618 resultados para BALLOON


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The objective of this work is to analyze the local hem odynamic changes caused in a coronary bifurcation by three different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the main vessel with kissing balloon in the side branch and culotte. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used, and two bifurcation angles, 45º and 90º, are chosen as representative of the wide variety of re al configurations. In order to quantify the influence of the stenting technique on the local blood flow, both numeri- cal simulations and experimental measurements are performed. First, steady simulations are carried out with the commercial code ANSYS-Fluent, and then, experimental measurements with PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) obtained in the laboratory are used to validate the numerical simulation. The steady computational simulations show a good overall agreement with the experimental data. Second, pulsatile flow is considered to take into account the tran- sient effects. The time averaged wall shear stress, scillatory shear index and pressure drop obtained numerically are used to compare the behavior of the stenting techniques.


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Fuller explicitly connects his career with a childhood full of experiences marked by a merger between the biological and the cultural, constituting a major source of imagery, handled over his whole life. Childhood mobile games like the rope, kyte, swing, wheel, or balloon, all characterized by their dynamic condition, serve as narrative vehicles and provide a context to relate childhood, science and architectural design through an universal approach. We pose three elementary cathegories, in order to trace a genealogy of primary technical objects which operate under tension and mobility principles. Rescued experiences, notions and attitudes from Fuller?s childhood memories, refer to the experience of tension which, in clear contrast with traditional structural methods, which perpetuate the Euclidean, the stable, the massive and the compressive, promote multipolar, dynamic en the ephimeral.


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Las enfermedades arteriales vienen presididas por la aterosclerosis, que es un proceso crónico de degeneración, que evoluciona hacia la obstrucción de la luz arterial. La pared de la arteria se engrosa debido al depósito de elementos grasos tales como el colesterol. Los stents intraluminales son diminutas estructuras tubulares autoexpandibles de malla de metal, que se colocan dentro de la arteria coronaria después de una angioplastia con balón para prevenir el cierre de dicha arteria. A pesar de estar diseñados para ser compatibles con el tejido humano, a menudo se da una reacción en cadena de consecuencias indeseables. La reestenosis intra-stent es un problema creciente debido al importante incremento que se ha producido en la utilización del stent intracoronario como forma de revascularización percutánea. Se habla de una incidencia global del 28%, siendo la causa principal de su aparición la proliferación neointimal a través de una compleja cascada de sucesos que pueden tardar meses en desarrollarse. Una de las reacciones más importantes es la trombosis o la formación de una fina capa de coágulo como respuesta a la presencia de un material extraño. Este proceso es multifactorial, y en él intervienen la regresión de la pared como consecuencia del estiramiento previo, la denudación endotelial, lo que permite la agregación plaquetaria, la proliferación neointimal, lo que facilita a los receptores de membrana desencadenar un proceso de agregación posterior y, por último, el remodelado negativo inadecuado de la pared, lo que produce pérdida de luz arterial. Se ha observado frecuentemente que el depósito de ateroma en la pared arterial está relacionado con el valor de los esfuerzos cortantes en la misma. Hay mayores probabilidades de engrosamiento de la pared en las zonas donde son bajos los esfuerzos cortantes, quizá por el mayor tiempo de residencia de las partículas circulantes por el torrente sanguíneo. Si nos centramos en la afirmación anterior, el siguiente paso sería buscar las zonas susceptibles de presentar un valor bajo de dichos esfuerzos. Las zonas potencialmente peligrosas son los codos y bifurcaciones, entre otras. Nos hemos centrado en una bifurcación coronaria, ya que los patrones de flujo que se suelen presentar, tales como recirculación y desprendimiento de vórtices están íntimamente relacionados con las técnicas de implantación de stents en esta zona. Proyectamos nuestros esfuerzos en el estudio de dos técnicas de implante, utilizando un único stent y una tercera a través de una configuración de culotte con el uso de dos stents. El primer caso trata de una bifurcación con un único stent en la rama principal cuyos struts cierran el orificio lateral que da salida a la rama secundaria de la bifurcación, es decir sería un stent sin orificio. El segundo consiste en un único stent también, pero con la diferencia de que éste presenta un orificio de comunicación con la rama lateral. Todas estas técnicas se aplicaron a bifurcaciones de 45º y de 90º. Introdujimos las geometrías -una vez confeccionadas con el código comercial Gambit- en el programa Ansys-Fluent contemplando régimen estacionario. Los resultados obtenidos fueron cotejados con los experimentales, que se realizaron paralelamente, con el fin de corroborarlos. Una vez validados, el estudio computacional ya contó con la fiabilidad suficiente como para abordar el régimen no estacionario, tanto en la versión de reposo como en la de ejercicio –hiperemia- El comportamiento reológico de la sangre para régimen no estacionario en estado de reposo es otra de las tareas abordadas, realizando una comparativa de los modelos Newtoniano, Carreau y Ley de Potencias. Finalmente, en una última etapa, debido a la reciente incursión de los stents diseñados específicamente frente a los convencionales, se aborda el comportamiento hemodinámico de los mismos. Concretamente, se comparó el patrón de flujo en un modelo de bifurcación coronaria con los nuevos stents (Stentys) y los convencionales. Se estudiaron cuatro modelos, a saber, stent simple en la rama principal, stent simple en la rama secundaria, culotte desplegando el primer stent en la rama principal y culotte desplegando el primer stent en la rama secundaria. La bifurcación estudiada presenta un ángulo de apertura de 45º y la relación de diámetros de las ramas hija se ajustaron de acuerdo a la ley de Finet. Se recogieron resultados experimentales en el laboratorio y se corrieron simulaciones numéricas con Ansys Fluent paralelamente. Las magnitudes que se tuvieron en cuenta con el fin de ubicar las regiones potencialmente ateroscleróticas fueron los esfuerzos cortantes, vorticidad y caída de presión. ABSTRACT Nowadays, restenosis after percutaneous dilation is the major drawback of coronary angioplasty. It represents a special form of atherosclerosis due to the healing process secondary to extensive vessel trauma induced after intracoronary balloon inflation. The use of coronary stents may decrease the incidence of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, intra-stent restenosis still occurs in 20-30% of the cases following the stent implantation. Most experiments suggest a correlation between low wall shear stress and wall thickness. The preferential locations for the atherosclerotic plaque are bifurcations. The objective of this work is to analyze the local hemodynamic changes caused in a coronary bifurcation by three different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the main vessel with kissing balloon in the side branch and culotte. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used, and two bifurcation angles, 45º and 90º, are chosen as representative of the wide variety of real configurations. Both numerical simulations and experimental measurements are performed. First, steady simulations are carried out with the commercial code Ansys-Fluent, then, experimental measurements with PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), obtained in the laboratory, are used to validate the numerical simulations. The steady computational simulations show a good overall agreement with the experimental data. Then, pulsatile flow is considered to take into account the transient effects. The time averaged wall shear stress, oscillatory shear index and pressure drop obtained numerically are used to compare the behavior of the stenting techniques. In a second step, the rheologic behavior of blood was considered comparing Newtonian, Carreau and Power Law models. Finally, as a result of previous investigations with conventional stents and after the recent emergence of several devices specifically designed for coronary bifurcations angioplasty, the hemodynamic performance of these new devices (Stentys) was compared to conventional ones and techniques in a coronary bifurcation model. Four different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the side vessel, culotte deploying the first stent in the main vessel and culotte deploying the first stent in the side vessel have been considered. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used. A 45 degrees bifurcation angle is considered and the daughter branches diameters are obtained according to the Finet law. Both experiments in the laboratory and numerical simulations were used , focusing on important factors for the atherosclerosis development, like the wall shear stress, the oscillation shear index, the pressure loss and the vorticity.


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En la presente tesis desarrollamos una estrategia para la simulación numérica del comportamiento mecánico de la aorta humana usando modelos de elementos finitos no lineales. Prestamos especial atención a tres aspectos claves relacionados con la biomecánica de los tejidos blandos. Primero, el análisis del comportamiento anisótropo característico de los tejidos blandos debido a las familias de fibras de colágeno. Segundo, el análisis del ablandamiento presentado por los vasos sanguíneos cuando estos soportan cargas fuera del rango de funcionamiento fisiológico. Y finalmente, la inclusión de las tensiones residuales en las simulaciones en concordancia con el experimento de apertura de ángulo. El análisis del daño se aborda mediante dos aproximaciones diferentes. En la primera aproximación se presenta una formulación de daño local con regularización. Esta formulación tiene dos ingredientes principales. Por una parte, usa los principios de la teoría de la fisura difusa para garantizar la objetividad de los resultados con diferentes mallas. Por otra parte, usa el modelo bidimensional de Hodge-Petruska para describir el comportamiento mesoscópico de los fibriles. Partiendo de este modelo mesoscópico, las propiedades macroscópicas de las fibras de colágeno son obtenidas a través de un proceso de homogenización. En la segunda aproximación se presenta un modelo de daño no-local enriquecido con el gradiente de la variable de daño. El modelo se construye a partir del enriquecimiento de la función de energía con un término que contiene el gradiente material de la variable de daño no-local. La inclusión de este término asegura una regularización implícita de la implementación por elementos finitos, dando lugar a resultados de las simulaciones que no dependen de la malla. La aplicabilidad de este último modelo a problemas de biomecánica se estudia por medio de una simulación de un procedimiento quirúrgico típico conocido como angioplastia de balón. In the present thesis we develop a framework for the numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour of the human aorta using non-linear finite element models. Special attention is paid to three key aspects related to the biomechanics of soft tissues. First, the modelling of the characteristic anisotropic behaviour of the softue due to the collagen fibre families. Secondly, the modelling of damage-related softening that blood vessels exhibit when subjected to loads beyond their physiological range. And finally, the inclusion of the residual stresses in the simulations in accordance with the opening-angle experiment The modelling of damage is addressed with two major and different approaches. In the first approach a continuum local damage formulation with regularisation is presented. This formulation has two principal ingredients. On the one hand, it makes use of the principles of the smeared crack theory to avoid the mesh size dependence of the structural response in softening. On the other hand, it uses a Hodge-Petruska bidimensional model to describe the fibrils as staggered arrays of tropocollagen molecules, and from this mesoscopic model the macroscopic material properties of the collagen fibres are obtained using an homogenisation process. In the second approach a non-local gradient-enhanced damage formulation is introduced. The model is built around the enhancement of the free energy function by means of a term that contains the referential gradient of the non-local damage variable. The inclusion of this term ensures an implicit regularisation of the finite element implementation, yielding mesh-objective results of the simulations. The applicability of the later model to biomechanically-related problems is studied by means of the simulation of a typical surgical procedure, namely, the balloon angioplasty.


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El trabajo fin de master “Análisis de la precisión en la medida del tiempo de reverberación y de los parámetros asociados” tiene como objetivo primordial la evaluación de los parámetros y métodos utilizados para la obtención de estos, a través del tiempo de reverberación, tanto de forma global, conjunto de todos los métodos, como cada uno de ellos por separado. Un objetivo secundario es la evaluación de la incertidumbre en función del método de medición usado. Para realizarlo, se van a aprovechar las mediciones realizadas para llevar a cabo el proyecto fin de carrera [1], donde se medía el tiempo de reverberación en dos recintos diferentes usando el método del ruido interrumpido y el método de la respuesta impulsiva integrada con señales distintas. Las señales que han sido utilizadas han sido señales impulsivas de explosión de globos, disparo de pistola, claquetas y, a través de procesado digital, señales periódicas pseudoaleatorias MLS y barridos de tonos puros. La evaluación que se realizará a cada parámetro ha sido extraída de la norma UNE 89002 [2], [3]y [4]. Se determinará si existen valores aberrantes tanto por el método de Grubbs como el de Cochran, e interesará conocer la veracidad, precisión, repetibilidad y reproducibilidad de los resultados obtenidos. Los parámetros que han sido estudiados y evaluados son el tiempo de reverberación con caída de 10 dB, (T10), con caída de 15 dB (T15), con caída de 20 dB (T20), con caída de 30 dB (T30), el tiempo de la caída temprana (EDT), el tiempo final (Ts), claridad (C20, C30, C50 y C80) y definición (D50 y D80). Dependiendo de si el parámetro hace referencia al recinto o si varía en función de la relación entre la posición de fuente y micrófono, su estudio estará sujeto a un procedimiento diferente de evaluación. ABSTRACT. The master thesis called “Analysis of the accuracy in measuring the reverberation time and the associated parameters” has as the main aim the assessment of parameters and methods used to obtain these through reverberation time, both working overall, set of all methods, as each of them separately. A secondary objective is to evaluate the uncertainty depending on the measurement method used. To do this, measurements of [1] will be used, where they were carried on in two different spaces using the interrupted noise method and the method of impulse response integrated with several signals. The signals that have been used are impulsive signals such as balloon burst, gunshot, slates and, through digital processing, periodic pseudorandom signal MLS and swept pure tone. The assessment that will be made to each parameter has been extracted from the UNE 89002 [2], [3] and [4]. It will determine whether there are aberrant values both through Grubbs method and Cochran method, to say so, if a value is inconsistent with the rest of the set. In addition, it is interesting to know the truthfulness, accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility of results obtained from the first part of this rule. The parameters that are going to be evaluated are reverberation time with 10 dB decay, (T10), with 15 dB decay (T15), with 20 dB decay (T20), with 30 dB decay (T30), the Early Decay Time (EDT), the final time (Ts), clarity (C20, C30, C50 y C80) and definition (D50 y D80). Depending on whether the parameter refers to the space or if it varies depending on the relationship between source and microphone positions, the study will be related to a different evaluation procedure.


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Restenosis is due to neointimal hyperplasia, which occurs in the coronary artery after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). During restenosis, an impairment of nitric oxide (NO)-dependent pathways may occur. Concomitant hypercholesterolemia may exacerbate restenosis in patients undergoing PTCA. Here, we show that a NO-releasing aspirin derivative (NCX-4016) reduces the degree of restenosis after balloon angioplasty in low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice and this effect is associated with reduced vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and macrophage deposition at the site of injury. Drugs were administered following both therapeutic or preventive protocols. We demonstrate that NCX-4016 is effective both in prevention and treatment of restenosis in the presence of hypercholesterolemia. These data indicate that impairment of NO-dependent mechanisms may be involved in the development of restenosis in hypercholesterolemic mice. Although experimental models of restenosis may not reflect restenosis in humans in all details, we suggest that a NO-releasing aspirin derivative could be an effective drug in reducing restenosis following PTCA, especially in the presence of hypercholesterolemia and/or gastrointestinal damage.


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Tissue factor (TF), the initiator of blood coagulation and thrombosis, is up-regulated after vascular injury and in atherosclerotic states. Systemic administration of recombinant TF pathway inhibitor (TFPI) has been reported to decrease intimal hyperplasia after vascular injury and also to suppress systemic mechanisms of blood coagulation and thrombosis. Here we report that, in heritable hyperlipidemic Watanabe rabbits, adenoviral gene transfer of TFPI to balloon-injured atherosclerotic arteries reduced the extent of intimal hyperplasia by 43% (P < 0.05) compared with a control vector used at identical titer (1 × 1010 plaque-forming units/ml). Platelet aggregation and coagulation studies performed 7 days after local gene transfer of TFPI failed to show any impairment in systemic hemostasis. At time of sacrifice, 4 weeks after vascular injury, the 10 Ad-TFPI treated carotid arteries were free of thrombi, whereas two control-treated arteries were occluded (P, not significant). These findings suggest that TFPI overexpressed in atherosclerotic arteries can regulate hyperplastic response to injury in the absence of changes in the hemostatic system, establishing a role for local TF regulation as target for gene transfer-based antirestenosis therapies.


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A long-standing goal of theorists has been to constrain cosmological parameters that define the structure formation theory from cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiments and large-scale structure (LSS) observations. The status and future promise of this enterprise is described. Current band-powers in ℓ-space are consistent with a ΔT flat in frequency and broadly follow inflation-based expectations. That the levels are ∼(10−5)2 provides strong support for the gravitational instability theory, while the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) constraints on energy injection rule out cosmic explosions as a dominant source of LSS. Band-powers at ℓ ≳ 100 suggest that the universe could not have re-ionized too early. To get the LSS of Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)-normalized fluctuations right provides encouraging support that the initial fluctuation spectrum was not far off the scale invariant form that inflation models prefer: e.g., for tilted Λ cold dark matter sequences of fixed 13-Gyr age (with the Hubble constant H0 marginalized), ns = 1.17 ± 0.3 for Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR) only; 1.15 ± 0.08 for DMR plus the SK95 experiment; 1.00 ± 0.04 for DMR plus all smaller angle experiments; 1.00 ± 0.05 when LSS constraints are included as well. The CMB alone currently gives weak constraints on Λ and moderate constraints on Ωtot, but theoretical forecasts of future long duration balloon and satellite experiments are shown which predict percent-level accuracy among a large fraction of the 10+ parameters characterizing the cosmic structure formation theory, at least if it is an inflation variant.


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Arterial injury induces a series of proliferative, vasoactive, and inflammatory responses that lead to vascular proliferative diseases, including atherosclerosis and restenosis. Although several factors have been defined which stimulate this process in vivo, the role of specific cellular gene products in limiting this response is not well understood. The p21 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor affects cell cycle progression, senescence, and differentiation in transformed cells, but its expression in injured blood vessels has not been investigated. In this study, we report that p21 protein is induced in porcine arteries following balloon catheter injury and suggest that p21 is likely to play a role in limiting arterial cell proliferation in vivo. Vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cell growth was arrested through the ability of p21 to inhibit progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Following injury to porcine arteries, p21 gene product was detected in the neointima and correlated inversely with the location and kinetics of intimal cell proliferation. Direct gene transfer of p21 using an adenoviral vector into balloon injured porcine arteries inhibited the development of intimal hyperplasia. Taken together, these findings suggest that p21, and possibly related cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, may normally regulate cellular proliferation following arterial injury, and strategies to increase its expression may prove therapeutically beneficial in vascular diseases.


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The type 1 angiotensin II (AT1) receptor is well characterized but the type 2 (AT2) receptor remains an enigma. We tested the hypothesis that the AT2 receptor can modulate the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells by transfecting an AT2 receptor expression vector into the balloon-injured rat carotid artery and observed that overexpression of the AT2 receptor attenuated neointimal formation. In cultured smooth muscle cells, AT2 receptor transfection reduced proliferation and inhibited mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the AT2 receptor mediated the developmentally regulated decrease in aortic DNA synthesis at the latter stages of gestation. These results suggest that the AT2 receptor exerts an antiproliferative effect, counteracting the growth action of AT1 receptor.


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Molecular biomaterial engineering permits in vivo transplantation of cells and tissues, offering the promise of restoration of physiologic control rather than pharmacologic dosing with isolated compounds. We engrafted endothelial cells on Gelfoam biopolymeric matrices with retention of viability, normal growth kinetics, immunoreactivity, and biochemical activity. The production of heparan sulfate proteoglycan and inhibition of basic fibroblast growth factor binding and activity by engrafted cells were indistinguishable from endothelial cells grown in culture. Perivascular implantation of Gelfoam-endothelial cell scaffolds around balloon-denuded rat carotid arteries reduced intimal hyperplasia 88.1%, far better than the isolated administration of heparin, the most effective endothelial mimic compound. In concert with a reduction in intimal area, cell proliferation was reduced by > 90%. To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports of extravascular cell implants controlling vasculoproliferative disease. Tissue engineered cells offer the potential for potent methods of vascular growth regulation and insight into the complex autocrine-paracrine control mechanisms within the blood vessel wall.


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INTRODUCAO: A comunicação interatrial tipo \"ostium secundum\" é um defeito cardíaco congênito caracterizado pela deficiência parcial ou total da lâmina da fossa oval, também chamada de septo primo. Corresponde a 10 a 12% do total de cardiopatias congênitas, sendo a mais frequente na idade adulta. Atualmente a oclusão percutânea é o método terapêutico de escolha em defeitos com características anatômicas favoráveis para o implante de próteses na maioria dos grandes centros mundiais. A ecocardiografia transesofágica bidimensional com mapeamento de fluxo em cores é considerada a ferramenta padrão-ouro para a avaliação anatômica e monitoração durante do procedimento, sendo crucial para a ótima seleção do dispositivo. Neste sentido, um balão medidor é introduzido e insuflado através do defeito de forma a ocluí-lo temporariamente. A medida da cintura que se visualiza no balão (diâmetro estirado) é utilizada como referência para a escolha do tamanho da prótese. Recentemente a ecocardiografia tridimensional transesofágica em tempo real tem sido utilizada neste tipo de intervenção percutânea. Neste estudo avaliamos o papel da mesma na ótima seleção do dispositivo levando-se em consideração as dimensões e a geometria do defeito e a espessura das bordas do septo interatrial. METODO: Estudo observacional, prospectivo, não randomizado, de único braço, de uma coorte de 33 pacientes adultos portadores de comunicação interatrial submetidos a fechamento percutâneo utilizando dispositivo de nitinol autocentrável (Cera ®, Lifetech Scientific, Shenzhen, China). Foram analisadas as medidas do maior e menor diâmetro do defeito, sua área e as medidas do diâmetro estirado com balão medidor obtidas por meio das duas modalidades ecocardiográficas. Os defeitos foram considerados como elípticos ou circulares segundo a sua geometria; as bordas ao redor da comunicação foram consideradas espessas (>2 mm) ou finas. O dispositivo selecionado foi igual ou ate 2 mm maior que o diâmetro estirado na ecocardiografia transesofágica bidimensional (padrão-ouro). Na tentativa de identificar uma variável que pudesse substituir o diâmetro estirado do balão para a ótima escolha do dispositivo uma série de correlações lineares foram realizadas. RESULTADOS: A idade e peso médio foram de 42,1 ± 14,9 anos e 66,0 ± 9,4kg, respectivamente; sendo 22 de sexo feminino. Não houve diferenças estatísticas entre os diâmetros maior e menor ou no diâmetro estirado dos defeitos determinados por ambas as modalidades ecocardiográficas. A correlação entre as medidas obtidas com ambos os métodos foi ótima (r > 0,90). O maior diâmetro do defeito, obtido à ecoardiografia transesofágica tridimensional, foi a variável com melhor correlação com o tamanho do dispositivo selecionado no grupo como um todo (r= 0,89) e, especialmente, nos subgrupos com geometria elíptica (r= 0,96) e com bordas espessas ao redor do defeito (r= 0,96). CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo em adultos com comunicações interatriais tipo ostium secundum submetidos à oclusão percutânea com a prótese Cera ®, a ótima seleção do dispositivo pôde ser realizada utilizando-se apenas a maior medida do defeito obtida na ecocardiografia transesofágica tridimensional em tempo real, especialmente nos pacientes com defeitos elípticos e com bordas espessas.