935 resultados para Approval of Calendar 2005-2006
This action plan sets out to inform and provide support for dental practices as they focus more on preventative care under new contractual arrangements which will be in place from 1 April 2006. Designed to improve oral health both nationally and locally, this plan also sets out to assist and support Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in meeting their new responsibilities for dental services under the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003. This legislation extends their remit to assessing local oral health needs and commissioning the appropriate services to tackle long standing oral health inequalities.
Following Government approval of a proposal by the Minister for Education and Science, an interdepartmental group was established with the remit of considering the question of the ‘Internationalisation’ of Irish education services. Issues that arose in the context of the group’s work include quality assurance, immigration and visa issues and abuse of the system, need for better regulation, future marketing and promotion arrangements, academic and institutional supports for international students and scholarships.
The Academy's review, 'A new pathway for the regulation and governance of health research' was published in January 2011. The report was prepared by a working group, chaired by Professor Sir Michael Rawlins FMedSci, convened in response to an invitation from Government to review the regulation and governance of UK health research involving human participants, their tissue or their data.The report proposes four key principles that should underpin the regulation and governance framework around health research in the UK, and makes recommendations to:Create a new Health Research Agency (HRA) to rationalise the regulation and governance of all health research. Include within the HRA a new National Research Governance Service to facilitate timely approval of research studies by NHS Trusts. Improve the UK environment for clinical trials.Provide access to patient data that protects individual interests and allows approved research to proceed effectively. Embed a culture that values research within the NHS.
The PHA�coordinated Northern Ireland's participation in ECDC's National Prevalence Survey on�Hospital-Acquired Infections & on Antimicrobial Use. Hospitals in Northern Ireland participated in data collection between May and June 2012.This report provides a snapshot of the levels of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and levels of antimicrobial use (AMU) in hospitals in Northern Ireland during 2012.There have been three previous HAI PPS surveys and the last survey was carried out in 2006. It is difficult to compare each survey as the data was collected in a different way. However, after making allowances, there was an overall drop in HAI prevalence of 18% from 2006 to 2012.The PPS data collection was undertaken by hospital teams between May and June 2012 (one hospital deferred data collection until September 2012 because of a move to a new hospital); 16 hospitals surveyed 3,992 eligible patients. The median age of all patients was 66 years. A total of 383 (10 per cent) children under 16 years of age were surveyed.�Key results from this year's survey:The prevalence of HAI was 4.2%. A total of 166 patients were diagnosed with an active HAI with 3 patients having more than one infection.When comparing ward specialties, HAI prevalence was highest for patients in adult intensive care units (ICUs) at 9.1 per cent, followed by care of the elderly wards at 5.7%.The most common types of HCAI were respiratory infections (including pneumonia and infections of the lower respiratory tract) (27.9 per cent of all infections), surgical site infections (18.9 per cent) and urinary tract infections (UTI) (11.8 per cent).Since the last PPS in 2006 there has been a reduction in MRSA infections - from 0.9 per cent �of the hospital population to less than 0.1 per cent in patients; and a five-fold reduction in C. difficile infections (from 1.1 per cent to 0.2 per cent).The prevalence of antimicrobial use was 29.5%.Most antibiotic use (60 per cent) in hospitals was in patients receiving treatment for infections which commenced in the community. Eleven percent of surgical prophylaxis was prescribed for greater than one day.��
OBJECTIVE: Data about the consequences of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) on phospho-calcic and bone metabolism remain scarce. SUBJECTS: We studied a group of 37 obese premenopausal women (age: 24-52 y; mean BMI = 43.7 kg/m2) who underwent LAGB. METHODS: Serum calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, parathormone (PTH), vitamin D3, serum C-telopeptides, IGFBP-3 and IGF-1 were measured at baseline, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery. Body composition, bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD) were measured using dual-X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at baseline, 6, 12 and 24 months after surgery. RESULTS: There was no clinically significant decrease of calcemia; PTH remained stable. Serum telopeptides increased by 100% (P < 0.001) and serum IGFBP-3 decreased by 16% (P < 0.001) during the first 6 months, and then stabilized, whereas IGF-1 remained stable over the 2 y. BMC and BMD decreased, especially at the femoral neck; this decrease was significantly correlated with the decrease of waist and hip circumference. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that there was no evidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism 24 months after LAGB. The observed bone resorption could be linked to the decrease of IGFBP-3, although this decrease could be attributable to other confounding factors. Serum telopeptides seem to be a reliable marker of bone metabolism after gastric banding. DXA must be interpreted cautiously during major weight loss, because of the artefacts caused by the important variation of fat tissue after LAGB.
BACKGROUND The lysophosphatidic acid LPA₁ receptor regulates plasticity and neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Here, we studied whether absence of the LPA₁ receptor modulated the detrimental effects of chronic stress on hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial memory. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Male LPA₁-null (NULL) and wild-type (WT) mice were assigned to control or chronic stress conditions (21 days of restraint, 3 h/day). Immunohistochemistry for bromodeoxyuridine and endogenous markers was performed to examine hippocampal cell proliferation, survival, number and maturation of young neurons, hippocampal structure and apoptosis in the hippocampus. Corticosterone levels were measured in another a separate cohort of mice. Finally, the hole-board test assessed spatial reference and working memory. Under control conditions, NULL mice showed reduced cell proliferation, a defective population of young neurons, reduced hippocampal volume and moderate spatial memory deficits. However, the primary result is that chronic stress impaired hippocampal neurogenesis in NULLs more severely than in WT mice in terms of cell proliferation; apoptosis; the number and maturation of young neurons; and both the volume and neuronal density in the granular zone. Only stressed NULLs presented hypocortisolemia. Moreover, a dramatic deficit in spatial reference memory consolidation was observed in chronically stressed NULL mice, which was in contrast to the minor effect observed in stressed WT mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE These results reveal that the absence of the LPA₁ receptor aggravates the chronic stress-induced impairment to hippocampal neurogenesis and its dependent functions. Thus, modulation of the LPA₁ receptor pathway may be of interest with respect to the treatment of stress-induced hippocampal pathology.
Rotavirus is an important cause of childhood diarrhoea. A monovalent rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix®) was introduced into the Immunization Program of Brazil in 2006. In this study, we describe the incidence and burden of disease of rotavirus diarrhoea in two cohorts of children (vaccinated and unvaccinated). We followed two groups of 250 children under one year old, who were enrolled in December 2006 from a low-income residential area in Northeast Brazil. The children were monitored every two weeks for two years. Stool samples from children with diarrhoea were examined for the presence of rotavirus. Rotaviruses were genotyped using real time-polymerase chain reaction. The mean numbers of all-cause diarrhoea episodes/child (adjusted for age) in the first year were 0.87 and 0.84, in vaccinated and unvaccinated children, respectively. During the second year, the number of episodes/child decreased to 0.52 and 0.42. Only 16 (4.9%) of 330 stool samples were rotavirus-positive (10 vaccinated and 6 unvaccinated children) and only P[4]G2 rotaviruses were identified. All-cause diarrhoea episodes were more severe in unvaccinated children in the first year of age (p < 0.05), while vaccinated children had more severe episodes 18 months after vaccination. Rotavirus diarrhoea incidence was very low in both groups.
A methodology of exploratory data analysis investigating the phenomenon of orographic precipitation enhancement is proposed. The precipitation observations obtained from three Swiss Doppler weather radars are analysed for the major precipitation event of August 2005 in the Alps. Image processing techniques are used to detect significant precipitation cells/pixels from radar images while filtering out spurious effects due to ground clutter. The contribution of topography to precipitation patterns is described by an extensive set of topographical descriptors computed from the digital elevation model at multiple spatial scales. Additionally, the motion vector field is derived from subsequent radar images and integrated into a set of topographic features to highlight the slopes exposed to main flows. Following the exploratory data analysis with a recent algorithm of spectral clustering, it is shown that orographic precipitation cells are generated under specific flow and topographic conditions. Repeatability of precipitation patterns in particular spatial locations is found to be linked to specific local terrain shapes, e.g. at the top of hills and on the upwind side of the mountains. This methodology and our empirical findings for the Alpine region provide a basis for building computational data-driven models of orographic enhancement and triggering of precipitation. Copyright (C) 2011 Royal Meteorological Society .
Introduction :¦Le reflux vésico-urétéral (RVU) touche environs 1% des nouveau-nés et est retrouvé chez 25 à 30 % des enfants ayant une pyélonéphrite. Le RVU peut être associé à une hypoplasie/dysplasie rénale ou/et à des cicatrices rénales causées par les pyélonéphrites. Ces changements morphologiques sont plus ou moins importants selon le grade du reflux et peuvent conduire à une insuffisance rénale chronique et potentiellement évoluer en une insuffisance rénale terminale.¦La microalbuminurie (MA) reflète une augmentation anormale de la perméabilité capillaire glomérulaire et est un indicateur prédictif de la péjoration de la fonction rénale vers l'insuffisance chronique. La MA est également un facteur de risque cardiovasculaire.¦Objectif :¦Le but de cette recherche transversale est d'évaluer la présence de MA chez des patients atteints de RVU et de voir s'il est possible de corréler la MA avec le degré de reflux, la présence d'une hyperfiltration et le degré de l'insuffisance rénale.¦Patients et méthode :¦Une base de données de 160 dossiers médicaux du service de pédiatrie du CHUV, portant sur les années 2007, 2008, 2009 et 2010, va être investiguée. Ces dossiers regroupent tous les patients atteints de RVU ayant eu une exploration fonctionnelle rénale, dont l'âge varie du nouveau-né au jeune adulte âgé de 21 ans. Les variables suivantes seront considérées et analysées en détail: âge, sexe, taille, type de RVU, taux de filtration glomérulaire (TFG), flux plasmatique rénal (FPR), fraction de filtration (FF), albuminurie, rapport albumine/créatinine.¦- Les RVU sont classés en cinq grades (I, II, III, IV, V) et peuvent être uni- ou bilatéraux¦- Le TFG est calculé avec la clairance à l'inuline, un polymère de glucose filtré, non réabsorbé, ni sécrété, qu'on perfuse au patient. TFG = Uin V/Pin (ml/min)¦- Le FPR est calculé avec la clairance au PAH (acide para-amino-hippurique), une substance entièrement filtrée et sécrétée au premier passage et qu'on injecte au patient. FPR = UPAHV / PPAH (ml/min)¦- La FF est la proportion du FPR qui est filtrée.¦FF= TGF / FPR ou FF = Cl in / Cl PAH¦- La MA a été mesurée par la méthode Immulite (Siemens) jusqu'en fin août 2010 et par la méthode ALBT2 (Roche Diagnostics) à partir d'octobre 2010. Le taux normal d'albuminurie est de moins de 20 mg/l sur un échantillon d'urine.¦- Le rapport albumine urinaire / créatinine urinaire permet d'éviter les problèmes de variation de volume urinaire lors de l'analyse d'échantillon urinaire d'une seule miction. Le rapport normal est de moins de 2,5 g/mol de créatinine.¦Un questionnaire sera envoyé aux patients pour obtenir des précisions sur la fréquence et la sévérité des infections urinaires éventuellement survenues depuis.¦Les dossiers seront revus pour connaître l'évolution du RVU.¦Résultats attendus et discussion: Les résultats nous permettront :¦1) De savoir si les patients avec un RVU ont une MA¦2) De savoir si la MA varie en fonction du grade de leur reflux¦3) De savoir si la MA varie en fonction de l'hyperfiltration mesurée par la FF.¦Interprétation :¦Si la MA varie en fonction de la FF cela indiquera que la MA est la conséquence directe de l'hyperfiltration compensatrice de la perte de la masse néphronique et qu'elle est ainsi le reflet d'une cause principalement mécanique. Si la MA ne varie pas en fonction de la FF cela indiquera qu'elle est liée à l'hypoplasie/dysplasie ou/et aux cicatrices dues aux pyélonéphrites. Elle pourra alors être par exemple la conséquence d'une néphropathie glomérulotubulointerstitielle.¦Du point de vue pratique, cette étude permettra de déterminer si la simple mesure da la MA peut aider à prédire le degré de l'atteinte rénale et/ou le degré de l'hyperfiltration dans ce groupe de patients atteints de RVU.¦Bibliographie¦1. Silbernagl S, Despopoulos A. Atlas de poche de physiologie. Paris : Flammarion médecine-sciences; 2004.¦2. Brenner BM, Rector FC. The Kidney . Philadelphia : WB Saunders Company; 1996.¦3. Brandström P, Esbjörner E, Herthelius M, Holmdahl G, Läckgren G, Nevéus T, et al. The Swedish Reflux Trial in Children: I. Study Design and Study Population Characteristics. The Journal of Urology. 2010;184:274-279.¦4. Holmdahl G, Brandström P, Läckgren G, Sillén U, Stokland E, Jodal U, et al. The Swedish Reflux Trial in Children: II. Vesicoureteral Reflux Outcome. The Journal of Urology. 2010;184:280-285.¦5. Brandström P, Esbjörner E, Herthelius M, Swerkersson S, Jodal U, Hansson S. The Swedish Reflux Trial in Children: III. Urinary Tract Infection Pattern. The Journal of Urology. 2010;184:286-291.¦6. Brandström P, Nevéus T, Sixt R, Stokland E, Jodal U, Hansson S. The Swedish Reflux Trial in Children: IV. Renal Damage. The Journal of Urology. 2010;184:292-297.¦7. Ruggenenti P, Remuzzi G. Time to abandon microalbuminuria? Kidney Int. 2006;70:1214-1222.¦8. Hostetter TH, Olson JL, Rennke HG, Venkatachalam MA, Brenner BM. Hyperfiltration in remnant nephrons: a potentially adverse response to renal ablation. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2001;12:1315-1325.¦9. Basic J, Golubovic E, Miljkovic P, Bjelakovic G, Cvetkovic T, Milosevic V. Microalbuminuria in children with vesicoureteral reflux. Ren Fail. 2008:639-643.¦10. González E, Papazyan JP, Girardin E. Impact of vesicoureteral reflux on the size of renal lesions after an episode of acute pyelonephritis. The Journal of Urology. 2005;173:571-575.
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) are infrequent malignancies which manifest in both functional (hormone-secreting) and more commonly non-functional (non-secreting) forms. The oral multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor everolimus are approved as targeted therapies for patients with well-differentiated, non-resectable disease and evidence of disease progression. The recent approval of sunitinib for the management of advanced pNET is based on a continuous daily dosing (CDD) schedule that differs from the intermittent 4weeks on/2weeks off (4/2) schedule approved for sunitinib in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and imatinib-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Therefore, although clinicians may be familiar with therapy management approaches for sunitinib in advanced RCC and GIST, there is less available experience for the management of patients with a CDD schedule. Here, we discuss the similarities and differences in the treatment of pNET with sunitinib compared with advanced RCC and GIST. In particular, we focus on the occurrence and management of sunitinib-related toxicity in patients with pNET by drawing on experience in these other malignancies. We aim to provide a relevant and useful guide for clinicians treating patients with pNET covering the management of events such as fatigue, mucositis, hand-foot syndrome, and hypertension.
Introduction The European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions conducts a survey every 5 years since 1990. The foundation also offers the possibility to non-EU countries to be included in the survey: in 2005, Switzerland took part for the first time in the fourth edition of this survey. The Institute for Work and Health (IST) has been associated to the Swiss project conducted under the leadership of the SECO and the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz. The survey covers different aspects of work like job characteristics and employment conditions, health and safety, work organization, learning and development opportunities, and the balance between working and non-working life (Parent-Thirion, Fernandez Macias, Hurley, & Vermeylen, 2007). More particularly, one question assesses the worker's self-perception of the effects of work on health. We identified (for the Swiss sample) several factors affecting the risk to report health problems caused by work. The Swiss sample includes 1040 respondents. Selection of participants was based on a random multi-stage sampling and was carried out by M.I.S Trend S.A. (Lausanne). Participation rate was 59%. The database was weighted by household size, gender, age, region of domicile, occupational group, and economic sector. Specially trained interviewers carried out the interviews at the respondents home. The survey was carriedout between the 19th of September 2005 and the 30th of November 2005. As detailed in (Graf et al., 2007), 31% of the Swiss respondents identify work as the cause of health problems they experience. Most frequently reported health problems include back pain (18%), stress (17%), muscle pain (13%), and overall fatigue (11%). Ergonomic aspects associated with higher risk of reporting health problems caused by work include frequent awkward postures (odds ratio [OR] 4.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.1 to 5.4), tasks involving lifting heavy loads (OR 2.7, 95% CI 2.0 to 3.6) or lifting people (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.4 to 3.5), standing or walking (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.9), as well as repetitive movements (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.3 to 2.3). These results highlight the need to continue and intensify the prevention of work related health problems in occupations characterized by risk factors related to ergonomics.
Biographies of Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 1975-2006 inductees.
This report summarizes state and utility low-income weatherization program activity for households weatherized to completion during calendar year 2001. The report includes state, utility, and agency summaries of calendar year 2001 spending and impacts by measure, end-use, and fuel.
This report summarizes state and utility low-income weatherization program activity for households weatherized to completion during calendar year 2001. The report includes state, utility, and agency summaries of calendar year 2001 spending and impacts by measure, end-use, and fuel.
This report summarizes state and utility low-income weatherization program activity for households weatherized to completion during calendar year 2001. The report includes state, utility, and agency summaries of calendar year 2001 spending and impacts by measure, end-use, and fuel.