IPH (Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas) da UFRGS, utilizou-se resíduos sólidos de poda (resíduos verdes, com alta concentração de carbono) codispostos (misturados em peso) com resíduos vegetais da CEASA (Companhia Estadual de Abastecimento Sociedade Anônima) e lodos provenientes de estações de tratamento de esgotos sanitários. Nos experimentos, com leiras de grandes volumes, realizados na UTC – Unidade de Triagem e Compostagem de Porto Alegre, utilizou-se resíduos orgânicos domiciliares codispostos com os mesmos resíduos utilizados nos primeiros experimentos. Paralelamente aos experimentos de compostagem, avaliou-se os lixiviados produzidos nos sistemas. Na compostagem de grandes volumes, também foi observado o desempenho de banhados construídos de fluxo subsuperficial para o tratamento desses efluentes líquidos. com teores de resíduos verdes menores que 35 %, o que se justifica pela maior concentração de resíduos de característica facilmente biodegradável e de maior palatabilidade para os vermes. Em todos os experimentos de compostagem, verificou-se que o controle efetivo do processo pode ser realizado através da avaliação sistemática das temperatura e umidade das leiras. Evidenciou-se também que para regiões de clima similar ao de Porto Alegre, com elevadas precipitações principalmente no inverno, é necessário adotar dimensões adequadas ao sistema de compostagem “windrow” para áreas descobertas. Comprovou-se também a necessidade de manutenção da umidade na faixa entre 50% e 70 %, inclusive com reposição desta, mesmo na situação de inverno. A avaliação dos lixiviados da compostagem demonstrou que, com os substratos utilizados nos experimentos, as concentrações de DBO5, DQO e de outras variáveis são elevadas ao início do processo de decomposição, devido à solubilização dos compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos presentes na matéria orgânica. Os lixiviados da compostagem possuem baixas concentrações de condutividade, DBO5, NH4 +, entre outros, quando comparados aos lixiviados de aterros sanitários. tratamento destes efluentes. Os resultados obtidos nos banhados construídos para baixas cargas hidráulicas (1cm/d) e concentrações de DBO5 do afluente abaixo de 150 mg/L apontaram uma eficiência média de remoção de 52,02%. No que se refere a nitrogênio (todas as formas), fósforo, metais, potencial redox e sólidos totais, as eficiências foram variáveis, com melhores resultados para nitrogênio amoniacal e fósforo. A compostagem pode ser considerada uma alternativa viável de tratamento de resíduos orgânicos, utilizando-se o processo “windrow” com revolvimento mecânico, mesmo em pátios descobertos em climas subtropicais. Neste caso, sugere-se que os lixiviados gerados nos primeiros dias de compostagem (30 dias aproximandamente) sejam recirculados e o excedente tratado em ETE. Pode-se, também, utilizar o sistema de banhados construídos como complementação, principalmente para a remoção de nitrogênio e fósforo.
Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856), an agent of heartworm disease, is an important parasite from both the veterinary standpoint and as a model to study human filariasis. It is a mosquito-borne filarial nematode which inhabits the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries of dogs. D. immitis is an important disease agent on Madeira Island with about 30% of dogs testing positive for this worm. Nevertheless, the vectors of this parasite in Madeira have never been studied, nor has the interaction between pathogen and vector, or the environmental variables that might influence heartworm transmission. Innate susceptibility to infection is only one component of vector competence, and field isolation of naturally infected mosquitoes has shown the capability of D. immitis to exploit a great diversity of vector species under natural conditions. The purpose of this work was to determine which mosquitoes are vectors of heartworm disease, the relation between population density and environment, and the association between immune response of the vector to the filarial parasite. Seasonal abundance of Culex theileri and Culex pipiens molestus was studied. Correlation and canonical correspondence analysis were performed using abundance data of these two species with selected weather variables, including mean temperature, relative humidity and accumulated precipitation. The most important factor determining Cx. theileri abundance was accumulated precipitation, while Cx. pipiens molestus abundance did not have any relationship with weather variables. Field studies were performed to verify whether Cx. theileri Theobald functions as a natural vector of D. immitis on Madeira Island, Portugal. Cx. theileri tested positive for D. immitis for the first time. The same study was made regarding Cx. p. molestus. Two abnormal L2 stage filarial worms were found in Malpighian tubules in field caught Cx. p. molestus. In the laboratory, two strains of Cx. p. molestus were studied for their susceptibility to D. immitis. None presented infective-stage larvae. Finally, because Cx. p. molestus is an autogenous mosquito, we evaluated the reproductive costs when this mosquito mounts an immune response against D. immitis in the absence of a blood meal. This mosquito showed an active immune response when inoculated intrathoracically with microfilariae (mf) of the heartworm. The ovaries from mosquitoes undergoing melanotic encapsulation developed more eggs than those which could not melanize the mf. This fact is contradictory with some previous studies of reproductive costs in Armigeres subalbatus and Ochlerotatus trivittatus, and it was the first time that an autogenous mosquito was used to study this subject.
O presente trabalho tem por objectivo desenvolver um sistema de monitorização de provas de educação física e do ambiente circundante. Neste projecto desenvolveu-se um protótipo para uma Rede de Sensores Sem Fios (RSSF) que realiza a monitorização, em tempo real, do esforço e desempenho da actividade física dos atletas e das características físicas do ambiente. Estudou-se o funcionamento das RSSF, baseadas no protocolo ZigBee, e foram desenvolvidos módulos de monitorização de atletas e ambiente que integram esta tecnologia como meio de comunicação. O módulo de monitorização de atletas é composto por acelerómetro, sensor de batimento cardíaco e GPS. Inclui um serviço de localização secundário a partir do received signal strenght indicator (RSSI) caso o serviço de GPS estiver indisponível. O módulo de monitorização ambiental é composto por vários sensores que monitorizam: humidade, temperatura, luminosidade, monóxido de carbono, dióxido de carbono e oxigénio. Cada módulo de monitorização ambiental foi munido com Bluetooth, por forma a que os atletas, sempre que no alcance da rede, possam com o próprio telemóvel consultar o valor actual dos parâmetros ambientais e a sua localização. Estes dados são medidos e transmitidos periodicamente, em tempo real, pela rede ZigBee para uma estação base acoplada a um computador. Os dados são armazenados e processados e os resultados são disponibilizados através de uma aplicação no computador local e de uma página na Internet. Neste trabalho verifica-se que a RSSF, que utiliza o protocolo ZigBee, é capaz de realizar comunicação entre atletas, sensores ambientais e computador com baixo consumo energético, optimizando a autonomia pretendida. Este sistema de RSSF integrado com a tecnologia sensorial actual, permite o desenvolvimento de módulos com um elevado nível de funcionalidades em dimensões relativamente reduzidas.
BlueFriends: measuring, analyzing and preventing social exclusion between elementary school students
Social exclusion is a relatively recent term, whose creation is attributed to René Lenoir(Lenoir, 1974). Its concept covers a remarkably wide range of social and economic problems, and can be triggered for various reasons: mentally and physically handicapped, abused children, delinquents, multi-problem households, asocial people, and other social “misfits” (Silver, 1995, pp. 63; Foucault, 1992). With an increasingly multi-cultural population, cultural and social inequalities rapidly ascend, bringing with them the need for educational restructuring. We are living in an evermore diverse world, and children need to be educated to be receptive to the different types of people around them, especially considering social and cultural aspects. It is with these goals that inclusive education has seen an increased trend in today’s academic environment, reminding us that even though children may be taught under the same roof, discriminatory practices might still happen. There are, however, a number of developed tools to assess the various dimensions of social networks. These are mostly based on questionnaires and interviews, which tend to be fastidious and don’t allow for longitudinal, large scale measurement. This thesis introduces BlueFriends, a Bluetooth-based measurement tool for social inclusion/exclusion on elementary school classes. The main goals behind the development of this tool were a) understanding how exclusion manifests in students’ behaviors, and b) motivating pro-social behaviors on children through the use of a persuasive technology. BlueFriends is a distributed application, comprised by an application running on several smartphones, a web-hosted database and a computer providing a visual representation of the data collected on a TV screen, attempting to influence children behaviors. The application makes use of the Bluetooth device present on each phone to continuously sample the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) from other phones, storing the data locally on each phone. All of the stored data is collected, processed and then inserted into the database at the end of each day. At the beginning of each recess, children are reminded of how their behaviors affect others with the help of a visual display, which consists of interactions between dogs. This display illustrates every child’s best friends, as well as which colleagues they don’t interact with as much. Several tips encouraging social interaction and inclusiveness are displayed, inspiring children to change their behaviors towards the colleagues they spend less time with. This thesis documents the process of designing, deploying and analyzing the results of two field studies. On the first study, we assess how the current developed tools are inferior to our measuring tool by deploying a measurement only study, aimed at perceiving how much information can be obtained by the BlueFriends application and attempting to understand how exclusion manifests itself in the school environment. On the second study, we pile on the previous to try and motivate pro-social behaviors on students, with the use of visual cues and recommendations. Ultimately, we confirm that our measurement tool’s results were satisfying towards measuring and changing children’s behaviors, and conclude with our thoughts on possible future work, suggesting a number of possible extensions and improvements.
ARAÚJO, B. G. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Publicidade em celulares utilizando o sistema de busca de perfil. Holos, Natal,v. 1, p. 109-118, 2010. Disponível em:
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of Ocular Toxocariasis, Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis (DUSN), Toxoplasma gondii infection and Ocular Toxoplasmosis in a student population in Natal-RN/Brazil and relate it to demographic, epidemiologic and socio-economic risk factors. The incidence of DUSN was observed in patients at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Ophthalmology Service and the Prontoclinica de Olhos Ophthalmology clinic in Natal. In cases where a worm was found in the subretinal space, the result of treatment with photocoagulation using Green Laser (Eye Light ALCON) was evaluated in relation to final visual result. The sample was randomly selected among the schools of the four districts of Natal, according to the type of institution (public or private), its level (elementary or secondary), and study period (morning, afternoon or evening). The school population was studied from March to May, 2001. Initially, the students answered a questionnaire to evaluate demographic, epidemiologic and socio-economic risk factors. Afterwards, the following procedures were carried out: blood samples were taken for Toxoplasmosis (IgG, IgM) serology, hemogram, ophthalmological examination, consisting of clinical history, measurement of visual acuity, refraction under cycloplegia, biomicroscopy of the anterior segment and annexa, funduscopy and examination of extrinsic motility. The prevalence of Toxocariasis was 0.2% or 2 per one thousand students. The sample was insufficient to estimate the prevalence of DUSN. Seventy patients with DUSN diagnosis were examined from January, 2001 to January, 2003. A live worm was found in the subretinal space of all four patients in the acute phase, and these were treated with laser photocoagulation. After follow-up (average = 11.5 months), visual acuity improved in three eyes and remained unaltered in one eye. Worms were found in 22 of the 66 patients in the chronic phase, and these also were treated with laser photocoagulation. After a follow-up period of 13.1 months, on average, visual acuity improved in two of the patients, remained unchanged in 19 and worsened in one. The comparison of visual result before and after treatment was not statistically significant (p = 0.302). The diagnosis of DUSN in the acute phase, followed by prompt localization and destruction of the worm by photocoagulation, can improve the patient s vision. However, destruction of the worm by laser photocoagulation in eyes with DUSN in the chronic phase does not improve visual acuity. Seroprevalence for IgG was 46% (Confidence Interval CI 95%-42.9-49.2%) and for IgM it was 1.4% (CI 95% = 0.8-2.4%). The prevalence of ocular lesion was 1.15% (CI 95% = 0.6 - 2.0%). Socio-economic conditions were determinants in the prevalence of Systemic and Ocular Toxoplasmosis in the bivaried analysis and confirmed in the multivaried analysis (mother s scholarity illiterate/ OR = 2.9 and p < 0.001). The T. gondii infection prevalence, although high, was less than that found in studies performed in the South and Southeast of Brazil and that of Ocular Toxoplasmosis was completely discrepant, varying from 5 to 17 times less. Although important epidemiological variables such as owning a cat, drinking unfiltered water, and coming into contact with rivers or lakes showed an association in the preliminary analysis, they lost their influence when included in the logistic model. Future studies are scheduled to begin in March, 2004, in collaboration with other Brazilian and American universities in an attempt to discover the reason for these findings, as well as identifying the different strains of Toxoplasma gondii, and studying the sources of water utilized by the population of Natal Brazil
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O feijão-vagem (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pode sofrer ataque de carunchos, como os da espécie Zabrotes subfasciatus (Bohemann, 1833) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), afetando, diretamente, a qualidade das vagens e sementes e deixando-as inviáveis para o consumo e comercialização. A fim de buscar uma alternativa para o controle deste inseto, foram determinados os tipos e graus de resistência, envolvidos em genótipos de feijão-vagem, ao ataque de Z. subfasciatus, em testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os genótipos utilizados foram UEGD7, UEG05, UEG06, UEG11, UEG13, UEG15, UEG18, UEG19 e UEG26, com quatro repetições. No teste com chance de escolha, os parâmetros avaliados foram o número de ovos viáveis, inviáveis e total e a atratividade dos adultos pelos genótipos. No teste sem chance de escolha, foram avaliados o número de ovos viáveis, inviáveis e total, massa seca consumida e massa seca consumida por inseto, massa e longevidade dos adultos, período de ovo a adulto, razão sexual e número e percentagem de insetos emergidos. Concluiu-se que o genótipo UEG05 foi o menos preferido por Z. subfasciatus, para oviposição, em teste com chance de escolha. O UEG13 foi altamente resistente e UEG05, UEG15 e UEG19 foram moderadamente resistentes. O UEG18 foi susceptível e os demais genótipos foram altamente susceptíveis a Z. subfasciatus.
No período compreendido entre 1985 e 1996 foram necropsiados, para pesquisa de helmintos, 42 cervídeos, sendo sete Mazama americana, 16 M. gouazoubira, 13 Ozotoceros bezoarticus e seis Blastocerus dichotomus. Desses animais, foram colhidos 14.426 nematódeos Trichostrongyloidea, sendo 13.281 (92,06%) parasitos de abomaso e 1.145 (7,94%), de intestino delgado. Nesses órgãos, foram identificadas seis espécies de nematódeos: Haemonchus contortus, H. similis, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, Cooperia punctata e C. pectinata. Todos os animais apresentaram infecções helmínticas por uma ou mais espécies, ocorrendo grande variação na intensidade de infecção (1 a 4.345 nematódeos). Ainda com relação à intensidade de infecção, os dados expressavam valores menores que 100 parasitos em 25 (59,52%) animais. Os valores mais altos de intensidade média das infecções foram observados em M. gouazoubira (596,37 helmintos) e em O. bezoarticus (331), e os menores, em M. americana (17,57) e B. dichotomus (75,5). Os dados mais expressivos de intensidade de infecção, abundância e prevalência foram observados para Haemonchus (larvas de 4º estágio), H. contortus, H. similis e T. axei. O gênero Haemonchus foi constatado em 35 animais, com prevalência de 83,33%; apresentou carga parasitária de 11.616 exemplares, representando 80,52% dos nematódeos verificados, sendo a maioria (8.903) constituída por formas imaturas. Por outro lado, H. similis foi a espécie predominante nas infecções e, portanto, a que apresentou maiores valores de abundância. Verificou-se o gênero Trichostrongylus em 24 (57,14%) animais, com carga parasitária de 2.444 exemplares, sendo 1.665 espécimes de T. axei, que representou 11,54% da carga parasitária obtida. As seis espécies de vermes identificadas nos cervídeos são comuns aos ruminantes domésticos nos Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul e dessa maneira não se observou nenhuma espécie de Trichostrongyloidea exclusiva dos cervídeos.
Humoral immune response of water buffalo naturally infected with Toxocara vitulorum was monitored using three different antigens of this parasite in serum and colostrum of buffalo cows and calves. Soluble extract (Ex) and excretory/secretory (ES) larval antigens and perienteric fluid antigen (Pe) of adult T vitulorum were used to measure the antibody levels by an indirect ELISA. Serum of 7-12 buffalo cows for the first 365 days and colostrum of the same number of buffalo cows for the first 60 days of parturition, and serum of 8-10 buffalo calves for the first 365 days afterbirth were assayed. The ELISA detected antibodies against all three T vitulorum antigens in the colostrum and serum of 100% of buffalo cows and calves examined. The highest antibody levels against Ex, ES and Pe antigens were detected in the buffalo cow sera during the perinatal period and were maintained at high levels through 300 days after parturition. on the other hand, colostrum antibody concentrations of all three antigens were highest on the first day post-parturition, but decreased sharply during the first 15 days. Concomitantly to the monitoring of immune response, the parasitic status of the calves was also evaluated. In calves, antibodies passively acquired were at the highest concentrations 24 h after birth and remained at high levels until 45 days coincidentally with the peak of T vitulorum infection. The rejection of the worms by the calves occurred simultaneously with the decline of antibody levels, which reached their lowest levels between 76 and 150 days. Thereafter, probably because of the presence of adults/larvae stimulation, the calves acquired active immunity and the antibodies started to increase slightly in the serum and plateaued between the days 211 and 365. All three antigens were detected by the serum antibodies of buffalo calves; however, the concentration of anti-Pe antibody was higher than anti-EX and anti-ES, particularly after 90 days of age. By conclusion, the buffalo cows develop immunity and keep high levels of antibodies against T vitulorum-Ex, ES and Pe antigens and these antibodies are transferred to their calves through the colostrum. This passively acquired immunity does not protect the calves against the acquisition of the infection, but these antibodies, passively or actively acquired, may have an important role during worm rejection by the calves and prevention of intestinal reinfection. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The frequency selective surfaces, or FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), are structures consisting of periodic arrays of conductive elements, called patches, which are usually very thin and they are printed on dielectric layers, or by openings perforated on very thin metallic surfaces, for applications in bands of microwave and millimeter waves. These structures are often used in aircraft, missiles, satellites, radomes, antennae reflector, high gain antennas and microwave ovens, for example. The use of these structures has as main objective filter frequency bands that can be broadcast or rejection, depending on the specificity of the required application. In turn, the modern communication systems such as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX, whose services are highly demanded by society, have required the development of antennas having, as its main features, and low cost profile, and reduced dimensions and weight. In this context, the microstrip antenna is presented as an excellent choice for communications systems today, because (in addition to meeting the requirements mentioned intrinsically) planar structures are easy to manufacture and integration with other components in microwave circuits. Consequently, the analysis and synthesis of these devices mainly, due to the high possibility of shapes, size and frequency of its elements has been carried out by full-wave models, such as the finite element method, the method of moments and finite difference time domain. However, these methods require an accurate despite great computational effort. In this context, computational intelligence (CI) has been used successfully in the design and optimization of microwave planar structures, as an auxiliary tool and very appropriate, given the complexity of the geometry of the antennas and the FSS considered. The computational intelligence is inspired by natural phenomena such as learning, perception and decision, using techniques such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, fractal geometry and evolutionary computation. This work makes a study of application of computational intelligence using meta-heuristics such as genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence optimization of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. Genetic algorithms are computational search methods based on the theory of natural selection proposed by Darwin and genetics used to solve complex problems, eg, problems where the search space grows with the size of the problem. The particle swarm optimization characteristics including the use of intelligence collectively being applied to optimization problems in many areas of research. The main objective of this work is the use of computational intelligence, the analysis and synthesis of antennas and FSS. We considered the structures of a microstrip planar monopole, ring type, and a cross-dipole FSS. We developed algorithms and optimization results obtained for optimized geometries of antennas and FSS considered. To validate results were designed, constructed and measured several prototypes. The measured results showed excellent agreement with the simulated. Moreover, the results obtained in this study were compared to those simulated using a commercial software has been also observed an excellent agreement. Specifically, the efficiency of techniques used were CI evidenced by simulated and measured, aiming at optimizing the bandwidth of an antenna for wideband operation or UWB (Ultra Wideband), using a genetic algorithm and optimizing the bandwidth, by specifying the length of the air gap between two frequency selective surfaces, using an optimization algorithm particle swarm