1000 resultados para Aspectos ambientais - Botucatu (SP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Water is an economic, strategic and social valuable resource of the utmost importance to society. This renewable natural resource is increasingly scarce with the growing of populations, industries and agriculture, in addition to the pollution surface and underground water and the waste have aggravated this situation. Investments in the sector of water resources so that this resource meets in quantity and quality the demand from its multiple uses, represent a significant portion of national and regional budgets. Therefore, the use of alternative sources of water capture can reduce the pressure on conventional public water supply systems. In this work was designed and executed a rain water collection system to a residence in the city of Barueri (SP), which can be applied to other residences. In this system, the rooftop of the residence was used as the waterproof and capture area. The gutter and the PVC conductors were used for driving the water to two connected reservoirs. The stored water was designed to address activities that are not potable, such as washing clothes and external areas and garden irrigation. The system showed economic viability, with 34-month return of investment time, wherein after that period, in addition to environmental and social benefits derived from the implementation of the project, the economy made with the payment of public supply rates should be considered. This rainwater capture system is inexpensive and uses materials available in the market. Therefore, its application to a greater number of households should be encouraged as a measure of sustainable water management
The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios
Over the recent human history within the last centuries the environmental degradation has been accumulating and growing rampantly causing effects today easily perceived by all. Because of this, today we can say that there is almost a consensus among the world population's concern with the environment in order to seek to minimize these effects immediately in addition to not aggravate the situation for future generations. Thus today it is common to find a wide range of products with this ideal of sustainable commitment in the various commercial areas. The construction industry has a responsibility to be a major cause of these impacts to the environment, so it is also one of the main vectors able to mitigate the degradation of the environment. In order to encourage, oversee and promote the sustainable attitudes within the construction area emerged environmental certifications. In this work it's exposed some of the major certifications for civilian buildings, highlighting the Selo Azul da Caixa that appears as a good choice focused on the Brazilian reality
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Water is an economic, strategic and social valuable resource of the utmost importance to society. This renewable natural resource is increasingly scarce with the growing of populations, industries and agriculture, in addition to the pollution surface and underground water and the waste have aggravated this situation. Investments in the sector of water resources so that this resource meets in quantity and quality the demand from its multiple uses, represent a significant portion of national and regional budgets. Therefore, the use of alternative sources of water capture can reduce the pressure on conventional public water supply systems. In this work was designed and executed a rain water collection system to a residence in the city of Barueri (SP), which can be applied to other residences. In this system, the rooftop of the residence was used as the waterproof and capture area. The gutter and the PVC conductors were used for driving the water to two connected reservoirs. The stored water was designed to address activities that are not potable, such as washing clothes and external areas and garden irrigation. The system showed economic viability, with 34-month return of investment time, wherein after that period, in addition to environmental and social benefits derived from the implementation of the project, the economy made with the payment of public supply rates should be considered. This rainwater capture system is inexpensive and uses materials available in the market. Therefore, its application to a greater number of households should be encouraged as a measure of sustainable water management
The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios
Over the recent human history within the last centuries the environmental degradation has been accumulating and growing rampantly causing effects today easily perceived by all. Because of this, today we can say that there is almost a consensus among the world population's concern with the environment in order to seek to minimize these effects immediately in addition to not aggravate the situation for future generations. Thus today it is common to find a wide range of products with this ideal of sustainable commitment in the various commercial areas. The construction industry has a responsibility to be a major cause of these impacts to the environment, so it is also one of the main vectors able to mitigate the degradation of the environment. In order to encourage, oversee and promote the sustainable attitudes within the construction area emerged environmental certifications. In this work it's exposed some of the major certifications for civilian buildings, highlighting the Selo Azul da Caixa that appears as a good choice focused on the Brazilian reality
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A região da Amazônia Legal no Brasil apresenta desafios quanto ao acesso à água para sua população, mesmo com grande abundância de recursos hídricos. Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar condicionantes de acesso à água para consumo humano, considerando aspectos ambientais, socioculturais e de infraestrutura. Para isso, analisam-se: a precária cobertura por saneamento básico na região, por meio de macroindicadores; e estudos de caso em distintas escalas espaciais: comunidade indígena; cidade de pequeno porte, comunidades ribeirinhas, e uma cidade de grande porte, Manaus, maior centro urbano da Amazônia Pan-Amazônica. Por fim, empreende-se uma discussão interdisciplinar sobre as dificuldades de acesso a água no âmbito da saúde pública, explorando a importância de aspectos que se manifestam de modo evidente nas escalas espaciais.
A proposta deste artigo é questionar a qualidade ambiental das áreas verdes inseridas no contexto urbano de uma grande cidade. Primeiro, apresenta-se o papel dos parques e praças públicas na cidade contemporânea, ou seja, como esses espaços são benéficos para a população, e de que forma podem melhorar a qualidade de vida. É necessário compreender a importância desses locais para os habitantes, e com esse intuito, busca-se analisar os aspectos que agregam qualidade a um espaço verde. Depois apresenta-se um breve histórico do Jardim da Luz, que se tratada área verde mais antiga da cidade de São Paulo. Através da descrição de sua história, pode-se perceber a mudança da compreensão do papel das áreas verdes para a cidade, e as mudanças no meio de utilização da mesma. Dentre todos os aspectos ambientais que podem caracterizar uma área verde, este artigo irá se aprofundar no impacto dos ruídos urbanos sobre a mesma. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMC), “a poluição sonora é hoje, depois da poluição do ar e da água, o problema ambiental que afeta o maior número de pessoas” (LACERDA, 2005). Em razão da abrangência do problema, é necessário pesquisar formas de avaliar corretamente as paisagens sonoras urbanas, e seu impacto na qualidade de vida da população. Por essa razão, demonstra-se como avaliar acusticamente os espaços públicos, através da comparação dos resultados obtidos em medições in loco com sonômetros com os critérios para avaliação de áreas verdes propostos pela metodologia de avaliação de Antônio Pedro Carvalho, professor na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, em Portugal.
Estudos apontam fatores que podem aumentar a longevidade; no entanto, muitas questões pertinentes a este tema ainda não foram elucidadas. Percepções do próprio longevo a respeito dos fatores contribuintes para longevidade são importantes, permitindo levantamento de cada fator e suas interações com demais variáveis que promovem a longevidade. O presente artigo relata dados da investigação sobre "o segredo da longevidade", segundo percepções dos próprios longevos, analisados pelo referencial metodológico da grounded theory. Foram entrevistados trinta ferroviários longevos do município de Botucatu (SP). A análise das falas dos longevos possibilitou determinar que a percepção dos fatores se aglutina em torno de categorias progressivamente abrangentes que culminam na representação coletiva de que a longevidade é dependente do embate entre fatores prejudiciais que aniquilam a vida e fatores saudáveis que geram e preservam a vida, sobre o qual a falta de controle social e do Estado torna pessimista a visão do futuro.
A visita domiciliária constitui o principal instrumento de trabalho dos agentes comunitários na Estratégia Saúde da Família. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a percepção de adultos e idosos em relação à visita domiciliária realizada pelo agente comunitário de saúde. Como referencial metodológico foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa embasada em algumas figuras metodológicas do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os dados foram coletados em maio de 2007, em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de Botucatu-SP, por meio de formulário sociodemografico e entrevista semiestruturada aplicada a 14 usuários. A análise dos dados permitiu identificar dois temas: "Sentimentos e percepções em relação à visita e ao agente comunitário" e "O reconhecimento das ações do agente comunitário". Apesar de os entrevistados sentirem-se satisfeitos e gratos diante da visita, o fato de perceberem a frequência mensal como insuficiente e de alegarem desconhecer o conteúdo das anotações realizadas pelo agente no momento da visita sinalizam a necessidade de o enfermeiro investir de maneira mais intensa em atividades educativas junto a esses profissionais, priorizando questões que envolvem os processos de comunicação. Acredita-se que com essa medida será possível otimizar, qualitativamente, a realização da atividade.
Background: The Atlantic rainforest ecosystem, where bromeliads are abundant, provides an excellent environment for Kerteszia species, because these anophelines use the axils of those plants as larval habitat. Anopheles (K.) cruzii and Anopheles (K.) bellator are considered the primary vectors of malaria in the Atlantic forest. Although the incidence of malaria has declined in some areas of the Atlantic forest, autochthonous cases are still registered every year, with Anopheles cruzii being considered to be a primary vector of both human and simian Plasmodium. Methods: Recent publications that addressed ecological aspects that are important for understanding the involvement of Kerteszia species in the epidemiology of malaria in the Atlantic rainforest in the Neotropical Region were analysed. Conclusion: The current state of knowledge about Kerteszia species in relation to the Atlantic rainforest ecosystem was discussed. Emphasis was placed on ecological characteristics related to epidemiological aspects of this group of mosquitoes. The main objective was to investigate biological aspects of the species that should be given priority in future studies