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The research presented indicates that lucerne crown and root rot caused by Stagonospora meliloti is prevalent in southern New South Wales, whereas Acrocalymma medicaginis is the more commonly observed pathogen in Queensland. Although both pathogens cause reddening of internal root and crown tissue of lucerne, they can be distinguished by symptomatology. S. meliloti causes a diffuse red blotching of the internal tissue accompanied by the presence of an external lesion, whereas A. medicaginis causes red streaking at the extremity of wedge-shaped, dry-rotted tissue. Inoculation of propagules of a susceptible lucerne clone indicated that S. meliloti was the more aggressive pathogen. Although A. medicaginis does not cause leaf disease, there was a strong relationship between the leaf and root reaction of clones to S. meliloti. Inheritance of resistance to S. meliloti in lucerne appeared to be conditioned by a single dominant gene, based on segregations observed in S-1 and F-1 populations, but not in a backcross population from the same family where an excess of susceptible individuals (74% v. expected of 50%) was obtained in a cross of a resistant F-1 individual to the susceptible parent. Resistance appears to be highly heritable, however, and amenable to population improvement by breeding. A conclusion of the research is that breeding for resistance to S. meliloti for lucernes to be grown in southern Australia would appear to be a worthwhile objective. Presently, no highly resistant cultivars exist anywhere in the world.


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1. We analysed time-series data from populations of red kangaroos (Macropus rufus, Desmarest) inhabiting four areas in the pastoral zone of South Australia. We formulated a set of a priori models to disentangle the relative effects of the covariates: rainfall, harvesting, intraspecific competition, and domestic herbivores, on kangaroo population-growth rate. 2. The statistical framework allowed for spatial variation in the growth-rate parameters, response to covariates, and environmental variability, as well as spatially correlated error terms due to shared environment. 3. The most parsimonious model included all covariates but no area-specific parameter values, suggesting that kangaroo densities respond in the same way to the covariates across the areas. 4. The temporal dynamics were spatially correlated, even after taking into account the potentially synchronizing effect of rainfall, harvesting and domestic herbivores. 5. Counter-intuitively, we found a positive rather than negative effect of domestic herbivore density on the population-growth rate of kangaroos. We hypothesize that this effect is caused by sheep and cattle acting as a surrogate for resource availability beyond rainfall. 6. Even though our system is well studied, we must conclude that approximating resources by surrogates such as rainfall is more difficult than previously thought. This is an important message for studies of consumer-resource systems and highlights the need to be explicit about population processes when analysing population patterns.


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Ross River virus (RE) is a mosquito-borne arbovirus responsible for outbreaks of polyarthritic disease throughout Australia. To better understand human and environmental factors driving such events, 57 historical reports oil RR Outbreaks between 1896 and 1998 were examined collectively. The magnitude, regularity, seasonality, and locality of outbreaks were found to be wide ranging; however, analysis of climatic and tidal data highlighted that environmental conditions let differently ill tropical, arid, and temperate regions. Overall, rainfall seems to be the single most important risk factor, with over 90% of major outbreak locations receiving higher than average rainfall in preceding mouths. Many temperatures were close to average, particularly in tropical populations; however, in arid regions, below average maximum temperatures predominated, and ill southeast temperate regions, above average minimum temperatures predominated. High spring tides preceded coastal Outbreaks, both in the presence and absence of rainfall, and the relationship between rainfall and the Southern Oscillation Index and Lit Nina episodes suggest they may be useful predictive tools, but only ill southeast temperate regions. Such heterogeneity predisposing outbreaks supports the notion that there are different RE epidemiologies throughout Australia but also Suggests that generic parameters for the prediction and control of outbreaks are of limited use at a local level.


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The structure of two small ossified optic capsules from mid-Palaeozoic placoderm fishes has been revealed in fine detail, by the use of Xray microtomography analysis and 3D visualisation software. These two specimens are 410 million-year-old; they were collected from an Early Devonian (Lochkovian) limestone in central New South Wales, and are the oldest known optic capsules from jawed fishes. The capsules show attachment areas for seven extrinsic eye muscles, rather than the six until recently deemed universal for gnathostomes. The analysis also revealed structures within the ossified cartilage which covered the medial surface of the eyeball, including nerve tracts, vascular canals, and possibly a choroid rete mirabile. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Online databases can support the implementation of evidence-based practice by providing easy access to research. OTseeker (www.otseeker.com), an electronic evidence database, was introduced in 2003 to assist occupational therapists to locate and interpret research. Objectives: This study explored Australian occupational therapists' use and perceptions of OTseeker and its impact on their knowledge and practice. Methods: A postal survey questionnaire was distributed to two samples: (i) a proportionate random sample of 400 occupational therapists from all states and territories of Australia, and (ii) a random sample of occupational therapists working in 95 facilities in two Australian states (Queensland and New South Wales). Results: The questionnaire was completed by 213 participants. While most participants (85.9%) had heard of OTseeker, only 103 (56.6%) had accessed it, with lack of time being the main reason for non-use. Of the 103 participants who had accessed OTseeker, 68.9% had done so infrequently, 63.1% agreed that it had increased their knowledge and 13.6% had changed their practice after accessing information on OTseeker. Conclusion: Despite OTseeker being developed to provide occupational therapists with easy access to research, lack of time was the main reason why over half of the participants in this study had not accessed it. This exploratory research suggests, however, that there is potential for the database to influence occupational therapists' knowledge and practice about treatment efficacy through access to the research literature.


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Background: In early 2001, Australia experienced a sudden, dramatic and;sustained decrease in heroin availability that was accompanied by sharp increases in price and decreases in street level purity-the so-called heroin shortage. These unprecedented changes occurred in a context of widespread treatment availability, which made it possible for the first time to examine the impact of a sharp reduction in heroin supply in New South Wales (NSW) on entry to and adherence with treatment for heroin dependence. Given the evidence of drug substitution by some users. the current paper also examines the effects of the shortage on entry to treatment for other forms of drug dependence. Methods: Interrupted time-series analysis of the number of persons entering opioid pharmacotherapy and other treatment modalities in NSW for heroin dependence and for the treatment for other types of drug dependence. Findings: The heroin shortage was associated with a reduction in the number of younger persons entering opioid pharmacotherapy. There was a dramatic decrease in the number of persons entering heroin withdrawal or assessment only treatment episodes. There appear to have been small improvements in adherence to and retention in heroin treatment after the reduction in heroin supply. Relatively small increases were observed in numbers being treated for cocaine dependence. Conclusions: In the context of good treatment provision, a reduction in heroin supply appeared to produce modest improvements in intermediate outcomes. Supply and demand reduction measures, when both are implemented successfully, may be complementary. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Australian wet forests have undergone a contraction in range since the mid-Tertiary, resulting in a fragmented distribution along the east Australian coast incorporating several biogeographical barriers. Variation in mitochondrial DNA and morphology within the satin bowerbird was used to examine biogeographical structure throughout almost the entire geographical extent of these wet forest fragments. We used several genetic analysis techniques, nested clade and barrier analyses, that use patterns inherent in the data to describe the spatial structuring. We also examined the validity of the two previously described satin bowerbird subspecies that are separated by well-defined biogeographical barriers and tested existing hypotheses that propose divergence occurs within each subspecies across two other barriers, the Black Mountain corridor and the Hunter Valley. Our data showed that the two subspecies were genetically and morphologically divergent. The northern subspecies, found in the Wet Tropics region of Queensland, showed little divergence across the Black Mountain corridor, a barrier found to be significant in other Wet Tropics species. Biogeographical structure was found through southeastern Australia; three geographically isolated populations showed genetic differentiation, although minimal divergence was found across the proposed Hunter Valley barrier. A novel barrier was found separating inland and coastal populations in southern New South Wales. Little morphological divergence was observed within subspecies, bar a trend for birds to be larger in the more southerly parts of the species' range. The results from both novel and well-established genetic analyses were similar, providing greater confidence in the conclusions about spatial divergence and supporting the validity of these new techniques.


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Emergence and persistence characteristics of Phalaris paradoxa seeds in no- and minimum-till situations and at different burial depths were studied in a sub-tropical environment. Three experiments were carried out using naturally shed seeds. In the first experiment, seedlings emerged from May through to September each year, although the majority of seedlings emerged in July. In the second experiment with greater seed density, cultivation in March of each year stimulated seedling emergence, altered the periodicity of emergence and accelerated the decline of seeds in the seedbank compared with plots that received no cultivation. The majority of seedlings in the cultivated plots emerged in May whereas the majority of seedlings in the undisturbed plots emerged in July. Emergence accounted for only 4-19% of the seedbank in both experiments over 2 years. Seed persistence was short in both field experiments, with less than 1% remaining 2 years after seed shed. In the third experiment, burial depth and soil disturbance significantly influenced seedling emergence and persistence of seed. Seedlings emerged most from seed mixed in the top 10 cm when subjected to annual soil disturbance, and from seed buried at 2.5 and 5.0 cm depths in undisturbed soil. Emergence was least from seed on the soil surface, and buried at 10 and 15 cm depths in undisturbed soil. Seeds persisted longest when shed onto the soil surface and persisted least when the soil was tilled. These results suggest that strategic cultivation may be a useful management tool, as it will alter the periodicity of emergence allowing use of more effective control options and will deplete the soil seedbank more rapidly.


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In 2001 the Child Development Unit (CDU) in Brisbane piloted a series of monthly multidisciplinary case discussions via videoconference in the area of child development. During 2001 two sessions were provided; during 2004 there were 40. The substantial growth in 2004 was due to the expansion of child development services to include special interest group meetings and multipoint case conference meetings. In 2004, a total of 49 h of videoconferencing was conducted. The average session length was 75 min. Education and training sessions were delivered to 32 hospitals and health centres in Queensland and northern New South Wales. The maximum number of sites involved during a single videoconference was 25. The average number of attendees for each videoconference was five per site, including allied health staff, nurses and paediatricians. The delivery of child development services via videoconference has been shown to be useful in Queensland, especially for allied health staff working in regional and remote areas. The growth of the programme indicates its acceptance as a mainstream child development service in Queensland.


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Increased grain yield in response to high rates of application of nitrogen (N) fertiliser is often limited by increased spikelet sterility, particularly under low temperature conditions in the New South Wales ( NSW) rice industry. In 3 field experiments, different N rates were applied for different sowing dates to investigate the interaction between N rate and temperature during microspore development on spikelet sterility and grain yield. In one experiment the effect of water depth on spikelet sterility was also investigated. Engorged pollen production, spikelet sterility, and yield and its components were recorded. Application of N affected a few different processes that lead into spikelet sterility. Application of N at both pre-flood (PF) and panicle initiation ( PI) significantly reduced the number of engorged pollen grains per anther, which was negatively correlated with spikelet sterility. Application of N and low temperature during microspore development with the absence of deep water also decreased pollen engorgement efficiency ( the percentage of pollen grains that were engorged). Application of N further increased spikelet density, which, in turn, increased both spikelet sterility and grain yield. The combined effect of spikelet density and low temperature during microspore development explained the 44% of variation in the number of engorged pollen grains per anther. Grain yield was decreased by low temperature during microspore development in the shallow water when N was applied. Spikelet sterility as a result of late sowing was strongly correlated with minimum temperature during flowering. It is concluded that N application reduced pollen number per anther as a result of increased spikelet density, and this made the spikelets more susceptible to low temperature, causing increased spikelet sterility.


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Increasing heroin use in Australia over the past 30 years has been associated with a decline in the age of initiation to heroin use. The 2001 Australian heroin shortage was used to assess the effects of a reduction in heroin supply on age of initiation into heroin injecting. Data collected from regular injecting drug users (IDU) over the period 1996-2004 as part of the Australian Illicit Drug Reporting System were examined for changes in self- reported age of first heroin use after the onset of the heroin shortage. Estimates were also made of the number of young people who may not have commenced injecting heroin during the heroin shortage. The proportion of IDU interviewed in the IDRS who were aged